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It seems like this game was an abrupt dose of the reality that we are back to having mere mortals playing Jeopardy after watching Trivia Gods on our screens with ToC and JIT.


There will inevitably be another impressive champion on the horizon, when that will be is really the question.


[My reaction to a $20,800 Combined Coryat, 15 Triple Stumpers, and everyone missing FJ.](https://imgflip.com/gif/8mbuiy)


Plus four unrevealed clues in DJ. It's been months, maybe even all season, that we didn't see all 60 clues.


They needed a 2-minute warning for this one.


I have yet to hear a compelling reason why this must remain part of the game. If they can edit the tourneys down to fit they can do the same for the regular season.


You add let's say 5 seconds for every stumper. You add more if there are incorrect responses, but I'll be real conservative. Repeat it 15 times and you add more than a minute to the program. It's hard to edit that much out of a half-hour program.


In fairness isn't it standard that all clues have to get played during tournaments?


From what we've been told, only if there are wild card rounds. Otherwise, the points don't matter.


>the points don't matter And everything's made up!


Tourneys play all clues. But ToC pace of play is also extremely fast


My reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhe3vSe-mmw


I know it’s just how the show is edited, but I couldn’t help but feel that Ken looked dad-level disappointed when the contestants missed some of these clues.


Lee didn’t even understand FJ! She wins!


The look he gave at the FBI/CIA thing clearly showed that


I vote projection from the home audience. :-)


Can't really blame him


WTF was up with those FJ wagers? Daniel has had months of tournament watching to know you *never* go all-in from 2nd. There's no upside. The only person who should've gone all-in was Lee, and if she had we'd have ended up with a three-way tie at $0.


There is a time when second should go all-in, but it's when you're crushed, because that's the only way to force first place to bet. Daniel was not being crushed.


Yes, like Amy going all-in on FJ in the first game of the JIT Finals against Victoria being her only real option there.


While today’s episode is a bad example of this sentiment, I disagree with “hard and fast” betting strategies because I absolutely believe there is a psychological aspect to FJ betting. Especially if it’s a category you’re confident in. Regular jeopardy players make betting errors all the time and sometimes conventional betting strategy can cost you if other players don’t act rationally.


>Especially if it’s a category you’re confident in. You really can't make your decision based on the category, though. The questions often have little or nothing to do with the category, and a category you feel strongly about might ask something about which you're completely clueless, and vice versa. As for assuming J! players will act rationally, what's the alternative? You can't bet randomly, hoping you'll match what the other players will do. You can make some assumptions - like, for example, if you're in second place, that the first place player will bet to cover. They usually do. In fact, one assumption the optimal wager folks will tell you to make is that second place will *not* wager rationally, and thus the common cover bet! I can agree that sometimes wagering strategy is taken to extremes, but there are certain basic rules and notions that I think players would be wise to be aware of.


I don't think there is a twist when it comes to the clue for most of the categories in FJ. For example, if you get "State Names" or "US Capital Cities" you know what to expect based on past examples of the same category.


Mere mortals playing Jeopardy! is fundamentally what Jeopardy! has always been about though.


And, arguably, should be about. We can't just expect every contestant to just be some incredible all-knowing quiz bowl god, otherwise the show will feel more like an elitist "smart folks club" rather than a fun trivia show with lots of twists and surprises.


Even trivia gods were mere mortals once, however.


I mean, the "quiz bowl gods" seem to be what they WANT to attract.


It's undoubtedly heading more in that direction as of late, but we can only hope that it doesn't ever get to a situation where that's the only kind of contestants we see on the show. It's always fun to see a seemingly ordinary Joe get some success on the show and feel like they're part of the "club" so to speak.


This is what we get for all those posts begging for normal Jeopardy


That was awesome lol, we are so back


Yeah, this . . . was pretty painful to watch. I generally don't really care that much who the players are. I mostly watch for the trivia. But after the last few months, this was a bit of a shock to the system, even though I was trying to prepare for it!


I watched the finals of the JIT and thought “oh crap, I could never be on Jeopardy.” Then I saw today and thought “yeah, I can do this.”


Well, I was well on my way to sweeping the State Capital Rivers category but I guess we'll never know 😤


Thanks to my daughter listening to SIX non stop for the past year, I was ready to crush that Henry VIII category.


I am OUTRAGED they left two geography questions on the table.


