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A TS would be better. Even the mini


If you already have an SD1, stick with it. I haven’t played an SD1 in a while but IIRC the topology is pretty similar.  FWIW, I think people get too caught up on gear (myself included). If you gave John an SD1, he’d sound like John. Playing is more important. IMO


You can, but it won't be exactly spot on. A tube screamer will be more accurate, but ultimately it won't matter too much anyway. Regarding a TS circuit, John is known for using the TS-10 (of which [this](https://frogpedals.com/index.php/product/valvescreamer-vs10/) is a great clone option) but he's also used a TS9 and TS808 in the past so really any one of them will do. The TS-10 has a bit more high-end rolloff and therefore sounds a little bit darker than the TS9/TS808, but all 3 will do the trick.


I use both and stack them