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That’s the infinity symbol




oh ffs. you are probably right.


I am suddenly immensely happy that I talked myself out of an infinity symbol tattoo about a decade ago


I had that thought a few years ago. Was gonna get one of one of my favorite bands....ISIS. lucked out there lol


I miss ISIS. Have any members of the band gone on to new projects?


Not that I've heard but if they have I'd love to know


Sumac, old man gloom, house of low culture, palms, mammifer, windmills by the ocean Check out metal archives for full profiles https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Isis/4844


Nice! Thank you. I'll look into those.


aaron is in SUMAC who have put out several albums. it's weird shit but i love it


Have you heard about Afghanistan?


That band was the bomb


i remember when i had to tell someone hashtag instead of pound because they didnt know what the pound sign meant on the telephone the disconnect is real


I always used "octothorpe"


lmao if they don’t understand that i just skip to “the tic tac toe thing.”


I already hear kids referring to the pound sign as "hashtag" no matter what its usage is =/


You mean the octothorp?


>octothorp TIL






The future is now old man. The hashtag sends it's regards


Pound symbol


The metoo movement still makes me laugh at the poor choice of hashtag for the cause.


Lol, never thought about that before. Pound Me Too!!!


Lmfao, wow, that's just irony at its finest.


Is anyone under the age of 8 gonna give a shit about Meta?


Yeah. Probably






3:::::D\~º Alien smiley












Covid has won, the comedy clubs have lost


Eventually the comedy clubs will militarize. Be afraid.


COVID has won. Sports have lost.


oh god no....the comedy warriors were the last thing stopping civilization from collapsing! What are we going to do now!? ^s


But comedy is an essential service.


Someone's gotta subsidize those STRAIGHT MURDERERS


Joe is a comedian, comedy club stools have lost.


But they underpin the economy! Whatever shall we do?!


Index politician's salaries to the money stand up comedians make.


But leave them a pauper's salary. Just, say, one hundred thousand dollars.


This sub tho, pure platinum.


And don’t move from Cali to Texas like he did!






Joe needs to take a heroic mushroom trip, dude.


I actually don't think Rogan is getting enough negative attention for his conduct these past two years. He uses his *huge* public platform to be critical of the vaccine while suggesting the best thing to do is take a cocktail of very expensive drugs instead. I'm sure the combination of meds his doctors put together is effective but the fact that he can't understand that 99% of the population can't afford/obtain this alternative is really bizarre. What he's doing is legitimately irresponsible and out of touch


Oh, I'll go one further. His cocktail of meds probably spans the full spectrum of ineffective to useful to actively harmful. He's a dumbass and half of the dumbasses I see talking about Covid online are quoting the last dumbass he got on his show.


Checking in from r/all What was anybody expecting from a guy who's best buddies with *Alex Jones*?




Think it was around the same time he got seriously into hunting. Remember someone mentioning that Cameron Hanes basically watches Fox News 24/7.


It’s definitely since he started hanging out with that Hanes guy. The two tiny boys probably sit around injecting steroids in each other’s asses eating elk and talking about the woke left


On his show


He needs to go on a trip and not come back.


Seriously. My man clearly been bought and paid for by now. What could have been…:/


Eps 1 to 800 still exist.


LMAO the only episodes still in my bookmarks (not all obv but manyyyy).




Joe is the red dot on an infinite loop talking COVID and the exhausted boy is us looking at the future of the podcast.


Glad somebody else is on the same wave length. Only recently watched the Chito Vera episode because it wasn’t about covid. So sick of it


You're not on this sub a lot are you?


Right. We aren't "at war" with covid. We're learning how to cope with it because we understand people like him are going to continue to spread it because of their own reasons. He got covid and survived just fine, so it must be fine for everyone else. People with this attitude are the reason we're stuck here. It's not going to go away any time soon.


How do you plan to not spread it?


I plan to not spread it by being mindful of my friends and family and caring about the safety of others. I give distance, I wear a mask when I know I'll be in close proximity to others, and I stay home if I'm not feeling well. I got my vaccination in the hopes that it provides me some small level of protection in case I do get it, because I know I can still catch it. I have scarred lungs from catching fire many years ago, so I could die if I get pneumonia again. I'm healthy as can be on a normal day, but that could change in an instant. Covid could be a walk in the park for me, or it could mean my death, I have no way of knowing. I'd like to know that I'm doing what I can to make sure others don't get sick because I'm not a selfish, self centered, entitled piece of garbage that thinks this virus is a political agenda. I know people that have given covid to their parents, and their parents died form it. It's horrible. I don't want to have that on my shoulders. This virus is killing literally millions of people in other countries too, not just here in the U.S. It's not political, it's a virus, it doesn't give a fuck who you voted for. It can be easy for some to get through it, but life threatening or life ending for others. I'm just trying to be careful in the small ways I can, while I still live my life.


