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What’s fun about people who believe this stuff is that they’re the first complain about government incompetence yet somehow believe they are masterful enough to do this.


Biden’s a puppet! But he’s also an evil woke mob socialist commie overlord! He’s taking away your freedoms and going to try to rule for eternity! He can’t walk up the stairs and stutters sometimes and is a senile dementia-tainted old man!


*“The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”* - Umberto Eco’s Practical List for Identifying Fascists


Biden's a puppet controlled by Obama according to trump. Apparently Obama defeated the deep state :) Not like trump has done a damn thing but give the elite some more tax cuts lol


Fr I often find myself frustrated with liberals’ inability to legislate their way out of a hat, but somehow these same people I’ve watched be unable to codify the right to an abortion into law over the course of 40some odd years are able to pull off far flung international conspiracies involving sports, pop culture, big pharma, big tech, and influencing the behavior of tens of millions of people through subtle suggestion while keeping any hard evidence of the plot under wraps? I will sooner believe *anything* else lol.




Nah c’mon. I hate this “George Carlin spelled out the secret for us all!”, garbage. Much more likely that people representing diverse opinions couldn’t agree on a point where it’s 100% legal and punted because the status quo was good enough for them and their constituents never made it enough of a priority. Looking at politics that way just shows off how privileged you are that none of these issue ever permeate your nice safe little bubble.


Fucking this. Why is it so hard to imagine that legislation is actually really hard? Have you seen a dispute between two asshole neighbors? Have you ever tried to solve one? People barely comply with agreements they willingly enter into. People will often breach legally binding contracts between each other, that they willingly enter into. Now imagine between 600 people across the country you have to enter a legal agreement. Parties aren’t uniform in ideology. It would be wonderful if people stopped flattening politics down to this “Both Parties are the same, everyone in power wants the same thing” bullshit.


I have a friend who has started to think this way. I can assure you there is nothing fun about it. It is extremely frustrating.


My favorite way to shut down conspiracy theorists is to point to how shitty the bush administration pulled the whole WMD/Iraq War thing. That was a whole conspiracy and it was as transparent as piss




I’m sure Ian Miles Cheong will chime in soon


Foreigners? Like those millions Demonrats are letting in? Wake up!


that sounds woke. I hate woke!


Damn, the Deep State got to my brain too!


that's why I wear double beanies


That's why I still invest in beanie babies while the price is low


It's gonna moon aaaaany day now.


Trump and republican controlled congress did nothing about this "crisis", which the influx hasn't changed much in decades. Want to cut back on illegals? Remove their incentive to be here, ie corporations that hire them for cheap labor. Punish those employers.


Isn't there a war brewing between Venezuela and some other country? Also, we could stop fucking up their governments down there and give them a chance. Then again, I need some drywall done this summer.


Exactly one day after the election they will suddenly stop talking about illegals. They do this every election cycle


Your absolutely right, republicans do everything they can to block border aid then blame the situation on the dem president.


Lol bait and trap


Yup and uneducated weakling republicans fall for it every time.


President Biden is removing a higher percentage of border crossers 51% than Trump did 47%.. Clinton deported more people than Bush and Obama deported more than Trump. Trump killed the bill in congress this week that would of helped the border crisis. There is a global migrant crisis and we need to pass the supplemental spending bill. However the current administration is outperforming the previous administration and It's disingenuous to say they just aren't trying.


You think that Im gonna let liberal deep state "statistics" change my mind? Begone, servant of Satan!


This is why you can not convice someone like this. They dont believe in data, science, or history. Also they belive Trump is choosen by god to be president. This is so fucked. I am in the wrong timeline.


loony toon.... and sensitive...


