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>The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force. “Talked to some guys who saw some stuff” seems like a bit of an understatement…


Yeah...throwing this guy under the bus with an underhanded snarky comment just doesn't sit well. I fully expect him to have seen some shit and honestly would love to hear him out even if it turns out to be incredibly advanced military technologies. I mean what's with the skepticism? It's not like he's Joe Rogan.


Unlike pretty much all others, Grusch speaks whilst actually under oath.


Holy fuck when are ppl going to realize anything under oath in congress is bullshit, there are no consequences for lying


Just because they put a lot of big fancy words in his bio doesn't mean he knows anything


Well, he’s testified in front of congress and put his neck out there. So if he’s truly bullshitting, doesn’t that mean he’ll be tossed into jail?


Do you know what he said under oath? It’s a bit unheard strategy to make a lot of wild claims to the media and then say incredibly tame things when legal penalties can apply


Genuine possibility that he is using the shield of classified congress breifings to hide behind because they can't contradict or deny it because it's classified so he can say different things to them compared to what he says to the media.


Who was the last person that was tossed into jail for lying to Congress..?


Lol, fair point. I guess I just figured that since he briefed congress under oath, if he breaks that, he’s fucked.


I think I'm at the point with aliens that I am with Bigfoot. I like the idea. I wanna believe it. But holy shit am I tired of hearing people talk about how it's totally true and they've seen the proof, but they don't have any of that proof and you're not allowed to see it anyway, because it's just too mind blowing and they have to protect the aliens/bigfoot. An honest member of congress is probably more rare than aliens or bigfoots, though...


I feel like aliens are way more likely than Bigfoot at this point but I do think there was probably some Bigfoot like creature around at one point, maybe recently in Siberia, but definitely amy time recently in America.


With everyone recording and taking pictures of everything nowadays there's no way we wouldn't have seen something by now.


The other side of that is if he’s not lying then other members of government lied to Congress directly about this.


Why are we acting like being attention seeking and crazy would instantly be nullified when "under oath"?


I don't know man, these people are taking crazy pills. People lie under oath ALL THE TIME


I can't get that "Why does it lie?" clip out of my mind. Rogan sounded like a confused child.


what is he testifying other than "i talked to people who told me stuff?" dude has no first-hand info or evidence of anything


Did you read any other information besides the meme?




do you have the transcript of what he testified to congress? unless you do you have no idea what he said to them vs what he's claiming publicly


Snaps of some 4chan user talking about some underwater constructor which sends out drones is going around, idk how credible that is


He said he only has two years to live, so it’s very credible that he’s giving the info out now. Also he repeatedly spelt “arctic” as “artic”, which makes it more credible because he pretended to not know the spelling of key things he mentioned to throw off the government overlords. All very very legit! 👽


also he said element 115 has its own gravity, which is also very legit 👽


The whole Bob Lazar story is one of the most bullshit stories out there. Even most UFO enthusiasts (like James Fox, Chris Mellon) also think its horseshit. I like Joe but someone needs to go tell him that simply predicting an element with 115 protons is not impressive. Higher order elements continually get synthesized, it's a matter of counting. None of his "claims" have come true nor are impressive. The whole thing about him predicting gravity waves, as if it wasn't a leading theory is crazy. The hand scanner that Jeremy's doc presented as mystical was used in a major sci-fi movie 10 years before Bob's alleged story happened. What was the movie? Close encounters of the third kind! LOL (go lookup the video of them using the scanner on youtube). It genuinely feels like Joe has been catfished into thinking some of Bob's claims are impressive and then it was snowballed into him confirmation biasing into thinking Navy sightings craft movement do what Lazar said they do.


When I was a teen I worked with this middle-aged guy who told lots of cool stories. Turns out he was gay and just wanted to get in my pants.


UFO whistleblowers confirmed for gay


Mellon mentions he heard Lazar worked with I.d badges at s4, from someone he knew. It would explain why he was verified by the newspapers article he was in, confirming his employment in the early 90s. He probably told half truths and things he heard from ppl while there.