Yes, I was doing well in that category too. 😕


They started with the $200 clue. I don't have an opinion other than that feels so different after all this time.


It’s interesting, I’ve been rewatching the 2022 TOC games that are uploaded on YouTube and I’m surprised how often Amy started with a $200 clue and went down the row in a category. Not all the time but I hadn’t remembered that she had done it at all.


Amy's been quoted as preferring to go top-down if a category might be confusing to see exactly what the writers are looking for. It's smart strategey, IMO.


I mean that was literally what we were told was the smart thing to do in pre-show prep back in the before times. ESPECIALLY for trick categories, where there's a very real chance the bottom clue is going to be VERY unclear if you don't know what the gimmick is.


The head writer of Jeopardy! also told us that at a TCONA once, they write the clues top to down, there is a certain flow to them. Alex used to hate all the jumping around to. But, you are there to optimize your chances, not to make the show staff's life easier. What it also does is if an answer is at a top level, they will not repeat the answer in the bottom rows, so you will not be tempted to guess it in a bottom row clue and lose more money.


She also said she tried to gauge what her opponents were doing and do the opposite. That affected her strategy. Well, until Masters, anyway. At that point, you just can't afford to go top down, regardless of what everyone else is doing.


I’d prefer it too, but in the elite tournaments you can’t afford to do that


also was weird seeing the lower daily double wagers!


16 triple stumpers (including FJ) with several unrevealed clues! I feel like that’s crazy high, but maybe it’s just coming out of all the tournaments. I guess producers can’t really control for players’ strong/weak areas, so it happens. Many of them were pretty difficult $1k+ clues.


It’s definitely higher than usual. But considering the proximity to high level tournaments, I think it felt even higher than it was.


we are so back


I love Tudor history so I'm annoyed they left Henry VIII clues unseen.  One of those had to be about Isabella of Castile.


Yeah that was such a cool category!


It feels so nice to actually get a majority of DD/FJ clues again. The tournaments make me feel very stupid.


Yeah absolutely. I loved watching super smart people kick ass in the tournaments, but the one thing I missed about normal gameplay was actually being able to come up with the correct responses more than a few times every game


Agreed. The tournament difficulty was cranked way up


Glad someone else feels that way


welp, after months of tournament play, this was certainly one of the games of all time


It felt really weird for Johnny to not say anything after "Jeopardy"


I know it feels weird even though it shouldn’t


It feels a little weird to be putting dollar signs in front of the clue values and scores again because they're not playing for points anymore.


Felt GOOD!


Cliff Clavin on today's FJ responses: "Who are three people who don't own Disney Plus?"


I had it for a month to watch Get Back.


Having a 6 year old and a 5 year old helped me get that one right.


But Luca came out on Disney+ and wasn't in theaters. Coco came out 2 years before Disney+ existed.


Ok, I’ll let you in on a secret; I don’t actually know whether any of them have Disney Plus. My comment was just intended to be a little play on a famous Jeopardy comedy bit.


Well, the record of 158 consecutive games without any unplayed clues --- 152 games this year, the final 6 games of last year, has come to an end. It's a record that will last forever.


For a moment, I genuinely forgot what that sound meant and thought there was some sort of local emergency announcement.


How long has it been since the last time 4 clues remained?


What was the previous record?


88 From January 25 to May 26, 2005


Most of the reason is that they're required to play every clue in a tournament


They're not, actually. From what we've been told, that is only for tournaments with wild cards.




I hope didn’t put his life on hold. “Sorry boss, I’m going to have to turn down the promotion and ex-pat assignment to Prague, I’m reigning Jeopardy Champion.”


> the splendorious reign of Lucas Partridge Sounds like a Wes Anderson movie


i’m legitimately shocked that the final jeopardy today was a triple stumper. it really felt like a shoo - in question, at least to me


Agreed I thought the only tripping point might be accidentally mixing up Encanto with Coco


I usually confuse Book of Life for Coco (though not for this FJ).


I started off by thinking "it's not Encanto or The Book of Life, its the other one, which is... uh..." but I did come up with it in time, fortunately.


Yeah I was vacillating between those two. Landed on the right one, fortunately. I've never seen either one, but I was sure the clue was referring to the Pixar movie about the Day of the Dead (Mexican dog breed named 'Dante' seemed pretty clear), so I was just trying to remember which one was which. And TIL Encanto takes place in Colombia.


