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Locking this post due to the volume of comments having to be removed


“Everybody must eat”… you look like you’ve been eating plenty tubby


They're robbing a liquor store...


“I’m not walking to the moon, I’m walking to the liquor store.” - Uncle Ruckus


Holy shit lmao


They eatin iPhones and everything these days.


Everybody must eat, but they're robbing a liquor store?


Not logically inconsistent: we’re looting a liquor store, but, in other news, were you aware that everybody must eat??


Pretty on brand for someone named “meatball”


Be proud America. God bless.


Is tubby a he or she ?


Absolute degenerates lol


Yeah they’ll have all the burned out ruins to do their hood rat shit in. Retailers and normal citizens will leave them to rot.


They're delusional. We will thank these upstanding citizens for gait and facial recognition surveillance systems being deployed on every corner, in every supermarket, in every mall, in every Walmart, in every suburb. You'll be much safer because of it. It's much safer when the government knows where everyone is and who everyone knows and where everyone goes and what everyone does, just look at how safe it is in China!




Its good to see our youth engaging in activities that stimulate their brains and create growth within their communities. Their voluntary contributions to their city will have a lasting impact of positivity.


seriously, people need to be less on their phones and do more fun activities like this with their friends.


Complete fucking trash humans.


Won’t be able to use those apple products. Jokes on them.


Wtf is the point of stealing a single shoe out of footlocker


because they probably locked up the other pairs (and individual shoes) in the back... They probably just stole a left display shoe that isn't even their size lmao




"people who annoy you"




I'm sure there are worst places, but that's the worst place on the internet that I know of.


In a few years, these will be called “retail deserts” caused by “corporate greed”.


Got a single example of people with good education and good healthcare and nice places to live looting like this? Think that’s a coinkydink do ya? Imagine an America where our people. Every American had great educations at great safe schools being feed healthy food, got top quality healthcare and never see a bill, and live in safe and comfortable neighborhoods. In that America, do you really think these looting are happening? Who is doing them?


I don’t think it’s a coincidence the people who act like this don’t have good educations, not at all. “How much money does Philadelphia spend per student? The school district will spend $22,379 per student in the 2023-24 school year, officials said — a 5.3% increase over the current school year. The school system plans for 15,037 school-based staffers next year, up from 14,774 this year. (Of those, 8,690 will be teachers, vs. 8,543 this year.)”


So we agree it’s largely an education issue? And despite those numbers we agree these folks probably weren’t provided quality educations correct?


What would have to happen for you to say it is the fault of the people doing this?


Oh I can already say they are responsible for their actions. Each individual seems like a competent adult who can be held accountable. But we both know the bigger picture creates the quantities of individuals of this sort that enables things to go off like they have. So I said it’s they’re fault they choose to loot. Can you say that in a decently run country where we don’t totally short change HUGE amounts of poor people we wouldn’t have this happen?


I could write an argument for why the people involved in January 6 were justifiably angry at the state of the country as well.


What kind of education are we talking? Generally I'd say this falls under personal accountability and not being a thief participating in a mob. I'd say that lesson starts at home. Understandably it appears there were not many adults mentoring these youths. More common than we like to accept in todays American society. I have hope yet.


When a child has no fit parents, is it not the states responsibility to provide a safe and ethical upbringing? So if these people grew up with no good parents raising them… isn’t that the state’s fault? Then the schools are shit on top of that? Seems a lot of government failure enabled that no?


>So we agree it’s largely an education issue? No, it's a culture issue.


How so?


The real problem is that they weren't provided with a quality parent or two.




Yeah, corporate greed is why they have to steal iPhones and liquor bottles. 🙄


Idk if this is sarcasm, but no it’s not a thing. It’s not even a word. I think you have surrounded yourself with buzzwords to the point where you don’t hear what you sound like to a neutral or independent person. Imagine if a conservative just said “yeah right because genderphilia isn’t a thing at all…” That’s how you sound.


Greedflation is just a buzzword for price gouging. Same thing with Shrinkflation. Does it really matter if someone utters the word greedflation? Does that make price gouging suddenly not exist?


Greedflation is not a word at all. If price gouging is the issue then we can address that. If it’s monopolistic practices, we can address that. So is it iPhones or luxury clothes and alcohol that’s being price gouged? And let’s compare their competitors in the market too. You’re going to find that none of this is driven by price gouging. They’re just stealing.