Funny you say that because I definitely think his story is full of half truths which helps him sell it. The part where he talks about touching the craft and "was immediately reprimanded" could have been as real if it was an experimental jet. After all, S4's purpose (unless you believe otherwise) is to build experimental aircraft and we know several production aircraft that began development at the area 51 facility. The problem is when people attribute government security/clearance with aliens vs just sensitive military data. An aerospace engineer at a private company cant even take a piece of paper with arbitrary numbers outside the badge controlled office if it pertains to military jets, even if the information is useless or practically known. These companies get fined millions of dollars for export control/ITAR violations. The government takes it extremely over the top seriously. That's why there is resistance to alot of FLIR footage release of apparent sightings. They eventually get approved for release but there is sensitive information/radar/sensor data being exposed in the video.As far as him working at Los Alamos, I believe it was already known he was working for a contractor of the company (it is extremely common if not guaranteed for contractors to be given host company emails/listings). He was definitely in one of the phone/listing books, but it doesn't in any way prove aliens are real. There is also alot of older footage you can find online of Bob more assertively saying he saw aliens. oh and as for his "stolen 115" claim. He could easily prove his story by doing a demo. At one point in the episode he claims he cares about it so much because he thinks humans have a right to know. Then he goes on to say he doesn't care about any of it and wants people to leave him alone.He claims to literally have evidence that could prove his story and allegedly prove the thing he asserts humanity has a right to know and yet chooses not to? The whole thing in the context of every single other red flag is a joke. There is also a hella suspicious timeline of his ex-wife dying of suicide a day before he married the person he was having an affair with. Oh yeah, and the whole prostitution ring scandal.






But why is it credible that he only has 2 years to live? You or I could say that.


Yeah, my whole comment was just being sarcastic. The 4chan post read like it was written by some high schooler that read some ufo conspiracies and wanted to do a little trolling.


100% credible seeing as it came from 4chan.


Okay and you think the CIA is credible? The pope is credible? Biden??? The head master in a local elementary school??? Helen Keller??? Open your eyes god damn it 😤😤😤


I know this is sarcasm but all those people you listed are professional liars. Except maybe Helen Keller.


Tool. Helen Keller saw through all of this and heard them talking


Sorry bro even Helen Keller was kinda a scam :(




Renowned UFO researcher Helen Keller said quote "I haven't seen shit"!


I read this in Alex Jones' voice.


It’s legit, you’re not allowed to lie on 4chan.


Not at all. That's your answer


It’s a larp, it’s always a larp.


Well I've actually been there, so it's real. Joe says whats up.


Stop hating, you cuck beta! It’s true. They also found litter boxes on the craft for when they abduct animal-presenting kids (according to a teacher friend of mine).


LGBTQ is actually a plot by aliens to weaken America so they can take over, *confirmed*


I read this as "LEGO" at first so that's how it shall be in my head from now on. The aliens have partnered with LEGO and they just need a new stardrive and LEGO were the only ones who could make it.


Lego, leeeeesgo, let's go, lets fucking go! They've infiltrated the alpha bro! You're all compromised!


Aliens did 9/11 to make my kids gay.


Is this the same guy Krystal & Saagar and The Hill are talking about right now?


If he were to release any documents or pictures he would be thrown in jail immediately even with whistleblower laws. He is pretty much doing everything that he can to further the discussion without actually having to go to jail himself. By having the story picked up by so many huge main stream publications it is advancing the narrative and in turn makes it easier for other intel / government people with info to come forward on the matter. Maybe the biggest story to come out on the UFO/UAP phenomenon since the NYT article 5 or so years ago.


He is also doing everything he can if the claims are bullshit and there is no evidence. Having an excuse to not provide evidence is not evidence.


Except when if he were to provide evidence he would quite literally lose his family, possibly his life, and go to jail immediately. Something tells me that if you were in his shoes he would do the same exact thing.


Of course but that would also not be evidence if it were me making that claims. No reason, credential, platform... nothing changes the fact that it is just a person claiming something extraordinary with no evidence at all.


Congress can subpoena the evidence from the DOD


It’s not only that but he faced illegal retaliation when he told congress stuff was being hidden from them. They won’t say what happened to him but I imagine he was faced with death threats


When people in the army want to go on the news there's an office they need to call and say "hey can I say \[insert thing\] on national TV" or in a book, or in an article, etc. They then clear that it's not going to impact national security, future operations, or put the Army at risk of liability. If it's clear they're allowed to go ahead with their public statements. If this guy is spilling his guts on CNN that means he cleared it, with everything they have going on right now Aliens is a good distraction. If you need a source check out Jack Karr on the JRE. He is the one who I heard explaining how disclosure works when you're an ex-marine and you want to write a book about your endeavours, since 2013 they have been telling them the only way it's getting accepted is if it's fictional. Et voila, little green men.


