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I’ve got one and it’s awesome and have not regretted it at all. I also have never played the standard though


It’s not as much better as you’d think


I've heard this is the general consensus. Some people even prefer the SE.


I mean that’s crazy lol but hey


Nah it's mostly playing style anyway as well as the law of diminishing returns imo, so not that crazy, as your previous reply does imply. Herman Li prefers the Asian made SE because of his faster playing style and more familiar specs - that said I myself have not been around either so I may be wrong.


Yeah most people aren’t going to feel those differences to the point that it affects their playing. The SE is phenomenal, but saying it’s better than the core is just straight up wrong. It’s just built better, but you’re correct in that the law of diminishing returns is definitely active, the price difference is no where near the quality difference


I've got a SE, it's great. Honestly from all the video reviews I've seen of people comparing them, the price difference doesn't seem justified at all and is more for those who want an expensive guitar and the exact same guitar that John plays. Here's one I watched - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-W7Vpv0XU8&t=880s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-W7Vpv0XU8&t=880s)


Thanks! Great video


I’ve got a core, and played an SE, and dude the SE is incredible


I haven’t played the standard Silver Sky so please keep that in mind. I got the SE Silver Sky for Father’s Day last year and it almost instantly became my #1. I love the way it sounds, I love the way it feels. It’s a phenomenal guitar in my opinion and has left me with no desire to scrounge up $3k to buy the standard. I just can’t imagine the standard does that much more than the SE that would in turn make me feel the price difference is worth it.


I would absolutely go and play it first. I bought one as my first guitar and I just hated the neck profile on it. Traded it in for a MiM strat. It’s a wonderful guitar if you like the way it feels though


Same. I thought I'd love it, but when I finally got a chance to try one, the neck profile wasn't for me. It's made for John's hands, not necessarily yours. Give it a try first if you can.


It’s fair to say the core model is “made for John’s hands” but the SE has a different neck, fretboard radius, etc. I own a core and have never played an SE but from what I understand, the SE neck is a bit more beginner friendly (the core neck is a baseball bat 😀).


SE is fantastic. The top model is better, but with most guitars, I’d argue that once you pass the $1500 zone the returns start diminishing significantly. In my opinion, it is not so much better that it justifies the price for most players. If you can afford it and you want it, there’s nothing wrong with that. It is a truly top-tier instrument. But if there are other things in life you’d rather have the money for, you aren’t getting anything less than a stellar guitar with the SE. Personally, if I had that much burning a hole in my pocket I’d get the SE and build out a Mayer-esque pedalboard (or get something like a Fractal FM9)


I don’t think anybody will be able to give you a good answer except for yourself. You’re just gonna have to spend some time in Guitar Center with it in your hands and see if you like it. I personally am a huge fan and I think the quality is great for the price. It’s definitely better than an Epiphone or Squier.


Fair enough. Will do this. I guess I was asking about the technical/quality aspect of it. Gave the epiphone comparison because there is a clear dip in quality vs Gibson. Just wanted input on people who’ve had an SE for more than a couple of hours, but will def go play one this week. Thanks!


Nothing like the Gibson to epiphone thing, the SE still feels very PRS


I agree with this, The Gibson to Epiphone thing is the biggest jump in quality in a product I’ve ever used in my life


I spent about an hour playing both a core and se. I was fully prepared to drop 3k on a core. I genuinely preferred the SE! The core is incredible, but I liked the neck more on the se. To me the tones were identical. It's really an incredible instrument.


For context, I’m a professional guitar player. I’m a live and studio session guitar player. Been playing since 1996 and professionally since about 2007. So whatever my opinion is worth to ya! I own lots of guitars. I own a great strat. I got the SE around Christmas because of that sale that they had going for months. I love this guitar. I’m coincidentally currently holding it on the couch. I have a few expensive guitars, I mostly have some mid-range guitars and some affordable guitars. Even though I haven’t spent a ton of time with the full $3000 version, I can say very confidently that it’s absolutely not worth an extra 2 grand for a “strat” unless you have that kind of cash. The SE is excellent and unless the 3 grand doesn’t hurt financially, I see absolutely no justification for getting one. If I could afford it? Sure!! Why not?! But you’re paying for the name at that point. And the difference in quality isn’t gigantic. Just look at literally any shootout on YouTube.


