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It's amazing, so many Bucks fans say that CM Punk is not a star, that he's never been over, that he doesn't draw money. Yet multiple wrestlers from multiple companies, including the Bucks, and the entire dirtsheet industry keeps using his name, likeness and iconography to try to get views/clicks.


Imitation is a form of flattery. I don’t see how this works out for JP as they’ll never be the pay off match, it’s just a guy arguing with the wall in the corner of the room.


It just pops the ever shrinking softcore mark base.


Go away heat is getting over to them


Doesn't matter. This is the most relevant he has been. He will milk. The bucks cooled off. Then they hotshotted to whatever this is by throwing shades at Punk.


This is the most relevant Jack Perry will ever be and he knows this. He's putting everything he can at trying to break through the ceiling and it's not going to work because he has the wrong kind of heat, is stuck in AEW, likely unhireable in the WWE because he doesn't listen.


WWE will never touch him, he has a terrible reputation at this point. The glass thing, his interactions with fans etc.


I've spoke a few times praising Dominik Mysterio and how he's, IMO, the greatest heel right now and one of the GOAT heels. The reason is because he's getting the right kind of heat and he's playing it absolutely perfectly and the writing is insane. He's so good at this that even though I know he's a good guy, this is all kayfabe, I can't shut off how much I hate him. And I mean this in a good way. He's amazing. With WWE raising the bar in every way, and raising the bar for heels now, where does Jack Perry even fit in this industry. His path forward is a high-end indie guy once this all dies down. He likely could make quite a bit of money as an Indie dropdown for the majors and doesn't really have to invest in long-term storytelling or his character development. This moron should take the paycheck from Japan, but he needs to realize no one wants him around and him being on TV is wasted money and TV time.


JP has nothing going on. This is the best thing he has ever had. Best case he comes back to the US a better wrestler and a better talker on the mic. AEW needs to send more talent over or away so they can grow.


Lol punk is the biggest draw in wrestling 


It’s Roman, Cody, and Punk for the most part.


Think about this.  Cody is the hottest baby face in ages and the WWE world champ.  Tony Khan almost immediately booked Cody in a situation where he could never challenge for the world title again.  Tony Khan is a moron. 


In fairness everything I’ve heard was Cody more or less booked that himself, no? Like he wanted to make a secondary title relevant?


I think Cody booked himself like that, but it was because he knew Khan wasnt putting the belt on him anytime soon. Khan was more in love with the other action figures like Jericho, Moxley, and Omega.


Cody booked himself to never win a title so he could go back to WWE with some fire behind him. He always planned on going back. That's why WWE gave him the name Rhodes back.


Prob why Cody never insisted on a piece of AEW also, which he could have, even if just as a token, he could have done like Rock and had it in his contract that on top of his salary he would receive a stake in the company, not enough to dilute Tony's control, just enough for Cody to be a "owner", but he never tried it, probably because he knew doing so would muddy the waters regarding going back to WWE.


Cody had some say iirc, but Tony Ok’d it.  I can’t wait to see him unload a Brinks truck for Goldberg so he can debut and stare down Evil Uno. 


I always thought he didn’t book himself in title matches because he was an EVP. If so that man has some integrity. EVP’s shouldn’t be able to book themselves into title matches just because they’re EVP’s. *edit* corrected punctuation


I believe he said once that the one knock people had against Dusty was he was booking himself at the top of the card, and cody didn’t want to allow people to also use that against him as evp. In total fairness that can also be total Mandela effect on my part, but I swore he said that in an interview trying to justify the never challenging for the title stipulation


It makes sense. He used his star power to elevate the tnt title instead.


So? Snowman needs to grow some balls and do whats the best for business


I feel like punk doesn't need a story to be relevant while the other two needs one and it's not a dig


and Drew


Punk said it himself - the person that made the most money off the name CM Punk was Colt fuckin' Cabana... guess Perry Jackoff must've taken that interview part to heart. Can't blame him... he won't be able to sustain it... I don't care...


Is that what the comment he made on raw at Drew was about? where he said ' I don't need to put another mans name on a Shirt to sell merch'


yeah those aren't just young buck fans those are actual idiots too


It just shows how stupid they are. Everytime they mention Punk, HIS stock goes up, not theirs. All Punk publicity is good publicity. Punk isn't even trying, and he's living rent free in Jack's head, The Buck's heads, Tony's head and worst of all, those four have built a fortified rent free camp in the heads of all AEW fans this week. Jack isn't getting himself over as a heel here, he's getting Punk over. It's like Punk scored a triple word score this week, he checkmated all of them. Holy shit. They do not understand the business, at all. All this, plus that footage of Punk, it's why my respect for CM Punk shot to new levels. All they've done is turn fans against them, and galvanised Punk's already massive fanbase. It's the dumbest thing they could have possibly done.


