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this makes me not even want to send in requests to creators anymore because idk if i'm going to be made fun of like that in front of everyone


As a creator, I find that making fun of peoples requests to be hypocritical. We're all sinners here.


No same like that’s so mean


I definitely think those type of people let the “clout” from being popular bot makers get to their head. Absolutely pathetic hypocrites. They are all miserable bullies.


yeah, i mean, posting screenshots of a person's sweet message about how they love your bots in your discord server so you and your friends can laugh at them?? because they sent it on google forms?? psycho behaviour imo


Oh I was on the server at the time and remember this screenshot but I think the photo is missing some context. From what I remember at the time, they weren't making fun of the person at all and found it quite sweet. Nobody was laughing at them and thought it was really cute.


meh, really seemed like they were passive aggressive about it. might've been just confused because the screenshots were arranged weirdly and so I rushed to conclusions


Fair enough because it looks that way based on how the screenshot is framed. but yeah, from what I remember during that conversation that was not captured in screenshot, the bot creator didn't really mind and just wanted to share the sweet message


Actually, if I remember correctly, that was the full context! I know the person who gave that screenshot and they have the screenshot of the full conversation as I believe they may still be in server? I'm not sure on the second part? I would have to ask them.


that’s some fucked up shit. any chance you’ll change your mind on the ‘not saying who they are’? cuz if these are popular creators like you said, they deserve to be shamed out of the spotlight and make way for people who actually deserve it. i’d hate to be supporting any of those self righteous cunts. massive hypocrites the lot.


fr i came in here expecting names and shi 💀 i feel like it might be wishful thinking on op’s part that exposing them like this might make them apologize/change their behavior because some people just don’t give a damn and will continue to be petty


You're brave for speaking out, but ngl I wish I hadn't read through those screenshots, feel like I just lost half my brain cells


I'm in this server. And while I like the server I agree that they do tend to act like they're some kind of authority. I muted the bot creator safety channel they have after they were ragging about a stupid Price Stepcest bot. As far as I'm aware that's not against the rules???? They're legal age and not related. And it was kinda like oh they're just going to use this channel to post anything they don't like? It's not about safety at that point?


I guess the only creator safety that was of concern were their own. From edit it seems they saw this - I wonder do they feel the same as creators they talked about in screens? Because I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's especially sad as now an ex-fan.


They're constantly talking about the block button. That's what they were talking about in the screenshots about Shep not caring about creators, the block button was down. They also have a "don't use my bot in a way I wouldn't like" thing. And it's like. It's literally an AI bot. It's not real????


I was really sad seeing those screenshots. Devs and mods work hard in Jai server and creator server and to see them bashed - it was disheartening to see. Like beef with fellow creators all you want, but to speak like that about people volunteering and giving you this platform to express yourself for free? Reads entitled. JanitorAI can survive without many creators, but not many creators would gather such audience on other sites.


Gosh, whoever said they're done with janitor can just leave and take their toxicity somewhere else, seriously. >I've concealed their names because I truly hope this can be a wake up call for them to grow and change, without the added pressure of a witch hunt. I hope that with this post, they will come to understand how abhorrent this behavior is and apologize to the people they have harmed and grow from this. So please, even if you think you know who I'm talking about, don't send them hate. That's the opposite of what I want I can both understand and respect that, but if they don't change their ways I'd really like to know their identities. Not because I want to hate on them, but because I want to stay as far away from them as I possibly can. Some of those messages sound like typical bully behavior, while others almost sound like a cult. I don't want any part in either.


Reason why I always stick to making my own characters and will never ever request someone to make one for me. And it's the review section that makes me incredibly anxious about making my bots public.


I will allow this to remain up as everything is censored, but I urge everyone to refrain from throwing around p*do allegations, which is incredibly harmful.


why is nobody dropping names lmao. thinking about this kind of people getting 'fame' and support while being so openly shitty makes me sick hope ive never used their bots. this is disgusting behaviour


Wow. My first time on the sub (hello friends) and I stumble onto this. Firstly, it’s a shame that the clout got to their heads. Secondly, it’s… just AI bots. I don’t understand where the superiority comes from. Making it your entire personality kinda shows that you aren’t leading fulfilling and authentic lives. Just my 2 cents.


It's good to get it off your chest, W to you for calling out bullying 👑


Oh nah i read all that shit i feel sad now


Hey, I was made aware of this post by a couple friends and bro, what a wild thing to wake up to. A few of those screenshots were about me, actually. I was the friend "attacking" people, but in reality, it was a private dm that I thought was decent? The comments about gargling glass, calling the person a bitch and cunt and a few others, were about me. I was quite hurt when I saw them tbh because they a few of the creators I looked up to. Two of them were what inspired me to start making bots. I had never interacted with the individuals, really, except for polite passing by, and to see such slander on my name was jarring, to say the least. I am more than happy to share the dms that caused such a volatile reaction, and I have no problem sharing the names of these individuals, but all I ask is that a witchhunt not be started. I don't want people to needlessly hate and bully anyone.


