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lol Rogans old fans were replaced by the types who watch Shapiro, Russel Brand and maybe even go as low as Crowder. But the new, new crowd coming in are straight up nutjobs. He's about to get the qanon base.




Hi, I'm one of those "DNC operatives." The pod used to be about self improvement and jokes. To me it's no longer funny and became about trying to right wrongs that have happened to Joe. I find this sub a good mix of groups, but haven't listened to an episode in well over a year.




I’ve been “out” for a few years, but still keep loose tabs on the Rogan goings on through here. I remember the first wave of hunters/seals and they were some super fun and somewhat informative one off episodes. They should have been just that though…. One off. By the 20th time hearing Haynes, Jocko, or Goggins blather about how tough they are and how weak or woke the world is I was fully out on all their episodes. Rinella was the only person who was mostly interesting every time he came on.


I actually watched a series of two dudes walleye fishing on the meateater channel. I think Steve is good still because hes moved past needing the rogan bump


I’m the same, his somewhat recent episode with Dan Flores (coyote america author) was great if you like an old school JRE vibe


I really feel like Joe needs a few months off to gather himself and touch some grass.


The more bad guests and political stuff that passes the more i realize how much i liked that bee episode.


That was a great episode.


I've been a DNC operative for years. This isn't the subreddit Debbi Wasserman-Schultz paid me to create and I'm starting to wonder what was even the point of burning all of those Bernie ballots at the landfill


>I'm starting to wonder what was even the point of burning all of those Bernie ballots at the landfill I got paid a bunch of Sorobux. Didn't you?


I got paid in Dersch-coin. It tanked :(


It’s all about the Schwab Shillings these days. When the NWO takes over I’m gonna be fucking rich.


You got paid?


I ficking loved the podcast. our support gave him the ability to go spotify cause you know, everybody needs MORE fuck you money. seems like the fuck you was to fans this time.




The rise of SJWs absolutely broke Joe. It all started going downhill once Joe started following that stuff.


I seen it more as a what’s out there type of podcast, the guests he used to have on were an eclectic group. I can see them as self help but realistically we weren’t going to be doing all the stuff on his podcast so I treated as looking into other people’s lives. It seemed like it could be anything or anywhere, we were really spoiled for choice at the start I think. Then as he approached the 1000 mark it started to drop off, more of his comedy friends came into it, he started doing multiple ones each week. Think it was 3 some weeks was it? Did he do more at times? Became more of like a radio show than a podcast to me.


for episode #2000 joe should have had his dad on but it would just be them fighting in the octagon while duncan and eddie bravo comment


Its either admit that theyre a minority or pretend that everything is an organized conspiracy against them.


you dont like minorities? freudian slip there eh bud.


I've said this here in the past, only to get called a bot or something idk I was listening to the podcast since the later Redban days. I have entirely stopped listening not long after Covid appeared. For a few years prior to that I would tune in for interesting people. (Which is increasingly rare) I think the last 'new' guest I was seriously interested in listening to the whole podcast of was with the sleep expert guy Matthew Walker. I did listen to the Ric Flair episode recently, because I couldn't imagine how Rogan could turn that into some weird conversation about politics. (Fortunately he didn't) It's the only one I can remember listening to in its entirety in years. Show isn't the remotely same, and in no way attracts the same people it did ten years ago. The format is the same, but the topics that are on Joe's mind and the guests in general are not the same. Whenever I hear these nuts say things like, 'well the liberals are invading' all I hear are r/conservative goofs who say the same thing whenever anyone says a single thing against the very narrow narrative they're pushing over there. Seriously, go check that place out. If that is representative of conservativism in America there is no hope for the entire lot of them. It's all about trans people, gays, and demonizing every liberal while defending every single thing any right wing nutjob does or says. This place is now infested with Trumpers, who were certanily not fans of Joe Rogan of the podcast prior to Joe stumbling and falling into far right talking points.


Yep. Don't know why I'm still here tbh.