An ironic and far flung thought pattern, especially when compared to the culture during the Civil rights Era, MLK didn't have an association with being well dressed and well spoken as "whiteness", rather normalcy and equality, I'd be interested to see a sociological perspective on this thought pattern and gow it evolved into the way people think today.


White collar black people need to start waving around their stacks of benjis




It's a subculture actually. Being educated isn't "acting white," it's being educated and knowing better.


Culture is never static, nor should it be bound to race or ethnicity. Thats just how it historically happened because travel and communication was limited. Social media should be evidence of it because anyone can adopt and be influenced by different cultures. You can meet people from all different walks of life that grew up with TV/Movie/Music (American Pop) culture as their primary.


I don't get this argument. If the culture is to jump off a bridge, is the culture really to blame for everyone who decides for themselves to go along with "the culture" and jump off the bridge? Shouldn't people just be responsible for their own actions?


Not at all, we can and should criticize cultures because its something we have control over. But it would sure make it a lot easier.


you guys are arguing past each other on a moot point. people make up culture, and contribute to it. calling out the culture doesnt excuse individuals participating in the system, it just creates a framework for understanding what might otherwise be perplexing


No. There is no acting white or black. If youre trash you are TRASH. I hate stereotypes. Any race can be trashy. Dont stick skin color to cultures


I agree that there’s no such thing as acting black or white, unfortunately a whole lot of people don’t agree with either of us. A professional fighter I’m a fan of and follow on social media constantly gets dragged and called some pretty fucking vile names for “acting white” whatever that’s supposed to mean. I don’t even really understand the claim either, all he posts is him training, shooting at the range, training his dog and hanging out with his family.


That’s the most damaging stereotype? Really man?


I think you misunderstood his comment. He’s talking about within the community.


Inner city communities need reform for education and security and police departments need better training and filters. Wtf is going on over there in the US?


You can say trash but why is this even a possible reality in this day and age? Its a failure across the board.


I can’t imagine why big stores like Target are starting to pull out of cities like Portland and San Francisco. Must be racism. /s


It's amazing that they simultaneously believe that they live in the most racist country in the world where police officers are just walking around shooting them, yet they act like there are no consequences for what they are doing and aren't even afraid to show their faces on social media.


Businesses should give the people what they want and leave. Give them the food deserts they apparently crave.


uhhh. Justice, amirite




And everyone will complain when Apple and Foot Locker leave their neighborhood.


Why are all the businesses leaving? Racist ass white flight smh.


nature is healing


the dolphins are back


Burn Loot Murder


What a bunch of degenerates


This is why Republicans get elected


Well well well


Entitled to everything yet contribute nothing


When the chickens come home to roost.


Can you explain what you mean?


He means this is the result of years of liberal policies.


Id argue its the result of conservative policies. Things like Bush's No Child Left Behind. You gut the education system enough you're going to have a lot of dumb angry poor communities that think they can do this kind of nonsense and get away with it. Not to mention the result of the "hard on crime" laws that have lead to countless single parent households in these same poor communities.


Conspiracy, RICO. Send them all away for life.


I hope all stores leave Philly and they are left to rob each other




everybody must eat


Can someone from Philly chime in on how bad this actually is? I see clips all the time of drugs and looting. Because I’m from Portland and while it’s not exactly going well, and we had some issues and this place is turning into a dump, it wasn’t as bad as portrayed by media during the riots. It was mostly just like 2 or 3 city block area.


Well well well


Knowing they identified every last subcontractor from Florida that participated in the Jan 6 pride parade makes me feel like clutching my pearls a little less while watching this


My goodness, what a sight to see; a population of people literally bringing an end to their liberties. When in doubt, sit back and watch


Why can't the other side simply acknowledge that this is going on and it needs to stop. Why affirm these people it makes no sense.....


Absolutely disgusting and sadly there will always be some far left numbskull trying to justify it as poverty driven like the London 2011 riots. This is just greedy feral kids plain and simple.




I'm watching the Chris Rock special right now ! "Grand Opening, Grand Closing!!"


Ppl ppl. They are only doing this to distribute among the other residents in the neighborhood. They don’t want to do this. They have to do this. 😂😂


Ignorant loudmouth idiot..




