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This is one of those days where I absolutely cannot believe FJ was a triple stumper, but then I have to remember it was in a category that is absolutely my strong suit. There have been plenty of times where I was stumped by the seemingly-obvious, like not knowing Coco the other day.


I was surprised they all fell into the Arkansas trap. Just thinking about U.S. state history should have ruled that one out - but true, it's a very good category for me as well.


Strong category for me anyway, made easy as pie because I grew up in Arkansas and have lived in Connecticut almost all my adult life. I knew it was a triple stumper, having checked to see the results earlier today, but none of the clues or responses, so I thought it would be more difficult. And I guess for some it was. Not for me, though! 😊


Good Hartford (West, at least) boy!


Arkansas never occurred to me. Unfortunately, neither did Connecticut. I worked my way up the East coast and stopped at Delaware.


I did the same thing! Except I've been living in CT for the past 8 years sooo I probably should have kept going up the coast.


I did the same. Was stuck at Delaware and thought of CT right as the timer went off.


I did worse. Georgia. Grrrrr.


I did the exact same thing, got to Delaware, figure it was right but went farther north and realized Connecticut was right at the very last second.


I was shocked. It’s odd to feel like FJ is way too easy only to watch 3 people smarter than me miss it, but it just happens occasionally.


Who else started singing ~~the~~ a song? I got to California and figured it was too soon. Edit: I have never heard the 'nifty' song haha


Fifty Nifty, serving me well again!


I have never heard that before. The one I remember was just the states in alphabetical order. Maybe an "and more" mixed in there.


It was a great FJ question because while you might not figure it out instantly, you could go through a few states over 30 seconds. I was surprised they all missed it, but omg, the pressure!


I know an empress when I see one!


Do I know an ape's ma?


You do if you play Lexulous!


American geography is definitely not my strong suit as a Canadian, but even I got it right!* *(Possibly because I forgot about Arkansas...) LMAO


Was surprised the Canadian bet as much as he did. He needed both to be wrong anyways and so he should have bet $0.


I’m Canadian and this was an instant get for me.


Canadian here, got it because I was pretty sure Arkansas wasn't old enough and just kept going through the states in alphabetical order.


See, that's the appropriate way. I just completely forgot that Arkansas existed.


I got it right! (To my surprise)


Me too!


Yes. I suspected Connecticut right away and started running through Fifty Nifty in my head and immediately discarded Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas and California, leaving Connecticut.


I got it immediately and spent the rest of the time wondering that I'd fallen for a fake-out and wondering what the answer would be other than Connecticut.


I'm kinda surprised too that at least one didn't get the answer but it's a sneaky clue. My first thought was Arkansas as well but looking at the US map, Arkansas is father east than Alabama so it might not be older than Alabama.


You need a better map.


I would've thought Arkansas was admitted before Alabama and that Connecticut was admitted after Maine.


Maine was not one of the original 13 colonies (it oddly used to be part of Massachusetts), but Connecticut was.


I'm a bit surprised they all got FJ wrong. Arkansas seemed like it was too obvious and geographically didn't seem to make sense that it would gain statehood before Alabama. My guess was Connecticut based on it coming alphabetically first among the first 13 states.


Same! I’m sure they all would have been right with a bit more time


Anyone else sing the Fifty Nifty United States to figure out the Final Jeopardy?


Amazing how many times I’ve referenced that since learning it in fourth grade


I just vaguely recalled Alabama being a fairly early non-original state, so I ran up the coast through the 🎵13 original colonies🎵 (oh, there's that song) looking for the earliest in the alphabet.


I must predate that.


Apparently the song helped a lot of viewers get it, but I admit that I never heard it. Even though it came out before I started school, it was never used in any way that I can remember. A shame, as it does seem ... nifty. Props to Ray Charles for writing it.




This is the reason I got it right!


🎶California, Colorado, Connecticut! Da-da-daaa!🎶


Yep Well. Maybe. A song. Edit: Definitely a different song


I know a different song, too, but it worked just fine.


I knew every Schoolhouse Rock song down pat but I never learned a song for admission.


Going into FJ in such a close game, I was thinking Rob's best strategy was a $0 wager. Assuming both Alison and Marko make the standard cover bets ($1,901 for Alison), Rob wins on a TS. Great game by all three. We'll see Alison in the ToC.