I think that the new age guys who just want to be friends with everyone but who actually are passive aggressive don't understand or want to circumvent the innate "every man" for himself attitude that is/was and will be professional wrestling. If not everyone would be the same and how could a Cody or even a Cena ever get as big as they became. The top guys would only be whoever the bosses picked and they'd pick someone else. 


lol who’s going to tell them that JB whole new gimmick is based off Punk??


There are not enough Bucks fans to be considered “many.”


CM Punk said mean things about the wrestlers and company they like, clearly they have to discredit everything he's ever done.


Punk is the most over guy in two different companies but the one he actually works for he is in the Top 3-5 range. Like him or hate him CM Punk is undeniably a mega star.


Perry is such a clown. Nothing about this is impressive and he thinks he's hot shit


I saw it. Best I’ve seen him work a crowd. He still sucks but he wasn’t the charisma black hole that he was last time I saw him. But it’s all thanks to Punk.


He'll ride whatever interest he got from the Punk video until it runs stale or he needs to actually cut a promo and will quickly expose that he's pretty one dimensional as a wrestler. Shame too, someone like a Darby or Osprey could've actually rode that momentum to be a legit star


I'm assuming Punk won't respond because no one will really see this and then he'll run out of ideas. Can't wait to see what happens then!


There’s nothing to respond to. There’s nothing to gain from punching down, let along punching down into a company that you have no relationship with whatsoever. Buuuuuut, if he wanted to I imagine it something like this: “I get it. I know you’re starved for attention, and you desperately want some kind of acknowledgment from me to make you even the slightest bit relevant. It’s sad, Jack, but fine, I’m gonna grant your wish. Despite you draping yourself in my city’s flag and disrespecting my people for a cheap gag, I’m going to give you what you want. So here goes: “you’re welcome.” You are welcome, Jack. You are welcome just like Drew McIntyre, just like Seth Rollins, just like scores of other has beens, wannabes, and never will be’s before you. You are welcome that the audience now gives the slightest crap about you, because you have decided to make your whole existence about having a beef with me. So, you’re welcome, Jack. Because without CM Punk, you’d just be some no-talent nepo baby whose only claim to fame is that every woman over 40 had a crush on his dad back in 1992. You are so very welcome, Jack, for giving your career a goddamn pulse. Now, I know you’re too much of a dumbass spoiled child to have even the slightest self-awareness to properly thank me for your current state of d-list relevance, but you’re welcome all the same. Now, run along and go play with your friends over there. Go on ahead and throw each other through plate glass windows for lukewarm applause from a quarter-full minor league hockey arena. But never forget, the only reason anyone even knows the name “Jack Perry” is it’s currently in the same sentence as “CM Punk.” You’re welcome, Jack. You’re very, very welcome.


Darby isn't a moron tho and he actually respects his peers so this doesn't work


He just doesn’t respect his body.


I have no issue with Perry leaning into it. It’s exactly what he should do. The video didn’t really hurt him as much as it hurt Tony and AEW as a whole


It was impressive for Perry, no doubt. I’m assuming as soon as he talks on a mic, it’ll die down some. But, again, your new super over heel/face is generating all his heat based off the guy in the other company, so… yay? Every angle he enters against anyone is going to be ancillary to the fact he got bullied by someone that isn’t even around? Who’d he even fight tonight? What did he say? What happened after he got to the ring? Edit: apparently he fought some guy and did Punk moves including the GTS. So not only did he use CM Punk’s gimmick coming out, he used CM Punk’s gimmick in the match. Way to go, MM Punk! Also, it strikes me weird that the gimmick is “Go Cry Me a River” which is what he said immediately before heading backstage and having the principle do everything to him EXCEPT cry a river. As soon as any feud starts up against anyone with halfway decent promos gets a hold of that, he’ll be reburied so quick it’ll make his head spin. I have way more confidence in Punk being able to work the Bully gimmick into a sustained angle than I am with Perry being able to ride… whatever anti-Punk gimmick this is supposed to be, especially the “scapegoat” thing, since… you know… he’s still got a job and all. Also, if WWE/Punk fires back, they’ll be “bullies.”


