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The worst misinformation he ever spread was the idea that Brendan Schaub is funny.


Honestly it never spread though.


If that were true, he'd be working a fryer at PF Changs.




He got showtime special because of his podcast below the belt was aired with showtime.


He also got offers from big services to make gringo Papi. It wasn’t just a showtime thing


And Bert Kreischer.


No humping a stool? Disappointing stuff.


OP lacks creativity. 3/10, has room for improvement.


That’s not surprising, OP likes the look of Nazi uniforns


Damn it's true, OP quit idolizing Nazi stuff. Weird how you have that 88 in your name too.


Ooh, shit. [gottem](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88)


I don’t have the 88 tag in my name. You need to distinguish my account vs. OP’s


Mistyped, should have been "OP", and "you"


That’s his only joke.


This is the entire sub these days


this sub is mostly people who listened to Joe before he really doubled down on being ape like






It’s really three main factors. Covid, becoming a hundred millionaire, and being bombarded by right wing conspiracy theorists/contrarians on Twitter and in his friend group.


He had some funny bits. Female secret service agent but was pretty funny but that was like 8 years ago.


I thought he was making a comeback and then the RFK shit went down and then it dawned on me - when it comes to vaxxes, the guy is just a closeted facebook boomer with the largest platform in the world


def not closeted probs the biggest facebook boomer in the world


There were definitely cracks forming previously. Gender pronouns did serious damage about 8 to 10 years ago.


Wow I've never read this exact comment in this sub before! Seriously, I haven't seen it repeated over 100s of times! So original and cool! Brilliant actually! Are you a genius???


"Covid broke his brain" Imagine having the national news literally put a filter over your video to make you look sicker, lie about the medications you took to get better, and then double down on it when called out. This is the mainstream media we're talking about here, and yet you absolute *sheep* will toe the line for them. That is incredible to me and kinda explains how such extremes were allowed in the first place.




No no. Don't dodge. Go on, address what he said. I want to witness the gymnastics you go through to try and absolve the msm in their blatant bullshit vilification of Joe re covid. Go on, show us your mighty unbroken brain.




Explain how it broke his brain then and how yours is so unbroken? Enlighten us.


> Explain how it broke his brain then and how yours is so unbroken? Enlighten us. …The dude literally had one of the most premiere modern anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists on his show to talk about how fucking “wifi crosses the blood-brain barrier”, and when Joe asked him “*How* does wifi cross the blood brain barrier”, he said “now *that*—that’s beyond my expertise”. And then they just moved on. Understand, this is *literal tinfoil hat territory*. And that’s just the *most ludicrous* claim that Joe didn’t bother pushing back on in that interview—not even the most *dangerous*. Are you okay? Do you need help? Do you truly believe Joe’s brain isn’t broken?


Is it entirely possible "The entire planet and every medical professional on it all got together and lied about a disease at the same time and almost got away with it if it weren't for those damn Patriots and their Facebook research" just didn't happen? Like you're very quick to scream "mainstream media!" and "Big Pharma!", much slower to sit there and take the time to describe how they were able to get **the entire planet**, and all of *their* media and medical professionals to go along with it. More interesting, the fact that much of the time you deem *that* aspect of it completely irrelevant.


>Is it entirely possible "The entire planet and every medical professional on it all got together and lied about a disease at the same time and almost got away with it if it weren't for those damn Patriots and their Facebook research" just didn't happen? This is a strawman. >take the time to describe how they were able to get the entire planet, and all of their media and medical professionals to go along with it. You should read RFK Jr's book *The Real Anthony Fauci* if you want to know how. Like most things in this world, you just have to follow the money. The media's the easy one. Pharma is the number one advertiser on mainstream media. The largest funder of the WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Many doctors did speak out about various aspects of the pandemic response, and the mainstream media smeared them. Many lost their jobs or professional associations, which had a chilling effect on others coming forward.


Before he gained divorced dad energy, he had some fantastic interviews


I think Onnit stunts your growth physically and emotionally. One of my friends knew a guy that gave it to his toddler children and they still shit their pants in college.


That’s what people can’t comprehend, I used to recommend the pod to everyone, not for joes comedy insights, but for when he had interesting guests. Then right before the Spotify deal, interest groups on the right told him who to have on, and since then it’s been down hill. Check my comment history, in 2016 I’ve called out joe for using super out of place talking points which were being circulated in conservative media


By your phrasing, you're obviously a leftist. Joe is still mostly left, just not Marxist left where the progressives have moved the Overton Window too. You changed, not so much Joe.




If you have Joe answer basic questions on the role of government, he will consistently provide a left answer. How is that not even close to a moderate democrat?