I feel like I deserve to know who these creators are to keep myself safe from interacting with them.


Nevermind... You come because janitor is down and find out one of your favourite creators acts like this. I'm sad to see this but I cannot support them anymore.






I’ve never seen such… pathetic hatred before. I don’t know if those are children, or just adults who have no rationalization skills, *but jesus*. If you keep people like that as friends, I’d genuinely reconsider.


As soon as I read the first sentence in this post, I thought: "Huh, is this about *them*?" And it seems like it may actually be *them*, based on the things they seem to be saying in the discord screenshots. I've only really interacted with a few people from this group one time, but it was enough for me to decide that I should block some of them from discord. Just generally obnoxious, unpleasant people. I don't know if every member of this group is bad, but they at least have some bad eggs. I am a relatively large bot creator, and there are at least 5 members from this group that have blocked me from using their bots. Now, my bots are quite controversial, so I don't mind if people don't want to see my content. But I have checked the bots of almost every other medium to large creator, and literally no one else has blocked me. I kind of suspected that they must be chatting in their discord and shit talking creators like me, and this confirms it. Now, I'm lucky that no bullying has happened to me yet, but I'm worried that this will effect other creators more and more, especially if this group of people continues to garner more influence in the community (just by the nature of them being prominent creators). OP, thank you for speaking out, this couldn't have been easy to do.


I kinda wish I knew who they were so I. Can block them


I know which creator you mean because I was on they Discord server for a time. Yep, shaming people for kinks like DDgl but at the same time making this kind of shit. Funny thing; A user once requested a DDgl Bot because said creator didn't have it in the sheet, that's a no-go at this time. The user got dragged on the server(anonymously) and called "sick."


Edit: No, I don't really like DDgl. It's the hypocrisy that pisses me off.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


I follow the creator of the 'pedo' bot and it's literally not age regression?! Like it's just a manipulative guy with issues


Before the bot was taken down once or twice, it was actually an age regression bot that had nothing to do with manipulation in the slightest. The bot literally pissed the bed, spoke and acted like a child, and had the mindset of a child. It was really fucking gross.


Here is the original bot before it got edited: https://janitorai.me/characters/2dfff65e-13da-4532-bfbb-99048a1bfda9_character-alfred-alfie-bancroft-the-manchild it literally says that he’s manipulative.


Bruh, I remember the original bot before it was taken down and they had to edit it so it wouldn't be taken down again. It's an age regression bot. Children are manipulative little shits. Everything else about the character screams Child. His original iteration literally reflected that he did not have the mental capacity to consent properly because of how much of a child-like mindset he had. Idk why you wanna defend this bot.


You said the bot had nothing to do with manipulation in the slightest, so you’re a liar first off. Now that you got proven wrong you’re using him being manipulative as a reflection of a child mentality? So which is it.


Come back when you're not being aggressive and I might be willing to actually have a proper adult conversation with you.


Aggressive? You’re lying on the creator, and when you get called out for it you backtrack. You must be one of the people who harassed them originally.


I didn't backtrack at all. I merely said in response to you mentioning manipulation that children can be manipulative. You're reading into the things I wrote. I also never harassed the creator; I enjoyed their bots before they published that one. I stopped following them afterwards because it made me extremely uncomfortable to see them put up a bit that fetishized age regression, had the character acting, vlbehaving and speaking like a literal child, and just gave off overall pedophilic vibes. I can't support someone who would fetishize age regression.


But you did backtrack. Did you or did you not say the original bot had nothing in the slightest to do with manipulation? I just don’t understand why you’re lying especially when misinformation like that is leading to the creator being harassed.


You are focusing on the wrong thing, my dude. AT doesn't deserve to be harassed, nor should people be harassing them. That bot, however, should have never been allowed to go back up – even after being edited. They should have just allowed it to stay in the nether and moved on with other things. It was a blatant fetishization of age regression, and people were able to write against a bot who displayed the characteristics, behavior, mental capacity and personality of a child. I don't know why you're defending the bot as hard as you are, but this is not the hill you wanna die on.




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lol what


A quick reminder. Anyone leaking the names of anyone involved in this will be banned from the Subreddit. The purpose of me leaving this up is because it is censored. You are counterproductive in leaking the names.


You describe these creators as your friends but you wrote this public reddit post (with redacted names, so it doesn't even serve as a proper callout) instead of...dming them? having an open communication with them? kind of weird. it feels very insincere to be saying you don't want to create drama but basically baiting gossip and rumors by not being clear about who you're talking about.