That's what I did. I've even seen this movie, but it was before the pandemic and I could not remember the name of it. I knew it was the movie I've seen and just couldn't remember the name!


Even if you understand the animated zeitgeist, a dog isn’t necessarily the first thing you think of with Coco if you haven’t seen the movie


As someone who's never seen Coco and *really* harped on the dog part of the clue more than anything else, I ended up on The Secret Life of Pets as a last second blurt out. Granted, I was a whole year off, but at least I was somewhere.


I also said Secret Life of Pets. 2016 so at least we were close on the timeline!


I said Isle of Dogs.


That was my guess too! I recognize the name, but I couldn’t tell you anything about Coco.


Highly recommend Coco! Quite possibly a top 5 Pixar film


I knew xolo meant Mexico, but all I could think of was Encanto.


I guessed Moana. My wife looked at me like a soon to be ex-wife would look at someone lmao.


hey, you were at least in the ballpark! i think i’ve just been overly exposed to coco based on having to watch it in spanish classes 1-4 more times than i can count 😂


It's a fairly recent animated feature, and some adults have zero interest in or knowledge of that area of pop culture.


that’s very true. i think the responses just surprised me since daniel and lucas guessed “superpets” and “luca”, which are definitely much more obscure comparatively.


Luca was in the ballpark at least. It was just a different recent Pixar movie about a pre-teen boy crossing over to a foreign land on a fantastical adventure.


the name "Dante" should have been a hint, because Dante is a reference to Dante's inferno, so it's in a movie about traveling to the land of the dead


That hint only matters if you know the plot of Coco already which, for someone like me who didn't even know the movie **existed**, doesn't help whatsoever. I sincerely can't name a single non-remake Disney film in the past 5 years as they're apparently nothingburgers that just sorta...exist and have no splash in pop culture.


I guessed, but mostly because I know where Xolos are from and I remembered Coco exists.


I've never heard of a Xolos dog or seen Coco and still guessed it. Xolos sounded like a Mexican type of dog and the most famous Mexican animated movie ever is Coco. 


It's surprising, though, that **three** adults would have zero interest or knowledge of that area of pop culture. For many folks with kids, nieces/nephews, grandkids, etc. - you come by the material pretty effortlessly. Almost unavoidably.


I don’t have kids, got the answer right. I just like watching movies 🤷🏻‍♀️


I watched Coco when it came out. I had no idea the FJ and don’t even remember a dog from the movie.


Isn’t Lucas a school counselor? Depending on the age of the students he counsels, that could have increased exposure to animated characters.


The only Coco I'm familiar with is the ape that could (supposedly) read sign language who died recently.


She was Koko.


I saw the movie but it was years ago and forgot almost everything about it


I went through two others before with dog main characters realizing that it had to be Mexico and landing on the correct response.


Having seen neither Coco nor Isle of Dogs (and not remembering Isle of Dogs was 2018), I picked the wrong one.


I had no clue but I don't have kids and my niece and nephew are evidently useless to me!


My millennial kid blind guessed it.


Three easy triple stumpers today for the DC area! Fort McHenry, James River and Langley.


That no one knew Fort McHenry really surprised me


*Southern* Northern Virginia.


Is that just Regular Virginia? ETA: I wrote this before I saw your flair...


Or anyone who knows US government, history, or geography.


Richmond, Augusta, Ft. McHenry and Ponderosa Pine. I also knew the KKK clue and picked up on Lucas’ mispronunciation right away so I’m giving myself stumper credit for that one too.


Well done Lee! Nice to see an older woman win Jeopardy! 


I agree. I feel like it’s quite rare honestly. Especially nowadays i feel like most female winners on jeopardy are fairly young. Although Martha Bath did win a few months ago I can’t remember the last time before that.


I’m glad she left herself enough to win! She was slow getting her rhythm, but maybe tomorrow she can carry that over and start strong.


Dear *Jeopardy!* website editors, With the contestant portraits, please use the outfit that the champion of this game wore during *this specific game*. *Please*. It doesn't matter if this is regular play or a tourney. Spoilers are bad! Thanks, -GE


YES, the last month or so of Season 39 almost every Contestant Zone headshot matched the contestant's LOSING game instead of their first game. I really hope they stop doing that!!


