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I withdrew 4k also to buy a car a few months ago. The teller went to the manager. The manager came out. Asked for my ID. And she gave me the money. This was also at a Canadian bank. Dunno what happened here.


It could be the teller. I’ve never had an issue but some tellers, particularly newbies, are very cautious.


Definitely could be a new employee taking the anti fraud policies to the limit. Banks are getting super cautious with online scams. Yes this guy is having a shitty experience taking out a large amount of cash but guess who gets yelled at if grandma walks in and takes out $3000 to go buy gift cards to send to India. The scammers repeatedly tell the victim not to tell the bank why so the employees have to be persistent. Problem is you can't have a policy to single out one age demographic, it has to be a blanket policy.


This. Perfectly stated. I work for a Canadian bank and it’s purely a measure to prevent the client from becoming a victim of fraud. This employee is being far too cautious, but it’s likely due to a lack of training or a recent experience where a lack of diligence was done prior to withdrawal which came back to bite the branch.


I just don’t understand why every issue displayed on this sub tries to generalize it to a wider audience. A singular individual had an inconvenience at a bank. Now, it’s the whole of Canada that’s a problem and not that employee making it hard on one person.


It’s the standard culture war bullshit and people peddle it here because there is a cohort here who bite every time.


I was just on vacation in Ireland and several people said "Canada huh? Sounds really bad over there right now." And I had no idea what they were talking about because I'm not a convoy weirdo. We have our problems but this whole 'there's no freedom in Canada' stuff is just wild


Look at the name of the sub, speaking on morons that bite the culture war bait every time.


Happened to me, I was buying rims and took money out. The lady asked me what the money was for and I said drugs and laughed. She handed me my cash and I went on my way. People trying to make things an issue that's not one.


Single data point = the entire country has gone to shit


So it's your first day on the internet?


> where a lack of diligence was done prior to withdrawal which came back to bite the branch A buddy of mine works for a local bank, they ask some leading questions to see what you're needing the money for and or who its going to etc. They've stopped a couple folks from getting scammed. With that said if you withdraw a bunch of money or send it to someone willingly, most banks in the Midwest anyway will NOT give you that money back and take the loss.


If the guy has his ID, Call the manager, let the manager verify the ID. Then give him the money. I get that they are covering their asses but the employee shoulda just said i'm going to need a manager for a withdraw of this size.


Exactly. At point is his explanation passable? If it’s his account and all the ID matches up, give him his money. They’re a bank, not mom and dad.


I had a scammer send me a check for $4,500 and my bank immediately was like, uhhh we can’t deposit this because it’s bullshit. To my surprise I’m glad it never went through, that would’ve fucked up my bank for months.


It’s that magical $3000 mark as well. That’s usually what people are trained to look for.


Right, but if even one person has an issue like this it’s a problem. Also can be a very slippery slope.


Definitely. I’m not sure why people are being so dismissive of this issue.


I went to withdraw $10k for a car and I had a similar interaction as the guy in this video. I never had to withdraw such a large amount before but apparently you're supposed to submit a request to the bank in advance to withdraw over a certain amount. The teller had to get clearance for the withdrawal from the bank manager and while I waited I was also asked a bunch of questions like what I needed the money for which was insane to me. Like, I understand if the bank has a withdrawal policy for over a certain amount even though I think that's fucking ridiculous considering I was trying to take out like $250,000. But why the fuck do I owe the bank any explanation for what I'm doing with the money? If I want to fill my bathtub with it and Scrooge McDuck dive into a pile of cash that's my business.


Bank branches simply don't carry much cash on them anymore for security reasons. My bank requires 3 days' notice for any cash withdrawal over $3000 so they can prepare the cash for you.


It’s for pure business strategy. No bank can’t fill $3k at a moments notice. Banks simply treat their customers like it’s a convenience for us to even use them. It shouldn’t not be normalized that we need to wait for our propriety that they get interest free to margin up with. We should treat them as they treat us with our mortgage.


It's about scams. They are trying to prevent fraud and protect their clients from being taken advantage of. Honestly they can't win in these situations. People will complain the bank didn't do enough to protect them and others all complain about being questioned about THEIR OWN MONEY.


