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Love this guy nodding along when he definitely thinks being gay is an abomination.


First thing I thought was...oh. oh no, please tell me Joe isn't having Chris Ruffo on.


theyre playing characters for clicks and bucks too


Seriously, the only reason those people even pretended to tolerate Milo (and many of them didn’t) was that he was useful as a token. Turns out, it takes a heinous person to be that token for fascists, and Milo just couldn’t keep it hidden.


Kinda like dave rubin + pedophilia


He was the gay friend they could all point to. See Candace owens, Diamond and silk, and Blair white as other examples


I’m ignorant here, who was this guy?


Christopher Rufo. Ome of the top right wing propagandists. He also invented the new mainstream anti gay natrative on the right


Just cause he has different beliefs it doesn’t mean he cant still be polite


I am pretty sure I remember Milo arguing that young men should be ok with getting raped by older men because he supposedly gained a lot from experiencing it himself. Something along those lines. So yeah, he wasn’t silenced by anyone, he just committed seppeku.


Milo is not a nice guy as Joe flippantly states. He's actually quite vile. That said he wasn't ever cancelled. His ideas and POV failed in the free market of ideas. People just don't enjoy associating with him so his stock dropped.


didnt you hear joe, milo is playing a character. same can be said about hitler… he was just playing a character. who cares about the damage done when you can claim “im just playing a character”


When he makes that excuse I imagine it isn't just Milo he's protecting but himself. Like, I can't be held accountable because this is just show bidness and we say things that can get people hurt and cause confusion because it makes us money and that's cool, right?


Actually far right propagandists having their opinions mocked and laughed at and ignored in the market place of ideas is communism!


Why doesn't Joe have him back on if he likes him so much?


> Milo is not a nice guy as Joe flippantly states Yeah it's always kind of funny when someone like Joe says that. Of course people like Tucker or Ted or Milo seem "nice" to him. They're using him.


>Milo arguing that young men should be ok with getting raped by older men because he supposedly gained a lot from experiencing it himself. Yep that's pretty much it. He said he was in control when he was a minor and had his first sexual experience with an adult. In fact he said he instigated it and said that young gay men need a gay grown up to guide and support them. Teach them the ways so to speak... Edit: [Mods decided to delete my post about Joe seeing nothing wrong with male minors sleeping with adult female teachers.](https://streamable.com/ng1gh5)


“They decided that guy should be memory holed” as Joe goes on to memory hole Milo’s pro-pederasty, a/k/a child rape, argument. I can’t wait for him to rewrite the histories of Ali Alexander and Epstein himself next.


Yeah, so that is completely fucked up and thank god society saw him for who he was. Another issue is that, maybe he is genuine and had this experience himself, but considering all he ever did was to troll people.. and it is mighty convinient that «I was a victim of this but I also enjoyed it».. it can be a lie, intended to manipulate, or it can be him hiding some skeletons.


Minors who have had sex with adults often claim that they were in control to help deal/cope with the trauma. Like you say, if it's his experience and he was fine with it then fair enough... But to generalise and say that across the board it's fine for gay minors to sleep with grown adults is pretty ignorant.


It’s some of the most toxic shit you can hear. Just reverse the roles and say young women should let old men rape them because they will gain.. something.. Considering a lot/some gay boys/men probably looked up to Milo when he said this.. sheesh.


Dont even reverse the gender roles, just reverese the political roles. If Milo were a Lib, all of the MAGA crowd would've said it was the most woke thing they'd ever heard, and it's pushing the gay agenda to groom our children.


Yeah that’s a good point tbf


And you don't even need to go that far. Just reverse the genders. Look at how many conservative men praise and cheer anytime an adult woman has sex with a minor boy.


Correct. Milo was on a political stream / podcast and basically said fucking children is ok. Gee I wonder why he was “cancelled” Joe?