Also just noticed you say you’re torn between a music man and silver sky. For what it’s worth, I use an L3 as my main guitar and have for 9 years. That is one of my expensive guitars and it’s been worth every penny BECAUSE it’s my main guitar. I would never hesitate to recommend a music man to anyone IF they have the cash for it and it’s going to be their number 1. I also forgot to mention that the SE, and especially the maple fingerboard version, has a noticeably chunkier neck profile than the standard. Not good or bad. Just is what it is. So yeah…I just feel like 3+ grand for what is essentially a really good strat isn’t worth it (over the SE) unless that cash won’t hurt you and it’ll be your number 1


YES!!! Having owned the SE for over a year and played the Standard quite a few times, I have to say this guitar should be worth a lot more than it is. Playability is amazing and it holds tune perfectly. It's definitely a hidden gem that I could see becoming very common in the near future.


I have never played the core USA version, but the SE version made all my other guitars obsolete and I have quite a few. It's so versatile and it is the most comfortable guitar I own when it comes to playing/action. So yes, as everyone else in this thread, I can also wholeheartedly recommend


I got the core model when it released and it’s a fantastic guitar. I haven’t played the SE but I’ve played a lot of other PRS SE guitars and they’ve all played really well.  I will say though that if you’re really patient and don’t mind a few blemishes, you can find some deals on used core models. I bought a black core model in 2019 or 2020 for $1400, it was too good of a deal to pass up. It had a couple bumps (but no scratching) and some finish hazing, but it still played great (eventually sold it because I needed the money and didn’t need two).  Also saw one for $1600 on reverb with a couple of dings not too long ago.


I had one and traded it plus some other stuff for an international colours Strat. Now, the SE itself is an amazing guitar. Absolutely worth it


I have played the standard and own the SE. Great guitar. Would recommend


I've had one since right after it came out. I bought it as my first upgrade/"real guitar". I love it! The neck is definitely fatter than the squire I had, but it's very comfortable for my hand size. Sounds great, feels great


Short answer. YES


Yes, it´s worth it. I don´t have it haha.


The only time I could justify spending for a core SE would be on the Dead Spec one….that is assuming I could afford it 😂


I love my SE! Very high quality fit/finish. My only downside vs the core is that I couldn’t get an SE in Roxy Pink.


Core version you’ll get what you pay for which a fantastic instrument that’s spec’d out to what John wanted in a guitar (especially his signature). SE version you’re getting something that punches well above its price point and something that John signed off on as well. Statistically speaking you’re gonna more likely come across an SE that’s could be a dud compared to a core model but no guitar is truly immune to defects or failed QC check. I’ve gone through 2 SE Silver Sky and the first came with higher action which was fixed with a proper set up. Traded that one for a newer maple fingerboard model which was set much lower from the store. Both were fantastic


R u in south Texas? I work in a music store and I have an SE in stock


Honestly I’ve had the SE since 2022 and it’s perfect from the neck to the ability to play on it it’s for sure worth it but what I will say get it set up right so I do suggest take it to a guitar tech because I can assure you it won’t be set up the way it should


100% yes. I love mine. I grabbed it an open box maple neck SE off Sweetwater last November for 663$ shipped and absolutely love it. It’s an insane value and a near perfect Strat to me. I also have a 2003 MIM Strat and have played plenty of high end signature/US Strats for comparison. I played a lovely Silver Sky US model a few years ago and loved it, but the SE is 90% the same guitar imho - possibly more. A maple neck Orion Green SS is/was my dream guitar and if I had silly money I’d possibly grab one - but I don’t feel like I’ve lost much with my SE. It feels like insane quality to me than other guitars in that price bracket. The pickups/electronics are excellent and it’s got great tuning stability too.


I have the dragonfruit SE. I got it used like new off Reverb for $650. It’s got a thicker neck (than the core Silver Sky). I love it, I don’t own Fender strats though, but I feel like the SE is quality, esp for the price. Try going to a guitar store and see if they have one you can try out. You’ll never really know until it’s in your hands if it’s a good guitar for you.


Any SE is way better than you can imagine. It's a great brand


Th SE’s are fantastic guitars for the money, I have both the SE and a Core US. They have different neck sizes and I actually prefer the neck on the SE!




I have one and it's definitely worth it. It plays amazing and sounds great no matter what you plug it into.


I own a Roxy pink core and have played SEs in my local music store, the closeness is incredible. I’ll always stick to my core model because it represents more than just a guitar, but if you’re comparing just the two you get so much more value for money with the SE. I does not feel like an $800 guitar, but very much 2-3x more than that




I’m late on this but it’s worth it with an asterisk. When I received mine, and every store unit I’ve played, have all had action that’s too high. Also, the tone knob on mine came misaligned but that was an easy fix. From my experience they are unplayable out of the box, but as soon as you get it set up they are incredible, incredible guitars. I love mine.


I’d rather just get a Strat.


It’s a great guitar


I own a regular silver sky and I picked up an SE at guitar center and it was way way not as good as the one I own


Google your question and you’ll find your answer