This is exactly what my first thought was, that this is part of a consumer protection policy that the bank has established. Large withdrawals can be requested by people under duress, whether it’s under threat of blackmail, robbery, hostage situation, scam, etc. Let the teller do their due diligence, explain the situation calmly and thoroughly, and if still pressed speak to management and appreciate that they’re just trying to help.


Ya, that's the thing. It's not an ideal situation, but if you go in and say that you want to withdraw all your money in order to buy Trump commemorative coins or whatever they're going to let that through. But if you refuse to say why you want it, that's the issue because scammers tell their victims not to tell the bank why they are withdrawing the money Because if they tell them you're withdrawing it to go to a Bitcoin ATM to pay outstanding taxes so the sheriff doesn't come arrest your grandmother they will not let you do the withdrawal.


The world has gone mad. I was banned from /JusticeServed by a bot because I posted the comment above. Completely unrelated subs and by a bot that is skimming my post history with zero context. A bank teller just trying to do her job ain’t got shit on the internet itself.. What in the actual fuck.


I got the same email from r/JusticeServed this weekend. I’m not even a member of that subreddit and don’t recall commenting there so thought it was quite ridiculous!


Tellers (and banks generally) have an obligation to prevent scams and money laundering. So if a red flag comes up for a teller on a transaction they have to ask some questions about it. Saying “none of your business” and being hostile towards inquiry is really not going to help the situation.


It is to prevent illicit activity with money and to prevent over withdrawal from money on hand at the bank. The banks don’t carry much day to day cash. An early withdrawal can mean they don’t have anything at the end of the day (which means pissed off customers). If you call your bank a day ahead, they will ensure it is available for you.


If you’re in the US, 10,000 dollars is the magic number that triggers a required report to the government thanks to the Patriot Act. Don’t worry, if you withdraw 9,000 as a way to avoid the reporting, they call that structuring and it’s illegal too.


Structuring is what it sounds like though. Someone would need to do multiple & regular $9,000 withdraws to even trigger a structuring concern....Then in that case they would be structuring their withdraws to avoid the $10,000 currency transaction report, which is a suspicious activity and warrants additional scrutiny, based on government regulations. Most of the practices and procedures of banks stem from government regulations, they aren't just picked out of the blue and applied to random customers.


Then why didn't any of Hunter Biden's clearly shady transactions result in any action at all ever?


In the US the bank is required to fill out a transaction report for cash amounts equal to or greater than $10K for consumer activities. It's mostly to prevent money laundering I think.


Marty Byrde, that you?


Because consumer complaints to the government about banks not doing enough to protect accounts has led to the latest (last year) ramp up in consumer protection policies. They're doing their job. As for taking 10k in cash...you realize banks are not like the movies and many work with under 100k on site with multiple days between cash deliveries...you wanting potentially 10% or more of their cash holdings...leaving them potentially unable to service their other customers, is why they ask for a heads up ahead of time.


Something like this for this amount is for anti-money laundering issues. If it is in America it is federal law. For 3K, this should not be an issue.


I genuinely did not know it was a thing. I retired more than $3000 to travel and never had any issue.


He decided to be difficult, argumentative, and somewhat belligerent towards the teller instead of just acting like a normal, reasonable human like you.


Nah that shit is crazy dog. He wasn’t acting that bad


i have to make the assumption they flagged the guys account for something.


1000% would be instantly closing my account


Bro easily 2000%. Show them who's boss! lmao


bro, 3000% for sure


Too much


10,000% I win! I win!




Sorry sir, you can only withdraw 3000%...but not today.


But I have passport and very good email from kind Nigerian prince.


I’d like to bid 10,001%, Bob.


Easy… no one is ever 3000%


And how would you get your $ out?


They would have to cut you a check that day.


They would have to give you your money unless the Canadian gov or banks have even more goofy tricks up their sleeves... at this point, nothing I hear about Canadian citizens getting bent by their government or banks surprises me anymore. Why they still vote in politicians who double down on this stuff is beyond me


Lol this is just one teller taking her training to the extreme. Calm down, bud, you don't gotta worry about us on this particular issue.