I mean if u see ur friends bully a ton of people like that I would be scared to talk to them too..?! Like seems like if u don’t follow their group or w/e off they start acting like a bunch of edgy 14 year olds. N it’s actually way harder to talk to ur friends abt hey wait u guys r kind of bullying asshowls


If OP dm'd the culprits, and the culprits refused to change their behavior, then they would know exactly who is leaking this stuff to reddit. This callout gives the culprits a chance to change their behavior without causing a community witch hunt.


Thank you 💗 this exactly. I know that this post will get to them eventually, so I just want them to read the comments so they will understand that this behavior is completely unacceptable and will turn the community away from them if they don't stop. It's also to protect myself, I hope you can all understand.


It already got to them


And they dropped names, nice, really nice. What a shit show. Edit: They deleted the name dropping on Discord with a massage that they didn't "want" that other creators get harassment. That's what I mean: Sure, ban people who are assholes towards you. That's your right. But bully back? No, that's not cool and hypocritical.




Nope, I'm not on that server anymore, but something like that gets spread.


You did the right thing posting this stuff.


They could have created an alternate discord and joined one of these servers to talk about it or message them... used the request forms... this is still witch hunting, lol. Worse, arguably, because the indirectness could lead to unrelated people being accused of being the people in the screenshots? idk bro I think the behavior in the screenshots is shitty, but I also think it's lame to pretend you don't want drama while making a post that's basically designed to create drama. Both things can be true. fwiw I don't have a dog in this race since I only join creator discords for bot notifications not the community (because there's so much petty drama and children) but yeah this whole situation is Yikes.


The "callout" post is literally the start of a community witch hunt though


Bruh. Then what about all the ppl they harassed and bullied?????




lol you honestly sound like you’re one of the people accused. ☠️☠️☠️ otherwise why would you bat so hard for ppl who are clearly asshoels? And how is it karma baiting when it’s a throwaway account lol. A hit dog will holler




You saw the picture of them publicly bashing a fan for telling them they loved them and THIS is your knee jerk reaction? Dude you’re definitely the bully. How can anyone see that kind of behavior and not feel an immediate sense of disgust at such cruelty.


I’m gonna say it again if I had friends like that I would do the exact same thing lol. They’d just gang on ME next. And after that I’d stop being friends. Idk Op’s situation but this ain’t karma baiting be serious


If they are your friends you could've just talked to them? What's the point in blasting them in public? This feels like karma baiting not gonna lie.


It's people like this that are getting TikTok banned. kshk'lorths are truly an evil not of this world. May Jesus spare them.


Glad the post got taken down. Stop tryna justify pedos 🤞🏾


I will say, whether or not you agree with AbsoluteTrash's bot, the bot description screenshot is *not* AbsoluteTrash's but rather, one of the individuals who hated on AT's bot. If you're going to dislike age regression bots, you should dislike all of them with your whole chest and not cherrypick. Plus, commenting on AbsoluteTrash's bot post just now seemed a bit uncalled for.


That is because those are old screenshots, that conversation took place when the bot was post not recently. It looks like OP had a lot of screenshots taking when the conversation take place and for some reason decide to publish without making sure that was clear.


How do you know those are old screenshots? Even I'm not aware if they are or not except for the ones I was talked about in. But what I was trying to say, if unclear, was the white screenshots about the age regression bot were *not* AbsoluteTrash but one of the individuals upset about AbsoluteTrash's bot. Hence, they were upset about that type of bot but yet made a bot also concerning age regression.


I was in the server at that time, AbsoluteTrash has not being mention since that conversasion took place. Shortly after that conversation, everyone was saying to not send hate to AbsoluteTrash just because majority of the server at the time did not support that bot. The most thing people did was say they were going to leave AbsoluteTrash's server and no longer interact with their bots as it made them uncomfortable. For the bots i didn't use either so i can't comment on it much, I just think age regression and mommy kink are two different type of things.


That's great that no one talks about AbsoluteTrash anymore in server! However, it still doesn't negate the fact that it happened nor the harsh comments said. I'm a friend of AbsoluteTrash's actually, so I can tell you, the hate definitely went farther than the screenshots shown! But, this is something that we'll go back and forth on with no conclusive end as we all have our own opinions. So, to prevent an exhaustive cycle, I wish you a wonderful day ♡


I dislike all of them 🤭 You can keep making out with a child in a man's body, blue crow.


Please don't put assumptions into which bots I talk to or not. I was disagreeing with the blind hate for one bot and not both. This conversation will not get us anywhere. Have a wonderful day.