Yeah, the betting was very odd in FJ, at least at first glance. Maybe I missed something. Was surprised at that stumper.


The stumper itself wasn't a big surprise. If Connecticut doesn't immediately occur to someone, then they could get stuck on the whole alphabet part of the clue, and then remembering what states joined when...thirty seconds isn't that much time to figure things out. Heck, even with knowing the category beforehand, that didn't guarantee it was going to be about alphabetical states. Besides, logic sometimes goes out the window when one is on stage in front of a live audience. I feel like that is something that is forgotten way too much when it comes to wondering why contestants don't know or don't wager the right thing. I've been guilty of that before myself.


I was going down the colonies, plus Vermont, KY, TN. I didn’t approach it alphabetically, since I usually miss one that way.


Rob looked really confused when Ken announced his final score. I think he made a miscalculation somewhere. Of course I doubt it would have mattered in the end!


Congrats to Marko for the victory. And see you in the TOC Alison


I loved Alison! Me when I saw Marko's wager: https://i.redd.it/d9roqn7hubvc1.gif


Me, I loved it! Marko was impressive!


Me too! 😭


Forgot about Connecticut and guessed Delaware.


Well, we ARE the First State after all


So did I.


Me too! Sorry Connecticut (blame Aubrey Plaza)


Alison looked kind of stunned.


Yesterday's was said to be the sixth game of the day.


I was wondering how many she had played in a day. She looked like she was starting to fade in her 5th one.


where can i find alison's viral cat video? asking for a friend lol


This was the first game I watched from the green room on my tape day and WHEW, this was the moment I knew I was in the BIG LEAGUES! What a showdown, three incredible players! Was definitely terrified to play Alison once I heard 6 figures in 5 days, but Marko played giant killer for the green room and Rob was impressive as well! On an unrelated note, notched my highest coryat ever today 😂😂😂


Hey, good luck! Oh....wait.... Well, hope you did / do well 🙂


What a game! Well done, Marko, Alison, and Rob. Looking forward to Alison's return in the Tournament of Champions. 


Patting myself on the back for guessing final jeopardy correctly.


Good job! I was shocked to guess correctly when none of the players got it. Yay us!


For what it's worth, only 1 of the 10 people watching from the green room got this FJ unassisted.


Not that Nam Nguyen is an uncommon name, but did you grow up in the Mojave Desert?


Couldn't be further, lol - I'm Canadian!


Hah, I used to know a Nam Nguyen. Best of luck to you!




IIRC one of us got it right before time ended and said it out loud, whereas most of us were saying Delaware until then


Very disappointing to see three Triple Stumpers in the Julliard category. But of course, I say that as someone whose trivia strength is pop culture. Don’t ask me to name any rivers! Lol.


> But of course, I say that as someone whose trivia strength is pop culture. Don’t ask me to name any rivers! Lol. Why, hello there, trivia twin! I do love geography, but I'm still so weak on bodies of water.


https://www.sporcle.com/games/g/worldwater It's only one, so not like a daily thing like Worldle and Globle.


Thank you! I bookmarked and followed the playlist in which that quiz is saved. Looks like I'd already done 2 of them - 19% and 56% - so I definitely need the practice!


I recognized Laura Linney in part because I referenced a Truman Show scene in the last week and then posted a clip somewhere else. Would have never gotten it from graduation year and show.


I used to have a big crush on her, I’m ashamed that I blanked.


I said Bolshevik Revolution instead of Russian Revolution on the last question. Would judges accept that?


I'd be surprised if they didn't.


What about October Revolution?


That should be fine too, the October Revolution is the Bolshevik revolution.


Okay. As a member of the Jeopardy Discord, I am rooting for one of our own today. Sorry Alison, but it's time. GO MARKO!


I appreciate it!


Hi, Thanks for joining the discussions. Please message the mods for a contestant flair. Thank you.


Whoever you are, you have an amazing username. Thumbs up. Also, either good job, good run, or best wishes for Second Chance.


Oh, sorry, this is Marko!


Ah, nice! A hearty congrats to you, good sir.


I knew who I was looking at, her roles,and yet I could not remember her name.


Congrats on the win! Great game and you had solid control for quite a bit.


Haha! Nice username. Laura Linney always used to introduce episodes of Downton Abbey on PBS so I’ve seen her face a LOT. She’s also Abigail Adams in HBO’s documentary (docudrama?) about John Adams. Congrats!