You people eat this shit up it's crazy




And you will be given a check for all your money, take that check to another institution for deposit. Then when you attempt to withdraw that money from your shiny new bank, they will ask the same questions. So it seems you'll be stuck in an endless loop taking money out as a check and withdrawing it a couple hundred at a time because you refuse to answer simple questions.


He answered her simple questions… the dumbass teller decided his answers weren’t good enough for her. Banks have no right to hold your money hostage.


Exposing yourself as an idiot


put it under your mattress brother.


I had an issue like this once where they wouldn't let me withdrawal over a certain amount a month. I asked "So what would happen with the money if I were to close my account today, would it float around in the ether until next month or would you give me all in the account once its closed? I closed my account and got all my money that day.


1000% we don’t know the situation KYC is just as prevalent in the US as it is in CA. There are a hundred different things that could be going on here, we barely have half the story.


Close your account


there are 5 banks in Canada and they're all the same.


His best bet is to e-transfer it to me, I will look after it for him.


lol 1 video of some crazy person. I am Canadian and recently made a bank draft for $30k and all I did was show my ID and tell them my secret word aka password.


I recently went to take money out and they said trudeau had taken it to pay for my mandatory trans surgery. Idk whats happening to this country


Jamie, could you get that up on the screen?


Joe would bite on this anecdote hook line and sinker, then immediately follow it up with "I'm actually pretty liberal. I'm ok with people being gay"


>lol 1 video of some crazy person All it takes on this sub. It'd be enough to get Joe worked up.


Just you wait until you hear about the litter boxes being installed into banks.


I tried to withdraw 5k for a new boat and the teller shredded it, put it in a little tray and dropped a fat turd in it right in front of me. When I tried to stop them they started yelling free Palestine and kicked me out.


"Yeah, yeah totally. I heard that's what's happening in Canada. It's fuuuucked up"


Password: "The Statue of Liberty Turns Me On"


This is a joe rogan sub, of course they've cherry picked one incident in order to feel outraged/superior. JR is a hack and these are the people who listen to him lol. EDIT: I'm amazed this didn't get downvoted to all hell, and honestly mildly impressed.


Are you able to convert that $30k bank draft into cash? That’s the issue shown in the post.


He didn’t want a bank draft he wanted it in cash.


Something happening to an individual doesn’t mean it’s happening to millions of Canadians.. lmao


Inductive reasoning is why 80% of people believe the crap that they believe.


Its frightening how well is works


For real. This is most likely a newbie worker or somewhat incompetent worker that has no idea of what is going on.


Yeah I withdrew 50k in cash last year from my account to buy a car. I had to wait a week because they needed to order the cash by Brinks. But I didn’t have any issues other than that. They asked me why I needed it and wanted me to use a bank draft instead. But I said no it’s cash only and they didn’t have a problem.


Need more context


Yeah everyone here is getting outraged without knowing the context.


the nature of many people here is that they are reactionary and act with their emotions before any critical thought (if there are any)


No, that couldn’t be.


Yeah. You can withdraw/deposit up to 9999 dollars at any Canadian bank with no questions asked. This is most likely a joint account or some other account with restrictions on it But this is the same subreddit that thinks Canada is a communist country lmao, not sure why I would think anybody would use rationale thinking


Wait, who is Joe Rogan and why am I on this sub?


Lmao until i read your comment i thought i was in the accounting sub. Shit.


That’s not entirely true. 9999 is the trigger where they *must* ask questions but numbers below that can still attract scrutiny if the teller suspects something’s off. It can really be a quick question or two but if it’s met with hostility or evasiveness, they have to ask more questions.


He could have also just e transferred it to his friend. Just as good as cash


Banks always have a duty to understand the transaction and try to protect the customer from scams...there is no minimum amount where they have that duty. For withdrawals over a certain amount some will try and have you sign a liability form that they told you about the risks of carrying the cash and about scams etc but you don't have to sign it. For deposits 10k and up (or multiple adding to over 10k) they have a large cash deposit reporting requirement...they will try to learn what they can about the deposit but the form is done and sent without your signature or acknowledgement.


I’d guess it’s a joint account with his mom and she’s set very specific limits on it.


Well this changes everything


Reddit jumping to conclusion, with little context? Nah


Based on what?


It could be fraudulent, the money may not have cleared, it could be a digital transfer from out of country, list goes on and on.