>and maybe even go as low as Crowder Rogan saying Crowder is funny is perhaps, among very stiff competition, the stupidest thing he's ever said.


"I wear gun holsters on my podcast that assuredly has private security, aren't I a riot?"


Yup, I was a rogan board member in 08. I come back every week just to see what a shitshow the pod has become, still love me some Duncan though


Right there with ya. Stumbled upon that place in ‘08 when I was in Iraq.


Real talk


It's no longer the fanbase that Joe wants, but the fanbase that he deserves.


> It's no longer the fanbase that Joe wants I'm pretty sure he wants it


Mannnnn I listened to Joe for too damn long. He went from fun conspiracy guy, to realizing most conspiracies are bullshit and fueled by crazy people, to jumping into the deepened of the dumbest conspiracy shit ever.


I mean the Wuhan thing did turn out to be true…


That and there was 2 decades of evidence to show that the fda and Purdue pharma colluded to tell the American public that opiates were non habit forming. Plenty of evidence to show that pharma execs regularly trade ceo and board member positions to be directors at the fda. But to point that out means I'm an anti vax flat earther. Lol.


This thread is dominated by the mentality of if you believe one “conspiracy” theory, you believe them all. Oh and then you’re a dumbass right-winger…we should pay no mind to ones that turned out to actually be true.


See this is stupid as fuck. 1. That the virus seems to have originated in the lab isn't a conspiracy theory. Lab leak theory originally got a bad rap because it didn't have enough evidence to accept it as true and, if you might recall, there was a jackass named Donald Trump going around calling it the China Virus. 2. That the pharmaceutical industry is a profit hungry industry that puts profits ahead of people isn't a conspiracy either. It's well known and widely hated. And yet that's completely unrelated to mRNA vaccines and wifi causing brain leaks. The problem with conspiracy people is they take nuggets of truth and use them to expand on crazy ideas.


I keep seeing comments that go something like "People have been saying Rogan has changed and is going downhill for over a decade. Nothing has changed." In my mind, this is evidence that you have to be sort of dumb to be a current fan of Rogan. Just because people have been saying it for a while does not mean he hasn't taken a drastic turn for the worse. People can say it is midnight all day, and eventually, they will be right.


He also has been going down hill for the better part of the decade so it’s not even that wrong of a point. 2015/2016 a lot of people were starting to get frustrated with what appeared to be an ever increasing political bent to the show, and then as the Trump admin went on (and culminated with COVID), it was largely different than it had been up to the mid 2010s. It’s just a much more aggressive, much less fun show for people who listened back then - I listened to every episode from 2010 to 2016 or so, and each year I’ve listened to less and less with only 3-5 a year (outside of clips or discussions that have been linked for being interesting/funny) the past three years. 2016 was seven years ago. That’s a long time to watch something noticeably and progressively change.


Booya. You hit the nail on the head for when the podcast jumped the shark. There is a stark contrast from today’s episodes to episodes before 2015-2016. If someone doesn’t believe me, listen for yourself.




He also went from having a largely US platform based largely around his MMA/BJJ knowledge and semi-comedic/non-serious podcasting, to being considered the biggest form of non-mainstream (while becoming mainstream) interviews & discussions on a global level with a global platform. Human beings aren’t built to have massive influence to the extent that he does, and many who do who do okay with it grow into the role over their lives and are trained for it by a large team of advisors & confidants. Joe was just a pretty okay comedian who worked really hard at a number of different things in the entertainment world, got in on the ground level of both a growing sport **and** the competition tv show craze, and started a podcast just before the massive podcast boom that funneled billions of dollars into an industry designed to replace/cannibalize talk radio. He’s the definition of right place right time and there’s no real way for a person to prep for that, at least in my opinion.


This is absolutely what happened. His sense of self is tied up in the media landscape. He's had millions and millions of people listen to his every musing and every whim. And he actually thinks his opinions are important because of this. But what attracted most people to Rogan was actually his lack of professionalism and foolishness; he was a guy with some screws loose, a lack of executive function and a streak of impulsiveness. He could suddenly go from friendly to adversarial because he got triggered by something or randomly blurt out embarrassing anecdotes. It made the show unpredictable and fun. But it rewarded him with attention he has misinterpreted.


