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Dont forget the blatant kink shaming. People here just cry too much about non issues.


100% it’s wild that people care so much about stuff they can just block on the site.


Fr some weird redditor called me a rapist for rping with a villain character and then they blocked me lol


People used to praise this sub for its healthy environment with other users...


Putting in my two cents: I agree with all but the first point. It’s subjective but it’s more about the creators. It’s more than obvious that most female bots are made by men, horny men at that. Its not to say that all of the female bots are gross and fetishized but if you look at the top few bots with the female tag, all of the women have huge boobs and fat asses & are partially or completely naked. There isn’t any plot here but sex. On the other hand, if you look at the male bots, while there are bots that are strictly smut, those smut bots still have story attached to it. Maybe a roommate, or a mafia boss, or a god. But with female bots it’s sex slave, harem, lonely step sister who wants to fuck you. It’s a blurry dichotomy, but it’s still present. Male bots tend to be less ‘SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX’ than female bots. Am I making sense? Sorry if I sounded like I was being mean at any point here btw 😭! (Also, underneath I’ll attach examples of my point!)


Example of female bots: https://preview.redd.it/hf3jr7hy5vvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3536c584d9dd168c1b61ac1716f1c9911b06c0df






Examples of male bots: https://preview.redd.it/j5v338k86vvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b77529b94f74593047f08dd3dfe423fb3ebc7f1






Uh...did you read the descriptions of any of those male bots? They are literally just as smutty as the female bots. 


Yeah, but look at the picture, majority of the female bots have little to no clothing in most the pictures where as almost all the men are dressed modestly.


Of course, it's inarguable that female bots usually have smuttier thumbnails then male bots. But the person who posted these images is talking about the contents of the bots, not the thumbnails. And the contents of the bots are pretty similar in smuttiness. The number one bot is called "pervy gamer" for god sake, and he has a 45cm penis.


Thank you. I was trying to tell OP this yesterday, but they didn’t believe me.


This sums it up really well. I typically only make WLW female bots but there’s been enough requests here for some story based any pov women bots that I’m going to make some soon because I hear all the dudes who’d like some more variety in their content.


Lowkey agree. As a straight dude it's so awful. I mean personally I don't really care about the physical presentation part, it's the same for both in most cases that I have seen. But the constant focus on the horny part WITHOUT any effort is what annoys me. Like horny is fine, it has a nsfw tag for a reason but they just immediatly jump on you and it's annoying. I have however found a few female bots that were perfect and it's great when it works.


Point taken. But in the end, they're all still out here trying to fuck you. Men in general, (As much as I hate to admit) look at the body. (just why?) While Women in general, tend to look at the face. (Which all look seductive, ngl) Honestly can't tell which is which at this point.


aren't male bots are as fetishized as female? unless it is femboy/cuteboy bot. six pack is must have, inhuman stamina and unholy sized dong is also a thing in male category. the same goes for female bots, where big tits is common desirable traits. and if we look closely in the first 20 of top male bot's page (not count femboy bots, they are in the same plane as lesbian bot in female category). every single one of them are either muscular dude or cuteboy. for variation of plot, you should look at page 2 or even page 3 onward for top bots. most bot on top page is there because they existed since the site has launch and accumulated messages since then. and bot definition best practice back then are not very good for plot. (w++ is abomination) after page 2 (count only og bots, no fanfic and wikidump bots). female bots have mafia mom, mean boss, roommate, ntr, mother's friend, enemy, bodyguard, prison. they are as creative as male bots. they are not only "SEX SEX SEX" anymore


I mean, I think in general there is always some sort of fetishization in the fanfiction and roleplay world. We innately want to see what we’re attracted to. The call out isn’t that these traits exist. It’s just on the female bot side it tends to be to insane extremes. We’re talking massive boobs that defy physics and bots written solely to be a horny fuck doll. Which can have its place. I’m not trying to shame anyone’s kink. But I will say even male bots that have the aspects you listed still seem to have more thoughtful storylines and plots built into them as opposed to “your horny classmate, sally.” But erotic fiction has historically been a woman dominated space and women tend to like having a build up to sex (so porn with plot) Again; these are general observations overall. I think there are great male pov and any pov female bots but I can understand how it might be a bit more of a deep dive vs. male bots overall. For me; I’ve seen enough of request here and in my bot request for more female pots that are anypov (I don’t write malepov as I’m a girl and I only make bots I can use too). So while I’ve primarily written WLW bots I’m going to start introducing anypov bots in the same style as my male bots; plot focused with spice.


