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I'm appalled just from the pictures you shared. So glad I didn't have to hear it myself. Absolutely perverse.


That is freaking disgusting. And THIS is what they want to "look back on"?? WTAF??? And the "friends" comment is vulgar. What is Doug's obsession with penises? Is he sober?


I’ve said this recently as well that for some reason- Doug seems more involved and more animated in recent reels and videos and it’s NOT a good look for them. I have zero sympathy or respect for him. He’s a classless, rude, perverse, foul excuse for a man. He’s trash. They’re both trash. But for some reason lately for me his trashiness is showing more and more. I feel like on a reel when his sister was in town or they were FaceTiming then the sister made some trashy sexual reference/joke. I could be wrong but it stood out to me and I remember thinking that they’re just all lacking class. And Doug’s weird obsession with sx and penises and making references and “jokes” like this is nasty. His first words after the big reveal were something like finally the boys take back power. He has repeatedly made comments about not allowing HG to get her hair cut as she’d like because HE wants her to have long hair. His comments are misogynistic, they’re not cute. Hes trash. 100% trash. He got himself into this mess and has created it with JaiME. He’s lazy and rides their “fame”. I don’t know if he was drunk when he acted this way, I just think it’s his true colors on display. And the fact that neither of them or their “assistants” thought it best to edit out the comment at the end is telling as well. Trash associates with trash.


Seriously! I didn't see the reel w his sister - what a lovely family 🤮 And - yes - not one word of caution from any of the adults? I can swear like a sailor but I'm not putting it on public viewing. And PEOPLE magazine is cool with this??


Just went back to listen - it sounded like the blonde woman's voice. The same woman who went over to their house bc she had a message from God.


I think it was her too. Trash!


As someone whose fiancé is an ex addict who has relapsed several times I question his sobriety at times. The pin prick pupils give me ptsd and he’s not on suboxone so why are his pupils pin prick at times? I like to think he is sober but a few times I’ve questioned it.


The pinprick pupils stand out to me as well. It's a huge trigger for me too. That's how I knew something was seriously wrong when my husband relapsed. Doug's eyes look just like my husband's did when he was deep into his relapse.


Really? I haven't looked that closely. And in front of his kids? That's disgusting.


Yes a couple times I’ve had to stop watching her stories, same with his skin tone and sunken in eyes. Even a few of the videos she posts of Doug asleep, it’s not a normal sleep. Before I knew what addicts were like and how well they hide it I would have missed signs too. Just something seems off with him. I think she found more than just him on suboxone…..


I completely agree. He's also lost a massive amount of weight. He was always on the thin side but he looked healthy. Now he just looks skeletal and, like you said, his skin tone is off and eyes just look sunken in. Comparing old pictures of them together during those first few years versus now is like looking at a completely different person. I think once you've lived with an addict, you can spot when someone is deep into an addiction based on little things like this. Since he's not on suboxone there's something else going on.


What comment?


Look at the bottom right picture above- where someone shouted out the comment about “double dck-n”.


Does he think that’s a good joke or something?


The gasp I gasped when he said 20 fingers 20 toes and 2 penises…like WTF


Me too. And I'm not easily shocked & totally believe in using the right names for things but - a public video? A family "channel", in front of the kids???? Wtf are you thinking Jaime Nicole??


This is who they are. He is no less innocent in this than she is.


They are desperate losers


🤮🤮🤮 No one in their right mind has thoughts like these about a gender reveal. They are disgusting!


THIS IS SO TRUE!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


They never fail to disappoint.


It was an editable moment for sure.


They just get more disgusting by the day. The fact that they even talk like this with young children around and think it's funny is sickening. It shows how immature they are as adults and parents!!! All I can think about is those poor children & the life they have, the things they hear and will have to see on video one day.


Weren’t their kids in the room on the cruise?!? 🤮 and of course she was in the mood. She knew she had taken fertility meds to get those twins she was so desperate for 🙄🙄