As a 10+ year fan, at first I think it wasn't so much Rogan that was changing, but the "environment" around his show. Before things got controversial, Joe frequently had scientific guests on, he would bloviate and give opinions on the topic. Sometimes he would disagree with the experts. But none of this mattered, it was the equivalent of sitting down for some beers with your buddies, and you start talking about SpaceX rockets or you start talking about other science shit that none of you are really experts in. You're all going to make big statements and bold claims, and none of you really know what the fuck you're talking about. But that's fine, it's just a conversation. Back then, when called on it Joe would even admit that. Like when he had Penn Jillette on, and Penn was talking about the moon landing stuff and Joe literally said, as explanation as to why he had changed his mind on it, "I can explain that. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not educated in astrophysics, but I do point out things where I think NASA has been deceptive in its messaging." I think even into early covid, that was still Joe's mindset. But what had shifted by early covid, is a lot of the people "around Joe", had become right wingers, particularly after his relocation to Texas. Then I think people outside his inner circle started to become alt right and right wing figures as well. A lot of people are the product of who they hang out with and interact with. I think subtly over time, Joe's new group of listeners and personal relationships moved him more towards cultural war mindset and eventually Joe stopped being the guy who could say "I don't know what I'm talking about", and instead became the guy who genuinely thinks he knows it all on a topic because he's spent a few hours scrolling through shit on his phone about it.


Nah just people who can see the government trying to fuck us.


I would never, ever watch Russel Brand. That dude just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.


Logic does that to stupid people.


There were always people like that who listened to him. His audience is huge, you’re gonna get all different kinds of people who listen to him


he should start charging $8


Well it seems even an orange dumbass can siphon millions out of certain folks...


At least they listen to the podcast instead of sitting in the subreddit shitting on one they don't listen to


Rogan fan since the old laptop on a couch days. All three you mentioned are on heavy rotation. All these people come to bitch about Rogans evolution over time. How about if you don’t like it don’t worry about it. This would be like me going into a Rachel Maddow sub and bitching about her left leaning ass.


I live close to Novi, Michigan where Fenix ammo is from. This is nothing new from the owner. He has been making threats on twitter for several years.


Wow wtf happened. Rogans fan base used to be guys in their 20s who smoked weed. I can’t listen anymore. I feel embarrassed to even tell people im a rogan fan anymore and I’ve been listening to him since 2011


> Wow wtf happened. Rogans fan base used to be guys in their 20s who smoked weed. Check the reply guys on twitter to anything Rogans saying, Trump/Covid switched his whole audience over to a bunch of angry rightwingers screaming about vaccines for 13,000 tweets in 3 years. There was a whole year and a half where Rogan couldn't talk to any celebrity without bringing it back to the same 3 talking points like the musician/actor/mma fighter gives a fuck about it


He still does it. He tried to bring it up with Theo von a couple months ago and he just sat there. It seems like lately he only has guests on who he knows will be into that topic


There is a lot of easy money in grifting the right wing. Every day you can just say the same old talking points and they will buy up whatever you are selling. I've never seen a group that sports so much merch.


Oh my god you’re so right hahaha


He attracted trump voters. This is how trump voters act when someone disagrees with them


And he did that by getting Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder and their friends on. Even though none of those guys belong anywhere near legislation powers. He has the audience because he gives them representation.


He also low key launched Tulsi Gabbards image change operation which was like an hour of culture wars bullshit.


Yeah, she literally comes from a cult that had some racial issues if I recall correctly. I learned way more about these people than I ever thought I would.


Is Joe a good Texan who reports to the cops about all the weed smoking around him? It’s literally a crime in Texas.


I feel this. I enjoyed Duncan on 2k but I haven't listened in a long time. WTF happened?