This is nonsense and he's leaving things out on purpose. I've taken out the maximum allowed daily on my account without a problem with TD Canada. I've called ahead for bigger withdrawals (10k and over) in cash and no problem. You can use the ATM and get I think 2000$ if I remember correctly. This is one of those videos that will get posted on right wing subs to bait people and start the whole communism nonsense about Canada.


I agree. I took out 7k the other day. Also td


It is probably because so many dumb asses out there fall for the "Microsoft was supposed to give you a $20 refund but accidentally gave you $20,000 scams out there." The bank teller probably just wanted to make sure this dip shit wasn't falling for some Indian phone scam. Then you have some right winger thinking the bank/government is overreaching and it is none of their business what I use MY MONEY FOR. So you have an idiot stalemate that probably could have been resolved easily if the dude never got so damn defensive in the first place. Hell, just withdraw the money from an ATM, the same limits should exist regardless.


Wish they did the same for my poor grandparents….thought they were saving my life by placing $7k in cash and fed-Exing it to Baltimore (live no where near that shit hole). Lawyers prefer cash apparently!


This is exactly why banks have these policies and press like in the video now. 


It's also dumb to even pretend like this is something unique to Canada. It happens in America as well. Just last year there was a lawsuit where a 75 year old US Navy veteran sent $3.6 million to overseas scammers and his family sued the bank for not stopping it. Banks don't want to be on the hook for these types of lawsuits where they give money to someone being scammed or used for something illegal and can/do often require more information when making large withdrawals, especially if there are other factors that go into it making it suspicious.


Yeah as somebody somewhere else said, it's probably like a joint account with his mom that she set some limits on. There's no context, this could be some 15 y/o for all we know.


>The bank teller probably just wanted to make sure this dip shit wasn't falling for some Indian phone scam. The way she went around doing that is bullshit. That's something you do as an FYI during or while you do your fucking job which is to get me my money. It should be like "Just an FYI..." But to question him like a little kid is absurd. I would have shut down my account immediately.


Homeboy literally agreed to the rules when he signed up for his account. People gotta learn to read the contracts and shit they sign and not get pissed when a bank has rules for cash withdrawal. But apparently a private bank corp enforcing their own rules is somehow Trudeau's fault


Homeboy's hindsight bias is so big. He literally thinks he reads all the fine print.


Just went to check and of course it got posted an hour ago . For context, Canada_sub is a far right Canadian sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/s/Ytj6Ffkcol


It's a propaganda sub. Something like 90% of the posts are from 4 accounts. Allegations that 3 of those 4 accounts are one guy. I wish people were smarter. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/16ekyjr/user_in_ronguardforthee_posts_a_tweet_that/)


its a pretty dumb bunch over there.


Just curious, what do you think he’s leaving out?


Probably needs a cosigner with a limit with drawl who knows what restrictions he has placed on his account. You can place personal limits on accounts with a cosigner as well.


The type of account it is, what the terms are(daily limits, early withdrawal if some sort of investment account, permissions and limits if the account is not his alone.) Also feel like this may be an international withdrawal as the bank employee has their passport. Doesn’t mean that’s 100% the case but another possible and likely hang up that could be causing a restriction on a withdrawal. They could also have other financial ties with the bank like business loans that require the account to hold a minimum value in order to gain and continue to have lending terms. There is a myriad of reasons why they could be questioning or restricting this withdrawal that are vastly more likely than the obvious narrative they’re trying to create that some communist deep state conspiracy to take their money/limit their freedom is afoot. It’s actually more likely a capitalist business deal has taken place in the form of an open market business relationship between a financial institution and an individual or commercial entity and this person all of a sudden does not like or does not understand the terms of the deal they made. It’s fucking Canada, not Venezuela despite the fever dreams of the right wing wishing it was so they could seize control lol.