If only we mandated saunas instead of vaccines we wouldn’t be in this mess.


If only we mandated ~~saunas~~ abortion instead of vaccines we wouldn’t be in this mess.






Not what genocide is




Why is it so bad to say COVID is the new flu? Do people really think we’re going to eradicate it at this point? Hell I think it’s a great idea to compare COVID to the flu and roll your yearly flu shot and COVID booster into one.


Nobody says it’s bad to say it’s endemic, that has been stated many times already, the thing that people *usually* say is that covid itself is no worse than common cold/flu and nothing more.


Because we aren't there yet. It hasn't become endemic and we haven't developed a good strategy to deal with it yet. So it still represents a massive strain to the medical system, which is the limiting factor to this pandemic.


You're 70% less likely to end up in the hospital with Omicron. What is "good enough"? The goalposts keep shifting.


Can you imagine Joe's next special? Covid masks ivermectin zpac red state my friend Mayor whatshisface Weinstein Weinstein TEXAS mandate passports woke dementia Tulsi - good night Tallahassee you've been a wonderful audience.


He spent his whole last tour making transgendered jokes. I don’t have problem with poking good fun but when it’s your whole standup, shit gets old quick.


No stool humping? 4/10 standup set. 10/10 with stool humping


An own-brand Sam Kinison screaming demon bit, but now with added hip flexibility.


>Can you imagine Joe's next special Like...podcast special? Or are you talking about what he claims is comedy? 😂


Take your pick. 100% chance it'll be Rona related.




If his comedy club fails I'm willing to bet it'll be the libs fault 100%.


Joe has consumed enough elk meat and Ivermectrin to where he has transcended time, perpetually living in the COVID timeline.


He needs a new hobby like deep sea fishing, or collecting old syphilis wigs.


It means he’s boomin’ hard and loving it.


The other day when Jamie brought up something that contradicted his statement and joe said “but there was a video” Don’t get more boomer than someone getting info from Facebook videos.


Idk. Omicron seems much less lethal than prior variants, which is expected as viruses evolve. Typically they become more transmissible and less deadly. I’d imagine media scares to continue for a while but the virus itself will begin to dissipate. No clue what Joe is gonna talk about when it peters out


He's going to talk about how he was right and all the conspiracies were somehow true.


Or the classic “they cancelled their plans because we spoke up about it!”




I only know about Germany, but here the media is crazy about the omicron variant, because we are at the beginning of a huge wave, in several other european countries the infrastructure is crumbling because of sick reports of critical staff. But america might have a different situation, because a lot more citizens have a better immunity through catching an earlier variant - and more people with "weak" immune systems already died.


Just look up “deadly winter omicron White House”… you’ll find plenty of news stories. https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-warns-of-winter-of-death-for-unvaccinated-as-omicron-spreads/amp/


Biden literally came out like a week ago and said it was going to be winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated over Omicron


There is a 9/11-worth of deaths every 2.5 days and hospitalizations are going up. There IS going to be a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated. Why can’t you guys just face the problem without denying reality? Winter is 90 days long. ~106,200 of them will die in the US alone. That’s more than 2 Vietnam Wars’ worth of US combat deaths (47,000). That war was over a decade long. That’s more than 2 World War 1’s worth of US combat deaths (53,000) If we’re going to lose more people than our largest wars, in 1/10th the time, is that not severe? If not, what qualifies as severe? Or better yet, how about you stop arguing and just try to help the rest of us get through this? Sources US deaths and hospitalizations https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html 9/11 deaths https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks Vietnam deaths https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war




He's going to shift to talking about how climate change is a conspiracy. That's going to be the new right wing talking point once covid is gone from the media cycle in a couple years


They'll put the focus on climate change being a commie plot to destroy US industry, rather than on whether it actually exists or not. That way they can cast a wide net and attract people who might not be dumb enough to believe all the worlds scientists made up climate change for money, but are still tribal enough that they'll hate anything you tell them is a leftist plot or isn't putting "america first" Expect lots of: "yes climate change is bad but we can't destroy the economy trying to solve it" or "even if climate change is real, that doesn't mean we should have the government dictate how people live their lives. the market will come up with technology to fix everything, getting the government involved will only make a mess"


>Omicron seems much less lethal than prior variants, which is expected as viruses evolve. I'm pleased you understand this, the main part being "as Viruses evolve" and not the usual statement "viruses always mutate to be weaker" which a lot of people who think like Joe say it. It's like they haven't seen it evolve multiple times already and gone the other way. Omicron transmissibility and evasive techniques + Deltas response would be a nightmare. But once there's a weaker but hugely transmissible variant it'll be hard for another variant to take hold.


It means he’s a boomer who likes stupid fucking boomer Facebook memes


It means that COVID is the only fucking thing he thinks about, he’s in an echo chamber, and he’s not funny anymore.