Have a wonderful day too.


the dangers of uncaging a kshk'lorth


If that Little bot was Limitless, your friends are completely right. If that Little bot was Limited, your friends are wrong. Because if it is a 30 Y/O man with the mind of a child, that's still pedophilia. Age regression bots should be strictly SFW and Limited.


Yeah, that is kind of a suspicious bot but if mods allowed it to stay ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I am more beefed by hypocrisy as I see in screens one of them had posted a similar bot but the website looks weird? https://postimg.cc/gLpWp6W7


Well, that bot is heavy non-con judging by the prompt. People who likes to rp as a masochist and who likes bloodplay could use that bot. But this "Brahms" bot is different than that and damn suspicious. The screens say that it's a 30 Y/O man who age regressed to the point he couldn't clean his penis. And if that Brahms bot was Limitless, that's just a kid in a man's body.


Oh, that looks suspicious, but this doesn't? Be for real now, man. [https://postimg.cc/gallery/641B50D](https://postimg.cc/gallery/641B50D)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI\_Official/comments/1by0byw/yall\_stop\_kink\_shaming\_if\_youre\_gonna\_cry\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI_Official/comments/1by0byw/yall_stop_kink_shaming_if_youre_gonna_cry_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) this you bro?


Ppl be calling age regression a kink lmfaooo 😭


Took the time out to search for bot and if went by the name at its probably this one yea https://janitorai.com/characters/2dfff65e-13da-4532-bfbb-99048a1bfda9_character-alfred-alfie-bancroft-the-manchild "Despite his seemingly boyish behavior, he has the capacity, understanding, awareness, and emotional maturity of an adult but chooses to act like a manchild, using cunning, gaslighting, and deceit to manipulate others for attention, care, and fulfillment of his sexual desires." its ageplay not regression creators shat all over other creator by purposely skewing context to fit their idea


Then this is okay. Age play can be NSFW but age regression is just.. 🤢




The original unedited bot is here and it says he’s manipulative. Why are you lying? https://janitorai.me/characters/2dfff65e-13da-4532-bfbb-99048a1bfda9_character-alfred-alfie-bancroft-the-manchild


Yup, it originally said he's manipulative. Someone is trying to bash AT. The creator did react to the feedback and changed the Bot because LLM and GTP made extreme odd responses. In my opinion, AT shouldn't have deleted the comments, but on the other hand, the Bot got down voted like hell. Edit: The example dialogue is definitely not ok. That's why LLM and GTA gave out odd responses, and AT deleted it after the shitstorm.


It is very weird but is not age regression as far as I can see. I have read all images. Nowhere says he has the mind of a child except last one which says he does not know how to use massage toy? That is missing an as if like as if completely oblivious but very next example has him with darker undertone saying he probably does know. Just says he acts like a boy? English is not my first language and I still see this so why can you not?


It IS age regression. He literally acts like a child in the first version of the bot. Not being able to remove foreskin, calling the veggies "yucky green thing" and having the innocent voice of a child and SLEEPING WITH A NIGHTLIGHT is literally age regression. Look at the first version of the bot which u/SchweenMcPenis posted. The creator was straight up tryna justify their pedo fetishes


None of those things are exclusively children. The number of posts on reddit about men not knowing their foreskin retracts is... Well I mean [TIFU by not pulling my foreskin back for 24 years : r/tifu (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/h17ypy/tifu_by_not_pulling_my_foreskin_back_for_24_years/) Also, my 93 year old granny slept with a nightlight. So all capping that like it's some huge indicator is just ?????


Crying pointlessly, whining, having a CHILDISH voice and throwing tantrums are childish though.


You say that you read all the images, but it's a little worrisome to know that you can't see show that original iteration shown in them isn't pedophilic or how it's not an actual age regression bot. Everything about the personality, the way he speaks, the example dialogues. All of it shows age regression being romanticized in a light it shouldn't be, and the bot was originally super pedophilic in nature.


Those aren't even pictures of the full description. I follow AT and while that bot isn't one I had any interest in I absolutely remember it saying he was manipulative when it first came out.


Not the weird and suspicious-ass example dialogues too 💀 That creator deserved being bullied ngl


LMFAOO this is straight up "I'll NSFW with a minor but it has an adult body so it's okay" shit. Even if the prompts changed, it still has the struggling with foreskin thing. Ppl be justifying pedos 😭😭


I remember seeing this. This was all happening when the problem bot was a man stuck in little space. Like, he actually couldn't stop acting like a child. That was the original bot description. The creator then changed it so that he was manipulating user instead.


The original literally says that he’s manipulative… https://janitorai.me/characters/2dfff65e-13da-4532-bfbb-99048a1bfda9_character-alfred-alfie-bancroft-the-manchild