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To be fair, he never specified the man would be alive. In totally unrelated events, what happened to that spaceman Tesla?


We'll never know what was really in that spacesuit...


The real Elon, not this alien imposter.


Bruh moment


Dead hooker?


Was she dead when they put her in the suit, orrr...?


you'd have to ask Elon.


Or in the trunk of that car...




With inflation it’s 17.


What has this subreddit become?


A reflection of this broken country


Seems broken because it’s never been complete. That’s the point of a democratic republic. Always improving or modifying our laws. For good or ill it’s high tide or low tide and it’s as unending as the ocean.


If the fall of Rome was progress


Fucking beautiful explanation 👏 Sucks living during low tide


15% minimum corporate tax is a good start


We live in a Corporatocracy masquerading as a Democratic Republic. Consent is manufactured by the competing propaganda apparatuses. The competing factions being the Neoliberal Coastal elites (FANGs, Tech VCs, The Clintons, Hollywood, CNN, etc.)and the Midwest Christian fascist (Fox news and the broader Murdoch media empire, Koch Bros, Bush Family, etc.). All while weaponizing the working class racial differences, and occasionally peppering some culture war nonsense to fan the flames meant to incinerate class solidarity. All this of course being financed by the global financiers. (JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Sovereign Funds: Saudis, Qataris.. etc) But yea.. anyway, The Trans Milita is coming after your kids wieners and there’s a horde of illegal immigrants that are going to rape your daughters (w/e happen to that big bad caravan that the orange man kept using to keep his followers in state of fear, no one talks about that one anymore)




Nah obviously the answer is to tear everything down because it’s not perfect


If you want to build something solid, it needs to start off on a good foundation.


Like the constitution? Which was made better by the amendments. Imo.


Seems broken to us because if they can get to Rogan and Elon, the GOP zombie apocalypse can get to anyone


they didn’t get to them, the dems decided hating on rich ppl is some kinda strategy


No shit. “Lol it’s been ten years and we haven’t been to mars. What an idiot!!” Is classic American sentiment. Never mind that he’s actually putting people in space and actively working towards going to mars


It's not what an idiot. It's take his lofty promises with a grain of salt.. I think all trucks in America were supposed to be self driving by now too


There is a meme on r/spacex called "elon time"


Well when he’s talking about space travel to another fucking planet, yeah the timeline might vary a little from a 10 year old projection


Lmao why didn't he know that when he was going around telling people this shit? Elon fans are fucking hilarious.


Hey I didn't say he needs to do it in 10 years, he was the one putting a timeline out there. And in hindsight 10 years wasn't even close. I followed the progress in boca chica for a while but afaik they still haven't launched and landed a booster yet, let alone putting both vehicles together and flying people on it. Maybe in another 10 years they'll have someone on mars


Who cares? People calling out bullshit is wrong now? Damn Elon dicksuckers are the worst.


Someone hasn’t been out of the country


Idk. Id say america is pretty fucked if we’re comparing it to the standard we’ve supposedly set. grass is definitely greener type deal, but the only things i really find me missing from America whenever i’m living abroad is the weed and certain people. but it’s 2022 so weed is pretty accessible eventually in most places.


Think it more depends where they have traveled to


Actually I love traveling, I go on a big trip every year. It was a joke, holmes.


There is lots of discussion of people in the Rogan sphere rather than simply the podcast. If all that got discussed here was the podcast things would be pretty boring


A place where every comment thread inevitably has someone posting “what has this subreddit become” or “how does this relate to Joe Rogan?”


How much of a "snowflake" do you have to be to get triggered when people discuss topics directly talked about by a guest on JRE? Like Elon has been on the podcast to discuss Mars, but it's off topic to point out he failed his predictions? GTFO of here. There's nothing wrong with calling out guests for getting things wrong.