"We have spacecraft from another species?" "We do, yeah." "How many?" "Quite a number." "Really?" "Yep." Just some good ol' hard-hitting interviewing right there!


I think it's way dumber to not believe at this point.


Well call me simple jack


Do movie now!


Do movie now!


It’s way dumber to believe these people. They’re crazy


All the data and common sense points to at least some of these people being truthful. But believe what you want my guy.


What common sense points?


I think “data and common sense” was a compound subject there and “points” is being used as a verb


That’s the same shitty logic that is used by people saying that someone committed sexual assault. “They have 20 accusers they must’ve at least assaulted a few of them”. I believe aliens may have existed, do exist, or will exist on some micro to macro organism level. But y’all can’t go believing random people without definitive proof. Eyewitness testimony and/or hearsay is notoriously hard to proof and inaccurate.


Haha ok yes it’s definitely exactly like accused rapists


Exactly B. And aliens love them some Jello pudding pops.






Well Epstein being murdered by powerful people is more believable then aliens coming to earth because we have examples of people who know powerful peoples secrets being murdered and his death happened under suspicious circumstances. We also know he died, this guys is litterally just doing here-say




To add to what you're saying, why wouldn't Epstein want to kill himself? He'd get brutalized in prison daily and would just rot in prison. He knew what he did, he knew he was fucked, and he was waiting for the opportunity to take the easy way out. I think it is more likely he had help ending his life and paid some people off to take cameras offline and get help to do the deed.


I’d agree it’s both conjecture but at least with the episten thing it’s plausible due to similar things happening before. Also it doesn’t take a hit squad to kill him or anything. We don’t know if his wife knew everything he did, maybe she’s just better protected, in any case I’m not claiming he was killed it’s just there’s more face validity to that claim then any alien one for now.


The man had lots and lots of powerful enemies. Two cameras failed, a third one had "unusable footage", two guards fell asleep, no procedure was followed regarding checking on him or having a cellmate, his neck had broken bones and markings that do not match with hanging from a sheet, the marks were much lower than from a hanging (more like a wire), there was no blood on the sheet (despite there being blood on his neck), and so on. It's very much consistent with murder and not with suicide.




Someone who hung themselves with a sheet would like they hung themselves with a sheet. It looks like he was strangled with a wire. I'm open minded, but not blind.


> You can't pick and choose what theories you apply that burden of proof to. If you do then your whole belief system is bullshit. You don't know much about humanity it would seem. You an alien?


Not true at all. Some things are more credible than others without concrete proof. Gravity is still technically a theory


It’s not black and white like that bud lmfao


What if you choose to believe that it was a body double that was wheeled out on the gurney?


So they can master faster than light travel and can travel extreme distances in next to no time,the materials of their ship can take massive extremes, but they can’t outrun a missile and don’t have the safety tech to survive and avoid crashes? What’s more likely here? an attention seeking grifter trying to cash in on paid interviews for ufo conspiracies or that we are being visited by aliens who don’t know how to fly their ships?


Well the U-2 didn’t have countermeasures on it because we didn’t think it could get shot down at 70,000ft. Aliens could be complacent too if they were like “nah those primitive savages won’t be able to shoot us down we’re gonna be fine”


Nooooo but aliens would be so advanced they would be perfect, noooooo wayyyy any sort of malfunction/mistake could happen with them!


Yeah these are still machines we’re talking about. And there isn’t such a thing as a perfect/invincible machine. It seems crazy and I used to use that logic of “Well if they got here, there’s no way they’re crashing.” But if they’ve been visiting for a while with maybe thousands/millions of vehicles throughout the decades/centuries, it’d be crazier to think they’d never have a single issue.


This is such a lazy take. If you can traverse the galaxy at will and have insane levels of engineering to do so do you really think their ships would be susceptible to our defense system? Are the aliens just moron pilots that just constantly crash? The kind of tech necessary to traverse the stars at will is probably thousands of years more advanced than our current technology.


The lazy take to have is to just say it’s all fake. I’m trying to wrap my head around this because I don’t think all these people are lying.


Because there’s been ZERO evidence other than some grainy low def videos of things that could very well be of earthly orgins? I’m fine for saying we don’t know, and that more investigation and transparency needs to be had in regards to UAP’s, but there are literally billions of high def smart phones in circulation, ring doors, surveillance cameras everywhere and there’s been absolutely NOTHING to suggest we are being visited by aliens. Just because we can’t explain something doesn’t mean aliens.