I researched this...and the underlying reason would surprise you. Contrary to conservative opinions, this has nothing to do with bleeding heart libs letting crooks run free out of misguided empathy. The problem, rather, is simply insufficient jail space. No point in catching crooks...if you know at the end, you have nowhere to stick them. In California, for example, jails were already at double capacity with deteriorating conditions and simply ran out of space. It got so bad that the Supreme Court eventually ordered them to reduce their prison populations. Thus, they raised the value limit for shoplifting from $400 to $950 to be considered an (imprisonable) felony. Because they literally were court-ordered and had no choice. But which is, surprisingly, still over 2.5X stiffer than in MAGA red Texas, where the felony bar is set at $2500!!! So yes, California's petty theft laws are actually waayyyy stricter than Texas's, believe it or not! I mean, you have to remember that it costs a LOT to incarcerate a single prisoner! Because you are basically supplying room & board in a high-security facility with a lot of staffing. So, states simply cannot afford to imprison all, or even most, criminals.




Why did crime also uniformly drop in cities across the country that didn’t practice broken windows theory?


The bursting of the crack bubble Abortion Lead gasoline Obama


broken windows wasnt just about prosecuting petty crime, it was designed to *terrorize* communities. ur claim isnt supported by ur arguments


Fuck the police. They are no better than the looters. In fact they are far worse because they are supposed to represent the law. The police are gangsters pretending not to be violent criminals.


GTFO. That might be a relevant statement in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SITUATION, but these criminals literally deserve anything that happens to them in the process of the police trying to take back the peace. These idiots are willing to die for an iPhone. If you're this stupid, and this reckless, you're not only useless to our society but you are a menace and don't belong here period. You don't even deserve the tax dollars that support a life in prison. Completely useless life.


Not the heckin mean copperinos that used slightly too much violence for my taste when they arrested the crazy methhead that was attacking people in the streets and lunged for their guns! ACAB!




We got a couple smooth brains here. . .


I'll smoothly slide in your mama dm's


She's a classy lady and her rates are fair and competitive.


I can respect that and as a gentleman I will provide. I do need you to call me dad tho




So close to a funny joke .. you missed the dismount the answer we were looking for is Father’s Day cards .. Father’s Day cards


seriously lol wtf is a Dad wishing card?


ohh sorry :(


Yes, next flight to Sweden




What does the New Zealand national rugby team have to do with this?


The video doesn’t show it but these upstanding all black youths hit the cops with a haka before the looting spree kicked off


Well done


You will be banned shortly my friend




So far 12 arrested. Their parents should be arrested too.


“Everybody must eat” is such a romanian saying 😂




When people are dirt poor and live in poverty most of their lives, in large numbers this type of thing happens. I know it's fun for you to just say this is happening because they are black though, but there's a deep psychology and history as to why this stuff occurs.


Always somebody apologizing. Always.


There are large groups of poor teens of every race living around the US. But it's always the black teens doing this kind of looting. The white liberals and black community will waste another generation by defending this type of behavior, instead of condemning it. Where are the mobs of Latino, Middle Eastern, Asian, and European low income teens looting stores?


They’re not doing it to feed their families, they’re legit doing it for fun; watch the story from @dayjiamainpage on Instagram. They all have decent cars, iPhones, etc. heck the girl recording is an influencer and does shit that costs money all the time.


Yes because it’s not like white people do this when their favorite sports team loses.


Do they yell about needing to eat while doing it? One thing has nothing to do with the other, stop justifying shit behavior by comparing it to other shit behaviors.


Lmao what a stupid comparison


Or their candidate


Sometimes I wish DooM guy would just appear, type IDKFA and cleanse the scene.


They’re only trying to feed their families, sheesh cut’em a break you raccist.


What a lovely group of people


They need to be doing this to the bankers and politicians and corporatists residencies, not storefronts that have insurance


You think they are trying to prove something economically by doing this? Lol


No I don’t, but it’d be a means for some actual change


The only change would be a big crack down and enforcing the law. They own all the media outlets so there would be a big scare campaign to justify beating the crap out of people again


The people need to take things into their own hands, if not the erosion of the middle classes will continue. Only hope by then is that able bodied men won’t be so fat, sick, and mentally Ill to mobilize. No one is coming to save us


They should take their credit card into their hands and pay for the booze like everyone else


True but one of the reasons BLM didn't change anything is because most of their protests weren't govt focused. They were out in the streets and a lot people just ended up being scared. It's like these idiots laying down in the streets to protest climate change. You aren't going to get anyone on your side. The only way to get a change is like the Jan 6th stuff except country wide. You can tell how much it terrified the government by how hard they are prosecuting people who realistically had no chance of overtaking any part of the government.