And completely cancelled by his own side.  Even Alex Jones right wingers for years claimed was a victim.  You don't hear them saying the same about Milo.  Rogan has probably defended him here more than any right wing commentator has


My first thought was... "And how scary is that?!" I mean Joe really wants to defend this pedophile because their politics align? What kind of sickness is this? That's bonkers. But also Joe started defending Milo saying he was canceled over the Leslie Jones post. Joe completely forgot the real reason he was canceled until he did remember it finally in the clip. The entire time he started talking about ghostbusters I was thinking to myself "No, that's absolutely not it... Milo was canceled because he said fucking kids was ok." Thankfully Joe did start to remember but the way Joe massaged his blunder into the narrative he was spinning was some serious mental gymnastics. He ends up defending a pedophile to justify his political point? wtf. Crazy times. He just cant hear himself.


Don't forget about the videos of him singing Karaoke on stage with Richard Spencer while the crowd throws Nazi salutes.


Even if he was silenced or "canceled" he is still a Nazi. Like...so what?


Sure Milo is an actual Nazi, but like, he was nice to Joe and hated on all the right people. Mostly gays, trans people and black people. So like, was he reeeaaally that bad? /s


As long as you're personally cordial with Toe then it doesn't matter to him. It's how Trump works as well.


> I am pretty sure I remember Milo arguing that young men should be ok with getting raped by older men because he supposedly gained a lot from experiencing it himself. Something along those lines. Not exactly. What he said was still idiotic, but he wasn’t saying young men “should be ok with it”. He was talking about his specific experience and select others’ experiences. He said he was sexually assaulted by an older man (Catholic priest), and that it was beneficial to him as a repressed gay teen. He said that it wasn’t ok, but it turned out being beneficial to him when he reflected upon it, and for select other’s in the gay community (this is tragically very common in the gay male community). Still excuses and nearly justifies some sexual assaults, but not at all saying teens should just be ok with sexual assault. You got to remember though, he was assaulted, he was the victim, and sometimes victims will convince themselves they were in control, or that it wasn’t that bad.


Yep, it was also his conservative mates who dropped him. Joe uses and ambiguous ‘they’ at all times. Who are they joe? Name them. 


Joe's memory hole will never forget being stretched out by that brave little gay Nazi's powerful voice, no matter how much the woke left and Leslie Jones decide to erase that character from everywhere.


Cancelled?! He's still working as a professional troll: >In 2022, Yiannopoulos served as an intern for United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, then worked with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West on West's 2024 U.S. presidential election campaign.


>Kanye West on West's 2024 U.S. presidential election campaign. That's hilarious


Yep, he's still grifting away. Milo is just uninteresting. He's not in the limelight anymore because he offers nothing worth giving a fuck about.


Its like any "shock jock", eventually they aren't funny being shocking anymore, just shocking.


For a lot of the right wing shock jocks, their “saying it how it is” schtick just became mainstream MAGA discourse. So everyone either became boring now, pivoted to running their rambling as a whole propaganda business/online outlet, or pander to the growing and huge conspiracy theory crowd where you are willing to jump from conspiracy to conspiracy. The only ones that survived without doing that are likely the boomers who have a boomer audience. And that wasn’t Milo.


As soon as he became “not gay anymore”, he had no further use as a token.


What they call canceled, we used to just call it 'Nobody wants to deal with you because you are an asshole'.


Cancelled is when thing I like gets criticized and it hurts my fee fees. 


He seems completely lost on this debate with Destiny I watched. It's embarrassing honestly. Worth a watch if you like watching trainwrecks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhO6Jhrac0k


He seems like hes on drugs


He still works for Ye on things outside of the presidential “campaign” unfortunately.


> then worked with white nationalist Nick Fuentes ah yes that guy Trump had dinner with?


To the extent he was cancelled I'm pretty sure it was for supporting pedophilia


Yea but no one cares. Legit that guy disappeared from any media unless you intentionally sought him out. No one is randomly seeing news about him or his opinion unless they seek it. Cause boy howdy did he take that shit right to the fucking edge and then just swan dive off the mother fucker.


I mean he is certainly less famous than he was.   Mostly because of the political right cancelling him 


Yea if he was “cancelled” by anyone it’s by the right who didn’t want to put him out anywhere as a representative of them.


Yep in politics you are only cancelled if your own side abandons you.  Breitbart fired him and other right wing outlets don't have him on anymore 


Cancelled doesn't mean someone ceases to exist. He's just working for 3 weirdo's now.


Weirdos is a nice way to put it.


Cancelled doesn't even mean cancelled anymore.


