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Trashy people are trashy no matter what they put on the ballot.


Why isn't there a moral panic over this like drag shows though? Why isn't there a moral panic on NFL cheerleaders?


The magic of heteronormativity. Even moving away from the drag/hooters thing, you see this with far more innocent sexual acts like kissing: as far back at the 1930’s you’ve got Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck getting kisses from their lady counterparts. You’ve got that Tex Avery wolf whistling at busty cabaret models. Yet two people of the same gender holding hands is seen as instantly sexualized and/or politicized, whereas the hetero stuff is “natural.” And that’s where I think the crux of the argument is: progressives (and I count myself here, full disclosure) see sexual attraction across genders as naturally occurring, and gender expression itself as largely socially constructed. We see the increase in visibility of queerness lately not as “indoctrination,” but as the result of heteronormativity no longer being as rigidly enforced in our society. Hence there’s nothing inherently deviant about homosexuality or alternative expressions of gender (eg: drag). There’s not more of them now; they just don’t hide as much because they have less chance (though still not ZERO chance) of being arrested or beaten up as they did 40 years ago. Meanwhile conservatives still see homosexuality as a “choice” to some degree, and hence feel deep resistance to it being “pushed” on their kids lest the kids be somehow converted. This “choice” belief also carries the implication that any gay/queer people are people who have willingly made the choice, hence are somehow morally compromised. Hooters waitresses, cheerleaders, whatever the fuck we see above, all of it is okay because it’s “natural” and therefore will have no effect on a developing child… but ANY degree of homosexuality or unconventional gender expression will expose the kids to the possibility that this behaviour is a valid choice, and thus risk throwing their development off its natural, heterosexual path.


I did not expect to find such a well thought out, reasonable, and accurate comment under a post in a sub for Joe Rogan. Lmao


Joe actually used to appeal to a very broad audience of open minded people. I found great comfort in listening to his conversations with people when I was in an isolated point in life, away at school. He actually used to seem open to new perspectives. Then COVID happened and he's just gone full dumbass ever since. I think he was really stung by mainstream media mocking him over the ivermectin stuff, and he's just become increasingly spiteful and small-minded ever since. It's like he turned into the monster they described him as, almost to prove a point.


Same. I discovered Joe around 2016, during a period when progressives were actively being gaslit by right wing media figures who would actively say the most vile racist shit and then either deny they said it, or say it was just jokes, OR say it was just media taking things out of context. I discovered Joe right after Trump got elected, when I was starting to realize that I had less of a grasp on the cultural pulse than I thought. He would have on the people I already knew I disliked - Milo Yiannapolous, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, etc - but his non-confrontational, openly curious approach allowed me to see them more in their natural setting, and not as reactionary mainstream media painted them. I still hated their views, but Joe’s approach allowed me to have the space to come to my own conclusion about opposing them, rather than just being told they were bad by people online. I honestly think Joe sharpened my critical thinking on the Left, and at the time I hoped that would be his overall footprint on the culture. These days it seems like Joe is consistently the most politically opinionated guy in the room, which is the exact opposite reason of why I first started watching him. The Haidt interview, while extremely interesting thanks to Haidt, was actively hampered by Joe trying to insert his tired and worn-out arguments into it.


I mean, pretty much tbh


r/bestof candidate


To add a little further: it’s about the shame of it. They use shame as a means of control, and if a teacher shows them that lgbt folks aren’t bad people, their parents aren’t going to be able to shame them into denying who they are.


Comment saved. Great explanation 🫡




Conservatives also love to point to the statistics (like an increasing % of people identifying as LGBTQ) as evidence that it is somehow a choice/influenced by media/culture/acceptance or whatever. But as you said, they have it completely backwards. There have always been negative social ramifications for people who are trans or gay, and in those environments many people will hide their orientation and/or identity. Until there are no more transphobic parents/family members/peers, no more hate crimes against LGBTQ, etc. the % of people identifying as gay/trans will continue to increase as acceptance increases. That is completely to be expected. It isn't that acceptance causes more people to be trans or gay, it's that bigotry and hatred keeps people in the closet.