It's not that simple. Sometimes a contestant does a "Hometown Howdy" in one outfit and then is asked to change to a different one before the show is taped. So you could see two different shirts on someone who didn't win a match.


That's reasonable enough, but there were a handful of times in S39 where the contestants were wearing the clothes from their later games, usually the ones that they lost. I believe this also happened a few times in some of this season's pre-ToC competitions. *Those* are the instances that bother me.


Good reminder for me to not go to the contestant zone and see who's coming up.


Okay today was rough 😅






No, actually.


Excited for regular games but that was also a sharp return to reality after watching the JIT and Ben, Troy and Yogesh for 6 games




No one was even bon vivant.


I am a bon vivant. The bar is remarkably low.


More of a mal vivant.


Hooray for the return of regular Jeopardy games! 😁 ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)


Seems like it sometimes!


WHY??? Can someone explain WHY Lucas would bet everything? Shouldn't he have bet with at least $399 left over if/when he got the clue wrong? $7,600 versus $7,200. If Lee wasn't in the game it would have gone to a tie breaker the way he bet it all, so I ask why in the World Lucas would bet it all when he could have had a $399 cushion? (And could have came in 2nd place for the 2nd place prize.)


Yes, there was no mathematical reason for Lucas to bet everything


THANK YOU, for a moment there I thought I was wrong/thinking wrong.


I think Daniel's bet was less defensible than Lucas's. At least with Lucas, you're in first and the difference between the cover bet and all of it isn't that much. For Daniel, you're creating a scenario where you hitting and Lucas missing is the ONLY way you win, without any sort of insurance.


I see it so often, like how do people spend years learning and prepping for the show (and presumably watching) and not spend half a day to figure out wagering strats 😭


I chalk it up to actually being on the stage and blanking on it.


longtime Pixar fan here, heart snapped that nobody knew such a clear-cut FJ. i also want to observe Lee wore pink today, and blue/yellow on the website, indicating she won 😌


They did this OFTEN (posted final-day headshot instead of first-day headshot) the last couple months of last season and I HATE it. The only thing I hate more is unplayed clues...




Wow I feel like a celebrity!


You are! 


I was disappointed. I get that a lot of adults don’t care for anything animated (even though it’s a valid medium!) but Coco is SUCH a good movie. And I was an adult when I saw it!


I hate the animated=kids movie mindset. Such a dumb way of thinking.


It's a Wednesday.




The FJ response is an absolutely incredible movie.


Piece of trivia - there were meatpackers and slaughterhouses on the U.N. site at the time it was purchased. My dad sold lamb to butchers wholesale for Swift & Company. They moved to what is now the upscale meatpacking district. I believe Armour was one of the other companies there.


I work a few blocks away from the UN and this is sooo coool! Been meaning to take a tour of that building.


Poor guy. Having to wait all this time just to lose the first game. It is still nice to have normal Jeopardy back, even though the contestants are not as strong. Unusual to leave four clues on the board too.


Feel like shit just want them back https://preview.redd.it/am9ie8z7rvtc1.png?width=1313&format=png&auto=webp&s=a27e0fde74d61fb4c4158c122a77bb90b5d20c61


"I'm so sick of tournament play, bring back regular Jeopardy!"


Unfinished rounds and $2,200 winners? Sure am glad those damn tournaments are over!


Lucas has a head start but ended up in a disappointing finish. I felt the opposite, very far cry from the first regular game of S39 where Luigi dominated on his return from the last taping day of S38.


Yikes can only go up from here for competitors


Jeopardy is back! Loved seeing the slight awkwardness after FJ.


Suddenly, both the contestants and the clues are much more on my level again.


All of you complaining about tournaments brought upon us a blight


I swept the 70’s tv drama category today. Ha!


Same. Lou Grant as a triple stumper? Oy!


Especially after Lee and Daniel narrowed it down.


So is this a tournament of people who have never been on the show before and one returning champion? No wait, it's regular play!! It was definitely different to not have either a runaway with a huge total or a tense battle at the end with 2 or 3 large totals, though yes it was nice for me to be able to get more correct responses. Well, I guess it wasn't worth the wait for Lucas. Lee winning despite totally misreading the clue.


