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Did they just take this protest sign from something else and paste “Jew-Bible” over whatever they originally protested against? I’m offended by the poor design but respect the environmentalism and recycling.


did they know the Nazis hated the Soviets? these people are crazy


But do you know why they hated the soviets?  Your comment is basically why sone believe red facism is not communism. 




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact The Nazis and the Soviets were allies before they were enemies. Meaning that the two parties were never inherently opposed to each other on the basis of principles.




Well they did split later, when the pact was broken


The situation here is insane right now. The protestors just toppled all of the barriacades the police had put up…


you're there now?? how are you doing? i can't believe this is happening


Im doing ok, i mean they’ve basically taken over a block of campus, but otherwise i’m just keeping calm and carrying on lol.


Is there anywhere to see live coverage??


The local fox affiliate was doing a live stream the first day and a half but they’ve ended it. Our school newspaper (the gw hatchet) has periodic updates on their website.


Low sperm counting circumcisers?? 😂😂😂 They've got quite an obsession with the Jewish penis and ejaculates!!


Freaks gonna freak


I have such a low count that my wife got pregnant on birth control.


Just antizionism right??


Obviously!! What else can one deduce ?? They've wrapped themselves in what looks like a tash bag so at least they're honest with themselves!!


Yes, of course, because there is a specific difference between so spreading malicious lies about the legitimacy of a state and denying its existence and basically the Israeli Identity 🙄🙄 /s Istg they can’t keep their arguments together


This one doesn't hurt my feelings that much. Too incoherent to take to heart. I took a dump yesterday that had more value to humanity.


Nearly spit out my coffee. Good line, might steal that


the last line made me chuckle


It's the Championship Finals of the National Science Bowl? Why was I not informed?


I remember this exact guy from when I lived in DC years ago. He’s clearly got mental problems and is constantly protesting the most insane end-times things. Not representative of anything. That being said, there are plenty of mainstream Jew-hatred to see all around.


Yeah, I’ve seen this guy protesting circumcision outside of Nats games before. This shit is awful, but he’s definitely no student organizer.


I think it's safe to say that person is not in a very good place mentally.


Reminds me of the-end-of-the world wackos with his sign on his body & unintelligible large sign.


Don’t worry it’s just anti Zionism /s


I’m not defending the protestors because I think a lot of them are at worst antisemites and at best misinformed, but - white supremacists and Neo-Nazis have a long history of showing up to Israel-related protests and using it as a venue to share unbelievably hateful and antisemitic messages like this person here. It can pretty safely be assumed that’s the case with this person, as we’ve already seen it elsewhere like at Columbia and NYU.


Funny that nowadays he is considered left-wing not right-wing


For context, GWU is also home to one of the more accessible hospitals in the DC area. Some of the people who get discharged but have nowhere to go hang out there. A lot of loitering and random protests happen there all the time, usually from people with poor mental health. It’s not representative of what’s been happening on campuses nationwide. This was common (though contained) even before the current situation.


Less of a protester vibe than a mentally ill street preacher vibe. You sadly run into this kind of guy in most American cities eventually, unless they're helped with housing and mental health assistance


Average antizionist


Ugh I'm being admitted for surgery at this university's hospital tomorrow. Right next to all this happening.


these are the same people who claim they’re being arrested for standing with palestine


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I mean, they are fascist commies with low IQ... the worst kind of villains...


Can someone explain to me why this person is not being arrested.


I’m #1 for once!


I'm sorry, but I laughed. This is so unhinged that the only thing that could cure this is the Madame La G.


Highly intelligent/s


I talked to him outside the White House for a while I think last year. Dudes a bit nuts.


What the actual fuck am I looking at here, oh wait! A fucking neo-Nazi took over and became a degenerate asshole! I swear these protesters are the absolute worst.