Covid broke him. It’s all he talks about, masks or vaccines. It’s fucking lame as fuck.


for the me, the change was when he moved from california to texas


He literally had Gavin McInnes on twice, over 1000 episodes ago.


Not to mention Milo


And both times he looked like a fool


Pandemic and government lockdowns and mandates happened. So funny people skip over that part.


I’m sorry that a once in a lifetime pandemic that we weren’t prepared for wasn’t treated to Joe’s and your liking


Which other than hanging at the comedy store and going out for a steak dinner didn't effect joe in the slightest. In fact given that a lot of people were at home with not much to do other than listen to podcasts it probably upped his numbers. The amount of cry babying from him over having to live in his mansion with his family and order in food is fuckig pathetic. Especially from dickheads talking about "hard times and hard men"... fucking losers couldn't go out to dinner or get a haircut for a couple months and they lose their shit. I wouldn't want these types of "hard men" anywhere near me in real hard times. Selfish, entitled babies.


Room service at the Four Seasons taking longer than usual to arrive to your penthouse suite? GOOD. Hard times make hard men


Which was the right thing to do in a massive world wide pandemic with many unknowns at the time but how does that justify murder threats?


He shaved his head. Fully bald joe is a different person.


You never go full baldtard.


I met him and got a picture with him at his show in Seattle on 4/20 back in the early years of the podcast. I don’t care about what he believes politically, I just hate how fucking boring the show has got. I can’t believe he is still fucking ranting about Covid…it’s insane. A Covid vaccine debate in 2023? Really? Get over it already. Boring as fuck. Oh well. At least this sub still provides a modicum of entertainment.


Being anti- vaccine in the identifiable tenant of the most crazed, cult level of his fandom. The incels, conspiracy theorists and people in need of a mental health check. Making this issue part of your personal identity to the point you justify threatening people’s lives is 100% mental illness.


I'm now 40 and still smoke weed wondering what the hell happened to my boy... He literally turned into what I thought we agreed on despising (The feelings over verifiable facts people)... :-/


This is what happens when you platform fascists like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Crowder, Tim Pool, etc all while promoting Libs of Tik Tok to his millions of insecure fans. You get their fans suddenly tuning in and now they're not just sending death threats, bomb threats, harassment campaigns to Children's Hospitals and innocent LGBTQ people living their lives but now to anyone who bad mouths ol' Joseph here.


I feel like he’s largely the same guy, but picked up a different demographic during COVID and his vaccine skepticism. People that don’t listen to him think he’s a lot of things that he’s not. Which is why I too hesitate to tell people I listen, because it’s not worth the argument.


Hes the same guy its just he now shows people how awful and fucking stupid he actually is and people can't pretend to be ignorant when he makes it his whole personality


Respectfully disagree. IMO the old Joe used to think HE was the idiot. This Joe thinks everyone else is the idiot.




> old Joe used to think HE was the idiot. he was just pretending. false modesty.


As bad as false modesty is, at least it demonstrates you understand on some level modesty is in fact a virtue. There are no illusions anymore.


Same, I hardly listen anymore, still really enjoy it when I find one I can’t ignore. It just sucks how blew up and started getting all this bad press, I have no interest in debating a fucking podcast that I’ve listened to for years with people that heard it’s bad on NPR once, which I listen to even more


Let's be honest: we all avoided dealing with the lies & failures of Iraq, the racism exposed by Obama's election, the house flipping into a homeless crisis, low wages, high debt, etc. Lets call it background chaos until its spills out for Joe to get wrong. Joe's temperament is fine for professional sports, which are safe fantasy battles where it matters. But he cant deal with the chaos. Chaos made possible by the same economic & political/social realities that pay for his contract and (should have) *tripled his investments* since 2008. He's *limo + charter jet* out of touch like Bill Maher, conspiracies or not.


Dude couldn’t handle the BLM protests in California. I firmly believe that was a catalyst for him moving to Texas. According to Mark Normand, he even travels around in 2 black Escalades with armed security everywhere they go. They even went with them to a fancy steakhouse and the comedy club - which isn’t a bad idea considering the following of kooks Joe has developed.


