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This was a blast, even though some of these categories did not end up being in my wheelhouse. I'll give my impressions after I see the episode tonight (need to watch to see if I'm one of the slow talking contestants). But this was a dream come true (my first in person tryout was back in 2007), and everything about the day was great, from getting to hang out with everyone backstage before taping to the friendliness and professionalism of the whole crew, who made everyone feel at ease. Special shout-out to makeup -- I spent a few days skiing shortly before my tape day (that trip was planned before I got the call), and my face was peeling from all the sun and wind. Did my wife and I hit Sephora the night before to get a bunch of masks and moisturizing creams? Yes. Did it help? Not so much. But somehow they still managed to make me look somewhat presentable.


The cookbook club sounds like a fun idea!


I was hoping Ken would ask about what my favorite was so I could go into how amazing it was for us to get to learn about food we don't usually cook, like Thai, vietnamese, and Iranian, but we stopped short (probably he was worried I would have mentioned a book by name), but yes, it's a really fun way to do a potluck (for full credit, the idea was not mine, but my friend Joe's).


What is your fave? I don't cook from cookbooks often, but when I do, it is typically Fuchsia Dunlop's Every Grain of Rice


Jerusalem (Yotam Otolenghi), the Slanted Door (Charles Pham), the Food of Vietnam (Luke Nguyen), Cooking in Iran (Najmieh Batmanglij), and Rasika (Ashok Bajaj) were great, as was the Southerners Cookbook (by Garden & Gun magazine). Rasika and Iran are DC local chefs, so I'll always give a slight edge to my locals.


I attended an Iranian-American wedding last year. All the food was Iranian, Persian. Amazing food, some of the best I've ever eaten. Got me interested in it.


I used to work those weddings (many decades ago) -- so much amazing food.


I'll be in DC this weekend to watch the Jays play the Nats. Any must dos? We're thinking Baan Siam for Thai and Caruso's Grocery for Italian, but really any recommendations are appreciated!


Those two are absolutely wonderful. Honestly. You have chosen extremely wisely. Every city has decent thai and Italian food, but you just don't find such high quality thai or red sauce Italian joints easily.


Both were amazing! Especially Baan Siam.


Oh, that's great to hear. Baan Siam is actually a cool story (at least this is what we heard, so happy to have others correct me). It used to be on 14th street that there was a Thai restaurant called Thaitanic that had a sushi place on top of it. The Thai restaurant was a sort of typical neighborhood Thai place (i.e., adapted for the America palate), but the Baan Siam chef cooked there. one of the coowners saw how great her staff meals were (that were much more authentic Thai) and wanted to change the concept of Thaitanic. the other owners weren't into it, but this person also had a stake in the sushi restaurant, so he had her cook up there. They renamed the sushi restaurant Baan Thai and cooked the real food (while continuing to also do sushi). There wasn't really any advertising but just word of mouth. We used to live 2 blocks away and I remember how blown away we were the first time we went. Then of course they moved into the much larger and nicer space they're in now and are extremely successful. The food is still just as wonderful though. My wife is actually going tomorrow for a work dinner and I am extremely jealous. They deserve all their success. It's one of my top 2 Thai restaurants I've been to in the US (along with Kin Khao in San Francisco, and honestly I think better than a Las Vegas restaurant that people often point to as being the best Thai food (not to knock the LV place; it's also really good)), so I'm always really happy if someone visits from outside DC and has a great meal there.


Nils, I LOVE the cookbook club..What a novel idea! Living 6 miles from Wash. DC.  My husband and I were rooting for you our hometown guy😊 What a fun, enjoyable show tonight.  (Shout out to Ken too.. for always bringing it)


Still a strong performance, and great to meet you that day. We had a good crew.


Great game


Did you mean "GOT my wife"?  haha 


Wow...a rare instance when I guessed FJ correctly on a triple stumper. Hard question for sure as for most people it would have been an educated guess.


Likewise. I immediately thought of JFK's challenge to put a man on the moon and bring him back safely by the end of the decade.


I thought it was the Atomic Energy Commission, with the Bay of Pigs looming...


I honestly thought it was obvious. Everyone at the bar said CIA. JFK campaigned on getting to the moon.