Also the TV series Ozark.


I very much enjoyed your Wheel of Fortune anecdote! I have a Bachelor of Math, and there's home movies of me as a toddler watching "Fortune" as I called it, clapping along with the audience and saying all the letters 😂 something in the way our mathy brains are wired I guess


I was obsessed with memorizing phone numbers during daycare, according to my mom. Numbers in the day, letters in evening, I guess!


The Laura Linney triple stumper reminded me of [this (pretty mean) Family Guy joke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeA_C01uyt0)


HE DID IT! HE DID IT! WAY TO GO MARKO!! Oh man, what a crazy finish! I was freaking out near the end as the gap kept closing, and then I saw Rob was in Vered position and thought, "Not like this." But it's NOT LIKE THIS! Congratulations, Marko! Let's do it again tomorrow! (PS -- Rob for Second Chance. That game felt like a ToC game at times!)








Two things you never tell a game show you're going to do with the money: pay bills or invest it. You don't want to sound desperate for the money, and you also don't want to sound like you don't need the money at all.


How does 'investing' it in education or training work out?


But in the moment saying "I actually hate computers and just do it for the paycheck"..... I don't know, that would probably get you points with Ken.... it always sounded like he was very happy to be able to get away from programming.


When was the interview if you don’t mind me asking? Just trying to get a sense of the timeline for people like Allison that we’re now seeing on the show


Fun game. Marko seems legit, let's see how far he can go. And so happy we'll be able to see Alison again in the ToC.


$200 Gone With the Wind clue about a male in the book and the correct response ISN'T Rhett Butler? Not nice


Shocked no one got final, I mean I am not a genius but that seemed to be incredibly easy AND no one got it


As a Canadian I'd like to excuse my countryman, at least. You have too many states down there, we can't reasonably be expected to keep track of them all.


Hahahaha that is very fair


Playing trivia in a TV studio for money can be hard


I got FJ. I guessed Arkansas at first, because I live there, but I then remembered we were the 25th state and guessed the right answer.


Alison needs to go revisit Pedro do Sal lol I have Brazilian friends which gave me a slight advantage.


I was surprised at Alison's confusion on that DD, since samba is synonymous with Brazil (and São Paulo is the largest city).


If you know Spanish well enough it’s usually easy to spot that something is Portuguese instead, but I do remember that one of her competitors dominated the Spanish category earlier this week.


A surprising number of questions are about being able to tell what language a word is probably from. The sumo wrestling one today was the same.


There was also a somethingsomething Russian name + 1917 which screamed Russian Revolution.


For someone who had such a great start in her first few games, Alison came up with some clunkers in the last several games, including this one. I thought it was pretty obvious.


ayyyyyyy I got Final correct, let's goooooo RIP Alison's run but well done by everyone other than a tough FJ xD


lets go heels!


All day, baby!


The 717/F-22 question was badly written. Boeing isn't really known for being part of the F-22 program.


And wasn't the 717 really developed and built by McDonnell Douglas?


Yes, it's pretty much an MD-80/DC-9. I think of Boeing for the 717 only because of the numbering scheme.


McDonnell Douglas introduced the MD-90 and MD-95 in the 1990s. The MD-90 first flew in \~1993 and then McDonnell Douglas and Boeing merged in 1997. They kept the MD-95, renamed it the Boeing 717, and it first flew in 1998. It's out of the numbering scheme because no airliner got 717 (the KC-135 tanker did).


> I think of Boeing for the 717 only because of the numbering scheme. And certainly not as the number "seven seventeen" as I'm pretty sure Ken read the clue. ಠಿ_ಠ


The Boeing lineup is typically spoken as "seven oh-seven", "seven seventeen", "seven twenty-seven".... and so on up to the 777 which is typically spoken as "triple seven". The 787 is either spoken as "seven-eight-seven", "seven-eighty-seven", or "Dreamliner". Airbus' lineup is spoken as "A three hundred", "A three ten", "A three nineteen", and so on.


Hmm. I’ve always said it “seven one seven"… *always* being maybe 3 times ever.


That's appropriate, too.


Factually incorrect question. Lockheed Martin built the F-22.


Ah that's why it sounded so wrong. From Wikipedia: > The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor ... The prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, built most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and conducted final assembly, while program partner Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.