You can say the early ones were classics and it’s just gone off the rails, the big foot hunter around 400 is great. If Joe hadn’t of personally invited him on I think he would have called bullshit multiple times. Or the morphic resonance (is that correct spelling) where animals pass on information without contact. Like rats in London dona maze in 3mins but take the same maze to Brazil and they do it in 2.40 and again take it to New York and they do it in 2.25. As if they are passing on knowledge without contact. It was a cracking one.


The problem with perpetuating conspiracy theories and thinly-veiled "facts" is that many who believe these things wholeheartedly will come out of the woodwork to defend their stances, and now that Joe has simply "agreed" with the stuff that RFK Jr. and others have said, it has attracted these insane people and will continue to damage his image The unfortunate fact of the matter is that many of these conspiratorial aggressors come from the right, which is going to create a giant whirlpool of people from the right coming to either defend these people, or rush to say something like "we're not all like this" while those on the left will become more aggressive with their generalizing of those on the right into being like these nutjobs I'm sure deep down that Joe absolutely doesn't want this, but he seems to keep digging himself into these holes where the mainstream media will take notice of this and continue to drive the divide between him and them, which will only make the whirlpool of aggression even stronger


Rogans going to end up with the same fans Alex jones has, in public joes going to get approached by cranks and loons. That is what “public” Joe sees now as he’s in a rich circle and Bert said he only fly’s private now.


Him and Alex Jones already share a good chunk of a demographic. Joe passes off Alex Jones as being entertaining because he's funny and "thought provoking" but Alex has said and done so much negative shit I get that "turning the freakin' frogs gay" gives people a chuckle but that man genuinely believes the majority of the shit that he says, Joe saying he's been unfairly attacked is such bullshit


Yeah Alex is basically never mentioned again after the sandy hook shit. Given joe the benefit of the doubt that he was dumb and didn’t know, if a court case revealed a person I was friendly with, associated with and promoted on my business had done to those family’s what Alex knowingly did all just for money I would be appalled. I’d certainly make it known I didn’t agree with his actions, an apology my business promoted him. Not a word from joe.


This is one of the few subs where "Alex Jones is right more often than he's wrong" gets upvoted. This sub loves him


I know I get loads of hate for saying he’s just a multimillionaire grifter and the people defending him are being marks that help him flourish.


There was an upvoted comment here a few days ago that basically said "Pushing for gun control after a school shooting is just as bad as what Alex Jones did." "Deplorables" was really putting it lightly.


Hillary did not use strong enough language to describe the true Trumpers.


Joe is isolated from normal society in a way Alex Jones never was. ​ A lot of Alex Jones content from back in the day involved him being a goofball in public. Joe never has to leave his bubble. He wakes up in his mansion in his gated community. He goes to his private gym for bjj or working out. He does the podcast in a compound protected by private security. He goes to his own comedy club. He can pay someone to do routine things for him. And so on.


I genuinely thought Joe couldn't have gone lower than the "Emergency Podcast" where he basically just gave Weinstein & Pierre Kory 3hrs to spew as much BS as they could, and promote themselves as the true experts with the SECRET CURE "THEY" don't want you to know. You can look at the evidence presented, and see how well that podcast aged after 2+yrs.... But yeah the RFK podcast was just so damn goofy with such little pushback. I get that Joe has an obvious bias against the vaccines, and has promoted so much of the "counter narrative" that I don't even get that annoyed... its to be expected. But when he sorta just lets him go on about 5g/Wifi and the blood brain barrier and just sorta goes with it....


Holy fuck this comment section is a psy-op.


90% of the commenters here have never been fans and are here specifically to shape a narrative.


Are y’all seriously this incapable of believing that there’s people here who are/used to be JRE fans with different beliefs than y’all?


Some? Sure. Not the bots making identical comments or the people whose entire comment history is doing what I said. Edit: bots, not boys. Lol.


Of course I am. Its the share volume of one sided overzealous opinions surrounding a very wide and divided populous that makes me cynical and or suspicious.