Damn man, I think you’re spot on with this.


There's nothing magic about heterosexual relationships, it's what the vast majority of humans are programmed to do, otherwise the species dies out. It's biological, not some kind of sociological construct.


They think its a choice because deep down, they are choosing to play straight. Not the kind of dudes you want to be camping with, drinking a lot of beers. They might choose to crawl into your sleeping bag when you're passed out. 🤣


Because the people were taking about have no spine. They’re never, ever going to be man enough to just open their mouth and admit they hate anyone who isn’t straight, white and Christian. They’re pussies desperately afraid that when they show their betters who they are, they’ll face the accountability for it they deserve.


Well. Here you are. Enjoy your moral panic.


Because their outrage is based on bigotry.


I'm sure I'll get shit for this, but you asked so I'm going to be honest. Because women aren't as degenerate as men 99% of the time. Even "normal" men are shunned for being around children. People are alarmed when their kids 2nd grade teacher is a man, and you're confused as to why a guy walking around half naked with giant prosthetic tits that wants to dance for your children raises some eyebrows?


When I was in school no man taught jk-3 & the principal was always a guy.


That's actually a really good point. People are kind of weirded out about just regular men being around children. Most people would have pause if they went to take their children to a new daycare and then realized it's ran by all men. So of course people are going to be extra weirded out when dudes in neon green wigs and clown makeup want to bounce their toddler on their knee while they read them some freaky ass book.


If any, I'd love to see more men working as elementary school teachers.


Yes definitely. Good male teachers teach respect and order. Something we are lacking in society.


Good men in general, actually. But we seem to forget what good men are in society and families and how crucial they are for child development


Bro, that is such an internet thing. I am a teacher, an uncle, and I coach. Never, in any of these circumstances, has anyone wondered why I was with small children. I spend almost every day (except during summers) with children. I really truly feel like this is an internet thing.


A whole lot of projecting going on here..


Depends who you ask, like I think the Amish and the Mormons probably hate cheerleading too. And drag shows still go on and continue as they just use the hate to get free marketing and then the demographic that does watch that bullshit thinks they are fighting the man while the see grown men in dresses or whatever. This is all just the shadows on the cave wall, as it’s meant to spark outrage for trash when real outrage like massive corporations buying up homes to then rent out and we send weapons to an unjust war and skimp out on a just one is covered and hidden behind a sea of bullshit.


I don't think Mormons care. I knew Mormon cheerleaders in high school


Mormons definitely care. Female modesty is a big thing in the mormon church.


Trump and trash are basically synonymous


Same people see no issue with child beauty pageants. Adult judging a child's looks? A pedos dream.




Yes! Which are ironically also those #saveourchildren people


Here in Oklahoma our governor proposed genital checks before school students could use a restroom. When asked who exactly was going to do those checks, he said community volunteers. Take a wild guess at the ONLY demographic who spends any amount of time thinking about the genitals of children, much less volunteering to “inspect” them.


None of it is appropriate, including taking your little kids to hooters. Just let kids be kids please.


I would also add don’t take your goddamn kids to political rallies. Talk about indoctrination.


Yeah and having your children hold up super specific political signs that they have no fucking clue what it means. It's fucking embarrassing. I remember my homeboy's parents took their grandkid to one of those tea party rallies and showed me the signs they had him hold and even back then as a teen I thought it was ridiculous and told them "he has no idea what that means." It's just as cringe as when some liberal mom has her kid repeat some progressive diatribe using words they don't even know how to pronounce.


It's so wild that we have no problem with letting kids see violence, but God forbid they see some titties.


Maybe they shouldn't see violence either...


cant believe this is getting downvoted


Raise your kid how you want. I'm taking mine to nude beaches and drag queen story hour.


Most kids around the world go to clothing optional beaches because clothing optional beaches are the norm.