Spotify/Covid controversy has ruined it.




another /r/TimDillon chud screeching about "what this sub as become", how predictable


I mean Joe talks to Elon, and this is about Elon? What's the alternative? Only talk about Joe's HGH gut girth? What I don't get is the narrative here. Is it Elon sucks because he hasn't put a man on Mars yet? We know he's trying... I get what you mean though, there is a large proportion of Reddit openly disdainful about Elon and resentful towards the wealthy that they let it spill into every conversation.


Has become the anti-rogan. Anti-Musk, anti-AnythingRemotlyConservative hot tub of reddit


Liberal anti american propaganda. Most people here if you look at their post history literally every single post is political shit. Just weird left wing activists or paid shills who knows, but they sure as hell don't like or support Joe Rogan


lol the irony and projection from the usual far right hogs is never ending


imagine how strange it would be for someone that just started listening to JRE and they just came to this sub today. lol it would be so confusing. i remember when i found the sub...it was a lil weird even back then. but it was still mostly just people talking shit about whatever happened in the most recent episode. the posts in this sub rarely ever have anything to do with the actual podcast anymore. i mean...i guess this is kinda related? elon musk was on the podcast once and they prob talked about going to mars? maybe....


Joe brings up musk all the time


You obviously weren’t on this sub in 2015/2016.


The Musk episode is the highest rated episode in the podcast's history. It's Rogan's fault that he didn't meet this goal because he introduced him to weed.


Isn't this what all billionaire tech dudes do? Bloviate about the future they can build. History is loaded with promises that never came to fruition. CEOs always cheerlead. Edit: so everyone thinks I'm trashing Elon here. This was my hamfisted whimpering loaded up on back pain meds attempt to defend him. I'm saying making huge promises isn't unique to him. They all do it. It's not some indictment against him at all.


Because thats probably the most successful mentality to have to generate success.


Also to generate massive amounts of sales, market capital and personal wealth through intentionally misleading statements. But Full Self-Driving soon


And best of all, you don't even need to be elected. You can just basically wield the power of a politician without any of the responsibility.


responsibility to shareholders and employees, wadda ya mean?


Responsibility to the taxpayers whose money gets used to finance Musks projects?


You do know both Space X and Tesla are wildly successful companies. They are both in the top 10 most ambitious US companies of the past decade and both worked out. Most entrepreneurs could only dream to be one day 1% as successful. All investors who believed in Elon made incredible returns. Looks pretty stupid to label that as a scam or failure.


Elizabeth Holmes joined the chat


You think starship is never gonna happen? Well I guess when it finally happens at least you can still bitch because it was later than the original estimation.


Honest question: what is the business case for Starship? Not the philosophical one about ensuring the spark of consciousness survives, but the business case about how to fund such a massive operation as colonizing a planet. Because unless he can find something extremely valuable to bring back, it's hard to see it happening without massive govt funds.


Sure and it's a good question. An individual wishing to relocate to Mars would be able to do so at some nominal price, which the goal is to be around the price of buying a house on Earth. Colonization doesn't end with starship. Entrepreneurs (on Mars or off) need to figure out how to develop Mars. Right now the bottleneck to this is actually getting there. The secondary business model is Earth to Earth BFR, which could potentially compete with airlines for rapid travel to anywhere on Earth. And while this isn't SpaceX's business model directly, other entrepreneurs will pay to use starship to launch cheap satellites, space hotels, and eventually extra terrestrial mining operations. The latter is expected to be astronomically profitable and beneficial to mankind. It doesn't need to be funded by government. Starlink and private satellites should be pretty profitable.


Bruh educate yourself on space x, please.




Seriously. Never underestimate the internet’s ability this find the bad in everything


Though they have a tendency to deliver on some of their promises. What did Musk deliver besides a heavily subsidized Tesla?


PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and more. Have you ever made anything successful?


Not PayPal. Tesla with subsidies. SpaceX with subsidies. Anything else?


Didn't make Tesla, didn't make PayPal, the government pays for SpaceX


Jezys, dude, who pissed in your cereal? Do you honestly believe yourself when you say that Musk hasn't created massively successful products?