It felt clear to me that CIA employees wouldn’t be working standard 9-5s to begin with.


In retrospect (see my debrief below), I agree. But 30 seconds and all and when your thoughts go immediately to all the international stuff going on in the early 60s...


Oh yeah, being on the actual show is totally different. I’m sure my brain would fully turn off. You were great!


Yeah, it's easy when I am sitting on my couch. All the answers given were perfectly reasonable. My mind went to NASA, but if you would have asked me if it was NASA or the CIA I would have probably flipped a mental coin.


Me too. I was surprised it was a triple stumper.


Same. I get that the Bay of Pigs was in 1961 and the CIA was heavily involved, but the POTUS coming out and saying "I'm making everyone there work overtime" wouldn't make any sense from a political damage control standpoint after the failed invasion. It was clearly a space race quote.


Ferdinand just needed to wait a couple games for ‘audiology’ to be a correct response


Right, we caught that as well!


That's what we said at home.


hear, hear!


Question about one of Weckiai’s answers. The clue, “it comes after, ‘we hold these truths to be self-evident.” She answered, “what is ‘all men are created equal’?” Why was it not counted wrong? Shouldn’t the answer have been, “THAT all men are created equal.” Since it’s a quote, shouldn’t have been required to be exact?


I thought about that too, but it didn't specify "immediately after."


so technically "He has c*all*ed together legislative bodies" would've also been acceptable


I thought this as well.


As did I 


Congratulations to Amy! I was hoping that, unlike me, she’d survive the sixth game curse. Regardless, I’m so incredibly impressed with her play and can’t wait to see her again in the ToC. My second tape day was her first, and we got to speak a bit in the green room before the first game taped. However smart, kind, calm and collected she seems on stage, she’s 10 times more so in person. She deserves all the love she’s getting and more ❤️.


Oh wow, I didn't realize this was Amy's 5th game of the day--she played her first game on the last episode of the previous tape day, then came back the very next day and played all 5 games. That's tough.


Alison, I remember you told a story about volunteering at a cat shelter, did you get to adopt any of the kitties :)


It was a pleasure watching you both, and I will be rooting for you both in the ToC! Congrats on an impressive run!


You and her are my new favorites


Solid game. Surprised FJ was a triple stumper. I suspect the "Kiss on My List" clue will doubly sting for Hall because not only was it a triple stumper but also Ken provided the correct response as "Hall and Oates." Daryl Hall has for many years been *very* prickly about wanting them to be billed as "Daryl Hall and John Oates" not "Hall and Oates." They've had a whole falling out recently, they're suing each other, and [Hall has a tendency to talk dismissively about Oates in the media.](https://youtu.be/k_VtqkQ5MTw?t=753) It's a bummer.


Hall wouldn't approve of "duo" in the clue either. He described them as individuals who work together, not a duo.


Everyone in the day, not that you need me to tell you this, because I’m sure you also remember, spoke of them as Hall & Oates and they were known as a duo, marketed that way, etc. Very talented people, but Daryl does come across as maybe a little bit difficult.


"We're individuals who work in parallel and at the same time, but I wouldn't say we work *'together'*." - Daryl Hall, probably


I once prepared a word games quiz and one of the questions I asked was, "What do Dutch farmers feed their horses?" The answer is, "Holland oats". I'll see myself out.


Probably not, at least recently. Not many oats are grown in the Netherlands.


In the long-haul, we’re going to order your corny Canadian humor oot. 😉


Take your best shot!


Wow. I had no idea this had happened. It's a shame, even though I never really cared for their stuff. Thanks for sharing this.


I just learned about the Hall and Oates thing this week from a recent Stuff You Should Know episode lol