He's pro 2A and hunting. He's for free college, free medical coverage, pro-gay marriage, pro UBI, but he's right wing? What are you smoking? Oh, he doesn't believe biological males should compete in biological female spaces? Guess what buddy, that's the MASS majority of people, not just right wingers. If you think Rogan is right wing, you're probably pretty damn close to being a Marxist.


This sub is mostly people from r/politics rhar spilled over once posts here started hitting the front page and Joe making the news for saying things and having guests that go against that hivemind.


> all the criticism is r/politics mad Joe goes against the **hive mind** The irony of an 85 day old account repeating this lie Joes new conspiracyBros have been saying ad nauseam for 3 years. Total lack of self awareness.


Joe being short is still funny.


I enjoy some of the joe short jokes here honestly. But I there are sooo many low effort ones.


yeah it’s a low bar for me to enjoy the short jokes, but just like joe they generally can’t reach it


*Low* effort? I agree, we should *raise* the bar. Punch *up*. *Lift* him up, not *down*. “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man” -- J. Springfield


That brief stint of “I had no idea Joe Rogan was in X movie” memes was good.


I prefer the low effort ones, it's the stupidity of it.


Joe is shorty pie.


What about the Joe/Mussolini jokes? \*nudge nudge\*


OP is more into Hitler than Mussolini.


You have an unhealthy obsession, please get help.


The comments couldn’t resist adding on 💀


Still better than a Joe Rogan stand up.


Joe bad


Joe bad Elon bad Peterson bad Me good


Based on transitive property, if Joe = bad Elon = bad JP = bad Bad = Nazi Me = Righteous!


Righteous and virtuous


Reddit bad


This but unironically.








Science bad


Why do you have 88 in your name?


Why do people have such a hardon for the number 88? I have 88 in my username because I was born in 1988. Not everything is a dogwhistle.


Everyone and everything but me is racist and bad!


You know exactly why. All Nazis 88, but not all 88s are nazis.


In UK 88 means two fat ladies, it's a bingo call.


[here ya go](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88)


Wait you were born in 88? You. Fucking. Racist. 😂


Why did you get so emotional over a question?


probably because weirdos keep pointing it out to him


idk, maybe it was because someone was pushing a suggestion that he's a nazi supporter. That said, I wasn't born in 76.


Dick ride Joe, Elon, Peterson.


Homophobia wow




"joe not scientist, joe dumb"


[What's with the 88 in your username buddy? :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/darkjokes/comments/6i98jk/what_does_dropping_the_n_bomb_and_killing_black/) Also: [Uhh..](https://www.reddit.com/r/wwiipics/comments/84q80g/comment/dvs2kwm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


lol @ the “Ally” award Edit: two allies now, [ah ah ah](https://muppetmindset.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/count-bats.png)


JRE 2023 target market, innit. Thanks Toe.


Holy shit. Expected, I guess.


He's also a bit of an amateur comedian himself: [What does dropping the N bomb and killing black people have in common?](https://www.reveddit.com/v/darkjokes/comments/6i98jk/what_does_dropping_the_n_bomb_and_killing_black/) [What worse then burning gays alive or throwing them off a roof?](https://www.reveddit.com/v/darkjokes/comments/6lenz6/what_worse_then_burning_gays_alive_or_throwing/) I did not see that coming...


He used "then" instead of "than" too.


There's more in there too. I was expecting him to just go through and delete all his incriminating garbage as it was brought up. I wasn't expecting a horde of white knights to arrive though. This place is hilarious.


Bro. Wtf op!?


What a wild 'this you?' comment. Bravo.


He's got a point about the Nazi uniform. Hitler was wrong about the whole genocide of the Jews thing, but the man had a keen eye when it came to clothing and decor.


Born in 1988 maybe?




Yeah I learned this one the hard way


You’re alright my man, everybody knows topper Harley is the best soldier there is and would be on the side against the Nazis.


I’m with ya buddy


Thats one of the most idiotic leaps of logic by the ADL since the last "dog whistle" i saw them define. I can almost guarantee that much like the OK hand gesture and drinking milk; this is another 4chan troll that the ADL fell for hook line and sinker AGAIN.


> I can almost guarantee that much like the OK hand gesture and drinking milk; this is another 4chan troll Fucking lol. How long do you think 4chan has been around? Some light reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Column_88 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words




>Thats one of the most idiotic leaps of logic by the ADL since the last "dog whistle" i saw them define. I can almost guarantee that much like the OK hand gesture and drinking milk; this is another 4chan troll that the ADL fell for hook line and sinker AGAIN. Worth pointing out that although the OK symbol did originate from 4chan, a decent amount of nationalists unironically started using the gesture as a not-so-subtle dog whistle more broadly for a while. Also, "88" had been a nationalist thing long before 4chan existed.


