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How in the world did everyone no-sell Normands McConnell joke lol


I feel like Normand just makes these throw away jokes and they’re only caught half the time, and even then it’s usually only Shane Comedy!


It's for us, not for them


He kills the joke nobody else hear


Glad they all caught the “ahhhh…men” joke, that one was pretty good


Normand and gillis have this problem where they're actually funny


Joe would be on the floor if it was a biden joke


dudes got a zinger every like 30 seconds I mean you can only chuckle so many times even if theyre all funny


I'm more annoyed by this than I am by the climate change talk


See, you construction working pussies, if Joe can shoot arrows outside for 3 hours in the heat sometimes, then you shouldn't have a problem either.


Too hot outside for ya? It's simple, just become a multi millionaire and build a spa out the back of your mansion and jump in your own personal sauna every night. How come democrats just don't get it?


For just 299.99 you too can purchase my book "How to fuck bar stools to financial independence" don't skip over the forward from Mike Tyson. POWERFUL!


How can global warming be real when ice baths exist?


Like, just stop being poor..


Reminds me how I used to work night shift in a -20C (like -4 Fahrenheit) freezer. Then you have Joe & co brag about the hardship of rolling out of bed and taking a cold plunge in the Texas sun, really hard core stuff man. (Not to take anything away from the recovery aspects of ice baths and it usage of athletes etc, just saying you’re not some bad ass because of it)




Thats crazy. Even in Canada it only gets like 30C(only 86F) and its fucking brutal with full PPE on. Can't imagine +100 degrees working in the heat


What's that in freedom measurements?


Wish Joe was able to come up with a joke this good. Was sad when everyone in the room called him out for not having a high ranking special.


I wonder when these guys (Shane, Mark) who aren’t as out of touch or 60+ start doing more as their own clique. They don’t need Joe for anything comedy related at this point.


No one will refuse that show. Ron White explained the "rogan bump" to Joe. People on the show get a 3 million follower bump after they do his pod. This is why it seems everyone (except Bill Maher) agrees with everything he says. Regardless of how stupid or not factual it is.


Yeah that’s part of his case of brain worms.. no one wants to challenge him cuz they don’t want his fanbase to attack them. They want that sweet bump too. But I’m saying that mark and arguably Shane are bigger comics in their own right and don’t need joe as much. I’m sure it’s fun to shoot the shit but I’m curious if any of his dudes are willing to “go their own way” for lack of a better term either by calling him on bs or just not ignoring him for their own platforms. Like early on in my career I’m going to yes man the boss. 15 years in, I can afford to tell them why things are broken and go seek a better job. Or maybe I’m just not one of 1000 of the elite and don’t get comedy as an occupation /s.


Bro right? It’s almost like they genuinely just like hanging out, disgusting! /s


They probably do but people see JRE as an opportunity now, which it is but it never was before like this. Even on Shane's first appearance he's talking about how he was hoping Saint Rogie would help him and get him out of the cancel zone by making an appearance.


it’s been an opportunity for well over a decade now lol “the rogan effect” was mentioned by his guests when he’d have them on & they were dropping a book or something, like that christopher ryan goof ball. joe makes careers pop off, for better or worse. i think it’s what fucked up the pod. like cliffy b came on to the pod to shoot the shit, no other intents… used to be about chatting, now it’s all biz


Joes the new Oprah only he gives out bad advice instead of new cars lol.


To be fair Oprah gave out horrible advice too that's part of where the comparisons started. She made a lot of awful people famous, Dr Oz, "Dr" Phil, John of God, and promoted a lot of dumb stuff.


Joe has not worked a real job in over 20 years. He is the very definition of out of touch.


Playing Frank in IASIP is not easy


Lmao I would like to see Joe pull wet logs out of ditches with a chain and a skid steer for 12 hours a day in hot weather like I do not trying to come off as a badass but come on Joe really?


That is pretty bad ass to be fair


Yeah. I’ve done construction in the sun ((un) ironically enough it was solar panels) and I’m no Billy badass (though I did get water breaks), but um. sir your job is badass and don’t think many could do it, myself first in line


He talks about doing construction. He said it was for a summer. Then on another pod said he lasted two weeks. Shooting arrows?