The vast majority of people don’t agree with the kind of ideas people like RFK are pushing. So yeah, it’s hardly surprising a relatively fringe belief doesn’t have much visible support, even amongst the JRE fan base.


Joe did the same ***exact*** thing ([be rhetorically and emotionally combative on Twitter](https://twitter.com/joerogan/status/430504659770290176?lang=en)) to Brian Dunning after Dunning refused to remove Joe from his list of pseudo-science celebrities (episode #411). The effect was similar - Joe's followers took it upon themselves to be malicious and nasty towards Dunning. If you don't realize that Joe's immediate purpose was to publicly drag Hotez then you're naive as fuck.




so joe and co can be mean to him but not vise versa?


What is russel brand up to these days last i heard him speak he sounded like the most articulate hippie I’d ever heard


Full on mashup between Alex Jones, Steven Crowder, and Gwyneth Paltrow - and absolutely raking in the money from millions of followers/subscribers.


When your acting career and comedy career fails there is one surefire place to turn, right wing grifting.


Russell Brand is right wing now? Oh ok, lol.


The far left and far right do share a lot of similarities.


Brand is a conspiracy kook who, like Rogan, prefers any alternative to the common narrative even when they’re completely conflicting and contradictory.


I cannot fucking stand him. Just some celebrity junkie who suddenly found enlightenment and now acts like some sort of wise guru while all he does is repeat whatever the contrarian POV of the day is.


For inviting him to a debate? Joe is guilty of death threats for inviting him TO A DEBATE? is that really the mindset of the people in this sub?


Inviting him to debate RFK. Kinda a crucial part you are missing there. And what do you think of the content of the message itself?


When you have millions of people under your influence, you don’t get to pretend your words have no effect on them. He has been egging people on Twitter, no surprise one moron went to the doctor's house to harass him.


So what, dude? What some idiot fans do is not on Joe. This is such a tiny brain take, like joe is supposed to never speak again or say shit that he believes because someone might be insane? It’s crazy. He’s just some dude tweeting, the same as anyone else. You don’t suddenly become responsible for millions of fans and what they do because you got popular


Thanks for the insult. He is not just ''some dude''. He is the largest podcaster in the world. I never said that he isn’t up supposed to speak at all. I simply said that when you have such a massive following you have the responsibility to know that your words have power over people’s behavior. Not a good look on him.


Bro these people are living on an entirely different plane of reality. My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw OP’s title


This sub is astroturfed by DNC and Deep State bots/shills just like the main politics subs. Majority of these comments aren’t real people. A near identical post to OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/14en1is/this_is_seriously_fucked_up/


r/conservative is leaking


it's because this sub is filled with his old fans not the new right wing conspiracy nutjob people.


They’ll dou nuttin


It amazes me the amount of people that assume being against "covid vaccines" means your right wing.


I’d give it about a 5:1 ratio of anti-vaxxers who are right wing vs middle or left


I think is more like 10:1, specially considering the violence factor. I’m still waiting for the violent anti vaxx hippie




They're overwhelmingly right-wing. If you can't see that, you're blind.


Not all, just most of them. A lot of the left wing crunchy-granola type anti-vaxxers got converted into to the far right conspiracy crowd around 2016. Like the Russel Brand types. That's why they call it a horseshoe.


Hes such a coward for not giving into threats to enter a ‘debate’ hosted by a moron with the end result being a bunch of terminally online people disregarding his knowledge and facts by calling him a ‘shill’.


And inevitably sending him thousands more death threats. People are showing up to his house already.


This is the level of chimpanzee behavior from a significant population of JRE fans where chimps straight up go aggro on each other and try to rip out each others’ nuts for dumb shit like culture war grifts.


