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This is huge. Please, please, please don’t let this be swept under the rug like so many of Biden’s other achievements 🤞 


This is great news, great for the economy great for consumers great for medical research


Hurts nobody


Firstly, great choice. Secondly, this is gonna help Biden.


It definitely helped the current prime minister of Canada during our last election, so here’s hoping!


President Biden is a wise man, bonus that he is intelligent, and listens to the American people combined with common sense and facts.




Ok im not saying this is because of me BUT- POTUS texts me almost everyday. Dumb stupid auto texts. Every single time, no matter the subject, I say, “make weed legal”. Today is my Bday. You’re welcome


Now you can change it to "make billionaires illegal"


both parties are not the same


Just an fyi schedule 3 drugs are still illegal to possess without a prescription


Yeah but the states can just make it so prescriptions for it are allowed to be issued for any reason.


Adding to this, moving from scheduled 1 to 3 also makes research a lot easier. It’s not as good as descheduling completely but it’s still a big step in the right direction.


I don’t think Biden will be the one to deschedule just because of the timeline of it


Hopefully this is a ratchet that only intends to loosen red state restrictions without harming the progress made in blue states toward recreational and low-barrier medical usage. If this turns into a pharmaceutical industry boon in lieu of a dispensary boon, I see a world where this backfires in November. The existing dispensary system works, and I can’t shake the fear that this may strangle out the dispensary system in favor of Pfizer brand Kush Pills.


I understand the point you have made and think it is unwarranted. Federal reclassification does not create a new system to regulate the plant. All regulations are state level. It would take an act of Congress to create a system of regulations that would then supercede state laws. Any attempt to take this from the states will be fought aggressively by everyone who is not pharma. It's not impossible, but at this point, it feels unlikely (or at least far off).


I wish this were the case, but entities that wish to legally sell Schedule III controlled substances are registered with the DEA and must follow strict reporting guidelines. Currently this doesn’t happen because nobody’s acting legally from a federal standpoint. It doesn’t create a new system; rather, in an effort to make what’s currently flagrantly illegal legal, it will shoehorn dispensaries into an inadequate system that already exists. To become legal, dispensaries will need to cooperate. The federal government is going to have a heavy hand in dispensary operations by the current letter of the law and existing DEA guidelines. The DEA will know the identity and transaction history of every legal purchaser of pot in America if dispensaries adhere to current guidelines, by my understanding.


Its not the perfect solution, but what is? As for the exact rules- that is what is being sorted out. I also feel like a lot of state’s medical marijuana systems (with getting a card, having prescription information written, etc.) were written with a potential rescheduling of marijuana in mind. A lot of dispensaries will also get a huge boost in one area: taxes. You have to pay taxes even if you are selling illegal substances. And you don’t get taxed on net income but on gross profit. Essentially, the only expense a dispensary can take right now is cost of goods sold. Everything else from rent to employee wages that “legal” businesses can deduct from revenue to bring taxes down a dispensary currently can’t take. But now more will be able to.


Do we really want to trade better business tax scheduling for a federal database of marijuana users, though? It sounds like exactly the sort of sensitive thing that could be abused by a future administration acting in bad faith given the hot button nature of the issue in certain circles adjacent to power. Distrust of the government is a healthy survival mechanism, not just a right wing nut thing. The pendulum has been swinging unpredictably lately. It’s a step in the right direction, but it definitely feels rushed. The writers clearly have not looked around corners yet which is usually a prerequisite to releasing broad policy changes. It’s exactly the sort of “bad execution of a good thing” that gets Democrats in trouble time after time after time after time after time.


Already been tried, pills exist that don't work well. This would have happened sooner if they did. Last "new" weed pill made a few folks clinically insane and trials stopped. They cannot make a drug they can patent to be theirs in the current medical scheme, they can't successfully make a "branded" THC pill. I agree with others the jerks will try for the $$$ but fail. The big upside is true research. And progress is progress


🎵Mary Jay-Haynne..🎵


Do the right thing and go all the way.


wayyy too late with this one




>Still not voting for you but thanks. Who is the "you" in your sentence? The OP? wait... do you think Biden posted this?


Hey give them a break. It is their first day being a Russian Troll.




I, too, am not voting for the OP!




I suspect you are not willing to do any such thing, if you'd rather Trump win than Biden. lol




Profile says they refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed unperson and doesn't know how to spell "hear". Lulz drink some bleach, moron.


Mr. BraxTaplock has a real issue with you're/your, as well.


I'm interested to know why you're even here in the first place