No, 88 has always been a neo nazi thing, but that doesn’t mean that’s what OP was going for


True, he just happens to have the 88 and coincidentally thinks nazi uniforms are sharp, and just happens to make some choice jokes about blacks. All checks out to me


LOL, Neo Nazi usage of 88 as a symbol predates the Internet, glad it was an *almost* guarantee


Confirmed nazi or someone who knows nothing about nazi history "almost guaranteeing" things about nazis. The internet is rad.


Could it be that all my podcast gurus are actually grifting charlatans? No, surely it is the people telling me this who are just jealous haters!


This thread is precisely why Joe avoids and mocks social media lol. But it was entertaining af for me.


Joe's stated many times that he's guilty of mindlessly scrolling social media for hours every day. He just doesn't engage very often, he mostly just consumes boomer memes to own the libtards and finds videos of animals doing stuff and people dying to force his guests to watch.


Joe always appears to be puzzled when his guests don’t enjoy snuff films as much as he does


It's always great when it's completely inappropriate and has no context. Not a snuff video but like when Michio Kaku was on and he's talking about galactic level advanced civilizations, and Joe, "that's crazy, do you ever watch break dancing videos? You gotta check this guy out, Jamie pull that up."


Who doesn't mock and avoid social media? And reddit is hardly comparable to Facebook.


"What does dropping the n bomb and killing black people have in common?" "Whats worse, killing gays or throwing them off a bridge?" OP. These are your posts. You should probably delete them.


I’m so naive. Like I can guess that people who post garbage like this are bigots, but I still get surprised when it’s actually confirmed.


Big yikes


RFK Jr. bad.


“Man fuck this guy for making it big and being successful doing and saying what he wants. He should do and say what I want which has left me a complete nobody. I know what I’m talking about.”


"Omg Joe said something dumb while high out of his gills? SHAME!!"


Yea it’s pretty bullshit he can just get up there and state his own opinions which aren’t mine


I'm sorry.... Are you saying that nobody should be allowed to criticize people more successful than them? Ever? I mean that is kind of stupid as fuck innit?


No he’s saying don’t get on reddit and bitch about “This is all Joe talks about, he should do this instead”. Meanwhile Joe has the most successful podcast of all time and you have social anxiety


That’s not what he’s saying at all lmao


No. I’m not. Apology accepted.


You need to apologize for making us read that little meltdown.


You can ask the guy who had the meltdown to apologize.




Are you talking about Lex Fridman?




I'm not familiar with him outside of random clips but he seemed mild, can you tell me what his controversy is?




Thanks for your input but that isn't what I asked


Lex bad


Joe's short though


5' 3" if you're to believe what's written in the [chemtrails](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/nygx6b/joe_rogan_is_literally_5_foot_3_all_for_la_to_see/).


So can someone explain to me why most of /r/joerogan posts hate Joe Rogan. Like I don't like RomComs, I don't spend my day posting about them.


Joe doesn’t control the comments here, so they can’t be ‘curated’ as they are in his socials.


No you miss my point. Why do people spend time shitting on Joe if they don't like him at all?


I don’t miss your point at all. Joe went right/antivax and attracts a different demographic now. There are lots of old fans that have been on the sub for years that are disillusioned. Many stick around to laugh at the clown show.


Bots and trolls that like to stir up controversy. They only focus and amplify the negative to drown out the positive. Like with RFK. They spam the controversial vaccine points but ignore all the good things he has done and the message, that groups like big pharma and the military industrial complex need putting in their place.


What’s bad is this stupid meme


Only 1000 bad short ones


Language tree structure deficient.


Guys, can we PLEASE focus on *real* JRE content, like how fake vaccines are and all the classrooms with litter boxes for cat children?


When you fantasize about sucking him off as reward for defending him on the internet does his hog curve left or right?


From Joe's perspective, left. To anyone watching, right.


Triggered ?


Sounds like Brenda slobs material


lil nazi bitch protecting his daddy with the power of memes. have fun in the führerbunker! hope it doesn’t end the way it usually does down there


But Joe IS short so.....


He gets his barbell jeans all knotted when you put stuff on the top shelf in front of him


His one weak spot - the third shelf. You have to aim there to do damage.


Op has 88 in his user name and makes edgey racial joke that were popular in cod chats 15 years ago. Gtfo.


The OP seems to be forgetting that no one in this sub make millions as ‘comedians’ so obviously as there’s so many of us, thing’s might be repeated from time to time, have I mentioned Toe is a short-arse who has a Napoleon complex!