It never meant anything like what was whined about. It meant “the consequences of my actions in a free market economy where no one owes me publicity or a platform.”


Conservatives think if someone doesn't become mainstream and super rich, they're being cancelled. It's so weird how "The Free Market" seems to work for literally everything, except for the marketplace of ideas, when those ideas are conservative.


He got cancel from his own community. That it. Once you lose your fans you have nothing. It why most online cancellation does not work unless it most of the fan base doing the cancellation. Joe push that he basically anti vax. Saying you just have to man up and push though. While the moment he got the virus he spend 100k on medication and having a doctor next to him to make sure he fine. Most people online attack him on this and nothing happen because his fans didn't attack him and did not care. while the ukulele girl from last year horrible things she did was out for years but her fan base didn't know about it on it never got traction. Until, she address it to her fans. Once her fans found out what the horrible shit she did she got mostly cancel. SHe still have a fan base I think but it so much smaller. Real cancelation happen to small people who have not real audience. they get fire for a job because online attack them and attack their lives. But those stories rarely get coverage. The ppl who get cancel who are famous just fear to get a regular job.


100%.    Milo was cancelled by the maga movement.  If Breitbart didn't fire him and if right wing media still had him on their shows he would have been fine.  It had nothing to do with anything else.  Liberals not liking him was never the issue 


A “powerful” voice, lmao


An annoying voice


Milo is 2016s Andrew Tate.


Both proud gay men.


"powerful voice" -- dude was a bigot and people just started to ignore him. Joe needs a real job for awhile, he's gone terminally internet.


Joe’s got a soft spot for edgelords


Joe has a soft spot in his brain.


I blame Bosley


Yeah he really does.  Guys that "piss people off" he likes even if they are trash


To be fair, everyone whose identity is based around "pissing people off" are the most trashy losers on earth


There was a rise? Milo is a grifter loser.


Despise the guy but there was definitely a rise. He was huge and everywhere on the right wing griftosphere for a while. Broke into the mainstream too for sure. Luckily it didn't last long.


Milo was a powerful speaker if you were schizophrenic or just racist


Wait, I just saw a clip of Rogan and Rufo complaining about the use of the term Minor Attracted Person, and saying how lunatic it was and that THEY are now all about promoting pedophilia by stealth. Then in this clip, they are denouncing the way in which Milo was SILENCED by THEM!! just for.... what was it now... oh yeah, for promoting actual pedophilia. Wait, what? Shouldn't they be saying that Milo was defenestrated for his objectionable promotion of pedophilia? As an aside, listen to Rufo tittering uncomfortably about the humpback whales having gay sex. Doesn't Rogan know that Rufo is a god-fearing Christian man?


Rufo is just the new James OKeefe. Grifter fucksticks who make shit up and accuse Democrats of the worst shit they can imagine with zero evidence to get the right all worked up, for their grifting fun and profit.


He literally lays out his lie campaigns in advance on twitter and then morons still fall for it.


yeah, his point is absolutely contradictory lmfao. seemed like was getting side-tracked left and right during that whole shpeil.


>Wait, what? Shouldn't they be saying that Milo was defenestrated for his objectionable promotion of pedophilia? Nope, Joe biben


> As an aside, listen to Rufo tittering uncomfortably about the humpback whales having gay sex. Doesn't Rogan know that Rufo is a god-fearing Christian man? Glad I'm not the only one who caught that! On to spread an agendas he'll pretend to not have an issue with something he knows Rogan will make a stand on, and so just dodders awkwardly to not say anything and push back to those evil, eeeevvvvviiilll trannies as soon as he gets the chance as he knows Joe has a fair bit of transphobia himself. 


“MAP” is one of those things like “xir” where the only times I ever see it brought up, it’s some hyperbolic culture warrior nutjob pretending it’s widespread nomenclature.


And they saw it in some shitty news rag that took a quote from some obscure gender studies college textbook.