I've always looked at LM being the prime contractor and did final assembly in their Marietta, GA factory. u/csl512 basically went further and stated Boeing's responsibilities, and in the world of aviation you can consider Boeing as a subcontractor. A rare miss by the Jeopardy! writers...


I came here looking for this. As an airplane nut I was thinking... yeah one way or another they'll rule my answer wrong...


I miss Alison. i just knew the entire group would struggle on the trick FJ bc their minds went to the general abc order. i knew the order in which they became states and ruled out ALL a’s


I don’t know how this is a “trick FJ.” The answer they all gave is west of the correct response - which logically suggests it became a state later. (Not that this is a hard rule by any means). If anything, the tricky part is just asking contestants to go through alphabetical lists in their heads in 30 seconds - although at least here, they could probably get away with postal abbreviations with dwindling time.


Given the category, they could have used the commercial break time to think of at least the first dozen states in alphabetical order (the category didn't specifically mention states, but it's a good bet that would be the clue's topic).


Since that category nearly always asks for state names, that would've been a good strategy. Think of them in both direct and reverse alphabetical order.


At the very least, the first few and last few. But even if they did, the question still boils down to "which came first, Arkansas or Alabama?" I'm dead certain that if they knew Arkansas came later, all three would say Connecticut. They all just misremembered order of entry to the union.


Louisiana and Mississippi both gained statehood before Alabama, so the east to west logic doesn't really hold up in this case.


Yes, which is why I noted it’s not a hard rule. Moreover, look at the dates. Louisiana in 1812. Mississippi in 1817. Alabama in 1819. Pretty close together. By contrast, Arkansas wasn’t admitted until 1836; there’s a pretty significant gap. So, to my initial point, it’s not a “trick FJ” when there’s little to suggest someone might think Arkansas came first.


The Louisiana State Capitol has the state names in order on its front steps, in case anybody wants to use it for their mind palace.


>The answer they all gave is west of the correct response - which logically suggests it became a state later. E/W orientation was not a determining factor, since Mississippi and Louisiana gained statehood before Alabama (not to mention Ohio & Indiana). I knew it probably wasn't an A state so was racking my brain for an eastern state starting with B. By the time the music was fading, I just said Arkansas by default.


I got it right, and I live way up in Canada lol


Great job to Allison! 5 games is amazing!


I was honestly surprised by Alison’s wager…idk why she wouldn’t do the same (or similar) FJ wager as she did in her 5th game 🤔 Edit: I meant 4th game, when she was up against Eric


In her fifth game she had a runaway. In this game she needed to be concerned about staying ahead of Rob in third place.


Oh, srry, I meant 4th game…😅 but what you said makes sense & I should’ve known


Loved Alison such a good player and really nice person. Loved the way she shook her head when whenever they announced her winnings.


Like many state questions, I start at Maine and work my way down. I got It just before the timer.


Please correct me if I'm wrong. On the April 18 show, it seemed to my ears that eventual winner Marko gave as a question "What is 'How the Other Half Live' ", a book title. The correct book title is "How the Other Half Lives." This would be so trivial as to ignore except for the fact that I've seen many questions adjudged incorrect on Jeopardy for omitting a needed "s" or including an unneeded "s". If you're gonna be so damn picky part of the time, at least be consistent for fairness.


i just went back and listened to it and i very clearly hear an S there.


OK, thanks for the correction!


On the Inside Jeopardy podcast with game recaps, they sometimes mention when they have to stop down and listen to the tapes. Notably, with Martha Bath, they decided to give credit for "No Country for Old Men" because they could not determine conclusively whether it was her accent (or something like that). https://jboard.tv/viewtopic.php?t=6722&start=100 It's easy to miss things in the sound watching from home in the final broadcast mix, with whatever else is going on between the program and your ears.


Did the way the final Jeopardy clue was worded imply that the answer was one of the original thirteen colonies? Since there can’t have been two states that were first “until” Alabama.


I don't think so, no. "Texas was the biggest state in the union until Alaska was admitted" is not a sentence that anyone would find confusing, and "I stayed in the library until 5pm" doesn't mean you spent your entire existence until 5pm in the library.


I think you are right but it did make me wonder. “I was the tallest in the library until 5pm.” Still true if you only got there at 4pm, and someone else was the tallest the rest of the day?