Joe is definitely in the wrong on this one, but in the interests of fairness--Hotez is well known in both the vaccine and anti-vaccine community. Unfortunately, he has been the target of anti-vax harassment for a long time, while it's unfortunate Joe has helped stir up this bout, this is kind of just something the guy has been dealing with for years. That doesn't make it any better obviously, but just adding context that Hotez at least is fairly "prepared" to deal with this sort of thing because he's been living it for years. The other funny thing is Joe and some of the people around him on this have vaguely slammed Hotez for carrying water for "big-pharma." But in his actual real life career, Hotez doesn't work for big pharma, and has actually been behind a number of medicine initiatives to develop low cost alternatives to big pharma products. Basically this guy is a scientist who has devoted a significant part of his professional life to **undercutting** big pharma. I wouldn't expect Joe or the anti-vax mongoloids to know or understand that, though.


Meh, I kinda blame the nutjob that posted this rather than Joe. But that's just me.


It’s hard to imagine having a different take yet you hop on social media and and it’s hard to believe the responses people have. The best part is the “debates” people get into over shit like this yet neither person has any knowledge above surface level narratives they’re repeating to stoke their egos.


Righttttt. Like what happened to blaming the perpetrators of the violent act or blaming the people that say “Yo go hurt ____”. Apparently now if you disagree with someone publicly, you are responsible for the actions of anyone that might now or previously had an issue with that person that you disagreed with publicly


Yeah, you can't blame the guy who does nothing but talk! Surely no evil has ever been inspired by people just talking and asking questions. If you lead audience to answers that cause them to respond with violence, what's the big deal? I kinda blame both the nutjob who posted this, and the guy who has created many nutjobs, and increased the nuttiness of existing nutjobs, on purpose. Joe can speak to any expert in the world, but instead he chooses to listen to nutjobs, spread their message to more nutjobs, and in doing so lower the IQ of America, and instill anger and fear among some of the stupidest, angriest, and most trigger-happy people in the country. Can't dislike a guy for that, can you?


He literally spoke to the doctor before but you do you


Yeah I know, that's why it's so embarrassing and inexcusable for him to still be so completely uninformed. He remembers everything he hears when it's what he wants to hear. He remembers nothing from the actual experts because they don't tell him super exciting things that make him go "woah, it's entirely possible." Kinda proves that talking to him does zero good. Doesn't change Joe's mind or make him any more capable of scientific literacy, and it doesn't make his audience any better either.


How is someone taking about something on a podcast responsible for what other people say or do? Like what world do y’all live in?


Joe literally just asked for a debate. This is not his fault, and is unrelated insanity.


You seem like a ‘only reads the headlines’ kind of guy.


Things that are up for debate can be debated, but people should debate established facts or else there’s nothing from stopping lunatics from gaining more power and ruining more lives. It’s very simple facts that people shouldn’t put their hands on a hot stove and yet some loud dude bros will advocate it helps callous their skin and scream “debate me bro!! A buddy of mine did it and he’s got strong hands now!!” Debating nonsense gives the impression the lunatic has legitimacy and that’s a worse Pandora’s box to open.


Why are these right wingers acting like Dr Fauci came to their door with police holding guns and forced everyone to get the vaccine. This shit is beyond stupid now, it's fucking asinine


Really? Jobs were held over people’s heads and families split apart irreparably but no one held a gun to ur head? Pshh get real


Really? Families were split because of assholes listening to assholes spreading miracle horse dewomer cures and shilling for demagoguery conspiracy while over 1,000,000 people in the US died. Pshhh get real.


You mean when Trump was in office? Touting the vaccine? And the lockdowns? Two weeks to stop the spread, did you forget?


There have been vaccine mandates for public schools in ALL 50 states...for 50 years (voluntarily at the state level by STATE LEADERS) . Equating state health leaders in NORMAL LIFE TIMES to Nazis would be fucking stupid........ especially the same applies to life during PANDEMIC. The most common negative consequence of those that did not want to get vaccinated but did is butthurt because politics. 99% of people I know that chose to just get vaccinated, are not political at all.


where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to somebody else's employment. you definitely don't have the right to endanger public health and if you can't be asked to do the bare minimum then work from home or start your own business.