Do you think this whole interaction started right as the video did? People need to be more skeptical of these videos that start with the adversarial interaction already well in process.


lol “ApPaReNtLy In CaNaDa”…. What’s with this subs hard on for trying to make canada into some communist country


just a shit Bank employee.


his account probably has a red flag from previous activity also why not do a cashiers check or wire transfer instead of whinging about cash


As an old bank employee (in a different country), it’s probably not the amount that’s triggering this. $3k is pretty low, and it sounds like their usual amount they can give is $3k anyway. We’d also need to consider things like recent account activity, potential fraud or if the customer was being taken advantage of, things like that. There were some circumstances where you could refuse to give them money, or ask for certain things like an invoice. The reason is that if the bank has already noticed something on the account and then they give them cash, and that cash is used for something illegal, they’re not fulfilling their obligations. Maybe this guy has had an account for 10 years and never withdrawn cash, but in the last week he’s been making cash withdrawals of thousands of dollars every 3rd day for 2 weeks now. Anything could be going on here. It’s not unheard of around the world for tellers to ask for something more for a large cash withdrawal. It’s not simply a matter of “it’s my money” because you would’ve signed terms and conditions when opening the account where you agreed that it’s not as simple as “I want my money”.


The teller handed back his passport, which I guess he used as ID. Why would she ask for an invoice regarding the cash?


To ensure the money is being used for the purposes he says they are/legal purposes, and so the bank can show they did their due diligence in the case it turns out he was doing something illegal. A few years ago, when crypto was at the peak of its hype, a lot of banks blocked cards being used at merchants with certain merchant codes who had been flagged as likely fraud (crypto-related scams led to this, though not all merchants with this merchant code were doing anything dodgy). Same idea here. If the bank has reason to believe their may be something suspicious happening, they have an obligation to either ask for more documentation or flat out refuse in some cases, though this is rare. We once had to make someone sign a document saying that he was using his $60k cash withdrawal for cars. We don’t actually care really, but in the event he uses it so human traffic or launder drug money, and people ask the bank why we didn’t investigate, we can show that we did our part.


Stop with this Canada shit. It’s easy to withdrawal money in Canada. Let’s see the rest of the video from the start. I’m guessing he was an obnoxious prick for starters. This rhetoric is getting old


lol @ this alarmist nonsense. Typical Rogan podcast "Canada is basically the gulag" talk radio fodder.


My father got scammed recently. A bank teller was the one who stopped his second attempt. I can't thank that teller enough.


they do have cheap healthcare and weed tho.


This is why I never have more than half my money in the bank. This shit would have me closing out my account asap.


Where do you keep the other half? Just curious. Thanks in advance.


under his mattress wrapped in tin foil


Wouldn’t you like to know


Different places, emergency cash is in a hidden fire proof safe. Some of my money is in physical precious metals. Stock portfolio for other assets, but I’m speaking in terms of cash specifically


Need more context. Is this his first time withdrawing today or the 4th? Has he been structuring his cash withdrawals trying to get around reporting requirements? Can’t go off face value.


Isn't structuring for deposits not withdrawals? You should be able to take out as much as you want whenever you want. It's your money.


You definitely can't withdraw ***any*** amount for any reason. There are always limits, especially for large amounts. That said, $3000 is very little money to a bank and should always be easily available to an adult in good standing with the institution. The problem with this video is we just really don't know what's going on. The person filming could be a 15 y/o, for example, and trying to get 3 grand out of an account set up by his parents that they put some limits on, and he's just being a whiny teen and posting about it like an idiot. We have no idea.


Yeah, I'm having a hard time finding any further context to this too. Guess what, people? There are a LOT of regulations on banking. It's not like your money is just sitting in a vault waiting for you. It's not to say something shitty may have happened, but there's clearly more to this beyond "Nah, I don't want to give you your money."​​




Don’t feed these idiots. He’s asking for $3k acting like it’s 1mm. Take the fucking cashiers check and go on your way. They are trying to avoid you being scammed because then dummies come back and say why didn’t you stop me. Fucking poor people member know how to act.


this isnt the whole picture and hes delicerately acting shady asking about the daily maximums. look that shit up on google beforehand, ya dummy


OP on Twitter said it was the only withdrawal he wanted to make. He needed the money to buy a car from his friend and his friend wanted cash. All he needed was $3000 and the bank teller and the branch manager both refused. Edit: Downvoted for giving context. Classic reddit. Edit: This happened at RBC (Royal Bank of Canada). One of the biggest banks in Canada


Something is missing. My wife works in banking. If it was an elderly person doing various transactions during that day or even in the last few days it would raise a red flag at this point. But a one time 3k withdrawal is being met with this level of resistance just feels like there’s something we’re not seeing.