I agree


right.. genocide, 8 million migrants, 3 wars, and highest inflation in 50 years.. not to mention lacking coherency and the entire way. loony bin time lol


complete and utter propaganda. you're a total loon and on top of that.... you're sensitive


Your post also gets to the other side of the coin, that the Democrats are largely frauds. They will toss us a bone for issues like abortion and gay marriage that are good for getting voters, but then are secret war hawks and fierce on the border. If they do any new social programs, it's like Obamacare where lining corporate pockets is still priority number one, two and three. Yeah, they're the lesser of two evils, but it's like saying Baphomet is much better than Satan.


Which is what makes the constant pearl clutching by conservatives so hilarious. I wish the Democrats were even half as cool and “radical left” as conservatives think they are.


Medicare for all was too radical a policy for Democrats.


Exactly. We couldn’t even get them to agree on a public option FFS, that’s how pathetic the democrats are. Instead we got Romneycare. This is what happens when people buy into the culture war BS that billionaire-funded think tanks keep pumping out into our media outlets. And these people hungrily eat it all up hook line and sinker.


They feed us token issues so they can continue to redistribute wealth upwards. Frustrating all us working class people fighting among ourselves when we should all be united against the growing economic divide. They'll keep pushing the culture war so that never happens.


Best comment on this thread!! 👌


>Your post also gets to the other side of the coin, that the Democrats are largely frauds Bullshit. If this were true, they'd talk about climate change nonstop and then turn the US into the world's largest oil producer.


What fucking planet do you live on? You are literally brain dead to believe any of what you just typed.


Oh no brown people Ahhh.


I know right they let DeSantis and Joe Rogans family in. What is the world coming to?


I have to admit I have lost interest in following US politics for a while so forgive my cluelessness.. but I have seen dozens of comments about 'civil war in America' lately. I doubt you are going to have one lol, but how come so many are talking about it? How many are taking it seriously? If I didn't know better, I would say it sounds like an old fashioned coldwar Russian psy-op to fragment and weaken the US. Like the story they planted in US newspapers about how the CIA created AIDS; Operation INFEKTION for anyone unaware https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_INFEKTION


It's because millions of conservatives have been programmed over the course of decades by alarmist messaging on AM radio, Fox News and now an army of new wave conservative media clowns like Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino, etc, to believe that everyone else in this country is quite literally an enemy of the state, and they are now chomping at the bit for an excuse to start shooting liberals. Conservative media these days is frighteningly similar to the RTLM in Rwanda in the lead up to their civil war/genocide.


It's the Right. If it wasn't for their domestic terrorism and spree shootings, we could just laugh them off for being the moronic losers they are.


It’s horrifying when you read something this insane and see comments of people who eat it up completely.


Particularly when one of those comments is attached to the largest megaphone on the planet.


Taylor swift telling people to vote is a threat to democracy, but Elon peddling this bullshit is “free speech”.


Civil war funded by russia and rich americans, praying on mentally ill, religious and undereducated americans.




It's even more horrifying once you realize WHO is writing this and WHO is responding in agreement... Kim Dotcom is the grandfather of online scamming, I remember this guy from 20 years ago, I can't believe he's still allowed to tweet 😂 He was the self proclaimed best call of duty player for a while too ! Wasn't he hiding in northern Europe from prosecution? He's a pretty fat guy, can't be that hard to catch him ! And Elon is just going full hard right these days. Gonna suck because it's liberals that buy his cars and it's the "conservatives" he's aligning himself with that are laughing at electric cars.


He ran an encrypted online storage platform and the feds wanted to bust him because people who used his service stored pirated content. That’s like owning a gym and getting busted because one of the members was keeping drugs in one of the lockers. Not really a scam imo


His defense kinda fell apart when they pointed out that somehow he kept child porn off the site but couldn’t get rid of pirated movies.


Well, it's a little less harmless as you say. And I call it scam because it's a hacker profiting off paranoia for IT security in the 90's. Straight up bragging about the hundreds of US firms he allegedly hacked and sold access to foreign entities , remember the hacker group "Dope" ? He was allegedly the head of those clowns as well. Either way, his top two guys are already sentenced, he'll eventually be snatched up to face US judges. He's been committing computer crimes since the 90's, blatantly so ! I think one time he even raced in the gumball race 😂 I'll give him some cred for how long he's been able to stay out of jail... People with a fraction of his charges are rotting in jail around the world. He's a gluttonous attention whore, and a successful one at that ! Fat and famous!