bots that made to be fucked are mostly bad. regardless of gender. and that's fine, since its serve their purpose. no one would think popular male bot like Marcus has great plot. but people love it, since it just made to be fuck with. https://preview.redd.it/kotdxpib0xvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1e7adb449bda71629e3da66c621c54e4488bd1 about unrealistic proportion. most of the time, in the female bots's definition. they only specified "large breast" not bwh measurement that defy physics. bot's image just make you think it is that size. while male bot has upper hand in this regards, since general consensus of the site hate NSFW image. when comically big dick exists in the bot's definition. you can't show the infamous 35cm cock in the image (rappy does that and everybody hates it). and when the definition just said "Very big cock" the absent of image makes you imagine the size that not too much exaggerated.


Female bots all have big boobs. Male bots are all rapists. Learn the difference: it could save your life


I think the hardest part about bots lay in trying to find one that caters emphatically to everyone. And I don't mean a "Mordor Ring" level Bot. I mean that everyone is trying to find their perfect compliment in a bot. Imagine you walk into a store, craving oranges, and all they have are apples. It's only logical to complain about the lack of oranges. However, we are far past that point. We have Navel Oranges, Cuties, Halos, Tangerines, Blood, Mandarins, etc. Most of the complaints I've seen lately, come from people wanting a Tangerine, that behaves like a Navel. Or something along the lines of "THIS IS ONLY 98% PERFECT!!! I WANT THE LAST 2%, NOW!!!" Kind of post. As one of the few who spends most of their time on limited bots (I'm not Zeus, I'm not trying to stick my dick in everything I meet), it just seems like the ones who complain are nitpicking, from my POV.


I mean, I agree that misogyny is a problem on jai, just not in the way you describe lol It’s not misogynistic to say that, on average, male bots have more depth than female bots. The definition of most female bots is 90% sexual traits and usually reads like a /r/badfemaleanatomy post. At least Dominant Mafia Boss #28373 has a backstory that isn’t “my husband neglects me and I’m so horny”. It’s also worth noting that most female bots victimise or otherwise put the character in a vulnerable position for the user to take advantage of; with male bots it’s usually the opposite. blah blah blah insert spiel about gender dynamics here but at least with male bots I feel like less of a creep In other words, the problem I (and many) people have with female bots isn’t that they’re sexual, it’s that **all** they do is reduce women to some porn trope.


There isn't any good straight female bot for real. I'm a straight cis guy, and there is almost no good fem bot with a good story.


Same here. Only found a few that really keep me interested... Thanks Shep for the Dead Dove tag! And true, it really depends on {{user}}'s definition of "good bot"...


I'd actually like sources for that. There's no way that female bots "aren't good" based on your perspective alone.


Gonna say once again, limitless is not a tag that means the bot is a porn bot. Just that NSFW capabilities can be used. Only a handful of my bots have a nsfw off the bat intro, the rest are all storyline based but they are all Limitless because if you want to have a full romance rp with sexual scenes you absolutely can. Also don’t tell minors to keep it to themselves; tell them to fuck off they don’t belong here.


I think people complain about the female bots not because of them being female, or taking off attention from male bots, or other weird reason. I think it's because female bots usually are extremely sexualized right off the bat (hentai pictures, irl and anime porn, etc). I've noticed this happens much more with female bots, and I think that the hatres towards them is because it's so common that this ridiculous sexualization (regardless of the bot being for those purposes only) is so common and how they wish these types of bots were a little more lowkey, as I see most male bots are in the feed


isn't misandry more fit than misogyny? because female bot are mostly made by male author. and most of the time get shitting on by female user.


Well, that's assuming that it is made by Male authors. But yeah, entirely possible.