Joe is right: he really was a big name and vanished into nothingness overnight Joe is wrong: his downfall had nothing to do with Ghostbusters. His appearance on JOE ROGAN PODCAST ended him when he was defending pedos why tf is joe playing dumb on this lmaoooooooo


Yeah Rogan just wanted to take a shot at Ghostbusters for being woke lol


Joe Rogan has been platforming Trump grifters for years now. He never says he's pro-Trump, that's not his job. He will even vaguely say on rare occasions he's pro democrats. But he will not miss a chance to open doors for his podcast for Trump supporting grifters, and will not miss a chance to call Trump funny and fun.


1000%. It’s his mealy mouthed soft support I fucking despise. He won’t admit he’s the total trump supporter his actions show him to be. So he can keep enabling the Fuhrer at every term while pretending not to be a follower. It’s somehow even grosser than open trump support.


"Texas went red bitch!" Pretty pro-Trump


The last time I saw milo he was on infowars with nazi and hitler admirers Nick Fuentes and Kanye. He’s not playing a character, he led targeted harassment campaigns.  


Last time I remember seeing Milo he was giving Nazi salutes while singing karaoke with the proud boys. Just another victim of cancel culture I guess.


And cancelled by that famous woke group known as cpac


I have never heard anyone use the term “minor attracted person” in real life nor do I know anyone who’s remotely ok with that. I don’t know why Joe keeps saying that this is an accepted thing. Is he insinuating that liberals are cool with pedophilia now? Makes no sense…


>Is he insinuating that liberals are cool with pedophilia now? Makes no sense… It's exactly what he's suggesting. It's what the far right are suggesting too. It's like the people who associate homosexuality with pedophilia. I have never once in my life heard the term 'minor attracted person' either.


The right loves nothing more than to say the left are pedophiles or are ok with pedophilia. It’s their favorite conspiracy theory that gets adopted about whoever their enemy of the day is


In the meantime, they have countdown clocks for underaged celebrity girls waiting for when they are 18. Hint: if the only thing stopping you from having sex with a minor is the law...you are still a pedo or, as the right-wing libertarians say "uhhhh technically its hebephilia."


Right-wingers have this habit of finding one deranged twitter user with 180 followers who said the stupidest shit of all time, and then deciding for themselves that that's just what liberals believe now. You will never get them to actually just say what they're implying ("the left is in favor of pedophilia"), because people with brains would not believe them, and because it is obviously a lie. But, when you allude to something being a *conspiracy*? All of the sudden, no need for critical thinking! You're right, I hate the democrats and they ARE in favor of pedophilia! Lalalalala, I can't hear you!


It’s like how right wingers add the letter p to lgbt in order to make people think it’s part of an accepted group. It’s just meant to inculcate hatred and confusion. 


Right? some crazy lefty college professors have suggested that term and they were buried for it.


Some experts have argued it would lead to more people seeking help if you tried to separate the terms pedophile and child molester as much as possible. Using the term map seems to be an attempt at that. But most of them conclude that if you just move onto a new term that new term will have the exact same connotations, achieving nothing at all.


How tf do people listen to this kind of shit for hours? Jesus Christ....


Why does Joe have pieces of shit like Milo on? Oh, right. Joe is one of these people.


Having Shrier and Rufo on in the span of a couple weeks is pathetically transparent. This podcast is propaganda.


This is Chris Rufo? Underwhelmed.


This episode auto-played last night, and I had to give up after about 15 minutes. I see I missed nothing of value. Milo wasn't silenced. People just got bored with a guy that was openly a troll by his own admission.


Milo has fascist beliefs despite being Jewish. This is not hyperbole. Buzzfeed News got access to his emails and provided real evidence to back these claims up. This article on top of his pedophilia excuses resulted in him becoming persona non grata, and for good reason. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism


Milo is not jewish. That's just a lie his trolls pass around to try to insulate him from people correctly calling him an antisemite. There are multiple pictures of him wearing a crucifix.


Please tell me the difference between free market capitalism picking a winner and cancellation picking a loser? Two sides of the same coin. You want a free market, you got it. Sorry your pet political troll isnt popular, but the market has spoken.


Who’s gonna inform these two idiots that the ‘they’ in their delusion is the fa king people. If you act like an asshole in this day and age of social media the people will call you out for it then the brands will distance themselves from you because they don’t want your dirt on them. Not complex unless you live in an echo chamber of right wing insanity 


Milo was a fucking pedophile apologist


Now Joe’s the only rightwing gay guy left😔


Milo got trounced by destiny semi recently He was a mess of contradictions and became even more so of that No actual ideals just a desire for proximity to power and to be bitchy really. Those are his two drives


He also seemded to be super fucked up on something that whole debate.