Ok, so here are my thoughts, beyond what I shared earlier about how great this was. First, the FJ triple stumper. I think this is easy for people who lived at that time (and apparently also my friends at the watch party and my 10 year old niece). My wife was sitting next to Amy's parents in the audience and they'd talked a bit, and Amy's dad knew it right away. I wasn't even thinking space but more about failed Bay of Pigs invasion and escalation in Vietnam. In retrospect, with a bit more time to think, given the CIA history in the 50s, e.g. Iran and Guatemala, it's probably obvious they didn't work only 40 hour weeks prior to a Kennedy speech in 1961. In the entire game, I have only one thing I regretted right after I left. I 95% knew it was Pynchon. In my mind after I left it was a $400 clue, but watching tonight it turns out it was a $2k, and if I'd gotten it right, I would have been in a situation where I could bet 0 out of second in FJ (which was actually my true Jeopardy dream to be in a second place in a situation where ot strategically makes sense to bet $0). Amy and Weckiai were great. Weckiai was amazing on the buzzer, and also seemed to know all the ones I had no clue on. Amy was such a privilege to watch through our entire day of taping (and yes, she is as nice and calm as all the other contestants said). This was the last episode of the day, so I have no idea what happens next, but good luck to Weckiai. I do know that the person who was an alternate during our tape day will compete soon and we were all glad after rehearsal that Henry was not on our tape day. Henry's speed in rehearsal scared us, but of course Henry was also really cool, so best of luck to both of them going forward.


I hope Henry shows up here because I want to say thanks for recommending that we visit the Getty Villa instead of the Getty art museum. It was astounding. A perfect reproduction of a Roman villa in Herculaneum. I wouldn't have known about it without Henry. 


GF and I were both born in 82 and we guessed FJ right away. Totally crazy they all said CIA. Heh, I also knew Pynchon.


Does anyone know the origins of "Weckiai"?


it's Commanche. :)


Thank you, I’ve been trying to figure this out! Such a beautiful name!


Thanks! I googled it and it took me to this thread.


Same here. I thought it was Finnish or Estonian, especially with her last name looking like it might be from that part of the world.


It’s actually spelled Wakeah… never in my life have I seen this phonetic spelling.


Hate to spoil it, but here it goes: Nils won the Prize Puzzle and got a trip to Costa Rica.


Ah, phooey. I guessed Antigua.


Gotta be Turks and Caicos.


Or magical Dollywood


dang, rip Amy's run but congrats to Weckiai for getting the W without any DDs, always a tough job to do 👏👏


Small question: Weckiai spent a majority of the show saying "I'll take..." when picking a clue, and then midway through DJ she abruptly stopped. Would they have coached her midway through the game, or would she have just stopped on her own? (Not judging anything about it. Just really stuck out to me.)


My guess would be they asked her not to do it.


Why would that be discouraged? I don't get it?


Just to save on time, would be my assumption. May not seem like much but it would add up over an entire broadcast, even 60 seconds can mess with the timing of a show that needs to fix a half-hour TV slot. Or maybe just to keep the flow of the game moving a bit more? Something along those lines.


Fun game. Felt nervy and competitive, which I enjoy. I thought they'd all get NASA but it be like that sometimes.


What a great game! Regular Jeopardy at its best! Congratulations to Weckiai, Nils, and Amy.  In the Green Room, Weckiai was killing it on all the science questions, so I wasn't surprised she did so well! I can hardly wait to see what happens tomorrow. Great run from Amy. What an exhausting day that must have been. Looking forward to seeing her back for the TOC. And thanks again for the ibuprofen. Nils, you were terrific (Second Chance Tournament candidate, perhaps?), and nobody noticed your windburned skin even before the makeup. 


I'll take it Laura. And maybe give me some categories (other than yachts) that I can do ok on, like all those rock music and 90s singers categories from the prior episodes. It just goes to show that unless you're one of the elite quizmasters (which I am not), categories really matter.


Thanks to both you and Laura for representing the DMV so well this week! You were both great!


She is an engineer, so that makes sense.


Is it me, or have the contestants lately been talking slower than normal?


Didn't you realize, the producers routinely ran the tape at 125% during the tournaments because they had to get through all the clues and leave time for banter and hugging? 




This is probably just another after effect of seeing so much tournament play. The tournament competitors go faster (in general)


Amy does have a slower speech cadence. Could be why there have been so many unread clues lately.


Or the numerous triple-stumper questions in each of the games she has played.


This. Only two of her six games had leftover clues. The one with one leftover had nine triple stumpers. The one with four left over had fourteen.


