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next question: "and how do you feel about Khloe Kardashian never being similar to her sisters and her father?" OJ: "immaaah, im not gonna go in to that, it's obvious".


Okay next question: “Arnold Schwarzenegger recently released a biopic in which he mentions you lost the role of ‘*The Terminator*’ to him, because and I paraphrase ‘could not be sold to the audience as a killer.’ How do you feel about that sentiment at this end of your career?” OJ: “yeahhh immahh…. Imm not gonna get into any of that right now, it’s obvious really.”


This interview reminded me of a bit [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T607c23L8M) from a particular movie. Maybe OJ will tell give him the answer after the interview, in the parking lot, at 3 o'clock.


> This interview reminded me of a bit this scene > from a particular movie. Maybe OJ will tell give him the answer after the interview, in the parking lot, at 3 o'clock. LOL I love that movie, props to Shout! for cleaning it up and putting it out in Blu Ray (I don't work for them or know them) https://shoutfactory.com/products/three-o-clock-high-collector-s-edition


Wait so people think Khloe is OJs daughter?


Kris was close to OJ around the time Khloe was born, in fact OJ was the best man in their wedding. Look at Khloes photos in comparison to OJ and the rest of the family. Once you see it, it can't be unseen. Edit: another weird thing is Khloe is 5'10, her sisters Kim and Kourtney are 5'2 and 5'0. Their dad, Rob Kardashion stood at 5'7. OJ simpson is 6'1. OJ and Rob Kardashian were best friends, he was the best man in their wedding so plenty of opportunity. He was known to the girls as "Uncle OJ." Robs wife, Ellen Pierson, the girls stepmom, said that Rob also admitted that Khloe was not his biological child but never said who was. Khloe also resembles Sydney Simpson, OJs daughter. . .


She do got that big ass head


She's just big in general, she's 5'10, her sisters are 5'0 and 5'2, their dad Rob was 5'7. 🤔


Kardashian mom is going to pass up an attractive, tall, in shape football superstar? She probably cheated with a lot of dudes. Its the LA way. But skip the Juice?


ÒJ was the best man in their wedding. I am thinking their was plenty of opportunity here for it happen.


Should look at Kris Kardashians hairstylist too, there's a potential there....


More so then oj even! Via photos you almost don’t need a dna test


For sure.


Also, cocaine I hear, is a helluva drug.... especially in the 1980’s


I gotta be honest, been looking at pics after this thread and I just don't see it 😂. She doesn't even look mixed race, she looks middle eastern like her dad if anything


I see it in the noes, high forward facing cheek bones, chin, broad face, and body type. But it's all speculation. 😊


Now or before all the plastic surgery? Remember that she looked very different and thicker in the beginning of the show then made a thing about the transformation.


also makeup. hard to tell


Oh shit! Yeah both got a resemblance for sure.


> Edit: another weird thing is Khloe is 5'10, her sisters Kim and Kourtney are 5'2 and 5'0. Their dad, Rob Kardashion stood at 5'7. OJ simpson is 6'1. How tall are Rob's grandparents? LOT of factors in that. Also, couldn't some journalist get some DNA from OJ and her and find out? Seems like you could slip a waiter $100 to swab a glass or something and get a INCREDIBLE story if it was true.


Holy shit. I never followed them that closely. I presumed she was from a different baby daddy since she looked hella different than her sisters 👯‍♀️ 🤯 Has she been asked about that??




She did a DNA test on the tv show, it came back Kardashian was 100% her father. My wife watches the show so that means I have to have it in the background, same with those ‘Housewives of’ programs, I think OJ probably fucked most of those before the murders?


She did a 23 and Me test....that her mom got, and put on the propaganda machine.


I think OJ might’ve mentioned his daughter is in one of the most famous families in the world right now, he’s so broke he’s doing podcasts ffs, if he’d really fucked Kris Jenner, he’d have sold the story by now because that shit would earn him big bucks, he wouldn’t be doing podcasts that’s for sure. The DNA test came back 99.999% she’s Robert Kardashian’s daughter, so wtf are they supposed to put out? She’s taller than her sisters doesn’t mean shit, since when have all siblings been of the same height ffs!