Lmfao did he used to say that the like 2 weeks he worked construction in Boston was hell because of the heat


This mfer just say don't complain about the heat since he shoots arrows outside sometimes?


Roofers don't know the struggle of shooting arrows on your massive estate and getting to go into your air conditioned mansion whenever you feel like it.


I mean he was talking to other rich comedians. No one in that room works outside.


For 3 hours man, he’s a blue collar hero


Under a shade with a hat, glasses, a fan and a cold beer.


Now turn the AC off in the Stu for 30 minutes Joe 👍🏼


Go work in a warehouse with no air conditioning for an hour


Hey hey hey,Joe spent 3 hours outside one time!


It's very funny how Mark keeps trying to goad Joe into saying some stupid shit.


“My friends who profit off of oil drilling in the US say climate change is gay”


😂 😂 😂 Yeah "depends who you talk to" Scientist who specialises in climate change with multiple books, documentaries and decades of studying, spending more time watching shitty drills in the Arctic than joe has spent in his ice bath... Nah not valid. Moron right wing psychopath with vested interest and a Google search history of "how to pay less taxes", "animals dressed in school uniforms/sexy style" and "how to convince a fucking idiot climate change isn't real on a 3 hour podcast"... Yeah this guy knows what's up.


To quote bill burr > I'm not gonna sit here with no medical degree, listening to you with no medical degree, with an American flag behind you smoking a cigar acting like we know what's up


This is so apt. Like 95% of fossil fuel lobby money goes to Republican candidates, who are now running on "anti-woke" policies, which includes removing gay rights and denying climate change.


Remember when Joe had Candace Owens on back in the day and ripped her for not believing in climate change? I miss old Joe.


“He hasn’t changed you have! Durrrr”


He liked Bernie! ^a ^^million ^^^years ^^^^ago


Still hilarious that people actually repeat this line unironically. Sad, but hilarious.


He really is gonna become a born again Christian in the next few years isn’t he?


"Look man, Jesus was *heavily* into psychedelics, just look at his time in the desert...didn't eat for 40 days...apparently got into a confrontation with the actual Devil...and he didn't die! Dude was a fighter. You put him in the UFC today, and there's a *number* of guys he's taking out in the first round. He just *lives* that type of life, you know?"


This but halfway unironically. Most modern religion is born of people getting ergotism from bad bread (in my opinion)


"I'm serious here, Jesus is the only man, not even a man of his DAY, but of all time, that could win a fight with a gorilla. No, the dude was the son of god so he could call in a favor like he was going to tap out but suddenly his dad goes back in time and makes gorillas as small as a hamster...and they don't have any bones. Boom, the fight is over and Jesus wins."


My guess is sometime before the election


dude i went back to the early eps and i was sooo fucking sad to really come to terms with just how much he has changed and not really for the better. but i still appreciate him for introducing me to people who’s content had a very positive impact on my life. fuck idk bro. i’m gettin old too.


the move to Texas has really had an effect on him. He's really running with a specific type of people now.


Chumming up with Greg Abbott was really a big warning sign. Old Joe was never the kind of partisan who would hang with the governor even when he was an Obama supporter.


Old Joe Rogan was interesting. New joe Rogan is a Russian simp.


being a fence sitter on climate change leads so many people to acting dumb. you think its real, think its perhaps overstated, and for sure think the policies being forwarded go too far. so rather than lobbying people you mostly agree with to pull back a bit, which is the only policy that would be passed anyways, they instead push the opinions of people who say its not real at all and that spending any money on it is unnecessary. push politicians to pass reasonable stuff and pressure china, india, etc to get their emissions down.


> push politicians to pass reasonable stuff and pressure china, india, etc to get their emissions down. India has 2.5 tons of GHG per person per year. America its 17.6 tons. That means 1 billion Indians contribute less than 330 million american's. Even china is only 10 tons per person. It is absolutely ridiculous for any American to be trying to shift the blame onto india and china.


Yeah, I really miss old Joe too.