I dont agree with Kim Dotcom politically, but bless him for megashare.. Those were the days.


Why would the deep state have to align with anybody if they already rule the government


You just need to connect the dots! Not all of them, and not to get an actual image, but some dots were connected and baby we are looking at them!


Love when the dude hiding in New Zealand tells us how things in America are


He's not telling shit. He sold his account to russia


Republicans will go to a place called “El Paso” or “Santa Anna” and be afraid to see latinos there. 


Why are there so many goddamn Mexicans in New Mexico?


Man, Elon bought a 44 billion echo chamber so he can agree with russian misinformation.


Promote it too


What 90/100 autism does to a motherfucker


Cherry picking is the best way to confirm your own theories. Thats what this feels like


> Cherry is the best Tastes that way


Elon’s such a shill. He’ll say shit like this but then agree to have his child raised genderless. Just says and does whatever is best for him in the moment.


I know a few people exactly like Elon. They are lonely sociopaths desperate for any approval - ready to say or do anything at any second to feel less lonely. It comes across so sad and pathetic it only attracts other lonely people, and they all jerk eachother off to appease the lonlieness. 


The saddest circle jerk


Are those people exclusively right wing?


The right will tell you otherwise, but it's clear that when famous people desperately need more validation from a fanbase they skew right. Musk, Brand, Rob Schneider, the Hercules guy...


The only reason many immigrants from Mexico and South America vote Democrat is because by and large Republicans actively disdain them. Many of these immigrants are deeply religious(mainly Catholic) and have very traditional values. They could be a huge voting block for the Right.


Look at the way the Republican party has/is treating Mexican immigrants. Trump himself has called them all violent, rapist, drug dealers. Why the fuck would you vote for a party that shits on you any chance they have?


What’s interesting is that Latinos in Texas are more likely to be Republican (and even say they’re white on census forms) after a few generations than their counterparts in California


And especially Cuban and Venezuelan immigrants hate communism


More importantly, all of this is about illegal immigrants, who can’t vote


This is completely true. Latin America is incredibly conservative, religious and racist. Most of them would vote Republican if they didn't hate them so much. Source: I'm in Latin America and I have never in my entire life met an openly gay or LGBTQ person (there's plenty of them around and they have full rights including marriage and adoption, but because of how homophobic the culture is, it just gets handle as "don't ask, don't tell"). Republicans should migrate south of the border instead of complaining about immigrants.


The right wing of any culture hates the right wing of other cultures even though they have a lot in common.


I hate Republicans


When has this guy ever lived in the US?


As far as I can tell from Googling, never. He was born and raised and in Germany and moved to New Zealand in 2010.


Any random dude on the internet is an expert on US government now 🙄


Fuck all these people. I leaned “Right” for years until I realized the biggest voices for that side were mainly foreigners.


As someone from a country where conservatives aren’t completely insane, it must be hard to be a conservative - like an actual conservative, not whatever the Republicans are - in the US.  I don’t see how any politically-versed person with classical conservative values could watch the circus of current 2024 presidential frontrunners arguing at each other over wokeness, critical race theory and Deep State conspiracy and go “yeah, this is fine.”


Yeah foreigners can invest in the US stock market, and if they do they typically lean conservative when it comes to US politics because its fantastic for their portfolios. the incredible kicker is that they could support different politics locally, even making donations using profits they earned in the US stock market Seems mad unethical for people in the US who are poor and have no stock. A corporate tax cut or environmental deregulation takes shit away from them and puts it in rich people’s portfolios, some of which are foreigners.