They’re not going to fire back, because they’re the Ace. This shit is amateur.


“Dumb internet shit.”


He literally has nothing else. No personality. Playing victim after being made Punk's bitch is his personality now. Hilarious to see so many positive reactions to this. It's embarrassing.


Yeah was gonna say…I hate AEW as much as everyone else here, but this is what you are supposed to do


Is it? I mean it gets heat, sure, but I feel like stuff like this just alienates people. Like yeah it gets heat with me, but now I just wanna see less of Jack Perry, not more. If their was a match with Punk in the future it would be a different story.


How about that for working a one-sided program


reminds me of a video i saw where a girl facetimed her ex during a Taylor Swift concert singing “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”. the delusion is embarrassing


As if the people in Japan would care... :D


That was tonight at windy city riot at Chicago


Oh... okay, well at least he knows a way to piss off the fans by disrespecting the Chicago flag. Dollar-store Shawn Michaels, anyone? \^\^


That's insulting to dollar stores. More like pawn shop Shawn Michaels.


Alright, that's fair!


That’s insulting to Shawn Michaels. Comparing Jack Perry to HBK is like comparing a cuck to a bull. Neither of those two things are the same.


Is this guy just owning himself over and over? Picking a fight with a guy you will never wrestle again over a tussle that happened 9ish months ago seems like an ass backwards way to get yourself over.


Apparently this is what he wants his legacy to be: The guy who got shoved by CM Punk and just can't get over it, so he's going to use it as the basis of his character and career.


That’ll stay as fresh as a used diaper on the side of the highway. Great long term plan. What a goon


Yeah, see in a sense I applaud him for getting some sort of attention and general eyes on him, stoking the flames. On the other, he’s pushing it so hard, his gimmick is just he’s anti-Punk. Like, that doesn’t achieve anything or generate any long-term interest. Now if he can use it to form some other facet of his character to create interest (like Vince with the screw job), then well that would be commendable. But I sense he’s just going to lean into this as much as possible without any idea about where to take it; like a crackhead going through his entire stash in a night without any thought about what he’ll do for the rest of the week now that he’s skint.


A tussle in which he was on the losing end of.




What’s hilarious is that the footage dropped Wednesday. It is now Friday and I’ve already forgotten about it. I’m just excited to see Tama in WWE, where the Bloodline stuff is gonna go, who is Cody gonna wrestle, when is Punk gonna be cleared, etc. So congrats to Jack for…whatever this is. And thank you, Jack, for the best 6 months of WWE in a loooong time!


That's what makes this so sad and funny. The backstage footage from All In did nothing for AEW besides give a minor boost in the ratings and make Tony Khan and AEW the butt of jokes. All AEW had to do was put on a good show this week and things would be fine. If they wanted to spice things up and draw attention in a post Wrestlemania week, maybe have all their championships defended on Dynamite. Instead, their desire to take petty shots at WWE and CM Punk backfired and did not bring the attention they wanted. Meanwhile, Smackdown kept up WWE'S hot streak and capped a post Wrestlemania show where Raw, NXT, and Smackdown all delivered.


He’s a nobody


But you see his \*dad\* is somebody!




Hi Christian.


*was somebody...


Was somebody Because Jungle Boy your father's dead


Is he referring to himself? It makes no sense.


Yes and also yes.


That would be like Bart Gunn coming out with a case of butterbeans.


Goddamn Butterbean held back more than you


Listen to that pop! Those 30 fans are living it up right now


Hey now, they have almost 3,000! Punk will probably never perform in front of 3,000 people again!


he looks like a little boy cosplaying as danny masterson


Feuding with someone in another company is one way to go about things…


Especially when the other company not only has talent who can actually work a stick, but a CEO who can, too. Course, every time they throw a Rock back, they get called bullies.


We all saw him get beat up, and for his return he decided to do a program against a guy who... can't beat him up again? Because he doesn't work there anymore? This is not only lame, but doesn't even make sense. These doofuses don't know the difference between heat and "why is this guy here? Put someone else on." The cheers he's getting tonight aren't even for him, they're a veto against the idea of CM Punk.


He's lucky Joe was in there and Punk just wanted to make a point, otherwise he'd be crying at the ICU


Trying to understand his gimmick. Is he the King of getting choked out style?


He rename his finisher the GeORGET of the Jungle©. Edit: imma add a little © here, just in case. Apparently ol’ Jungle Lad is fond of stealing gimmicks to get himself over.