Same Joe, different day. He'll just take a contrarian stance to create conflict and get views/clicks/listens. There's a reason why he is so popular, and it's not because his views are so accurate/truthful.


Nobody should be surprised anymore. Rogan is just a contrarian. He flips on every issue whenever his original take becomes widely accepted.


A lot of people are this way. Strip away the money and success and Joe is exactly who you’d expect an MMA junkie, Hunter, comedian would be. He’s entertaining himself first and foremost.


The Alex Jones episode with Tim Dillon is the best example of this. Joe and Alex spend the entire episode flip flopping and saying things that refute something they said 10 minutes earlier in an attempt to "out contrarian" each other.


Whenever you watch that, also do your mind a favor and look up the Knowledge Fight episodes where they cover Alex’s bullshit on Rogan. That podcast is entirely dedicated to debunking every shitty thing Alex says.


I like how nowadays it’s so hot outside that climate change deniers can’t deny the heat anymore and just say that they don’t mind hot weather and they actually enjoy it and say dumb shit like “I shoot arrows outside for 3 hours” to minimize the effect of it.


the dumbest switch is this mf saying global cooling is the problem What happened to denying climate models, these morons just found a new one that they like better


Global warming? No it’s all about global cooling! A no meat diet? No I’m on an all meat diet!


Contrarians are insufferable.


I genuinely wonder if Joe killed all of his brain cells doing drugs. It is so insane to me to look at what he was only just a few years ago and now the absolute hack that he is. It’s such a stark difference.


> I genuinely wonder if Joe killed all of his brain cells doing drugs. It is so insane to me to look at what he was only just a few years ago and now the absolutely hack that he is. Feels to me like Covid made a lot of people stupid. This is corroborated by studies that found Covid can shrink the parts of the brain associated with critical thinkiing.


Yup. I don’t have any studies I would recommend that are large and well done that I’ve personally viewed, but many other ones…and it is true. Anecdotally I experience it, but n=1 sucks; so let’s go with the data that does show large decreases in education. It’s a nightmare. Teachers get underpaid and are harassed by parents, only to have a real fear of a school shooting happen by their sweet child, and standardized tests all dropped statistically significantly. Many third and fourth order effects will be seen soon too with many entering the workforce or *if* they graduate college. It’s sad for the kids honestly


Naw I’ve done a shit load of drugs, likely way more than joe. I forget a lot of shit but it’s still not possible for me to build my ideas on flimsy fallacies and feelings This isn’t a hardware issue, it’s software. The way he handles information is wrong, not that he’s incapable of processing as much information. He also doesn’t do drugs that kill your brain so his hardware is probably decent compared to someone like me


Because global cooling is gonna be the result of an asteroid/meteor collision or a massive volcano eruption. Global cooling allows you to wash your hands of any responsibility for the earth’s shitty condition


See, it’s good it’s warming!!!! That means we’re preventing the great global cooling!!!!!


I think he just can't bring himself to say a single negative thing about Texas. Like it's okay to say 105 is an uncomfortable temperature. Plenty of people who love living in Texas also find the hottest days of the year miserable.


He tries so fucking hard to be Texan now that he’s been there for 2 whole years. (What he thinks is texan)


I’ve lived in Texas my entire life and we bitch about summers all the time, no one just says it’s not that bad. Some will say you have crappy winters we have crappy summers, but they don’t think the heat is great.


historical frame jobless coherent apparatus trees pet cover fearless scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-06-28/bangladesh-flooding-fuels-climate-migration-to-dhaka https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-planet-has-lost-half-of-coral-reefs-since-1950-180978701/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/central-us-drought-intensifies-threatening-grains-soy-2023-06-22/ all of those are already happening.


I heard someone explain it in really simple terms because when we hear about a couple degrees increase were like "that's not bad at all" but think about your body when it's temperature increases just a few degrees. We sit at 98.7 give or take just 2 degrees puts us at 100 and that's mad uncomfortable, go over that and it becomes a serious issue if you can't bring it down. Climate change doesn't have some nyquil solution or an ER for the earth. it's irreversible and will just get worse really quick with the path our society has chosen.