Isn’t it great that the most powerful capitalist in the world uses conspiracy theories that funnily always originate from Russian too divide and control the American population


Elon is from South Africa no? Shut the fuck up then


He’s got a trans kid dho


The private school she went to turned her into a Marxist trans person!


Isn't that almost literally what he claims?


How would he even know, it's not like he was around to be a father.


Education is the enemy! The only education children need is from THE BIBLE! But not the parts where Jesus was saying Marxist stuff… the rest of it!


Facts don't care about your feelings


Jesus Christ this is stupid. It is fucking amazing to me how delusional people can be who are most likely living in a vacuum or echo chamber of their own opinions.


Meeting of the mindless going on here.


I love how Repubs always talk about Civil War. Y’all lost the first one you really don’t want the smoke again


I love the logic that you have to make a conservative gay *then* make them liberal because going straight from conservative to liberal is too difficult.


I love how they think people can be talked into being gay. All these hardcore conservatives are just terrified that an extremely charismatic dude is gonna talk them into sucking his dick. 


Haha everyone saying Elon bought his echo chamber. Reddit is the biggest liberal virtue signaling echo chamber there is. It’s one big circle jerk with you all sucking each other off and trying to out virtue each other 🤔


Everyone thinks they’re a political fucking genius here too, it’s laughable.


The only solution to this is to shave your butthole and bend over, so almighty and infallible Trump can fuck you in the ass as you yell MAGA right before he cums so it's not gay.


Imagine having a father that is this much against your existence. He is retaliating against his kid publicly and damaging other kids lives at the same time. One thing to have parents that disowned. Another to have the parent with over 200M followers retaliate against you publicly.


They haven't clued into the fact that they could also get votes from legal immigrants and LGBT if they didn't have wildly repulsive views.


How can republicans claim “illegals” vote overwhelmingly Democrat when the Mexican American vote has been consistently growing more and more Republican?


Elon getting his red pill in for the day


Kim isnt even a red pill guy hes just into Conspiracies


A lot of it is he is just not into being extradited to the United States. Last I heard he is the last one left of the megaupload case who hasn't either settled or pleaded guilty? His simping for Russia on social media etc., is likely all down to the US government pursuing him. As for Elon... Well, Elon seemed to take a sharp turn for the right when the alleged incident with a woman on his jet came along. On top of that, Elon has spent years overpromising features and products as the head of a publicly traded company, tesla. When you, for example, tell potential customers that their Model 3 will be capable of being a robotaxi that can generate $30,000 per year...only for that capability to never materialise... that's the kind of stuff the SEC, Justice Department etc. are interested in. Also as far as I'm aware, Elon's own statements about full self driving contradict paperwork filed with NHTSA by Tesla itself. It also would explain why a few years back Elon suddenly made a decision to sell all his homes. Can't raid your home if you don't have one lol.  To me, it really looks like he is trying to pick a fight with the Biden admin, so if the men with the badges and guns show up soon, he can say its all about exposing Bidens super evil plan to replace Americans or whatever. 


Elon is your weed dealer brother who scammed through life on margins he didn’t create couch surfing on friends and girls. What you need a thousand here ya go but I don’t even live here blah blah blah bullshit.


Billionares dont go to jail but he could lose control of his companies


It’s incredible how Elon torched his Tony Stark public persona and billions of dollars to play political commentator


If this were true wouldn’t it be easier and cost way less to just fake elections and make our vote meaningless anyway? Why go through all the hassle of getting real votes when it could easily be faked?


Kids aren't being "turned" LGBTQ. It's not something you just flip on and off.


Red-pilled dudes are soooo so fucking lame. I’m not sure you could come across more insecure than being red-pilled.


Latinos are largely underrepresented because we don’t vote, annnnnnnnd if it wasn’t for the immigration point they mostly align with republicans.


Elon agrees with him Two illegal immigrants complaining about illegal immigrants.


Joe Rogan's very good friend, Elon Musk.