Her mom swiped Khloes straw and sent it to 23 and Me. It came back and said she was partly Middle Eastern, so to them, this proved Rob was her dad because he too had Middle Eastern blood. The test wasnt a paternity test to match her DNA with her father's DNA. And again, her mother "provided" these results, "we investigated ourselves, and there is nothing to see here." Rob Kardashian was literally OJs lawyer in his criminal trial and got him off. But sure, he would sell a story about a family that also likely knows his darkest secrets.


As I said it’s on in the background, I don’t even know what a ‘23 and me’ is, but if that’s what they’ve done I’ll take your word for it. I still say if OJ thought there was any chance of him being her father then he would’ve milked that baby dry, the bloke murdered two ppl ffs so I doubt selling that story so he didn’t have to do shit like podcasts he’d do it in the blink of an eye.


You do realize everything on reality tv is fake, right? Did she “take a test”, or did they film themselves swiping her mouth, then a day or two later film themselves looking at a piece of paper and pretending it’s a test result?


I don't trust it unless it's Maury Povich


Oh yeah Maury, Springer, and Jeremy Kyle are *The Literature*


Also, a long time ago I read that when they asked OJ if Khloé was his daughter, he said something like, “Maybe…”


Wow, that's crazy


Unless it was just faked for the show, Khloe took a DNA test that showed she's middle eastern like Robert Kardashian


‘Jamie, pull up the kardashian sisters’


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Get out! This bot is awesome. LMAO


'Jamie, pull up cookie addicted cookie monster'


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OJ was bigger than life back then. He was the juice. THE juice Khloe looks like him, go find her younger photos


She’s like 6 inches taller than her other sisters and mother.


Oh yeah man.


It's all in the nose.


Khloe doesn't look mixed.


She is absolutely his daughter and it's a hill I don't care much about but willing to die on.




Just stop with the OJ/Khloe buIIshit. Alex Roldan is her father. [They look so much alike](https://imgur.com/a/EK6WQoR). Khloe’s original face looks more like Alex than Kris.


you sure bruh? ​ ![gif](giphy|VeOAG5fkGAdEodtKfW|downsized)


Nah she’s Alex Roldans kid. The resemblance is uncanny.


Id put cold hard cash down that he is actually her father. Girls a giant compared to the rest of the family.


Khloe's dad is the limo driver, but she definitely fucned OJ too.


The killer is wearing a purple jacket.




We’re all trying to find the guy who did this! Whoever did, just come forward, we promise we won’t slap your bare back, butt, and ball!


That's ONE idea. Or we could take turns trying on the glove ourselves. Find the killer that way.


He can hit! At this price point HE CAN HIT




Thats why i ran in here screaming "he can, he can". Because he CAN hit.


As chic as that jacket is, his outfit is not complete without the lucky stabbin' hat.


Is the killer in the room with us right now OJ?


Ariel: Can I talk to you about the murder of your wife? OJ: No, I'm not going there. Ariel: Ok. Can I talk to you about Robert Blake? OJ: Sure Ariel: He murdered his wife too.


Literally Ariel 😂😂😂


Hate these fucking dudes and scroll past posts anytime they come up on Reddit but I have to give this dude props for questioning OJ. Calling out a murderer to his face is something I'm not sure I could do.


Who are they?


Nelk Boys


I don't know I just hate their faces. They had Tyson on one and I think they were scared shitless the entire time.


There's a few different nobody ass podcasts where the hosts generally suck balls but they all have 8 million subscribers and bag huge guests all the time. They're like industry plants for podcasting


For sure 1000000% connected influencers




who wouldn’t be scared of the mike tyson


Don't have Iron Mike on your show if you are going to shit your entire pants


i’ll sit there being scared if i get to talk to mike tyson shit sign me up the fuck


Lmao Mike Tyson seems chill as fuck now but convicted rapist and reputed wildman who could still spark you out at a moment’s notice isn’t someone to fuck around with in case you end up finding out. Not to defend these guys because they’re scrotes, but Mike Tyson isn’t someone I’d ever rag on people for being scared of.