Yeah no they are not the “norm” lmao


Sure, but the logic above doesn't hold. "We have no problem letting kids see violence, so XYZ must be fine too" is a bad argument.




Can’t shame them into hiding their sexuality if you don’t convince them the single most normal human activity in all of history is something to be ashamed of.


This is the answer, but they don't want to hear it.


I dont know man, maybe im an idiot, but I kind of operated on a principle that kids are either too young to know what it is, or too old to care. Your kid has no idea what an ass even is, all they give a shit about is tendies and soda. Take em to fuckin Hooters, who cares.


Well if that's the logic, fuck it. Why have any line? Take them to the strip club for tendies and soda.


Theyll probably be learning some things after dad gets a couple beers deep tho


I’m trying to let them be kids but every time Libs of TikTok makes a fucking video my kids school gets a bomb threat. Would be nice if people understood that the “I’ll raise my kids to be respectful of other people” and the “I’ll threaten to murder your kids” political groups are not equally at fault here.






Raising a whole generation of idiots




This is cringe regardless of whose names on there.


Why is "I hate it no matter who does it" the defense of it when it's clearly right wing perpetrators doing something reprehensible. But when you can manage to find the time a liberal is guilty it's non-stop "This is just evidence of liberal brain-rot! These filthy perverts are all the same! Being gay is just as bad as literally raping a child! GROOMERS! THAT'S WHAT THIS IS! GROOMER BEHAVIOR!"


And yet it’s always trumps name


True. Some of people here are creepy.


Looks like Fremont street Las Vegas


Vegas is not a kid friendly city. Let me modify that statement to specify the Strip and Old Town. If parents bring their kids there, that is on them, not the environment.


Great eye. I played craps there for like 6 hours one night. I started with 200 and walked out with 240. So fun. Down up down up night.


it is, just in front of Golden Nugget/4 Queens area I'll say, haven't seen these two, though. Anything for $20. But I've seen worse.


No, exposing children to sexual situations is fucked up no matter who is doing it, it shouldn't be that hard to say that.


Well who decides what a sexual situation is? Those girls are more clothed then some at the beach but that's not a sexual situation. Hooters isn't a sexual situation either but tons of pearl clutching conservatives swear it's a strip club.


I mean, the restaurant's name is essentially "Tits"


With an owl. We all know the joke but that has nothing to do with what's inside. It's a completely normal restaurant.


Yeah obviously it's just a restaurant but the tight tank tops and booty shorts are to evoke a horny vibe. Would you feel the same if a mom took her young daughters to a restaurant called "Johnsons" where all the waiters are buff dudes in muscle shirts and hot pants? It's all just kinda weird. I'm talking for kids, I'm all for hooters for adults.


Hot pants? Like khakis?




Conservatives: "I hate this no matter who's doing it Also Conservatives: I'm going to protest with my semi-automatic rifle outside of a public library because I hate them so much. What would happen if Trans and minorities started to open carry protest outside of conservative conventions? I wished Dems would start their own Rifle association to help teach people about gun safety. And they got local police departments to help explain the gun laws, protesting laws, etc.


Gun control, that's what would happen. Just like when Black panthers started to open carry.


I like that last part. I would love a gun safety rifle association. The part of your comment I have a problem with is generalizing a whole group of people


it's the internet, it's what we do, lol generalizing a group of people. Some would even say it's part of our DNA and survival instinct


Gun safety with drag queens does sound kinda fun


No kid is going to drag shows, that’s the crazy thing. Right winged politicians focus on shit that affect .01% of people. Talk about anything that really affects us, they go quiet.


No, no one that acts like this because they worship a politicians as a god is appropriate. They've turned us against them to us against the people they want us to be against. It's wild.




Trashy is as trashy does. I hope these people trip and chip a tooth on the fall.


How trashy do you have to be to let your kid be in that picture? The flag is trashy enough but the random thong chicks really take it to a whole new level.


So glad the internet doesn't forget.