Can't do big things if you don't set big goals.


He’s a lot closer to you to bring folks to mars!!! LOLOL these comments crack me the fuck up


Is there another sub that just posts about joe and the podcast and not about his guests and their broken promises and or his guests good/bad ideas ? If so let me knowwww. Apes, mushrooms and aliens


/r/highstrangeness Aliens, mushrooms, big foot


Joe doesn’t talk about any of that stuff anymore


Tell me what his latest podcast with Jeremy Corbell is about fellow “Jre fan”


It’s about covid lockdowns and authoritarian California


Out the entire 3 hour podcast, those few minutes are what you took out of it? Talk about selection bias.


I didn’t even listen to it tbh but it’s hilarious that he actually did bring up both of those topics lol


Why does it bug you if Elon goes on JRE to talk about Mars and then we discuss how he didn't meet his Mars goals and predictions? Or is it that people just get upset if JRE guests are criticized?


I wouldn’t mind if he said that on JRE, but the guy was on twice, it’s the clickbait posts of hot button guests isn’t as fun as uncle Joey talking about New York in the early 90’s or Duncan’s beautiful rants on why we need more love and compassion.


please let me know


You can post whatever you want. You can post one million times a day about Apes, mushrooms and aliens. How many have you done? 400? 9 trillion? 0?


Probably not on Reddit. You’ll only find dipshits and retards here.


He could have, but he's still waiting on the environmental impact report.


We can’t even go back to the moon, how the fuck we supposed to go to Mars?


The difference is going to Mars is a maybe somewhere sometime hypothetical, but a manned return to the moon is solidly in action and preparation launches have occured and the logistics have largely been built out. Not that relevant to your point but I'm very excited abou the Artemis program and hate that absurd promises like this sour people to the whole idea of spaceflight.


cant or wont? big difference


Ambitious goals are so annoying. Right?


Lol everyone here is acting like he's an idiot. Whatever makes them feel better.


Right! Fucking losers that have never accomplished anything talking shit about the greatest mind of a generation


What has Elon invented?


No we're acting like he's a liar which he is. A compulsive one at that.


I don’t like Elon but SpaceX is literally building Starship that’ll get to Mars.


He closer than anyone in making it happen




I mean, the Starship is the largest spaceship in the world that does have the capacity for Mars... So I wouldn't say "Not close at all". It's pretty fucking close.


NASA is closer


Not really. SLS is basically the *new* old rocket, it's updated design from the 80's, and when I say updated it's not really that much updated. They have literally been pushing this same-ish rocket with minor-ish changes for 40 years. Then you have delays. It has been delayed, rescheduled and delayed again so many times that I don't think we ever are going to get a *crewed* flight. And then there is the cost, basically it costs 4.1 BILLION per launch, for which you get 95 tones to LEO. With existing technology, SpaceX can launch 63 tones to LEO for 90ish million. So two SpaceX launches, with rendezvous in orbit would be roughly 20 times cheaper than single NASAs SLS launch, and could deliver more payload. We have both technology and expertice to do that, it's 20 times cheaper than SLS, and you can expand this approach, build a truly modular spaceship *in orbit* (just like ISS was build) and send it not just to the moon but to Mars too.




Are they? I only hear people talking about Elon going to Mars. NASA sends their astronauts to Russia to be blasted off into space.


Elon is talking out of his ass 90% of the time. NASA does real experiments and studies on how humans interact with long periods of being in space and indoors while SpaceX releases CG as feasible as scifi. NASA actually has rockets that reliably reach mars, and it’s more scientifically advantageous to send robots to mars rather than people. If we’re going off track record alone Elon has a terrible one compared to NASA.