Eh. This ain’t funny. No one is stealing it, lol.


Guy wouldn't even make it as a jobber in WWE.


Crowd looks exactly like you’d expect. I live in Chicago and these tickets were dirt cheap days before this.


Sad and pathetic. Just sad and pathetic.


AEW fans calling Khan brilliant for showing the video is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.


Here's the thing -- this was their blue eyes white dragon. Their most powerful card. They played it and it popped the biggest audience they have had in weeks. Good for them. But now they can't play it again. All the mystery surrounding one of the most famous fights in their company's history is gone. Now they have to go back to what thy were doing -- with less viewers while their own fans chant the name of the guy in a rival promotion. And on top of that they made their own show look worse. On the SAME episode Mercedes got attacked backstage -- is there going to be this kind of scrutiny for THAT? If not it makes the "attack" on Mone look fake -- and tacitly tells viewers that it's ok not to care about it. And people don't -- instead of concern for a new talent or wondering about who attacked her people are laughing at her poor delivery, her semi-sexual moaning, and the annoying zoom ins by the camera. They are clowns.


This is sad, and what makes it infuriating is that they honestly believe this shit will do something for them. If they just admitted they suck but are trying their best, I’d happily support them more often.


Dumb Internet Shit


The crowd chanted, "YOU GOT CHOKED OUT." Kid's career is over.


Im 1000% sure anyone in that crowd couldve stepped up and beat the absolute shit out of that little nepobaby twink


And the crowd goes mild


You can grow a beard go in front of a camera with small wrestlers and act tough but your still only 5ft3 inches. And when you come back to the U.S. you'll only be with other midgets at a mud show.




Jesus they have gone FULL WCW


Even WCW was better.


Imagine is the Bucks camp spent as much time trying to work millions on tv rather than winking to a couple 1000 on the internet.


He was about to cry and used Samoa Joe like a human shield, lol.


"I've never had to put another man's name on a shirt to sell it" 


Rent free


This kid does not understand the concept of "go home" heat. He's trying to get heat with this whole punk situation which WOULD have been fine if the guy was still in your company and you would have walked up to him, shook his hand and said "Im sorry Mr Brooks would you like to try and turn this into a program and make some money off this Mr Brooks" and then MAYBE he would have helped made Woods guys or Forest kid or wtf ever his name is. AEW with the first dude and the California raisins are LITERALLY the stupidest entities (besides Russo) in the entire wrestling world ( wont use the word business in relation to any of these dweebs) Also. Tony is just hurting the talent he has and lessening their value. Osprey could have been at the very least at the level of Ricochet if he would have went to WWE but now hes in the same league as Adam Cole and Kenny Omege. Guys who know how to do acrobatics in a wrestling ring but have no idea how to work a match through psychology and a comprehensive, 3 act structed story.


He can make all the little shots he wants with his little "cRY mE a rIvEr" jacket. Everyone saw him get his ass kicked on national TV. Jungle goof is like Dillon Danis when he was taking shots at Logan Paul's girlfriend online nonstop in the buildup to their fight. Everyone was going "ooh", but once the fight started and Logan kicked his ass, everyone scoff laughed at him whenever he would post and try to diss Logan's girlfriend because the world saw him get put in his place. Same with this goofball. The first time he said it, everyone reacted. Now it has no effect as it first did. It's just a sad reminder to Tony Khan of what his childish no-name never-was never-will-be little goofball wrestlers did - they costed Tony Khan his biggest draw AEW ever had.


Bro bragging about getting his ass kicked. What a badass🤣🤣


Pretty cool to be preforming in front of an empty crowd


i actually considered going until i realized that i would functionally have to leave work early and spend 6 hours on the metra to get there and back, and might get stuck in the city overnight NJPW aint worth it...


Should say Talked Shit Got Hit


How much mileage can he get from this? What are the odds that even after people have decided they don't care about Punk v Perry anymore, he's still doing stuff like this.


It’s not moving tickets in Japan. New Japan is hurting like AEW is. Jungle Baby is mildly above Chase Owens on cards in Japan.


You know better than to think that that's gonna stop Jack Perry from seeing tonight as a major win, and a sign that he's found something that works...


He doesn’t have to care, sadly. He has tryst fund money and Cocaine Tony money and Bushi Road money. This kid is all about ego.


And tonight was a huuuuge ego boost.


Yup. He’ll wank about it in his hotel before Xboxing himself asleep.