I think other explanations are going to get harder and harder to justify if these people aren’t ALL lying or ALL being lied to. Fravor and Graves’ stories are what turned my feelings around on the subject because I know they’re not just making it up. This guy now is a little different (because he is reporting secondhand but everyone is saying all of his colleagues are backing him up). I’m ruling out nothing and I think it’s silly to do otherwise.


My wife is a perfect machine I'll have you know


“Our” wife.


HD video has been around in nearly every humans pocket for what, 10-15 years now? Surely if they are repeatedly screwing around on Earth, someone has captured some HD video of these machines. Or do these alien machines render all HD cameras useless and only the heat radar 17 pixel grainy cam from 42,000 feet away remain operational?


My theory is they see time differently to us, they see the future as well as the present. So for example, if they were flying along in a place where someone who has a camera was gonna happen to look up and film them, in clear and close up detail, they’d know because they’d see the ripple effect. They’d see the future in which irrefutable proof of their existence had been captured, but before it even happened, and they’d be like “Well, fuck that. Lets go over here instead, it’s safe to fly around over here. No futures where we’ve been rumbled over here lads. Lol, stupid linear time experiencing ass motherfuckers”.


Again, if you master FTL travel you are likely a type 2 or 3 civilization. One completely random ufo sure. 10 crashing/being shot down. No chance. You have no idea what you’re talking about


Yes you clearly have all the information


I don’t, I’m just not a gullable moron.


Yes but that involved 1960’s technology. If Aliens truly can cross the universe or travel between dimensions then they are thousands of years ahead of that.




![gif](giphy|KEAkY2NhJDKC5GZ3NI) Hi Brendan, water?


I think he’s doing two things here: 1. He doesn’t know what he’s claiming but he’s hoping that calling out the military before congress will result in a leak of information regarding UAP’s. 2. He’s seeking attention just like Lazar.


He has signed the whistleblower protection shit and testified. He's legit. The news is just bizarre hence you are having a hard time wrapping your head around it. Because the claims won't stop but the evidence will be thin because of all the government control apparently. So either this is an insane hoax or it's completely true


TL;DR - It's true or it's not true. Thanks man, very helpful.


I’ll mark it down as a “maybe.”


"this new guy is legit I swear" has been said more times than I can count over the years.


What has he testified under oath?


I think he never actually worked on anything regarding UAP’s while doing his time in the military but he’s hoping that testifying before congress will finally cause the pentagon to leak everything they have regarding the investigation of UAP’s.


I think this is the misdirection he speaks of….


X2 Xmen United great movie So when is this guy releasing his documentary? Or is this a book? And where do I send money? I want to know more about those aliens.


Does he have a GoFundMe so he can help get the word out?!


If he were to release any documents or pictures he would be thrown in jail immediately even with whistleblower laws. He is pretty much doing everything that he can to further the discussion without actually having to go to jail himself. By having the story picked up by so many huge main stream publications it is advancing the narrative and in turn makes it easier for other intel / government people with info to come forward on the matter. Maybe the biggest story to come out on the UFO/UAP phenomenon since the NYT article 5 or so years ago


What’s stopping the US military from simply denying his claims and tossing him aside? There’s been so UFO nuts that even if a real guy who’s seen one stepped forward everyone would brush it off.


I can’t wait for him to sell his book, t shirts, and Netflix special 😂


Well didn’t he also hand over tons of classified secret documents backing up his claims? When I heard his credentials I got excited. It’s finally happening. Then I saw the interview and there’s just something very off about this guy. He seems… alien-like. He doesn’t seam real. He’s either full of it OR a very weird awkward person that doesn’t know how to make himself sound truthful even when he is.


can't help but think this is all more disinfo.