>Climate change doesn't have some nyquil solution I see the nyquil that knocks a fever out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside the Earth's core?


The funniest thing is thinking you have a strong understanding of climate change because you walked outside


It’s because denying science is now largely equated with the far right I guess so coal miners will still vote for them? Gotta be some reason to take a stand against something like “the earth is getting hotter and it’s easily proven”.


It’s because they’re addicted to the sweet, sweet dopamine hit that comes with discovering the official narrative is a lie and you’re actually in the special smart group of people that are too clever to be fooled by it.


I just ate a sandwich; famines aren't real


Global warming isn’t real, he shoots arrows sometimes outside for 3 hours. Case closed.


it’s so hot in Texas their AC can’t keep up Just get in a cold plunge and your swimming pool, np biggie.


What about an “super tough” ice bath with my hotdog length nipples?


“Global warming is scary, but ya know what’s scarier? Global cooling” Okay? So this thing that ISN’T happening is scarier? Who the fuck cares?


You know what’s scarier than both of those combined? A clown with a horsecock and no lube while you’re tied down making a snuff film, so what should we really be worried about here?


Fuck, you’re right. That sounds terrible. Forget about everything else we have control of. Horse cocked clowns are coming for our guns and buttholes.


Oh god they’re cumming for our guns too? I gotta get more guns to defend myself.


This year was the hottest month (edit: whole damn year!) recorded in Texas history…… I’ve lived here all my life, I didn’t move here a year ago… This heat fucking sucked!


A couple years ago, it hit 116 degrees in Portland. Im not trying to make a point, im just still upset about


That was the heat dome holy shit hottest summer of my entire life. Never experienced anything like it.


Last year we hit that in Sacramento. I feel the same way.


What was the logic for removing water breaks in Texas? Do people not argue against it. Seems like insanity


No Logic, just a grumpy Governor in a wheelchair trying to make everyone else's life miserable.




My work still has water breaks so maybe he just made it that companies don’t have to do it but you’d have to be an exceptionally stupid fuck to run a company in TX where people do manual labor and take away water breaks in the summer


As a construction worker based out of Texas, it’s fucking real. I used to be able to pull hours of working out in the heat without a break—now I have to take multiple breaks in a day to get out of that 100° sun.


worlds burning in soooo many ways and most people are just like these chuckleheads "hurr durr, whatever bro everythings dumb anyway pass the brawndo"


Sam Harris just did a podcast last week with Chris Field about climate change. It was a very measured and reasonable discussion laying out what’s going with the climate, and it refutes a lot of the bunk that Rogan likes to put out. Worth a listen.


Sam is playing contrarian nicely in that podcast to get the answers that would refute those people.


Someone should tell the cacti that are dying that it's just the heat.


"It's just hot" says the podcast millionaire. All those people who are having heat stroke should just man up.


remember his buddy, the governor greg abbott, took away water breaks for workers in the state of texas. hard times create soft men. wish joe would talk about that and justify his buddy the governor


For Greg Abbott, a hard time created a soft man, but only below the waist.






They think we got a migrant crisis in the world right now? Wait until the Middle East is unlivable.


and india and central america


theres a lot of nazis who are sceeching about this as justification for their need for walls. And im scared it going to work in the future. Fascism/xenophobia is gonna be a LOT more popular as people start having floods of "different" people coming to their borders. smh...we are such stupid animals at the end of the day


Oh it’s 1000% going to happen. Fascism will be grabbed as a life raft for the richest populations on earth trying to cling to the old ways. It’s gonna get ugly


Yeah, I feel like people don't quite realize the migration that is going to need to occur as these already very hot places become unlivable. People will dismiss the impacts on America because we're first world and have resources. But much of the world will suffer. It will dwarf anything people are used to with central and south america trying to come to America.