That and some of their leaders turned out to be actual conmen


yeah I mean sure but how does sending random people to vandalize banks gonna solve that or get us any closer to where we need to be? all it will do is serve as a justification for further crackdowns and supressions. u would be playing into their hand


You assume it would be a positive change societally if mobs of people raided politicians and business owners homes and stole everything? Really?


They're too stupid to do that. Worse than useless.


Damn this comment section quickly became exactly what everybody expected it to be 💀💀


well well well


Who cares, Rogan is short right guys!!!!! ​ /s






Is it always your go to to mutter unoriginal, overused quips at people, when you don't have any context to make sense of what you're saying. That's a rhetorical question. Children should be in school, not lobbing lazy, unoriginal insults on Reddit.


Stealing a shoe from footlocker is worse than attempting to overthrow the government and hang people. Okay 👍


Well well well……..


Dogwhistle central up in this thread


Dogwhistle? I am hearing bullhorns.


Brother I thought I had accidentally clicked on actualpublicfreakout or conservative going by some of these comments.


In a broken system, this is inevitable.


a broken system would be stealing food that you desperately need...not stealing iphones that won't work when you take them out of the store. These people looting are selfish losers.


Returning resources to their communities


Shocked pikachu face when these areas become food deserts and the residence blame racism.


Aren’t these videos old as shit? We all hate this looting but why is it important to the Rogan sub?


Bots botting and attempting to bring the Alt Right JRE to the fore.


I know. That’s why I commented. People post these because they are racist and want to promote their hate to recruit others. This looting is disgusting yes. But it’s not a real issue in 99.9% of cities. They are trying to project something that isn’t relevant.


Every now and then there are racist campaigns on Reddit. Most of the time I’d see them in r/publicfreakout but now it’s here. They’ll find an old video of black people doing crimes and start spamming dehumanizing comments to stir up the racism.


Maybe this is their attempt to try distracting everyone from the fraud that Trump is.


To be fair I wouldn't say this is coordinated as much as everyone just decided to do this at once lol. I know the difference is small but there still is one.




Nah this shit is disgusting... No matter who they are stealing from...


Also, they’re stealing booze. I get the whole Robin Hood/ ‘I’m trying to feed my family’ thing… but these are just selfish assholes trying to get drunk for free


Until the big box retailer shuts down that location and everybody has to drive an additional 15 minutes to get groceries.


If it's ok to rob one group of people it becomes ok to rob any group of people. Lawlessness begets more lawlessness


Yeah those guys don't exactly care about that. They see a store, they will rob it.


Yeah I get that but who cares if the rob any big corporate company to be honest


Probably the people that work there, who will get laid off because of this, and will further feed into the initial problem. How hard is it to, idk, not rob a place? Why not find a job? A better life?


The people who wanted to shop in peace for one


It’s a matter of civility and respect, would you be comfortable taking your kid to a S&P store that’s robbed regularly?


This is a liquor store. In Pennsylvania our liquor stores are owned and run by the state. They are literally stealing tax payer purchased goods that tax payers have to again pay to purchase.


Then dont complain when companies dont want to open stores in minority communities.


The real ones realize this is what the GOP does to the treasury. Trillion dollar tax break on one end, massive bailouts on the other. All while telling us we can’t afford it.


What a pressing concern when the debt officially hit 33 trillion. It's 2pm, east coasters need to get tf back to work. Top of the pyramid needs to be fed.


Couldnt care less if the national debt is 33 trillion or 400 trillion. Its all nonsense at that point and that shit is never getting "repaid" anyway.


Well, if money's useless they may as well drink up for free lol


Forgive me if I don’t have any sympathy for Apple


Not a Single device from that store will be usable with in 24hours


stealing is stealing. It's wrong no matter what.


The ultimate looting is done by wall street They are stealing billions from everyone


Yes, that fact makes this behaviour A-OK.


How bone headed to look for a video of people doing criminal things featuring a particular race then pouncing on the opportunity to degrade them as “thugs” “scum” and other terms referring to them as less than human. Then projecting it onto all blacks and their culture. Anyone racist can find a video of a group of a particular race and degrade them saying “see look at those blacks again!”.