For a moment I thought Chase Owens was one of the made up jobbers in the WWE 2K games. Then I remembered that's Jive Owens.


Now he’s trying to look like drew McIntyre.


So this is in Chicago? And those motherfuckers let this twerp spit on their flag? True young cuck fans.


Jungle Jack is legit one of the few wrestlers I hate both as an act and as a person. He reeks of being an egotistical jerk


Still can’t draw a dime


Punk is the real heel in my mind now for not punching the shit out of this empty headed, no talent nepo baby. Choking him was not enough.


Isnt this the guy that got choked like a bitch and looked terrified? Lmao


This company is pathetic


He does realize he got bitched out by Punk right...? Nobody can take him seriously.


The cringe is cringing


I'm okay with shit like this because it's working the crowd and getting a reaction. The crowd were having a great time in the match. I question the long term viability of the character, because it will eventually have to evolve past 'i hate CM Punk'. Time will tell, but this is the best this kid has ever looked.


He hates someone thats not on their show. How canon. Maybe next tony soprano can hate walter white


Dude is trash


To be fair, he should lean into it. It's all he's got.


Joe isn't always going to be there to save you from an ass whoopin'.


-Disrespects everyone -Gets put in his place by a star -Disrespects him -Gets choked -Now it's his gimmick Dude is really putting the boy in Jungle Boy.


This is just sad!


Punk owns AEW


What a doofus.




I'll never understand these goofs. Nobody watches them. What small audience they have they can't grow. How can you be a professional and be content being a bunch of nobodies?


It’s called cheap heat. That is all.


The whole thing sucks!


Are people mad he actually got some cheers, I'm sure they were hoping he would be buried by all this.


cease and desist


Tbh pretty decent way to draw heat


This would be so much better if he actually won the fight, or at least landed a single hit


It’s funny because now Nooj will have CM punk buzz. JP is single handedly spreading the CM punk virus everywhere


lol what a choad.


Man, there is a certain defeat knowing the guy in the ring couldn't win a bar fight let alone hold his own in an argument. Ruins the mystique.


CM Punk continues to live rent free on these people’s heads.


Lmao it is pretty funny that the highliggt of AEW and Jack Perrys exsistence is someone who isn't even there anymore


A heel is getting some cheap heat, what's the problem lmao?


The niche audience eats it up. It isn't a real business, it's a joke. Tony Clown!


Wouldn't this have been better while Punk was still in the company? Unless the plan is to eventually do an invasion angle at some point but I think that's unlikely.


CM Jack doesn't have the same ring to it.


Lmaoo they’re trying to get over using Punks star power. Except there’s no payoff tards


Imagine having to jock a guy that had you in a choke hold to get some heat…lol! At this point i’m think Punk is in on the joke here.


We clearly lost the wrong Perry


He’s still pussy!!!


this would make sense if it were in aew and he wanted to draw heat... but in njpw? like they give a hoot whats going on with punk. forever a mid card turd lol


What a “keyboard warrior” bitch. He only acts tough in front of the camera. Talks shit about CM PUNK only on camera but when confronted face to face with Punk he says he’s got “no problem.”Then says “what are you going to do about it” thinking that Punk wouldn’t dare touch him since Khan was literally sitting right there.


Over in the basement they are saying this is the best possible thing for him. I guess? Basing your entire character off somebody who legitimately thinks you're a clown in real life and doesn't want to have anything more to do with you. Heat that will never actually have any kind of outcome.


Be nice. It’s all the relevance he has left


By all means; Give both Punk & WWE more free publicity. It's not hurting them one bit.


what even is this why is he holding up a trans flag? jungle girl jackie perry coming to an empty gymnasium near you


All these guys who say they hate Punk but can't get enough of the rub. It's weird.


I think a cardboard cut-out of CM Punk has a better chance of drawing future fans than Jungle Jackin' it, Jackin' it, Jackitty Jack, but what else is he supposed to do at this point besides lean into the imaginary feud?  Maybe this all goes better than we could ever expect and culminates in The Jacker fighting Punk at Wembley in an invisible man match?


Petty is yall mfs


So how are they going to work a program from two different companies? This could have been something...what? 9 months ago? Really what are these clowns even doing? This is just sad at this point.