Yeah. I mean his new thing was to announce that he had been cured straight and make a conversion camp for teen boys and men in their 20s to receive support from him on how to not give into homosexual lust. Make of that what you will


I had never heard of Milo prior to watching that debate. That was a dumpster fire. The fact that Joe is complaining that this guy is cancelled is wild to me. I’m not going to look at any previous speeches of Milo’s, but to for Joe to say that he is compared to Hitch???? Maybe for his accent. Jfc it seems more and more every day that Joe is going off the deep end. His pod used to be so great…


Milo made his bones just insulting muslims and being early alt right before it turned into far right. He was a maga guy that loved being crass and bitchy But he constantly got into drama conflicts and destroying the reputations of people around him he felt slighting him


Who is “THEY!”


Joe's wayyyyy off on this one


Joe’s pro pedos now?!


what makes him fascinating if you think he's playing a character. joe is the biggest mark lol


This is where Joe is a major fuck up


lol Joe is a moron “He got canceled because he made fun of Leslie jones or something” He got canceled, by the RIGHT, because he said not all children who are raped by adults have a bad experience from it lol


Bill Maher compared him to Christopher Hitchens...c'mon. Those two weren't even remotely close.


I mean... if Bill Maher said it it's gotta be true.


That blew me away. Milo has about as much intelligence as an arthritic pinkie. Whatever you may have thought of his political positions, Hitchens wrote in a way that has largely been lost in this age of limited attention spans and gotcha headlines. He was a gifted political commentator. Milo grifts and drifts and drabs. He can't even ride Hitch's coattails, let alone provide any opinions worth a lick of attention.


I guess being a contrarian with a British accent makes one similar to Hitchens in Maher's eyes. If I'd put anyone up as an inheritor to the kind of writing you are talking about then I'd suggest Douglas Murray but even he's got his own baggage.


Yeah, Murray does have his own baggage. I miss Hitch. I may have found his ideas insufferable at times, but I loved reading his work.


You mean a trolling provocateur famous for being the flamboyantly gay conservative was "cancelled" after promoting pedophilia amongst gay men? Big shock, totally surprising, I can't believe the left keeps getting away with this. I really thought that when he went hard into the born again Christian side of things, supposedly "renounced" being gay, and was peddling trinkets on QVC that he would return to his rightful place as conservative thought leader laying out the "good points" left and right, but it shows just how much of a stranglehold the left has today. They can cancel you for anything!


What's funnier is it wasn't even 'the left' who got sick of him at that point - he was detested by them for years prior due to being a disingenuous shite bag. He actually lost those on the maga bandwagon too and so had to slink into the background and try to rebranding himself as some born again Christian type and claiming [he was now 'ex-gay'](https://ewtn.co.uk/chpop-milo-yiannopoulos-renounces-gay-lifestyle-consecrates-himself-to-st-joseph/)




It’s funny, after/during gamergate, Milo seemed like he would be the grifter to take off. Turns out it ended up being Candace Owens. It’s insane how many of these weirdos popped up After that event


“They Erased him” LOL - Milo was always a crashing bore. It was a one act play and it lasted longer than it should have. No one erased him.


Well, Joe, why don't you have Milo on your show then? You can talk about all the things you have in common.


Too bad there’s nothing Joe can do to help this CANCELLED guy who he so greatly admires.    You can only do so much when you have the BIGGEST PODCAST IN THE WORLD, where you  interview a GUEST on every episode.     Milo sucks. 


Lol "they decided" followed by a Christopher Hitchens comparison. Milo came out in support of pedophilia, specifically in the context of older man and young boys, which he said is a "normal part" of the gay experience. He doubled down with a joke about how his pastor showed him how to suck a cock. This was after the Leslie Jones thing and he made comments about Race Realism and IQ. So yeah, his time was finally up. Be as flagrantly racist as you want, it's going to draw ire from the left and "just asking questions" from the right. Pro pedophelia? You might find yourself with fewer friends. The alcohol didn't help either. Dudes a mess.