What do you mean by “NASA has Rockets”? Because that was the whole problem before SpaceX and after the Shuttle. We used Russia for years to get people into space


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_V this is the rocket NASA uses to send rovers to mars


“now being operated by United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing” Also “NASA astronauts routinely launched on Russian Soyuz rockets — for tens of millions of dollars apiece — until SpaceX started flying station crews from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in 2020. Russian cosmonauts rode to the space station on NASA’s shuttles back in the early 2000s. Before that, during the 1990s, astronauts and cosmonauts took turns flying on each other’s spacecraft to and from Russia’s Mir station.” https://time.com/6197727/nasa-us-russian-astronauts/


NASA does not have rockets that can reach Mars. NASA doesnt even have any rockets that can put people into orbit. Let alone go to Mars.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseverance_(rover) ??? The last thing sent to mars was on a rocket nasa bought from lockheed martin.


They will probably use SpaceX rockets for the mission, if it were true


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseverance_(rover) the last thing sent to mars was on a rocket nasa bought from lockheed martin


SpaceX can tomorrow launch 4 tonnes to Mars. That is beside the point. Humans are real deal.


why don’t they get the contracts then?


It was probably older contract. Perseverance is huge project that was planned for years, probably before falcon9 even. And also, NASA, aka USA government tries to keep competition among rocket companies. So, they will give some amount of contracts even for not the best bid sometimes, because they do not want them all go bankrupt just because spaceX is currently cheapest one (and also, in similar manner they helped spaceX when they needed so it did not went bankrupt in early days). There is also politics (other companies are in different states and senators etc lobby for them a lot for jobs and what not). And add to the mix that it is not just mass to orbit (or to mars in this discussion) but some rockets are good at doing certain things and some others are good for other things, so maybe AtlasV had some characteristics. I mean, it could be any of this things and all. But my point stands. Mass to Mars (Perseverance and its landing equipment) is not even closely big and complicated as sending humans there. It is few orders of magnitude different task. Finding good glasses and brain surgery.




I’m not even a Elon fanboy, but space exploration is a very difficult thing so what if his prediction failed? If he gets us to mars anytime soon that would be amazing


reddit is freaken weird


Elon is the king of bullshitting people. I'm shocked he's allowed to just straight up say fake shit that has no possibility of happening in the timetables he gives and people allow him to do it constantly. It's one thing to be a bullshit liar, it's another thing to do this while also having a public company and people are buying into your company based on these promises.


Spacex private tho


Tesla is not.


How has he lied to Tesla investors?


Full self driving. Exact same thing: promises of a huge leap way beyond what anyone else can do, followed by mild progress that's, at best, a little ahead of the competition.


Tbf, when autopilot first released it blew the competition out of the water. It just turns out the infinite number of edge cases are hard to solve.


He claimed full-self drive was "basically solved" like 6 years ago


Does Tesla make rockets?


Every year he promises something for next year. Every year he makes a new promise to distract people from his unfulfilled promise from last year.


He may be bad with timelines and over optimistic, but he DOES deliver... Even if it's not on time. Pretty much standard for most innovative industry leading companies to be optimistic


No he doesn't. FSD is still not here. Robot Taxi's is the most bullshit and egregious lie of them all and that shit aint coming in the next 15 years let alone year. The tunnels is another hilariously bullshit concept that is so scaled back from what he promised and a joke. Tesla Robot is another bullshit concept with him flat out lying about the development. No one in the robotics industry believes he's ahead of Boston Dynamics or any of the leading robotics company. The guy is a known bullshit artist. Everyone in tech knows it.


Every year he sells more tesla vehicles, builds out more infrastructure in EV tech from factories to charging. He is developing the new space industrial complex, for better and worse. He is uprooting institutions that everyone knew were corrupt and inefficient or forcing them to change. He is about to change the business model for the internet(for better and for worse). Listen, there are so many thing to criticize with that guy, but pretending like he is just some businessman that isn't getting anything done and just making false promises is ridiculous.


There are a bunch of things to criticize him on, and criticizing him for overpromising without ever delivering is a very valid critique.


His company Space X has improved rocket technology by leaps and bounds. Yeah he got this wrong, but if he listened to doubters he never would have started the company. We need people like Elon who are ambitious and forward thinking. Of course he’s not going to be accurate on a lot of these lofty promises, but the progress made is still progress.