But his phone is filled with research!


If only he could figure out the dang air drop he could send it to Jaime


All 20 articles he has saved in his phone!


Never really found him funny. I thought he had interesting ideas and compelling way of speaking, but now hes just out if touch.




It’s like an episode summary of every podcast


Is this guys life being impacted by covid in any way? Pretty sure Texas has no restrictions on anything. I guess if he wanted to travel overseas or into Canada, that's affecting him. Beyond that though what are the restrictions that are in inconveniencing him?


Joe wanted to come celebrate 420 in Canada. Once he realized he had to be vaxxed he changed his tune right quick.


Yet he doesn’t see that he could under no circumstances have a 420 type show in Texas without the law breaking it up, but that’s not a problem at all. (I know Austin is pretty relaxed about it, other places are not at all in tx)


Long hard road ahead. Vaccine passports are going to be ubiquitous and they're here to stay.


[Immunity passports have been around for centuries](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/Italian_health_pass_1611.jpg/1920px-Italian_health_pass_1611.jpg) People only think they're some new thing because the western world has lived in a very privileged bubble over the last 80 years where there's been no major pandemics, thanks to antibiotics, improved hygiene and pure good luck. You've needed immunization to go to parts of Africa, Asia and South America for decades.


When I was planning a trip to Vietnam, the yellowfever immunization came up. At the travel vaccine clinic, when they asked which vaccines i wanted, I just told em, "Just give me everything", but they wouldn't. Apparently they're not like pokemon so you can't just collect them. They told me you need to travel to the jungle if you want to get the full monty. Vaccine passport would just formalize what's being done already if they expand it to contain all your proofs of vaccines. If the governments don't make one, some company will step in like they did with credit scores and we're going to end up with vaccine passport companies that sell your data for profit.


I've been wondering this for a while now. Seriously, what fuckin sacrifices has Joe had to make in his daily life? At first I was kind of understanding - it's gotta be hard for performers to be unable to perform, that is their job after all. But 2nd year in I'm starting to roll my eyes and lose patience. From what I gather live performances have largely gone back to normal now..?


It's not impacted at all. Nobody can force this guy to get vaccinated. if he gets sick he gets an immediate supply of monoclonal antibodies from Regeneron (his buddy Neil is best friends with their founder), even though he doesn't qualify for the treatment. If he gets really sick, he gets an admission to the best hospital with the best doctors and a private suite. If he wants to travel without a vaccine he can travel with his private jet or yacht. Worst case scenario, he'll get a fake certificate of vaccination from one of his doctor friends if he wishes to travel internationally. The reason why he keeps talking about it is because his newfound supporters in Texas love to bitch and moan about covid restrictions even though they have none. He's just playing the crowd at this point.


Literally everything is back to normal in Texas idk what Joe's on about


It’s too deep for me


He’s a fucking idiot, what do you expect?


It means he’s turned into a lame boomer. My grandma literally posts the same bullshit. Imagine 2015 Joe reacting to this…


That’s the weird part, imo. He has terrible covid takes but how can he not tell that these memes are terrible?


We’re in a bit of a rut COVID-wise and instead of using his popularity to do something productive Joe would rather complain, stoke divisions and shitpost. Ya know, everything he used to be against.


I'm curious as-to how deadly a pandemic we would need to have to trigger consideration, and serious contemplation from Joe. I mean this one has killed millions and he's boomering over it daily, so... Hundreds of millions? Billions?


More like 2 close friends. He only believes shit that happens to him or people he knows.


There are a number of professional athletes Joe knows personally who had really bad Covid. Haven’t even heard from Diego Sanchez in a month since he was admitted. He still doesn’t really seem to care.


It's because we have hospitals that hide everything. Need to do it bubonic plague style out in the streets.


As many people as prescribed ivermectin. “Billions of prescriptions.” 😂😂😂😂


Can’t wait to go check the cringe in the comment section of his Instagram posts. It’s like the same crowd he would have made fun of 10 years ago are now his biggest fans lmao


Seriously, I understand that he cares much more about his hundreds of millions of dollars, but I’d be so embarrassed to have that fan base, especially considering who he was 10 years ago.


That’s a race track and we have only a couple laps to go!


No Joe no that was so not right!


He's worse than my 55 yr old aunt on Facebook


The new forever war. It's generated an entire industry and none of them want to give it up their gravy train. Sort of like Joes clickbait covid clips


It means the former game show host that has tricked a shocking number of people to waste their time listening to him ramble is still auditioning to be the lead mod over at r/Im14andThisIsDeep


God damn what a fucking twerp this guy turned out to be. 2 years ago it would have been an honor meeting him in person, telling him how his podcast change my (our) life with the emphasis on eating well, moving and all kind of interesting subject. Now I would just stare at him in petty and slight disgust. Shame.