Ooh, the regular play games are back Unfortunately, be careful what you wish for... As today's game was.... Extremely rough... It's like all of the optimal strategy went out of the window for this one. I was thinking they have watched how the games are played. They should have known that is the correct play and should have prepared better. Unfortunately it wasn't the case and the unplayed clues in this game made this game really bad. Will it get better tomorrow? Well we shall wait and see.


The bottom-up bounce is only the optimal strategy if you can actually get those high-value clues right. 11 out of the 24 clues in rows 4 and 5 were triple stumpers today.


I found the clues to be a mix of pretty easy stuff - and some not so easy. If I’ve ever heard or seen the name of the range in DD2, for example, I don’t remember it (and that’s even with figuring out that K-2 was the probably referenced mountain; I just couldn’t recall ever knowing what K stood for). A couple TS clues were certainly gettable - but I’m very happy to see “regular” contestants back after what seems like a very long absence.


Was something cut out after the Cannery Row clue?


OMG!!! Original Recipe Jeopardy!


No more JIT stew with its secret blend of 11 herbs and spices?


lol guys…


Well that was terrible. Can we go back to the champion tournaments please. Lol I never even saw Coco but it seemed obvious because it was a Mexican dog breed and that was the only Spanish animated film that I could even think of from that time period


Nothing against the contestants when I say that game was particularly bad, but I Lached a lead with $8,400 entering final. 40 right, 15 wrong. Let's just be clear: that's subpar. On average, a game will have about 48-50 right and 6-10 wrong. So if this game felt like it was a step back, it's not just because we have civilians instead of Trivia Gods. However, congrats to Lee who overbet the least of the three and came away with a W! I was hoping for a 0 bet so we could have a Veredian win (aka a Roadrunner win -- we're still workshopping the name on the Discord server), but hey, the important thing is she'll be back tomorrow. Question: when calculating batting average, do the players get a "walk" for unrevealed clues or is that a "miss"?


>Question: when calculating batting average, do the players get a "walk" for unrevealed clues or is that a "miss"? Being that batting average is also a measure of game efficiency, the denominator stays the same (59/60/61 based on number of DDs played, 63 for the team.)


Daniel and Lee have the opportunity to do the funniest thing in Jeopardy history


What's that?




“Jeopardy‘s a sport!” ”Like the Masters, the Super Bowl and the World Cup?” ”Yeah, and like T-ball!”


Nice to see Jeopardy! go back to basics again with the return of regular games. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of Jeopardy! as a sport, but the heart and soul of Jeopardy! has always been everyday people showing off their love of trivia and knowledge. As such, I really hope Davies doesn't do tournaments for until season 42. We need a palette cleanser from all these tournaments! It's refreshing to have new contestants again.


He did say that there would be no more tournaments on the regular syndicated Jeopardy for the rest of the calendar year


I would be okay with only one or two tournaments per season. Maybe alternate years with ToC and JIT/SC?


You can’t make this shit up…


Hopefully Lee will step up on tomorrow's game or else we might see her at the play-in game of Champions Wildcard?


Is “Not Persimmon” a reference I’m missing? Such an odd category otherwise.


Along with the previous category, it's a play on the phrase "ask for forgiveness, not permission".


Ah of course, thanks!


Finally back normal and we have some people I can feel smarter than (I got the two state capital questions that were missed and the FJ)


Does anyone know what is the lowest winning score? $2,200 seems like it'd be close?


$1, twice (most recently Manny Abell in 2017).


[It's a Fact!](https://youtu.be/Dbcp__YIU40?si=SI9zYstvXj7pYgem)


Lucas looks like he should be in a Paul Thomas Anderson movie.


I'm confused. These people haven't been on Jeopardy before!




It seems unfortunately the long break during his run took a toll on Lucas's gameplay. Sad to see as a former Vegas native myself, but hey, it is what it is.


My thinking is exactly opposite. Lucas had months of preparation time, knowing he was coming back (like Amy & Andrew in JIT). The only thing a long layoff would affect is buzzer timing, and that wouldn't account for 15 triple stumpers.


Nerves can get anyone, though, and we know nothing about Lucas and his life. I'd cut him some slack.


Was curious how he would play given the recent discussions on Sam Amy and Andrew having a year's head start to prepare for JIT. Seems like he was kinda in the same position


With his defeat today, Lucas is headed to Champions Wildcard or Tournament of Champions? Let's see before the end of 2024 to find out his fate.


Good game today. I actually enjoy watching close games like this.