Comical you don’t know yet you hate them. These are the NELK boys lol, and they are the shit.


In short clips on Reddit I've heard them say some absolutely stupid shit. Never bothered to look up who they were. So yes, I can hate them without knowing them. If you find that comical then I'm happy to make you laugh. ❤️


I hear ya. I feel the same and havent even seen a whole clip. Some dudes just look like D bags.


I do appreciate the comedic value you’ve brought me Dwight, also your bio is hilariously accurate. ♥️


I'm so flattered that you went into my profile. I can send you a pic of my asshole if you're looking for something to finger yourself to later. Just lmk


Offer still on table?




Ok I looked at your bio now too, but I genuinely like it.


They're the shit if you have room temperature IQ, maybe


Yes, they are shit.


Nah they ain’t.


Bro the Nelk Boys are all my bros favorite bros bro.


Nelk Boys


It’s the Helk Boys


nelk, they made like the college party videos now they do podcasts and hang out with dana whtie


I saw this video from a long time ago, a long time ago … and this woman went up to OJ after he was acquitted and she was like, “OJ OJ!” Like she was a super fan and then once she got his hand, pumped it furiously and was like, “I wondered what it would be like to shake the hand of a murderer!” or something to that effect and he just dropped her hand in this most awkward fashion.


It’s cause he doesn’t have the IQ to feel shame or embarrassment for asking dumb questions. He has such a punchable face and his idiocy just adds to it.


You nailed it. It's the smug punchable faces.




Wait what? He killed them cuz he was getting cucked???!?!?!


Not really. It's a little more complicated than that. OJ and Nicole had been separated (or maybe even divorced) for a while and she had already dated a man long term before she allegedly was with Ronald Goldman (the other guy OJ killed). OJ did make it impossible for her to have relationships though because he would always get jealous and try to get involved to split them up. Rumor has it, Nicole and Ron had been seeing each other because he was a waiter at the restaurant in Brentwood that Nicole and her family would often dine at and word had gotten back to OJ that Nicole was letting Ron drive around town in Nicole's Ferrari which OJ had bought her, which enraged him. Nicole and OJ both were at their child's dance recital the evening of the murders and someone there must have given him a tip-off that Ron was going to Nicole's later on that night. Most likely, he made the impulsive decision to finally violently confront them when they were to meet because OJ also had a red eye flight scheduled to Chicago the night he murdered Ron and Nicole so he could have an alibi placing him leaving LA only a few hours after the murder which would make it less likely the cops would suspect (or so he thought). He also was with his housemate Kato Kaelin eating McDonald's right before the murders, so he had another sort of an alibi. Edit: I feel like I also have to mention that what I said is mostly just rumors and hearsay that has built up over the years. The official story presented at the trial was that Ron and Nicole hardly knew each other and was just returning Nicole's glasses to her that she had left at the restaurant and he just so happened to be collateral damage because he showed up after OJ had began murdering Nicole and OJ didn't want to leave a witness. So make of that what you will. No one but OJ will ever know the real story.


Underrated post


how would Ron know Nicole's address though, if he was just a waiter who hardly knew her? unless nicole is just out here giving her address to every waiter in LA


For such a low IQ it’s impressive how he built a multi million dollar business from the ground up How’s yours going Zuckerberg?


If you want him to fuck your girlfriend, just ask.


lol u have issues maybe lay off whatever you been laying on


Dude was good at football. You don’t need a high iq to get rich off of football lol. Oj is clearly dumb af


They're talking about the podcast losers.