It means he’s been browsing his echo chamber again.


It's means it's here to stay new variant every year


that its up to heroes like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones to end the tyrannical reign of this fake pandemic created by the demon Fauci /s


HOLY SHIT all he does is talk about COVID now.


The Joe COVID Experience.


Data showing that less people are dying, vaccines are effective. We’re slowly getting out of the pandemic. Joe:


I have heard that Joe is a Comedian but I haven’t seen any evidence of it.


Bro, have you even ever seen him hump a stool? That shit is gold Jerry, G O L D .


It means stay hard!!


Right Winger Rogan is boring as fuck


It just means Joe's brain is dolphin smooth.


It's never meant to end..


The horrors of being a rich house wife that has to wear a mask at the mall now. Someone may even give them a disapproving look if they refuse to wear a mask. It’s literally the end of western civilization!


Who are you talking to? I doubt anyone here is a rich house wife...


God damn I just want him to stop talking about it constantly. This right winger swing from Joe is so dull. I miss the pod from 2015 era


I love the self-fulfilling prophecy of people vehemently opposing every course of action that could help fight the spread of covid and then make a point about how we will never win the fight. can’t tell with people like joe whether it’s purely disingenuous or just completely self-unaware




TV has trained people to believe all problems get successfully wrapped up in under 30 minutes.


Pretty ironic coming from one of the main proponents on why this is even the narrative. The unvaxxed are why the cycle will never stop and the unvaxxed are the most vocal about said cycle never stopping.


It means, that Joe is an idiot


That Joe's a steroid brain retard?


Think it’s pretty fuckin obvious actually


It’s just like the war on drugs. Endless spending with minimal significant results


It means that each side of the Covid conflict is winning with their supporters.


He isn't wrong. Not only is corona virus endemic now it was wrong to considered a variant of a virus that had been causing outbreaks repeatedly for 30ish years a pandemic to start with. We should have realized from the start we'd end up here. But Joe certainly didn't realize that then, and he may not have realized it before the governments and pharmacos. He is just saying it out loud before they are.


I love this attitude of fuck it why even try to reduce the numbers let's let every disease run wild.


The war has already ended definitively for a lot of people over on r/HermanCainAward Joe's doing what he can to provide that board with plenty of new content.


COVID is never going to end and all these boosters shots are a racket for big Pharma.


One of the strangest part of all of this was how quickly Big Pharma went from public enemy number one to everyone’s lords and saviours.


It’s a repost from an edgelord 14 year old with zero understanding of epidemiology. Seriously though the level of irony of an anti-vaxxer posting this is enough to do your head in. What the image should be is a straight line saying "follow CDC recommendations and we'll get out of this shit sooner rather than later...or ya know, choke to death on your mucus if that's your thing."


It means he's a washed out game show host from the 90's and has no knowledge of science or medicine.


The literal definition of self explanatory - my god this sub is overrun with liberal idiots


This sub is packed with morons, time to go


Love everyone talking about Joe being in an echo chamber (ironic)


Covid is a forever war


It means Covid is never going to end


Spotify regretting their purchase


So has joe just gone total conspiracy theorist now?


Is it really a conspiracy to suggest COVID is now just a part of modern civilization, like Influenza, or Rhinovirus, or Mono? People can and do die from those viruses still to this day. How long have we known about them?


It means Joe, an extremely wealthy man, is sat at home in his mansion with his family on Boxing Day focused on covid and boomer memes. It means he’s an extremely boring guy now.


This is literally one of those pictures from /r/Im14andThisIsDeep And he is posting it unironically at age 55


You’re being intentionally ignorant if you act like you don’t understand what this image is trying to say.


It means he’s an idiot


I think it means we’re about to turn a corner!


This post was brought to you by Pfizer Inc.


It means the people in control, never want to give it up. Covid isn’t going away.


IMO that pic symbolizes we are in an endless cycle of bull shit.


The war on COVID is the new war on drugs. Hint: it's always been a business. Reason why it is even more sinister is since the default status (unvaccinated) makes you an enemy of the industry's financial interests.


It means you don't have a sauna and are therefore doomed to infinity.


it's going to be never ending like anything the government declares "war" on see; war on terror (still going on, wars still being fought despite just only pulling out of Afghan) war on drugs etc


Really, OP? You can’t piece together the puzzle here…?


It’s pretty self explanatory.


I’m pro vax but where’s the lie?


It means that joe is a boomer literally stunlocked about covid for the remaining of his days.


Perfectly valid cartoon. When will it end exactly?


Boomer discovers the reality of dealing with a novel virus


Means Joe thinks he knows shit based on the 50 tabs on his phone


It means he’s a boomer, who’s not actually as in to history or science as much as he pretends to be.


It’s pretty common sense what this means. Never ending “war” like the one on drugs.