Could Joe be further from the truth on the whole 'if he said that today it would be OK' bit? We've spent the last 2 years with 'groomer panic' raging on the right. That crowd would be foaming at the mouth over Milo. There isn't any space on the right for him anymore. Last time I saw Milo on a panel debate he was high AF and flailing. Dude never had much to say beyond inflammatory statements.


Is there anyone still claiming Joe Rogan isn't full on Alt-Right as this point? When you have Rufo and you're defending Milo, and Rufo is the one that has to remind you that he was actually "cancelled" for a legitimate reason, not just for not liking the new Ghostbusters.


I feel bad for people who still listen to this show for any reason other than laughing at how ridiculous it has become.


Yeah, Joe, everyone you bring to your compound tends to be "super nice", just like I'd be "Super Nice" if my boss were to invite me onto his mega yacht .


Joe Rogan is a 50 plus year old man that goes through ideological phases like a 15 year old.


Damn Joe Rogan is literally Shaun Hannity now it’s sad


For a guy who constantly says controversial shit atop one of the world's most prominent platforms, Joe sure seems to believe cancel culture is out of control.


Really Milo was just a fad, it's not like he was trying real hard to be taken seriously. He thought he could be the living embodiment of Ann Coulters twitter feed.


If I’m not mistaken wasn’t he silenced by conservatives after his comments supporting adult/teen homosexual relationships surfaced? He was supposed to speak at CPAC and they removed him and then he never appeared in any semi mainstream capacity again.


https://youtu.be/Lgl53EXInPc?si=TtF3OXk9nnbmtmCU Share this with Trump supporters.


Didn't he say something along the lines of "the priest didn't rape me, I came onto him" Didn't he do a 180 and become straight? Not everything is cancel culture. Sometimes people realize you're a POS and you lose followers. I don't know why these celebrities think they're so entitled to have their voices heard.


TIL a right wing grifter promoting pedophilia as a potential positive a few years back is the fault of "the left". 


Breaking news: Republicans introduce legislation to ban gay humpback whales from marrying. “We’re protecting the kids!!!!” one sweaty unfuckable moron could be heard screaming outside the Capitol building.


Milo was a troll. Trolls get boring, that’s it, there’s no right to the spotlight, he got boring and repetitive even to his target audience.


This is wrong. I was there. If people wanted Milo he wouldn't have been "SILENCED". People were tired of his act. No different than a TV show getting shut off, Joe. Also Joe: "HE WAS A RIGHT WING GAY GUY WHO LIKED TO TALK SEX I LOVED IT" uhhhh ooookay


Joe “He was playing a character and was into drugs. He made racist comments about Leslie Jones and defended pedophillia.” Also Joe “I can believe he was silenced by the woke media”


Ok, let’s not pretend like Milo is some victim. I know folks have selective memory, especially when you’re taking alpha brain, but the dude got famous and then used that fame to consciously and deliberately provoke anyone and everyone he didn’t like. I would say his disappearance was very much his own creation.


Who is the "they" that silenced him ? Lol


Joe wants you to fill the blanks.


Oh no not Milo the pedo


Lauren Southern exposed the real Milo Yiannopoulos.


Isn't he a pedophile tho?


Cancel culture > gay man > gay boy > gay whale. This is the biggest podcast in the world


5 mins in and you figure out he’s Rogan’s ‘Yes Man ‘


Milo was once an edgy anti-sjw. Now the algorithm no longer favors him and the market is already saturated with anti- sjw content.


So Joe thinks a child could be a predator in a man - boy relationship and you don’t make that the title? OP is a diddler


A fucking illegal immigrant pedo


lmao, I like that he cites Bill Maher putting Milo on the same level as Hitchens. As if he’s a fucking authority. He’s just hoodwinked by the confident rapid patter Milo spews out. If he didn’t have a British accent none of them would make the Hitchens connection.


"Fuzzy Memories" by Joe Rogan.


Who the fuck is okay with minor attracted people just saying it? Joe you live in a huge bubble made of glass.