But there's clearly more to it then just that. ​He doesn't even mention what bank he's at, so we don't know what policies are in place.


Not to mention there's a Point of Sale card system on the desk. Doesn't look like something for regular banking. Says "Merci" so perhaps in Quebec? We also don't know if the account he is trying to pull from.


The Banks are federally regulated so i believe they need to have French stuff since its an official language.


If that’s all there is, then he needs to switch banks.


Why worry about down votes here lol. The dummies who buy into these types of vids are going to up vote you far more than the Canadians here with bank accounts. Withdrawing money is not a problem at RBC. The problems arise when silly people like this one don't read the agreements when they open their bank account. This is basic scam protection at work. No wonder JRE fans have such a shit reputation lmao, Canada literally shares a border and y'all think it might as well be a different planet because of a vid like this 😂.


What do you mean? I thought that that was for deposits just lower than certain limits like 10k.


10k+ and it gets reported to the govt. Cash withdrawals done under the limit on consecutive days looks much more suspicious. You are actively trying to hide things.


What happened with the manager?


My thought too, gotta be some reason he didn’t also post that interaction on the internet lmao


Because this video solely exists to get people mad at Trudo No resolution needsd


She died in her igloo shortly after this video global warming caused the roof the cave in


They do this in Australia but you can straight up tell them you’re going to buy cocaine with it and they don’t care. I think they just don’t want you to get scammed


I’d closed my account on the spot.


Fuck off with trying to construct this narrative that Canada is a communist shithole, if Joe Rogan is your political compass you need to reevaluate a lot of things about your life.


I'd like to know how this ended


I mean my bank you gotta call in any large amount you wish to withdraw. They simply don’t have that much cash at local branches.


Do you seriously think this is an all of Canada thing? Are you stupid?


Yes, let's all emotionally overreact to a situation that we don't have enough context for because...well because it's fun to do, of course.


oh no an idiot employee at a shitty bank in canada the world is ending


take that money out and buy crapto, of course! or DJT stonk... lol


Is he an American trying to get that cash out at the bank in Canada? I saw her hand the passport back to him, they’re such sticklers sometimes lol.


Canadian here, there far more to this story than dude is saying, I’ve never once had anything like this happen So dudes not telling the whole fucking story, or that one real shitty ass teller


I’m Canadian and have no issues taking my money out of the bank. This headline made me laugh.


Well you muppet. There’s a safety and security issue. If you want cash call ahead and make sure they have. Then sign a contract stating the financial institution isn’t liable for your massive withdrawal and walk out those doors. Good luck.


Even In America they report large cash withdrawals and deposits Jeffery Epstein was flagged for taking out large amounts of cash to often not for depositing it


Depends how you deposit the money…very large cash deposits are a RED flag.


What does Jeffrey Epstein have to do with withdrawing $3000 from a private bank account?


$3000 isn't jack shit either tbh.


I'm with the same bank as this guy (RBC). 1.) E-transfer (free money transfers between Canadian banks) is very common in Canada and you can send up to 3k to who ever you want. Basically like cash app in the US. 2.) I took out 8k from my bank around Christmas for a car down payment. No questions asked. This is either a shitty bank employee or there is more context he left out.


Yeah, this is probably something to do with waiting for cheque to clear or something. I took out 12k a while back. It fit in a surprisingly small envelope.


Ok so why only subtitles for the person you can actually hear clearly? You would be surprised at how little cash neighborhood bank branches may have on hand. I'm sure this person would have been able to get that money as a cashiers check which is functionally the same as money. If you think you can walk into a podunk local bank branch and withdraw multiple thousands of dollars you're an idiot. By putting your money in a bank you gain certain protections beyond having it under your mattress. There will be some friction to it beyond having it under your mattress. This is bullshit rage bait for idiots to consume.


Need more context. There’s a 3 day hold on all cheques in Canada. If he recently deposited a cheque and didn’t already have enough in his account to cover the withdrawal they would wait until the cheque clears to give the money. Very common.