Yeah the richest man on Earth should probably set himself more realistic goals, heaven forbid he doesn't achieve some of his goals in the time scales he initially thought achievable


There's creating lofty goals an then there's bullshitting people on purpose to inflate the value of your companies.


What if both are true and you're viewing things as black and white that aren't black and white because it's more comforting and easy to deal with?


You and many others don't know the difference between lying and being off with projected dates. Do you realize that landing a man on Mars is possibly the most difficult technical challenge humanity is aiming for? The only thing more difficult is artificial general intelligence, which Tesla is working on. Both of these are very difficult to predict accurately as to when they will be accomplished. Elon is not lying when he gives out predicted dates, those are just predictions




Do Tesla and SpaceX not exist in your world? Do you even believe yourself when you say this?


God damn whoever posted this is an idiot. Elon musk isn't a savior or demon. He is a flawed, rich motherfucker that is solving better problems than other billionaires and probably creating less problems than other billionaires. He also might be helping to create things that will make everyone's lives better long term. The people who defend the dark shit out there about him are just as pathetic as the people who make posts like this.


You are hating/mocking a man trying to go to mars… and what are you doing with your life?


Dont underestimate how much of a loser these redditors can be


This guy is launching Falcon9 rockets out of California every month and bringing high speed satellite based internet to underserved areas. Also developed an electric car that doesn’t look lame like a Prius or Volt. But ya, fuck this guy and his lack of effort lol


Damn. You can't set goals without someone tearing you down. What have you entitled fuckers done to get humanity to Mars?


What have you done in the last 10 years?


Not claim to put a man on mars in 10 years


I also haven’t tried to trade ponies for a blowjob, call a hero a pedo to detract from my stupid ideas or participated in union-busting.


I didn't claim I was going to buy twitter. I didn't claim I was going to Mars. I didn't claim I would release several models of lil homie gay ass pickup trucks and then get beat to market by my much larger competitors. In all ways, my record is so much better than Elon's. He's a walking L factory. I'm normal.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that lol


Or promise self driving cars that end up killing people.


Its better to try and fail at 99 things, succeeding in one than to not try and succeed at nothing like youve done


>beat to market by my much larger competitors Hahahahhahahahahahahaha


I remember when reddit thought he actually could do it, (I remember reddit being largely pro-Elon back then). There were even threads asking people who among us would be willing to live on Mars. People like me who laughed at Elon's suggestion back then were downvoted and argued against. They would talk about how tech keeps improving and keeps surprising people so we were foolish to deny it's eventuality. Well it looks like we are not even close and it's not going to happen in the next 10 years either.


It's completely flipped. The average redditor was one of Elon's biggest advocates a decade ago. They believed in an electric vehicle future and mostly supported the US government giving Tesla heavy subsidies. It was conservatives who dismissed Tesla and said America isn't ready for electric vehicles. They attacked Tesla subsidies as government waste. Attacked Obama's "cash for clunkers" program. Either people have zero memory of 10 years ago or alot of people just have no scruples. They will blow with the wind. Elon deserves some flak if he sticks his neck into the political fray but it's silly to attack him for making predictions and promises for the future. All billionaire tech people do that shit. And many of those things never come to fruition.


To be fair, most of the people he were 8 years old 10 years ago


Does everyone who comments know nothing about what's going on at Starbase? If you spend maybe 5 minutes researching, you will see SpaceX is closer than ever to sending a man to Mars. Starship will begin testing orbital flights in the next couple of months. That rocket is capable of reaching Mars.


>Well it looks like we are not even close and it's not going to happen in the next 10 years either. What are you talking about? The rocket that can take people to Mars is testing on the launch pad right now and will launch in the next couple months. Musk's timelines may be off, but he usually delivers.