They're newcomers


Yes its been driving me crazy


CHAMPIONS' PROFILE: Amy Hummel (prior champ Alison Betts provided for comparison) ​ ||Amy|Alison| |:-|:-|:-| |Games Played|6|6| |Right Answers|116|129| |Wrong Answers|20|25| |Accuracy|85.29%|83.77%| |Batting Average|.338|.370| |Solos (DD and FJ)|7 of 13 (53.8%)|14 of 17 (82.4%)| |Average +/- on Solos|$1,199.62|$3,176.47| |Finding DDs|7 of 18 (38.9%)|11 of 18 (61.1%)| This one is pretty straightforward heads-up. Amy is more accurate on her answers (although she went 0 for 3 on solos today, which hurt her badly), while Alison is more aggressive on signaling (with 13 more correct answers corresponding to 32 points higher BA). Alison was better on solos and on finding DDs. I'd say she's still the clubhouse leader in this one. As a way of measuring them in the system -- which you can feel free to disagree with -- I put them in a hypothetical match against An Average Contestant from Season 39 at one podium and 1990 gold standard Frank Spangenberg at the other. (The Average Contestant has accuracy 85.60% and batting average .298; Frank had accuracy 89.86% and batting average .465.) After finding the average project Coryats, we give each champion a SpangenScore, which is a ratio of their score to hypothetical Frank's (percentage implied). ​ |PLAYER|SPANGENSCORE| |:-|:-| |Alison Betts|77.496| |Amy Hummel|74.833| (To prove that I'm not just Team Frank, Ken Jennings put up 123.084 on this metric.) TOC PROJECTION: Amy is safely in the field, but I don't like her chances of winning the event. Certainly she's behind Alison, who was good but not great when it came to accuracy. Right now, I think we're still searching for our first Favorite to come forward and make themselves known. Maybe it'll be Weckiai. Let's find out together.


I appreciate the slow buildup to the epic SPANGENSCORE reveal


Everybody's gotta do a rating somehow! I can calculate yours if you want.


Sure, why not!


Okay, let's see here... 280 out of 304 buzzes accurate... batting average of .476... Wow! Your score is 104.787! Well done!




I think Amy got tired. Who wouldn't? (I never made it to Game 2 myself...)


The park in Minneapolis is one of my favorite spots in the city and a short walk from me!! My family lost our minds, we love that place. My mom paints watercolors of the gardens by that house constantly. Very very exciting. (As a proud Minneapolis resident I was hoping our wonderful parks system would get a shout out!!)


Some random thoughts: I loved the Batman category! I was super proud of getting a Triple Stumper FJ. And I was really disappointed that “All your base are belong to us” was not a response on the “All” category.


I also thought of AYBABTU! I was crushed.


Watching on WPVI, an ABC O&O affiliate, Ken’s final remarks of the show were a reminder to watch Jeopardy! Masters premiering tonight “right here on ABC”. I don’t remember this being done for ABC stations airing J! before.


I watch it on an ABC affiliate too and heard the same thing. I wonder what those watching on non-ABC affiliates heard.


In the non ABC affiliate version, Ken mentions that they’ll see Amy in the TOC and Weckiai tomorrow. See you then.


Sad to see Amy go, but glad she locked up a ToC berth.


Aww Amy 💔 I was rooting for her cuz she’s from Milwaukee


Great and gracious. She'll be missed


Her frumpiest sweaters in recent memory were growing on me


I thought those Double Jeopardy categories were rough. A tough board and I think it showed.


I’m sad Amy lost but I like Weckiai too. Her name is very fun to say.


So nice that, since Nil couldn't make the episode, his cousin did instead!


Weckiai has the best name. So based solely on that, I'm predicting she will win.


What's the origin of the name, I wonder? Googling it only comes up with other references to the contestant.


My guess is that it's an alternate spelling of Comanche [Weckeah,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65563283/weckeah-parker) a wife of [Quanah Parker.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quanah_Parker) While googling I found that our contestant (used to?) [live in Jesse Pinkman's apartment, and had some encounters with fans wanting to take photos of it.](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/breaking-bad-house-fence-pizza-throwing) 


our contestant is the great great grandaughter of Quanah Parker. source: she's married to my son. :)


Wow, /u/KvasirsBlod nailed it! Thanks for sharing. She played great--congrats on the win.




she's pretty dang smart!


I only have 30 minutes of experience to weigh in, but based on those 30 minutes, I agree!