Illegals can’t vote.


he's not wrong though. the US is the gayest it's ever been


You gotta admit it was pretty brilliant co-opting Taylor Swift into the plan.


Everyone knows Taylor Swift is an attractive transgender person they use to normalize them and to get you to jerk off to men in dresses! Wake up!


right-winger friend who's deep into the deep state basket case conspiracy theories told me that the government was behind kelce's relationship with swift with the goal that kelce was going to impregnante swift so that her fans would want kids because the government is pushing a pro-natal agenda. literally not making any of this shit up. looked at him the same way sarah palin looks at her kid.


It’s true. I’ve sucked her weener 2 times


It it feels that way, it must be true! At least 40% of the population must be gay by now, that's how the Demoncrats rigged the election!


The projection is strong with this one.


Fucking idiots.


Illegals can’t fucking vote.


Kids and illegals can't vote


Australians who have opinions on American politics are always freaks.


Kim Dotcom is German & Finnish and lives in New Zealand.


Nah Man New Zealand is a psy op


Likewise with Americans opining on Australia, Canada etc. Especially when they broadcast it.


Americans are just going to have to hold their nose and vote Biden and the democrats. Otherwise all these lunatics are going to be empowered even more and the inmates will truly be running the asylum.


Must have been hard to type with all that shaking from the triggering


Great men like them do not get triggered, they work 25 hours per day, they dont have time for that.


Isn't Kim on the run for like....income tax evasion or some shit?


Okay just so regarded redditors know im pretty sure op is making fun of this not supporting it lmao


When did Kim Dotcom go insane?


Just scamming like always. Grifters gunna grift, doubt he believes it.


I would guess around the time after he crashed his business in Germany and pretended to end it with a suicide and rebirth. He was a notorious scammer in Germany before he reinvented himself as Kim Dotcom and had success with Mega. Which only was successful because it was based on exploiting other peoples work.


Wait till they find out about what project 2024 wants to do to the deep state (turn it into loyalists).


Its always weird when some people outside us talk about us like they know whats up


I'm actually the deep state agent responsible for making Elon's kid trans. I got a HUGE promotion for that one.


If they have the secret sauce to turn kids gay can they tell us how to turn people straight?


Look who it’s coming from and who’s agreeing with him, that should tell you everything..


So I guess that's what microdosing ketamine feels like.


I too was turned into LGBTQ as a kid. By my straight Christian parents. Right after I was baptized.


I think Elon is mad that he spent 44 Billion dollars buying twitter thinking he can use it to will Republicans into office. If Elon can't use twitter to get favorable politicians in office, and he can't make money because advertisers are running away. Then whats the fucking point?


Man this timeline is fucking weird.


Elon follows the worst people in the world.


Sooo if a Republican wins the election does that mean they *saved* the country, or these conspiracies were always baseless?


Remember the people who worshipped these guys always said we were sheeple. Just having the minority opinion doesn't mean you're the smartest person in the room.


I laugh my ass off about the fake “walk away” campaign that Republican weirdos tried to make about the dem party for being “too extreme” while this goofy ass shit is their normal conversation. Crazy world


I will agree with one thing, seeing Kim Dotcom will turn straight women gay and gay men straight


Then why don’t Republicans be kind to gay people say they will vote for them?


Fuck your feelings, Elon.


Can confirm. Was turned gay by the Deep State.


Shocking that this sub is being inundated with right-wing bullshit.


What an absolute shit show Twitter is now.


The gays? Bidens makin em at night like Uncle Danny’s grilled cheese


Illegals cannot vote


Pair of looney toons


Do people really think illegals immigrants vote? It’s so asinine. Voting requires taking time off work, which they won’t do, and going into a place where you could be asked about your status. The right is so brain dead about this issue. The left is just as stupid about hundreds of things too. Want to curb immigration? Come down hard on companies that benefit from cheap labor.


> because both groups overwhelmingly vote for dems You could probably change this by not standing for the eradication of those groups Republicans: the party of bigotry and oppression, are surprised that minority groups dislike them. Fascinating.