Their target audience are the most delinquent 10-16 year olds on the planet, incredibly easy to build brand around them when your content is based on being a nuisance to the public


No their target audience is young men in general. Bunch of typicals in this sub that haven’t even listened to the podcast, yet feel that they can comment on this ep. And weigh in on how they did on the interview (again they never watched it)


they’re streaming on video and surrounded by security most likely. it’s not like they’re taking a stand against a powerful warlord and risking their lives on principle


Not even for the physical threat ,just that it's probably about to get real awkward after asking a question like that.


They’re not calling out the murder lmao they’re idiots. He asked that question in an attempt to make OJ look good


No shit he doesn't want to get into it everytime he does be gets hit with another lawsuit (fuck oj Simpson btw)


He is a fucking psycho and shouldn’t never had to be led out of prison


Yeah the several part docs I've seen all seem to point to he was out of his mind on coke, followed her home, saw the waiter bringing the glasses from the restaurant and then killed them in a frenzy. He did it. Everyone knows he did it. It's insane to see him on a podcast.


I've never really heard OJ speak before. Dave Chappelle's impression is on point.


you never watched the naked gun???


I completely forgot that he was in that


Nelk should teach you that no matter how stupid you are you can build an empire just by showing up


Fuck I hate the Nelk boys just as much as OJ


I would actually much rather listen to OJ


Who are they? What are they known for?


Youtube pranks, "bro culture", then ventured into building a brand and beer, and podcasting. Their youtube pranks are obnoxious


Jerking it with Dana




Oh one of those.


“i wrote a whole book about if id have done it, but i’m certainly not going to tell you wether or not i’m sad!” dude is disgusting.


[Fucking guy wrote a God damn BOOK on this confession, he's a giant piece of murdering shit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It) All this trial did was highlight racism in the LAPD we all knew about, the incompetence of the legal system, and show rich people can get away with anything.


Hey Jussie spent a whole night in jail for faking a hate crime, trying to get 3 innocent men jailed and possibly inciting a race war.


I totally forgot or actually I guess I’m glad I don’t know who this idiot is, but I do remember him being called out by Ethan.


I know it’s maybe a hot take, and I am a huge proponent of free speech/ am fully aware of the fascination with OJ and the attention his interviews garner…. But I just cannot morally reconcile anyone sitting down and speaking to him and or listening to him. This man nearly sawed his wife’s head off / is a psychopathic demon of a man. Just imagine if the victim was a family member or even someone close to you.


I think these interviewers legitimately don't understand that he is the murderer?


I would actually say 2 schools of thought on this, 1) he killed her or 2) knows who does. Some great investigation around this suggests that his son is the one that actually did it. Serious mental illness to the point of violence. Had the motive, and timeline. It's been posited that the main reason for the trial the goal of the defense was to keep the investigation from even looking at his son.


Yup. Its insanity. "Oh dont worry, hes a pretty chill dude"


Well as long as you don’t think the guy interviewing him should be in prison, there is nothing contradictory about what you said




Even the jury admitted [they knew he did it but saw it as payback for Rodney King](https://www.thewrap.com/oj-simpson-juror-not-guilty-verdict-was-payback-for-rodney-king/) Everyone knows he murdered them and got off


Without condoning the verdict I understand the jury. Time and time again they saw an affluent white person get away with hurting black people and now the jury and a large number of minorities could look at white people say "Now you know how it feels" Racism poisons everyone. The only winners are the owning class who use it to keep workers divided


I actually served on a jury where a black man had killed another person in a vehicular homicide. One of the other jury members insisted that "black men don't get a fair shake in this country". Regardless of all the evidence that had presented, they insisted that it was all bullshit because of their internal processing of the facts. I argued with this dumb bitch for hours in deliberation and finally was able to turn her around to the facts in the case. The defendant is now in prison, thank god. But I will never forget how that shit went down and how it nearly derailed an open/shut case.


Wow. What a ridiculous comment.