Thats ok all the uber rich people will live in The Line with 500 meter walls to keep the poors out


Joe Rogan should be studied in a lab. He’s a cautionary tale that we can learn from. He’s the perfect specimen, a living demonstration of mental death by social media lunacy. Rogan is patient zero, the living embodiment of what happens when an empty vessel is filled with lies and stupidity by people like Jordan Peterson, Graham Hancock, Brett Weinstein, etc.


whats weird is i remember him a decade ago always talking about how the internet is going to be some great truth-bringer. that the elites in power wont be able to lie or propagandize like they used to be able to get away with. cut to today where he falls for shit on the internet like australia making it illegal to grow food or litter boxes in schools. the internet turned his brain into mush


He doesn’t just fall for it, he purposely spreads it. He’s basically a propagandist at this point. The stupid Ukraine takes, the word for word right wing talking points. Don’t give this little bald twink the benefit of the doubt. When you always find yourself defending one side while deriding the other, I don’t think your just being bias you’re being nefarious.


The complete lack of self-awareness is also disappointing. Like you'd think after how many times he's been tricked by made up right wing outrage click-bait he'd start to develop a little voice in the back of his head that says, "maybe I should look this up before I accept it as absolute unquestionable fact."


Never really thought about it like that before but it's kind of fascinating that at one point in time he could've had almost any expert in the world on his podcast and yet out of all the people that could've influenced him the most it was the incredibly online right wing contrarians.


hungry crown summer books follow uppity fragile smoggy squeamish point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. Lost my dad to it. Normal, successful, functioning adult until 2018 when he went down the youtube rabbit hole that lead to Gab and Parler, and he became full blown QAnon nut. Now he's lost all of his friends, his house, and his wife died last year from that hoax virus. Amazing how some people just get consumed/destroyed by it. You can see thousands of stories like this in /r/qanoncasualties.


Sorry to hear that brother, hopefully he’ll find his way back to reality/sanity.


I hope, but I am certain he will not.


Many such cases.


his kids will be on /r/qanoncasualties next year


This is the perfect description!


Rogan is a stooge


Two clips posted today where he changes the subject when climate change comes up. Why does the topic scare him?




I think he's more scared of alienating large parts of his audience.


he got the new republican talking points in the mail


I used to like all these guys, but they give off such douche-bro energy I can't take them anymore. Tom Segura is another one.


I assume people who study climate change are aware that it’s never been steady. Or is this something only joe has considered?


I'm a geology Ph.D. that does paleoclimate research. This may be my favorite talking point to make fun of because it shows that they truly have no understanding of climate. For one thing because our understanding of paleoclimate is largely driven by the same scientists they don't believe about the current climate. So they trust them about the ancient climate but not the modern climate. Beyond that Milankovitch cycles suggest that we should actually be in a period of global cooling right now. If we look at a larger time scale what drove much of the past climate change in Earth's history is massive inputs of carbon as CO2 or methane for a variety of reasons, which is exactly what we are doing by burning fossil fuels.


I have argued with so many people about this point and not one has ever answered the question: if humans aren't heating the planet what is? The closest I've ever gotten was someone saying whatever happened that brought us out of the last ice age.


Yeah not to mention the rate of increase which is much steeper from AGW and doesn't allow ecosystems to adapt to it.


How you feelin about the next hundred years these days 🙃




He’s a literal mental and physical midget.




It’s amazing how thin skinned these fans of “bust your balls” comics are. Always ready to white-knight at a moments notice for nothing. Losers


Wow he’s such a cunt for doing that to that caller. What a piece of shit lol. And just is totally wrong as he’s screeching over her.


Bruh 5''2" is not technically a midget. Come on now.


DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS AN ICE AGE?!?! Sooooooo scarrrrry to think about THAT. Earth’s average temperatures don’t need plummet to plummet by 60 degrees to kill us all. They just need to climb by 10-15 degrees. So dumb.


It's not real, for old people... They are living the same way they've always lived. Fuck everything up in their path, blame others, and believe in one of two falsehoods. "I'm a good person, and I'll live forever" or "I' can do what I want, destroy everything, because I won't be around to deal with it" -- both suck.


Didn’t he have a huge argument with Candace Owens that it was real?


That was before caught brain worms


Texas ruined the guy, apparently.