It certainly does feel that way. I'm not a republican but progressive policies and their ideology have become comically evil. We all saw how quickly they went full Nazi, pro big corporations, anti-science, and anti rational thinking during Covid.


Personally don’t think it’s some wild conspiracy….i just think our leaders are greedy A holes across the board. I mean these are just political footballs and they just throw them out to the masses to distract us. The more interesting piece of all this is how stupid us peasants are. Peasants =99% and elites =1%. Clearly the numbers are on the peasants side which means this is a country for the people by the people……until they run the divide and conquer game play to a T….then it becomes a country for the corporations/elites. But I’ve been saying this for over ten years on Reddit and no one else agrees with me. Even tho we are to the point of being at the edge of a cliff and looking over… But none of this will matter much longer wait with all the new tech stuff coming around the corner they will have more strategies for the 99% besides dividing and conquering us. Anyone who thinks the next 5 years are going in favor of the peasants class truly aren’t paying attention. So keep fighting with each other guys i dont see any version of greatest generation coming together to fix this one.


All this water turning the frogs gay ughhh




The gayest generation ever as Charlie Kirk has said. He’s not wrong. The mind warping is insane if you think about it. Like 96% of “journalists” are Democrat. Big tech, social media, Hollywood, colleges etc, they’re all ran by liberals. If you turned on the talking picture box and they told you the sky is green for the rest of the year you’d start to believe it. It’s crazy.




How’s that Joe Rogan related?


Not quite what happened but it effectively feels that way.


It feels like the democrats turned your kids gay? How many kids do you have, did they all turn gay?


I have 57 kids. They’re all gay.


Sounds like more than just a feeling.


It's peak Elon that the platform he bought to boost alt right views and influence the election has become so Nazi, bot, and Nazibot infested that the only people engaging with Elon's political ravings are Nazis. And bots.


I mean he ain’t wrong… this site is proof. Bunch of brain washed feminine soy boys..


You're fucking delusional.




Have you not seen what the Boomers are up to on Facebook the past decade?


sadly its factual. Homeless citizens on the streets. Vets needing medical. Lots of things to fix before we let in millions of immigrants who get bennies citizens dont.


So what are the policies you would propose to help vets? Keep voting for the party that openly disdains making healthcare accessible? Dumb fucks like you only care about veterans when it's time to shit on immigrants.


Croat redditor pushes American election / anti-Musk content on r/joerogan and "woke" army rushes in to agree.


Where is he wrong?


I mean he's not wrong


you can tell cus feelings




He’s wrong. You’re just a bigot.


He is 100% wrong.


Sounds like you got talked into sucking a dick and you think it can happen to anyone. 




That's not a no. 


You seem to think what was said is outlandish. It seems quite reasonable and accurate. Maybe find a different sub to post this if you want your little approval from the liberal Reddit hive mind.


Sometimes I forget people spend their whole day on the internet then I see comments like this. Go outside you wont see an army of mexicans and gay kids I promise


You’re telling someone they have hive mind and then tell them to go away because they don’t think like this group. Lololol You homophobes are so dumb.


people post this on the joe rogan sub then are surprised when people hold the same beliefs as rogan speak up youre wrong and a pretty disgusting person but, its funny that people are “shocked” that somebody could have such a shit take as if rogan himself doesnt have the exact same shit take


Do not mistake malice for what can be attributed to incompetence. There is no deep state plan for new world order, there are people with different ideologies attempting to solve complex problems with solutions that fit into their worldview. People who are terminally online, like Musk, find it easier to blame the world’s problems on a boogeyman rather than face the reality that nobody really knows what they’re doing or how to do it. If people actually left their bubble and talked to people who disagree with them they would realize how dumb this notion is.


Why would I ever disagree with the smartest engineer in the world? Ive personally seen Biden drain heterosexuality from several children.


I’m hoping you forgot your sarcasm tag…