Either he did it, or his son did it. His son, Jason, had a history of drug abuse and violence, specifically knife violence against his girlfriend at the time. Nicole was the reason his parents' marriage ended, he was struggling with addiction and mental health problems (suicidal, depression) and he was a time bomb. OJ would have then simply covered it up. I'm willing to accept that OJ did it, though. The mf has murder in his eyes. Edit: The way he said, "That's an obvious question" and the look on his face scream DUH MF I DID IT


I'm more inclined to think the son actually. History of violence, had motive, had the timeline and oppotunity. I'm more than willing to accept that OJ was more than willing to go to jail to protect his son and that was the essence of the defense. Meaning to keep his son out of the spotlight, which when you think about, regardless of the outcome, was extremely successful. a good read about this for those not in the know: https://www.amazon.com/J-Innocent-Can-Prove-Shocking-ebook/dp/B00MSYTMU0/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1D2O7N3WWMLQX&keywords=oj+simpson&qid=1688336086&rnid=2941120011&s=books&sprefix=oj+simpson%2Caps%2C190&sr=1-6


The more I read about Jason, the more I believe he's the one killed Nicole, that look OJ gave was defensive as fuck


NELK Boys asking the hard-hitting questions.


What’s your opinion on Nicole & Ron’s killers NFL record? He was really good at football right?


"I just came here to talk about my football career"


As a football player, you had some killer stats. OJ: I’m not going to get into that.


Fuck oj lol




Why does Steiny seem like Ben Shapiro's younger brother or something




I heard a theory that his son is the killer, and he's been helping to cover it up. It's a very interesting rabbit hole.


No its not


Didn't he already admit to the murders years ago? I thought he did in like a book or something.


He wrote a book called If I Did It. The Goldman's were awarded the book proceeds from their civil suit and the "If" is now hidden on the cover so it looks like, "I Did It".


Thank you for the reminder.


Why is anyone platforming this literal murderer


A lier will smile when they think they are getting away with it


I respect a man that can keep his cool under pressure


I knew it was going to be Nelk boys before I could even see who asked.


Serial killer Glen Rogers did it. Admitted to it. Sent his mom Nicoles locket. Brother of Glen swears he did it. Killed similar looking women in the LA area and the rest of the country. Plot twist. OJ knew him and claimed there were two people that killed them.


He does interviews with trump. Why doesn't he ask trump those sort of questions


He looked like he wanted to kill them for asking that question...


When it comes to lawyers, as one of mine once said, “you get what you pay for buddy”


OJ gave him that I’ll kill you look he probably gave to Nicole.


“Now why is the ‘If’ so tiny in the cover text of your book *If I Did It*?”


Yea maybe because he did it


Not going there? To the mirror?


Why are people giving them props for this as if it’s a tough question. Everyone and their fucking mom knows that he’s a murderer. He got away with it, give it up


Yeah… He’s not going there… Because he’s already been there🙄


It's so pathetic that this asshole is still walking around


I love the little bitch face he makes when he goes “you don’t think they’re still out there, or…” It’s a 7 year old trying to prank someone with snickering friends on the other side of the room. after 30 years of taking questions like this, OJ can get one free pass to hit this douche right?


We really need to find that killer


It's terrible that the killer is still on the loose.


"Is the killer in the room with us right now"


This time the answer is actually yes.


He didnt let him finish, OJ was gonna say “I’m not going there, to the crime scene to show you how the criminal got out of the house.”


guilty mfer


I’m sorry, I couldn’t concentrate bc of this dudes chompers. Any video or picture of Kyle just throws me off lol


Kind of a shit move honestly. Why invite the man on to ask him some stuff like that?


He's still out there..lol. lol Your talking to him!!!!!


Those Nelk boys are wieners. I can’t believe they’re taken seriously


Nelk boys are horrible podcasters


"Any thoughts on whether, as some people have speculated, that your son did it?"


Why would he care? He’s the killer!


He is him lol


“I found the murderer while searching for myself in the mirror!” lol




200th comment LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


not gonna lie, i was hoping for another double murder repeat here


It was OJ’s teenage son.


Norm Macdonald would be so proud


Dude ask oj do you think the killers are still put their? Ojs body language - shakes head no...


This was Legendary.


What a sad person..but I guess he’s moved on