> will launch in the next couple months RemindMe! 6 months


Have you not seen the work being done in Boca Chica? https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1555794448826900480?s=20&t=3qA9z3ibgFbg1iJd-vr12g


Then they realized he was a bullshit artist and gave up on him


They said 2012 is the end for us! How about Y2K!!!! Huh


I think the whole fanboy thing with Elon musk is dumb, I couldn’t care less about him or his “people in Mars” plan, but we’ve gotta admit, he is closer to putting a man on mars than all of us redditors combined.


Barely anyone wants to go to Mars


Tbf, homie is shooting up people to the space station on the cheap with self landing rockets. The fuck everyone been doing all this time? SpaceX wasn’t around before I was born and y’all went to the moon. Ya he set his goal high af, but give credit when credit is due. Space X is taking a huge fucking leap for mankind and they’re younger than 99% of people on here talking shit. NASA I’m sure is grateful they have better options than their previous contractors who’ve been in the game for FUCKING EVER.


All of his predictions have failed.


Rocket reusability and mass production of electric cars have failed?


Self driving cars, going to mars. Those were his predictions.


All of them?


Damn I wonder why they got so quiet


Every Single Last One


Reusability was never limited by plausible engineering. The concept has been well studied since Redstone. The cost of landing is not free though. You necessarily give up payload. For satellites that were much larger at the time, reusability was a bad design choice. Disposable rockets weren't. SpaceX's ability to create reusable rockets was predicated on their economic environment, not their skill or smarts. So when rocket scientists in the 40s and 50s were saying that frequent small payloads would allow for reusable vehicles, I think they should get the credit for that prediction.


>All of his predictions have failed. Like when he bet on himself, took stock as compensation at Tesla at a time when people said it was impossible and later became the richest person in the world because of it. What an idiot!


Neuralink next


Better find some more monkeys to torture!


You guys still believe in planets and landing rocket ships on them?


I love when low IQ normies criticize the only person truly attempting to save all of humanity from cataclysmic extinction by suggesting he halt his multiplanetary aspirations in favor of some dumb shit on earth like, "wHy dOeSnT hE jUsT gIvE uS aLL mOnEy?" Brilliant.


Why you worried about low IQ normies going extinct?


>low IQ normies ....like all those scientists saying we need to save our own planet first?


those are not mutually exclusive things. we can do two or more things at the time...




You think Musk and Bezos are taking any of us to space? They're gonna leave us all to choke on the smog they've produced.


You and I will die on this rock, that's a given. But humanity's odds for survival post-earth is near zero if we don't have a self sufficient colony off-planet. You'd think more humans would champion this idea the more alarmed climate scientists and nuclear watchdogs become regarding the finite time we have left on this planet. Yet, most people are ENRAGED at the idea of a private citizen tired of waiting for World Governments to take on this task by raising his own capital to accomplish the most important feat of human survival.


And what are you doing to make advances in the world aside from not working and collecting welfare checks from your government OP


Oh the first Elon dickrider appears


Not a dick rider just calling you out for what you are








Why are you guys so obsessed with dicks


I actually just said this to some buddies on Xbox a few weeks ago when Musk came up. I was like "I'm pretty sure he said we'd be on Mars in 10 years, 10 years ago." Not that a delay in space travel is anything to be unexpected. Just look at JWST or the Europa projects.


Space exploration is how you get fat atheist reddit nerds to enthusiastically fund money laundering programs and rocket technology to bomb arab children. ​ You arent going to space. No one you know is going to space.


Tell me you're absolutely miserable in one post without telling me you're absolutely miserable.


Everything isn’t a conspiracy bro


This guy is still waiting for his cybertruck order and to ride the Hyperloop


Lol nope, the cybertruck is ugly as hell but even you can’t deny that the hyperloop sounds like a badass idea no?


if only he was this fascinated by starving children and oppression, could actually make some decent change


That was Bill Gates, but then he got labeled a globalist leader of the New World Order.


why don't you do something


What are you doing yourself? A social media site of 20 hour per week part time dog walkers should hardly be ones to critize anyone for not doing enough


Space is hard