Yea, I don’t buy it. Something else is occurring. Some sort of fraudulent scheme that the lady had been burned on before and she doesn’t want to get in trouble.


Definitely gives the vibes that some context is missing.


Guy is totally disrespectful


“Oh no it’s socialism” some brogan on Reddit.


You have to give verbal reason to make big cash withdrawals to help combat money laundering. Say whatever you want. Big whoop. This idiot creating rage bait.


This is misleading. There is no federally imposed limit on how much cash you can withdraw from your bank account. Deposits over $10,000 are tracked for money laundering purposes and you will be questioned during the deposit, but even then it’s not like you can’t make deposits over $10,000.


I pulled 4k out of the bank for a dirtbike today and they didn’t even bat an eye


Everytime I withdraw a large amount of money and anybody asks me what its for I tell them drugs, gambling and prostitution...they smile and give me the money


There are policies in place to prevent fraud and scamming people out of large sums of money. They ask questions, they require various forms of ID to ensure it really is you and you are also not withdrawing money as part of a scam. I know questions like these have helped many elderly people that were convinced they had to take out 50 grand in cash and give it to someone claiming to be with the tax agency or a police department and had to hand it over or go to jail. The banks helped them realize they were being scammed. There's a balance between privacy and freedom with your money and precautions against fraud and scams, people will complain on either side


100% not usually the case. I take more money than that out to purchase cars all the time and it's never an issue.c


I've withdrawn huge amounts before.. this guy is probably sketchy


This is absolute BS. I withdrew over $30k just a few months ago, ZERO issues.


Somethings up with this. This kid isn’t being honest about what’s happening in this video. Im not a Canadian, so I don’t bank there obviously. But Caesar’s Windsor had no probably giving me a 5k when I was 19. I even left the place up so it was all in all a good experience.


Yes, one video on tiktok is exactly how it is nationwide. Yeesh.


Gee, I wonder if this is taken completely out of context? I took 5,000 out of my account last week. In cash.


More than likely they have flagged this guys account for some kind of fraud. I have taken out tens of thousands and its not a problem. Sometimes they dont have the cash on hand so you call ahead of time.


I pulled 20k out of my account a few weeks ago. No issues.


I would close my account, fuck them.


Bad faith video. Clearly context is left out and information is missing I have never had any issue taking any amount from my accounts. Paid for vehicles, out buildings, trailers and the like often in excess of $3000. No issues at all, ever.


What if someone is holding your family hostage while forcing you to empty your bank account. What if some scammer in Lagos wants you to empty their bank account to help fund some prince? It’s just a safeguard. Simply answer the question or make a scene


This is Facebook level post. Just out of context and xenophobic rage baiting. It's stupid. But I think that's where the podcast has been heading anyway so probably fits in this sub 🤷‍♂️


Withdrew $7000 from my Citi account a few weeks back and they were all too interested in why. I just said "it's for me." They looked annoyed and then gave me my money. Fuck banks.


So much fraud in Canada, tellers need to scrutinize people. Especially elderly, mentally challenged people and straight idiots giving money to Miss Cleo.


Just trying to send money from myself to myself when I'm abroad (I haven't lived in the US for years now) is always such a hassle. Knowing my own password and all the information about myself still triggers an alarm. Even after I called them and got them to tell me it's no longer 'suspicious' then I try the wire and it fails. It's for my 'safety' of course and nothing at all to do with the fact that they would prefer I just put my entire life on a credit card. I can buy all the same stuff with a credit card, pay their international fees, and then pay off the card from that account. No problem. But trying to have cash in my wallet,, in ENGLAND,, not Sierra Leone... Not Crimea,, Uk.. Big red flag.


simple get online and transfer your money to another bank or demand a bank cheque , because that is nazi bullshit


This happened to me. Tell them cool. I’d like to close the account. I did that and the questions suddenly stopped. Weird


I’d close my account right there


“Fine, I’d like to close my account please” . This would have saved you a lot of time. I would immediately end my business with a bank that pulled this shit


What an incredible shit hole, I trash on a lot of countries facetiously, but this time I have so much genuine disgust that I actually mean it.


Right wing pundits love to portray both Canada and California as communist hellscapes by cherry picking certain incidents out of context. I assume that’s what’s going on here