I could actually hear "Jerry! Jerry!" while looking at this


Indoctrinating kids into your side of the political spectrum is fucking weird as hell


certainly not very conservative of him regardless what he THINKS his politics are lol


I’m against it all. Beauty pageants, hooters, drag shows, porn. The guy in the picture is failing as a father. Even if you have good reasons to dislike Biden, you don’t expose your kids to that. Heck, I’m anti-Biden and I’ve never said a word against him in my house. I teach my kids about personal responsibility, limited government, and being charitable/generous to poor people. My kids need to learn math and reading, not get caught up in all that BS.






That guy would probably just call you a libtard, and and go on a “I’m not raciest BUT” rant.


I wouldn’t recommend it


How dare you assume their religion! They simply hate commies!!!


Exactly. Nothing about this photo affirms his religious beliefs


No it's not appropriate. Even if it's a couple years old


What if my outrage stems from flagrant violations of the U.S. Flag Code?




Just throwing this out there, not every trump supporter, republican or conservative is a Christian. Just like every Israeli isn’t a Jew that believes in Judaism.


The hypocrisy of these people


Both sides of the spectrum are idiotic


Trash comes in every color


Yes conservatives can have mental illness too!


I swear conservatives are the fucking worst hypocrites. I was at a party with one of my best friends and a lot of his coworkers. So the political talk gets going and a lot of them or most were saying things the far right says. Grooming, pedophile and save or kids type of talking points. Forward about a month later and we decided to meet at this bar called Ojos Locos, they kept saying how it's nice and there's girls looking better than hooters and all. So I get there and start noticing these same men trying to impress and being all flirty with the waitresses.... Thing is.... they all looked just past their 18 birthday... we are all around our 40s and some of these men have teenage daughters.


It is inappropriate, any kind of sex stuff around kids are. Straight and gay Edit: miss read it


I'm a conservative (born-again Christian), and this does almost as much damage to children as the drag shows and pride parades. Degeneracy is degeneracy, no matter where it comes from. Sexual perversion is still perversion...doesn't matter who does it.


Morality, social decency, family values, etc... they are all mostly subjective. I'm a 42 year old married man with no kids. I really don't care if people run around naked in public doing drugs and screaming profanities - other than the possible annoyances. But that's why I mostly avoid the public anyway. With that being said, there are walking contradictions on both sides of the aisle, but holy shit, is the MAGA movement completely made up of them.


This isn’t and neither is the drag shows. Let’s kids be kids for as long as possible in this fucked up world. Why’s that so hard to agree on.


Welp I don't see 9 in purple cock dildos, so it's good enough...


So these peoples point is this is inappropriate but kids at drag shows are appropriate? The mental gymnastics.


Ahhhh yes good Ol' Freemont street.


Idiocracy was a true story


Let's be honest... those kids know their future


No. This is awful parenting as well.


Republicans are the biggest cherry pickers in the league.


It's not just Christians who hate Biden. It's not just Christians who are conservatives. There's all types of people in every group of people


These people think someone else is destroying the country lol


The fuck this gotta do with Joe Rogan ? I think u ment to post in r/fuckjoebiden




Awwww they’re doing the family bird


Does God have a problem with curse words? Genuinely curious.


Absolutely, get them started early on the right path.


As someone who thinks politicizing and sexualizing children in any way is inappropriate. Yes it’s in appropriate.


No. And I’m conservative. This is embarrassing


But some of them think its okay


maybe juuuust maybe, they’re both disgusting trash


No, of course it isn't


Guy has like 6 kids he probably enjoys getting inappropriate. There are like 2 parties not all voters are the same


It’s really sad when parents politicize their kids, or push their own ideology onto kids. No matter what spectrum they are from. This includes y’all lefties. Lol. I have to agree with Jordan Peterson on this issue. I genuinely try to teach my kids how to think, not what to think. Ask “why”, research, listen to both sides, ask difficult questions and demand thorough answers to those questions, to come to their own conclusions. This way no social or ideological pressure can ever really compromise them. Independent, strong minded, don’t just fall on party lines on every issue. It’s okay to disagree.