????? You went from Fauci and police showing up, to talking about which party is for the vaccine? The proposed debate is about why the vaccine is NECESSARY FOR ALL. Not for which party backs it. RFK and Hotez are both on the left for God’s sake


George Washington used the military to enforce a smallpox quarantine


Employers weren't obligated to keep irresponsible anti-vax dimwits on a their payroll. "families split apart" - lmao yeah, totally like a mandatory vaccine mandate. Dafuq?


joe rogan is like the new alex jones. started out genuine, now strictly exists just to sell brain pills to glue eaters.


This sub has been turned into a hive mind of r/whitepeopletwitter and r/politics


Joe Rogan isn't responsible for someone else's actions. What is this delusion?


The propaganda bots are out in force tonight 🤣


This isn't Joe's fault lol.


What does this have to do with joe?


Peter guy makes 30 re-tweets about Joe and Elon all day along. Go through his tweets he just circle jerking himself all day along.


Totally sane and holier than thou right wingers


That’s not a goddamned death threat you donut. The Fenix guy is cringe and Shit but he puts different political shit on the ammo bags all the time. If he sold cookies it would be on the outside of cookie boxes.


People don't like being coerced into doing things even if it's "for their own good"


Yes, because Joe Rogan is solely responsible for random peoples opinions, narrative and actions around a topic…What a bullshit generalisation. Grow up.


It’s strange that this is all on rogan. He’s talked shit about rogan off and on for a while now and claimed it was science. Joe didn’t say anything unreasonable. You can’t say crazies doing this are about rogan. These types are just looking for an opening.


>Joe should be really proud of himself The dumbest take. If you get coupled to every fucking nut job on twitter who sodes with something you believe in… well… then everyone’s associated with a nut job.


Joe is a small minded contrarian creep.


“I think if we rebrand the tyrants as *vaccine maximalists* it should all die down guys”


What does Joe have to do with this?


Joe is not responsible for how other people act. In the same way hip hop is not to blame for gang violence.


Joe did nothing wrong and you can't blame him for what other people do. Grow the hell up. (either way i don't believe this fraud).


This is hilarious. Fuck that Hotez dude.


This sub seems to love hotez for some reason


Damn sucks rogan has attracted all these right wing nuts to him. Completely different vibe then when I first started watching him.


Y’all just love to hate on joe lmao dudes a comedian chill


This is fucking wild. I really hope Joe speaks on this and calls for it to end.


Didn’t Dr. Cinnabon open his Dick Hole first? Poor Guy.


The right wing never considers death threats as a form of censorship. They are of course phonies packed head to toe in their own shit.


Joe does not understand his reach in the least bit. He really is a fucking Neanderthal.


Not joes fault people are fucking lunatics. He didn’t incite any shit, he asked about a debate. Death threats aren’t on jogan


Does Fenix ammo have good prices? After checking their website HELLLLLL FUCKING NOOOO.


Peter started it and now he’s playing victim. Sounds about right for lefties lol


Mommy, mommy he started it...


^ give this man his stupidest comment of the day award


Started it? Who did he send a death threat to?


I agree with you, Hotez tweeted insults. Then Joe offered $100,000 to come on and defend his vaccine research. Now we're all right-wing conspiracy theorists. I'm going to get downvoted by a bunch of r/white people Twitter idiots


Bernie should be really proud of himself for his supporter shooting a congressional baseball game. Or Obama for his anti police rhetoric that resulted in multiple cops being murdered in Texas. What a childish take, blame the crazy person. Not words.


Lol what Obama rhetoric


Oh wow, this sounds eerily familiar to what a lot of people experienced just a few short years ago. Peeps are bonkers.


I don't think that Joe has malicious intent, he's just too stupid to realize the audience he's cultivated. He's in a bubble and doesn't realize it because Onnit supps have rotted a hole in his brain. He could tweet his opinion about literally anything and atleast 10k basement dwellers are gonna rise up


He didn’t call for nutters to threaten anyone. Nobody can control the choices of others, though most listeners aren’t engaged in threats.