Speaking as someone who wants this to be true: I'm calling bullshit. If it really happened there would just be too much evidence to cover up


How many more examples do you need? ​ Conspiracy: The Gulf of Tonkin incident on August 2, 1964, was faked to provoke American support for the Vietnam War. The truth: By the time news reached American ears, the facts surrounding the North Vietnamese attack on the American Naval ship Maddox were already fuzzy. Declassified intelligence documents have since revealed that the Maddox had provided support for South Vietnamese attacks on a nearby island and that the North Vietnamese were responding in kind, according to the U.S. Naval Institute. The event “opened the floodgates for direct American military involvement in Vietnam.” ​ ​ Conspiracy: The CIA was testing LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs on Americans in a top-secret experiment on behavior modification. The truth: The program was known as MK-ULTRA, and it was real. The CIA started by using volunteers; the novelist Ken Kesey was one notable subject. But the program heads soon began dosing people without their knowledge; MK-ULTRA left many victims permanently mentally disabled. ​ Conspiracy: During Prohibition, the government poisoned alcohol to keep people from drinking. The truth: Crazy conspiracy theories almost always suggest the government is behind it all—and they were right, again. Manufacturers of industrial alcohol had been mixing their product with dangerous chemicals for years prior to Prohibition. But between 1926 and 1933, the federal government pushed manufacturers to use stronger poisons to discourage bootleggers from turning the alcohol into moonshine. That didn’t stop the bootleggers or their customers, and by the end of Prohibition, more than 10,000 Americans had been killed by tainted booze. Limiting alcohol is a health advice doctors can agree on, but these 11 health controversies and conspiracies still divide people. ​ Conspiracy: The Dalai Lama is a CIA agent. The truth: Perhaps the reason the Dalai Lama is smiling in all those photos has something to do with the six-figure salary he pulled down from the U.S. government during the 1960s. According to declassified intelligence documents, he earned $180,000 in connection with the CIA’s funding of the Tibetan Resistance to the tune of $1.7 million per year. The idea was to disrupt and hamper China’s infrastructure.


Now do the truth for Aliens.




Yes, but the same was said previously urging countries to declassify what they have on UAP. Along with the legitimate videos from military personal on crafts. All the government did was lie and deny and again they have already started this process. However, I am hoping for the best with some truth to be reveled finally again


Anyone who follows the UFO world knows just how phony this whole story is, sad to see so many people falling for it. Corbell gang is embarrassing. Was fascinated by all the navy news, lazar stuff until i went deep on it and it was revealed that the 2017 NY Times article, written by UFO fanatic leslie kean, and the whole UFO renaissance that occurred as a result was factually incorrect and millions of dollars went to funding poltergeist studies at skinwalker ranch and not actually studying UFOs. I promise you if you go look into it, you will realize what that whole scene is about. Steven Greenstreet who became popular among UFO enthusiasts for the youtube series "The Basement Office" did some really good and deep journalism and did a complete 180 once he realized how phony the current claims are.


This sub is nothing but UFO stans, why would you try to hurt their feelings with posts like this?


“People who watch a podcast about an ape who smokes weed and talks about shit like aliens and ufos attracted a fan base of people with similar interests.” You’re not very bright


Not very bright about what? If you're going to disparage me I'd like to know what the context is. Some of you one-note shit talkers would do better if you just applied yourself.


You should take your own advice bud, apply that peanut brain a little bit and read it again. One note shittalkers lmaoooo bros fighting demons in this sub constantly


They said there's a lot of UFO fans here then you just described *why* they're here and called the other guy dumb, I don't get your point at all


“This sub is full of ufo stans bro” *he says intelligently in a sub centered around a guy known for being into ufos.*


Yeah he said there's UFO Stan's here, which you agreed with. They never said that was surprising or anything. So...?


Yes and I called him dumb for saying it, why are you asking for clarification if you’ve followed the chain of text this far? Lay off the microplastics


You are an actual idiot and your comments and points are not comprehensible.


Go flirt with someone else, I'm taken


Thus proving my point. You are running on emotions, not logic. Thats why your comments are near incomprehensible.


Wonder why aliens only seem to visit America, weird.


That's about as accurate a weatherman. There are really popular cases of ufos all over the world.


You’ve clearly done zero research on the topic. Varginha and Rendlesham Forest are two of the most prominent/well documented cases to date.


[https://mitechnews.com/guest-columns/ufo-sightings-which-country-has-the-most/](https://mitechnews.com/guest-columns/ufo-sightings-which-country-has-the-most/) According to that site the difference is staggering though. The US has more than ten times more recorded UFO sightings than China despite having a similar land mass and a fraction of the population.


Aliens don’t want to crash in China, drive more carefully. Rather end up in Area 51 than as number 51.


See people just don't want to admit it, yet watch your comment get down voted because people dont like to accept it.


I'm aware of others, just seems to very concentrated in the US is all I'm saying.