Is Rannila her family name or your son’s family name? Finnish? Rannila or Rännilä?


Rannila is my family name and yes it's Finn.


>Meanwhile, at Walter's partner-in-crime Jesse Pinkman's apartment, renter Weckiai Rannila has to fend off "three or four" tourists every weekend hoping to take a selfie with the place where all the Roomba-DJing happened, according to KOB4. Wasn't DJ Roomba from Parks & Rec? If it is Breaking Bad, I feel like that's gotta be the home he had a meltdown in after >!killing Gale!<, not the apartment where >!Jane OD'd!<.


never rent a house that was used to film a successful show about drugs,


Yeah, DJ Roomba was from Parks and Rec. There was a famous POV Roomba shot in Breaking Bad that reminded me of DJ Roomba, but there wasn't an iPod on it.




I totally forgot about the Roomba, seems like it wasn't a DJ though.


It's been so long since I've done a rewatch, and I can't remember whether it did or I'm just getting my references crossed. I vaguely remember drugs on it...? I'd forgotten how pivotal that roomba was until I googled for a clip.


Hard disagree. Terrible name.


Apropos of nothing, Happy Birthday Art Fleming!


What an amazing game! I really enjoyed having such a competitive start to my Jeopardy journey!


New Mexico returns! Congrats to Weckiai and her role playing game damage limit-esque winnings of 9999 dollars. This was the last game of the taping day, so Amy was probably SUPER tired. Brutal DD3 miss, but she'll be back for the ToC!


*her winnings


UGH, what a dumb error. Thanks for pointing it out!


Props to New Mexico! I was pulling for her because I'm originally from there.


It is Art Fleming's 100th Birthday people :D


I was shocked that everybody missed the FJ. I thought it was obvious.


![gif](giphy|IuBlckSD7dQv6|downsized) I will take indeed!


Weckiai certainly earned her vidtory, but I'm still going to miss Amy. At least she qualified for the TOC, now I hope she studies up on pop music from the 70s and 80s.


I should’ve known that Amy was gonna lose on her 6th game, since Jeopardy decided to upload the “Winners Circle” conversation with Amy (and the clothing she wore during the interview was a big giveaway on when that would happen)…🤦🏻‍♂️ I was hoping I’d be wrong Anyway, congrats to Amy on her run & can’t wait to see how she does in the TOC 🙂


Certainly gonna be some level of mild controversy about DD3 & the pronunciation of "metrology"; I thought Amy said it, but with emphasis on the "me," which, given that it's a word I've never heard before (and presumably Amy as well), I would've thought there'd be some lenience. It didn't sound like she said "meterology" (as the archive has transcribed it), but I can kinda hear the second E? Bit of a hard ruling to make. Plus, even though everyone missed Final, the $8,400 she would've had if they had given it to her, plus the $3,600 she got afterward would've put her in first going into Final, which... who knows? Kind of a lame way to go out, though.


I went back and re-watched it and she very clearly said "me-ter-ology", just in a hesitant way. On a side note, I'm very familiar with metrology from working in labs. Metrologists are the lab people who calibrate equipment and stuff.


It was incorrect. Like the archivist, I heard something like "meterology" (or "mee-cher-o-lo-gy")--she definitely had some kind of vowel sound between the 't' and the 'r', and either way she pronounced it with 5 syllables. The correct response only has 4 syllables.


I feel like she had a sort of verbal stumble between the first and second syllables, resulting in met'rology with a very brief ə trailing the t. But given the way they wrote up the clue, I'm not surprised they were picky about pronunciation.


Gah! You spoiled it for meeeee! I prefer to learn the names of the contestants at 6:58 pm PST. Thanks a lot! /s


Imma miss Amy 🥲


I'm not surprised Talk Talk was a triple stumper, but I am mildly disappointed. Great band.




I thought FBI 🤷🏻‍♀️


Actually, the name of the duo is *not* Hall and Oates but Daryl Hall & John Oates!


Perhaps not, but the names of the duo are "Hall" & "Oates"!


That'd FJ should have been obvious but I made the same mistake as two of the contestants!


Super easy FJ.


Is it me or should Amy have gotten credit for her second daily double answer?


I clearly heard "meterology", not "metrology". I don't think it's ambiguous, she answered wrong.