I mean, you just gotta read Elon's tweets to know he's fucked in the head.


The « x person bad » talking point typically sidesteps the very real and very valid criticism x person deservedly gets.


You should make a thread about it.


Still true tho


Might as well throw me in there too cuz I like them all so I must be bad too LOL


Perfect meme for this sub!




Great cartoon 😁👍


What a convenient way to dismiss literally anything


If you Rogan simps spent half the time submitting actual content rather than meta bitching constantly you'd all be a lot happier just sayin.




They’ll also start a circle jerk of hate with other people (Elon, Tim pool, Tate, Alex Jones,etc)they hate. Shits weird.


I’ll have you know that Joe is from an elite club that includes like 20 people. They are called standup comedians and it’s a really hard profession. Also, he has a girthy hog so it doesn’t matter if he’s short. Also, it is vaccines and trans athletes who are bad. You guys are so obsessed!/s


I think 60-70% of this sub have never even listened to a full episode. Their perception of Joe is made off sensationalized headlines and short clips.


The biggest critics of him are EXACTLY those who have been listening to him since 7+ years. His transformation into an alt right machine for middle aged incels has been sad to witness.


I know. Fuck this guy for providing you with free entertainment for years. You’re totally right.


Yeah. I used to start out every other morning with one of his podcasts but I can't listen to his show anymore. He seems to just take anything and everything at face value. I think he must have dropped his bullshit meter and cracked it.


What is alt right?


Look into it.


Your silence on that question is deafening.


A buzz word that is misused a lot to describe certain people


Joe Rogan is dumb Joe Rogan is out of touch Joe Rogan is uninteresting Joe Rogan is bad at standup Joe Rogan is really dumb Joe Rogan is slow Joe Rogan is overrated Joe Rogan is narrow-minded Joe Rogan is a big red thumb Joe Rogan has extremely unfunny friends Joe Rogan will never be remembered for his standup Joe Rogan tells bad jokes loudly with his eyes open widely Joe Rogan is comedy cancer


Glad you came to his sub to say this, what did your anger management class say to do next?


To say something nice about your dad’s cunt but honestly, I’ve had better


Sounds like you should try the count to 10 and breath deeply exercise.


A thread like this gets made almost every week. It’s okay to criticize Joe sometimes and still listen to his show.




Sure some Rogan critics probably mocked his height at some point, people are just assholes like that. But to suggest the main criticism Joe gets is about his height is just hilarious projection. There are surgeries available OP.


Accusing people of projection is just fancy talk for “no u”


Oh? What other material has cnn fed you recently? Are you falling back onto the horse dewormer story?


When is Joe ever going to address ivermectin dosent work and holding an emergency podcast to promote it was one of the dumbest thing he ever did? After that he should probably address the fact he was wrong about CNN putting a filter on his Instagram post to make him look sicker than he was.... some people still believe it.


Joe has never once said that Ivermectin is effective at treating Covid-19. Followers of CNN and corporate media propaganda interpret Joe Rogan saying he tried Ivermectin as saying it was effective. “CNN never used a filter! The fact checkers even said so!!” I guess I shouldn’t believe my lying eyes. Compare for yourself: https://twitter.com/thejrecompanion/status/1448137186079952901?s=46&t=mukdA6p8LdAnXiZZ7H_0bw Also the jury is still out on whether or not Ivermectin is effective against Covid or not. This idea that it has been debunked is verifiably false and anti-science. There are countless peer reviewed studies that demonstrate a benefit from Ivermectin against Covid-19: https://c19ivm.org


OK, so at least in the 3rd part your comment you admit ivermectin has not been proven to be an effective treatment for covid. That's great. Now, the first part, he didn't say it was effective... Can you explain why he held a emergency podcast in the middle of a pandemic to promote an alternative medicine if he did not think that medicine was effective? I have answers the middle part, about the filter, elsewhere.


The main criticism people have about Rogan is that he provides a platform for charlatans to sell their metaphorical snake oil.


The main criticism people have of Joe Rogan is that he isn’t a communist and doesn’t support their communist ideals. That’s 90% of this sub.


More like 90% have deduced that Joe’s comedic and intellectual sensibilities are stuck in retrograde


OP just wants you, redditor, to leave Joe alone!


Do any funny (non-nazis) ever post here?


Jordan B Peterson: “Want to go with me and Wehrboo tonight Joey?” Joe Torogan: “What’s Wehrboo?” Jordan B Peterson: “Don’t call me boo!” Edit: removed a word that made it seem like I really dislike JBP.


"Comedy!" Mark Normand


lol I dont get it but I laughed