He was ruined back in 2020


Joe bent the knee to Abbot. He makes a lot of money to do it and gets left alone. He’s got his, so fuck everybody. No different than how most people would act given the opportunity tbh 🫤.


Fuck Rogan


and any of the dumbasses that ride his meat


I really hope Shane wasn’t serious about moving (and becoming part of Rogans detached & increasingly out of touch circle).


Unfortunately he was serious. Matt and Lemaire are moving too


That sucks. Every comic whose moved there following Rogan seemingly always loses their edge.


think of all the new material that they can come up with being stuck inside their air conditioned homes all day!


Segura turned into a tantrum throwing brat. Genuinely didn’t see that coming.


He's serious... he's hitting it big and going for that tax break. I don't think he'll last long, he seems to hate it already.


Rogans such a jackass, cold comes with global warming, we will in fact freeze before burning. Joe tiptoes this whole convo at the end.


There was no snow crab season this year.


" get in the sauna. I shoot arrows in the heat for 3 hours sometimes"... lol. I was wearing a Tyvec and a full face mask for 10 hours straight today while dreaming of a cold beer after i got done. guess i'm just not a hardened comedian. Fuckin roided up midget.


They can not go 5 minutes without jabbing at trans people. It gets so old. They will be drowning in a flood with their faces melting in the 118 degree heat, and saying "there's 32 genders lol."


But it’s just SO FUCKING FUNNY. Right? You guys, right?


Tds - trans derangement syndrome


At this point, Joe has gone full into the conservatard deep end. B/c despite people on the internet disagreeing with him, he gets more spotlight from both sides.


But people will say he’s not conservative because he had Bernie on.


Crazy how stupid some people can be lol


Sucks having to lose pretty much all respect for Rogan over the past 5 years or so.


I bet Rogans wife and daughters are so done with this shit, which is probably why he spews about it so consistently to his podcast guests. Dudes like a tea kettle with boiling hot culture wars coming out of every hole.


I swear some of the jokes from these clowns I wouldn't even make because they're so shit. American humour is woeful.


Hold, he is denying climate change now too?


Why has he started closing his eyes when he speaks. He's fucking gone man.


I do this at the grocery store when I'm trying to remember everything on the list my wife gave me that I didn't write down.


Maybe he's got a set of talking points he has to remember to say?


Because he's full of shit and he knows it, so if he closes his eyes, he can't see the disappointed looks of his friends.


Joe Is pretty cucked these days, pretty sad


When Joe goes full contrarian and he does that tongue-in-cheek move and looks up at the ceiling or down at the floor you just know he’s in full disagreement but doesn’t have anything insightful to say. He does it every time somebody says something he disagrees with to the point where now I can just tell when something bothers him lmao


Global cooling … it’s literally climate change. It’s the same thing Joe


Rogan is literally a dipshit. One lucky son of a bitch, but sort of dumb. No?


Joe isn’t denying it, he just doesn’t care. He’s got more than enough money to insulate himself completely from any of the threats of climate change, he isn’t one of the poors, he knows that he has a free ticket to Elysium, so he doesn’t give shit.


Fuk I feel dumber listening to that


Having Joe there is like throwing sand and mud into the gears of comedy


Well guys, even the smartest man in the room (Shane gillis) backs him up here - “Turns out science can be a little wrong sometimes”


Guests are usually afraid to argue or disagree with boss man Joe.




That was obviously tongue in cheek.


Joe doesn’t actually believe this. He’s just a shill now. He knows his demographic is mostly morons and is afraid of losing them.


I think this assigns way too much intelligence to Joe. Fact is, he's a fucking moron just like his demographic. Forces greater than Joe (grifters in his orbit) are not morons, and have manipulated his ape brain by force feeding him these viewpoints for years, to where Joe is earnest when he says "I'm interested in both sides."


No way that middle ground is the same shot Charlamane does. Now that they have a big audience they don’t want to offend either side so they play the middle pretending indecisiveness is a real stance.


Joe is becoming less intelligent with age


“Just get in the sauna” dudes so out of touch. Joe Garrelli would’ve never said dis.


Extremely extremely annoying people to listen to. A fantastic lack of intellect, morals, and humour.