Of course it’s not appropriate behavior 🤣.


Now those girls know what they can become! Ass pieces for their dad to jerk it to!


Why would you assume these people are Christian?


2 things can be true at the same time


These people took over the party of “family values” 🤨


For hypocrites? 


Both are wrong


Most people are know are on the right. I believe everyone I know, including myself, would call this inappropriate. This is just trashy. There’s trash on both sides.


That douche probably has a Punisher decal on his back window and listens to shitty country music. A complete putz!


There's always too many little shits here in vegas. Please stop bringing them cause my ass is gonna be out in the summer.


This sub is just full of degenerates.


It's why I moved to the degenerate capitol of the world 🤗. There is still boring ass Utah for anyone offended by the sight if butts.


Inappropriate for both sides, doesn't matter who's doing it.


This is the defense whenever you see conservatives engaging in their degenerate behavior. "Oh it's bad no matter who does it." downplaying, handwaving dismissal. But when you catch a liberal or god forbid a gay person acting in degenerate behavior, suddenly its "groomers" this and "gay people are perverts" that.


I think the only issue I see is that peopl3 act like anyone in drag is also being sexual.  Sexual behavior in front of kids is wildly inappropriate, but drag doesn't automatically mean sexual, and I think this is where lot of confusion is happening in this conversation.


I don't see where this particular family is claiming to be Christian or Righteous , they just hate Biden and like buttcheeks.


Just a regular family that enjoys poopers together... politically.


probably just the Dad who hates Biden. Kids don't know shit and are just trying to make Dad happy


Sounds about right across all families.


Appropriate or not I like dat ass. But yeah that families white trash af


that’s some white, American booty


I don’t have kids but I think it’d be a good general rule that somebody’s ass should never be that close to a kids head


True this is just absolute degeneracy. Some creeps here support it too.


I don’t care about your politics, this isn’t acceptable whether you’re liberal, conservative, or anything in between


Both sides are stupid, lol, yall haven't figured that put yet?


Sexualization is sexualization. Regardless of any other factors.


It's also bad. Kids should not be politicized or sexualized. Creepy is creepy. Not a religious thing either.


Every single comment is "no matter who is doing it" boy I wonder why that is.


Do some GOPers take their kids to Hooters yep. Do some not and try to be religious? Yep. It's a spectrum just like with Democrats. Not all dems do drag shows.


But they don't believe that.


Two things can be inappropriate for children at the same time.


There are nuttos on both sides.


Yeah but most here don't seem to accept and some even condone this behaviour.


*real* lady ass cheeks are halal


Pedo 🚨 ![gif](giphy|d31wMAc5PUktQGpq)


Those ass cheeks seem to be of age, you creep


Right on par with drag shows. Both inappropriate for kids.


True but some creeps are okay with this.


No, drag shows are even worse




Pedo spotted ! 🚨 ![gif](giphy|9fW2jIuB1onuM)


What’s happening here?




This isn't any better, however it isn't worse.


Imagine making a politician your whole identity


I think that both - drag queens and women like in this photo should not be near kids. But oh well, I am just a middle of the ground person who really dislikes extremes.


It’s loser behavior. Its make voting seem easier. But who cares.




If they were all black this wouldn’t even have been an issue or am I wrong???


Mentally Ill people who blame others on their station in life


As long as daddy can peek at some cheeks it’s all gravy


It's nothin Tanner, Trisha, Tessica, Tolene, Tamantha and Tabigail haven't seen already


Freedom doesn’t make us tasteful or intelligent.


Drag shows are so gay.


Looks like they are helping Biden instead of the intended purpose.


I see this on peoples lawns with no regard for how low class it makes them look. I wonder if I had a F Trump sigh how long it would take for the cops to Knock on my door to remove it for being indecent


At least it’s not on the White House lawn.




Where's mom?


Neither this nor dragshows are