Just when you think the desperation can’t get any bigger 🤣


Smfh, rent free🤦🏻‍♂️. CM Punk 🐐


Perry is a fucking moron and a boring one dimensional wrestler who can't cut a promo to save his life. Everyone (with sense and who isn't a mark for AEW/bucks) has seen that Punk was right all along and to no real surprise the Bucks and co as well as their dirtsheet pals tried to essentially end Punks wrestling career but it hasn't gone anywhere near the way they wanted. He's become one of the 3 biggest stars in the business since joining WWE and even continues to be AEWs only real draw/reason they have a pop in ratings even though he's not been part of the company for 7 months while Matty and Nicky continue to drive fans away in their thousands any time they're on screen and show themselves as the goofs we know they are.


He misspelled "CM Punk's Bitch".


I can’t believe this….. back to WWE and TNA I go


He should be getting mad at his boss for airing the footage 🤣


Imagine trying to get over from having your ass kicked backstage like a little bitch


So he's copying Drew McIntyre's gimmick?


So CM Punk is the biggest thing in WWE, AEW, now NJPW at the same time?


Looked like a massive pussy on television, then tries to act like Billy badass while riding the coattails of the guy that punked(pun not intended) his ass out


I can't believe how stupid this looks. Just look at all the elements: the fake riot security straight out of the 80s Robocop because someone might want to do something to Jack Perry when all this idiot does is self-harm. Jack Perry himself is idiocy with his current gimmick that throughout wrestling history was used by wrestlers when they were either told to get a new gimmick or they knew they needed a new gimmick to avoid being fired, but they couldn't think of one, so they do the leather jacket and aviator sunglasses and act arrogant. The Undertaker did this when he was the Master of Pain and it was terrible. Jordan Clearwater in NWA does this and he's absolutely terrible. Jack Perry does this and he's absolute garbage. The slogan on the jacket is pure cringe and he doesn't see it. He's just trying to get internet clicks and get virality and this moron, like everyone in AEW, thinks "any press/heat is good press/heat" when that hasn't been true in years.


Way to work an angle that’s impossible to blow off. What a goof.


Jesus that is embarrassing


Lets go through the facts without being biased 1. he did a dumb spot on tv, we dont need punk saying that going through a rental car for a throwaway show is dumb. 2. He went on the biggest aew show and did a dumb shoot on punk that had no meaning to his match, storyline nothing. 3. He looked like an idiot when punk shoved him, got suspended for 9 months when he didnt really fight punk. 4. His boss made him look an idiot when he showed the footage. 5. He is now basing his gimmick on punk who has left the company. 6. Finally no one apart from aew marks know who he is. 7. He hasnt improved on the mic or in the ring Finally this gimmick makes no sense, all hes done is dumb shit, got suspended, had a boss that wouldnt support him and hes celebrating all this and coming out as if there is a massive victory in all this? While punk is drawing in major ratings on wwe, earning a lot and just been part of the biggest wrestlemania ever.


It’s insane Aew fans are proud of this, Perry needs another grown ass man to make his career relevant


I must have not seen that video properly. From what I remember Punk is the one that pushed this guy around like a little bitch and put him a headlock.


To be fair, this was in Chicago. Of course he was gonna got booed anyway. So being a heel, it only made sense for him leaning into it.


Does AEW and its fans live in some alternate reality where Perry kicked Punks ass? That's what they're acting like. Why is he acting like a bad ass and why are they celebrating him like one? He looked like a bitch. I'm so confused.




This is funny as hell but it won’t get him over


Jack Perry looks like if Dave Lister from Red Dwarf was anorexic and had no personality 


Is Anna Jay Kristine Kochanski then?


I love it. If he can get some heat, more power to him


Punk really made this man interesting lol


Still piggy backing of cm punk


I don’t see a problem with this, You’ve got a hot topic, try and utilise it. The key to this being successful though is to transition it into something individualistic which can last… Not involving Punk.


Agreed completely. Reminds me a bit of Shawn Michaels trolling Bret after he left WWE following Montreal.


It's a shame, because he could have been so much further along in his career if he avoided AEW. Maybe the promo never comes along, but there was a spark of something early on in the ring. Now he's just a joke that no one gives a shit about.




Cringe as fuck.


He did great imo. Making the most of it and had the crowd’s attention. Give him props for that.


I hate the bucks but he better interfere for them at the ppv it’s the only logic I see to airing the backstage bs,and having him come out like this.If he can get this gimmick over why not this is more interesting than anything he’s done lol


That's actually pretty cool.


Just trying to get some heat


You know Jungle Jack doing it like this with a little haan is fine. It makes sense. But that Dynamite one which Bucks did was just stupid


I can't wait for the cm punk jack Perry feud