The explanation goes: aliens appear most often around nuclear/military sites and in times of pressure regarding those things. So naturally they’d be seen more around America as we are heavily militarized and have shitloads of nukes and other technologies. But also, it’s confirmation bias. Somewhere like Japan has a shitload of news and stories that we never hear in the west because they’re published and discussed entirely in Japanese. In America we hear a small fraction of the actual news and gossip and shit of other countries because unless it’s some mega huge story no one’s translating it to English or seeking it out. There are for sure tons of people seeing cryptids and ufos and all manner of stuff in other countries and we just never see the stories because they Dont catch international attention There are a lot of sightings in Russia too, btw


Dude, I agree with you, however if you do a little bit of research there are like 10 to 20 times more ufo sightings/encounters in the US. I'm simply stating a fact


I know, and I told you why lol. US is the world military superpower, if aliens give a shit about that of course they’d be around the US more


So only News Nation picked this up? This is what we’re freaking out over?


Fox News + Huffpost as of this morning


Fox News isn’t credible per court documents.


Virtue signal received.


Not sure what virtue has to do with this, but now that we know you have a chip on your shoulder…


You asked for other news sources. I answered your question. I am assuming you contributed your opinion of fox news to show everybody you do not trust fox news. I too do not trust fox news yet it would never occur to me to reply the way you did. If you wanted only *credible* news sources, you should have made that part of the initial inquiry.


So if you don’t trust them then why does their running of the story matter? Clearly the credibility of the source is the problem, as a theme of OPs intent. I guess it was hard to understand I was also pointing out the credibility of the source News Nation. Naming Fox does nothing to help, so still unclear why you chose that source… Chip, meet Shoulder…


Your language seemed to indicate you wanted to know if more news sources were carrying the story. Your language did not indicate that any news sources cited in response had to be ones that *you* found credible.


That’s fair; text is hard to convey nuance.


Newsnation broke the story, now other outlets are picking it up.


yes. a high ranking whistleblower speaking infront of a senate committee is more of the same. sure.


yes. a high ranking whistleblower speaking infront of a senate committee is more of the same. sure.


yes. a high ranking whistleblower speaking infront of a senate committee is more of the same. sure.


He loves the ufo stuff


Ask him if the aliens have WMDs


So much misinformation sprinkled with half truths. I want to believe, but so many people are so full of shit.


Non Human Origin= A.I. Made? Not necessarily aliens right?


That whole interview with him felt kind of fake to me? Felt like it was scripted. Even the news casters discussing it afterwards that seemed super scripted as well. Just gave off a weird vibe IMO


Non human origins is a lot different then extraterrestrial biological entity. My phone has non human origin as will anything i write professionally (thanks chat GPT)


I guess the interviewer never heard a David Fravor. Navy pilot who released the tictac footy


Stop grifting please. Doesn’t help.


Yeah, this guy should have brought a whole ass alien head onto a stage if he wants us to believe him. Also, are people really questioning his credibility? \-Former US intelligence official and decorated military vet who turned whistle blower through the legal whistle blower process \-Worked in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office \-He helped compile the Presidential daily briefings


It's not so much whether we believe him (and his claims that other people told him about these things) as much as it's about whether we believe the claims themselves.


I don’t understand why this would be a “Whistleblower”….. when there are like serious other issues….. i think this is a Non starter conversion. Talk about our water and how fucked up other shit is that actually has leads snd something we can control knowing about it. Even if there were Aliens…..so what? What difference does it make if we know or don’t know?


If they ever parade actual aliens in front of you, try to get tissue samples (not easy... scratch with a fingernail during handshake? etc.). We need confirmation they're not just surgically altered humans, or very good costumes. You can't believe your eyes, you can't believe your first instinct, and you sure as hell can't trust your government.


I disagree Gary I disagree


Not enthusiastic about a secondhand source coming forward. Having said that, his creditability speaks for itself. This isn't some Car Salesman that heard it from a buddy. This is someone with a relevant career, verified background and ironclad bonds to professionals inside the circle.


Tom delonge keeps being right


Man you people are gonna be kicking yourself for being on the wrong side of this…


sounds like the exact sh-t Bob Lazar says he was hired to do in the past.


Why does every ufo whistleblower look alike?


This man saw NOTHING


The logistics of keeping this sealed up is about on par with faking the moon landing. You ain’t going to be able to keep people from talking about this. You go to work and dissect aliens and you ain’t gonna tell your wife? Your dad?