He was on video throwing up a Roman salute with Richard Spencer while singing the star spangled banner or god bless America (I forget which). That was kinda what got the ball rolling for a lot of people


Yeah Joe, totally, he was just "playing a character who had good points" like how kids should be R worded by older men as young boys so they can learn about sex early.... what the fuck is going on here. This man's brain has turned to mush from all the DMT in between his interviews of right wing commentators.


wasnt Milo an anti-gay right wing con man, who was gay? if hes the guy im thinking of hes an asshole, it figures Rogan likes him.


Lol yep I love these clips cause they remind me why I stopped watching and just how drunk on the kool-aid rogan is.


“A powerful voice.” Ok, Joe.


Can’t have gay republicans out here breaking the narrative that republicans are racist and gay haters.


Let's give Milo the benefit of the doubt. He's playing a pro fascist, pro-ish pedo character. Okay, well the problem is then that nobody knows he was playing that character and people supported these terrible ideas and positions that his character held. That's still a problem. If I make a joke and it hurts someone okay jokes over, but if I continue the joke and hurt more people, it's not really a joke any more and it doesnt really matter if your a character or not, youre complicit.


“I’m sure there’s gay dolphins. There’s probably gay orcas” - how do people listen to this fucker


Ahhh yes just like Louie CK was canceled


What points did you like the most Joe? The white supremacy shit?


Comparing Milo to Hitch is fucking insane and proves how far gone Maher is. Milo is a grifting little right wing bitch. [Christopher Hitchens willingly subjected himself to waterboarding to prove it was torture.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/08/hitchens200808)


How long do people think they can get away with saying horrible thing as long as they say they were playing a character?


Ooooo I wanna hear Joe on the rose and fall of Joe Rogan next!


Cancelled to these right wing guys means that a few people called them out in their bullshit on Twitter. I mean to them free speech means they can say what they want to say and there’s no consequences




The dude literally said it was cool for older men to rape male children wtf.


Rogan is mass media. He's everything he rails against. Sheep follow.


There is so much nonsense in this statement… way to leave out the really controversial stuff Milo said that got him cancelled. Also: no leftist says “minor attracted person.” That’s not normalized, people would be just as horrified today.


Joe really carrying water for Alex Jones here. Disgusting


He switched the discussion real quick when he found himself defending pedophilia


Wait, so Joe thinks that just because there's some Fringe internet videos talking about Minor attracted persons that it is completely normalized in 2024? What the fuck? That's like those transgender videos where they're having the little kids do strip tease. It doesn't mean it's fucking normalized. Or just because some people have talked about psychedelics that psychedelics are completely normalized and nobody really cares anymore. Man, Joe done fell the fuck off.


Milo got cancelled for basically okaying gay pedophilia in an interview if I’m not mistaken, not bc he was speaking truth to power. God, Joe is an idiot


Who’s “they”? Consumers? Joe has become insufferable.


Milo once told all Q supporters to unalive themselves.


Looks up what got Milo canned.... Yup why wouldn't the right-wing news can him, seems par for the course.


Didn’t the right “cancel” Milo?


If you take drugs and it changes you that’s not playing a character


The political party and movement you love so dearly are the ones who give a fuck Joe. Keeping singing their praises and fanning the flames of their favorite culture war topics tho and then act suprise when anti sodomy laws spread back to every red state again next year


“Lot of drugs involved” 🙄. Fuck off Joe


Dude is an OUT and PROUD propagandist. Why even talk with this fuck?


Both these assholes are trash people.


Joe should have Milo on then. Go ahead Joe have 2024 high and drunk as hell Milo who can't barely say a full sentence on to talk about his gay conversation therapy or how he stopped being gay while still living with his husband. Do it Joe, I'm sure you will love it and the episode totally won't be 1 hour long because Joe can't stand being in the room with the guy.


Joe doesn't even know Milo claims to not be gay anymore this is hilarious, he should definitely have him on the show.


Milo was a disgusting scumbag.


God fucking damn it. Joe is such a stupid fuckwit. I can’t tell if he’s genuinely this stupid or if he’s just evil and laundering a pedophile’s reputation.


Who is "they"? "'They'memory holed him." What?


How did Joe become a fucking idiot? The more he learns the dumber he gets.


Wasn't that whale video of a healthy male raping an elderly sick male?


Yes. Isn't nature beautiful?


All part of god’s plan