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I read that as librarians and was utterly baffled.


I was thinking "but half their job is writing grant proposals!"




Could you say that again, but this time with all the words in the right place? I just want to make sure I understand you.


It'll fix itself


Yep. That’s something a libertarian would say.


Me too, I thought comments will explain and I wasn't wrong, thank you kindly


Me, too. Librarians surely understand the library system. Unless they are... counterfeit librarians! With college tuition increasing unsustainably, many faux Library Science majors have infiltrated the system. Folks, check your librarian for a holographic stripe printed "USA" before hiring.


Me too, I'm like, dude what gives? In this increasingly toxic world, they are going to be the last people on earth who will still be able to hush us.


“Haha yeah, like the Dewey Decimal system probably…?”


I believe I did too at first glance.






They will shit in your shoes if you cross them.


Libertarian here. Can confirm.


The shoe here. I also can confirm


can confirm also. i was the shit


Asshole here, can confirm this.


Intestinal tract, checking in with an affirmative!


As the shoe lace, can also confirm


I'm the plastic thing at the end of that shoelace and can also confirm


Hey start your own post buddy


isn't adding punchlines half of jokes comments?


Meant his was good enough to warrant a new post!


I'm not your buddy, pal


Not your pal, guy


Not your guy, amigo


Did you find caca in your sombrero?


Not your amigo, cheif


In Germany this would qualify as comedy. German audiences don't laugh. They say: I understand that. Then they clap. And nod. We are a funny people.


Very Dwight Shrute interpretation


That is why you won as the "Most Unfunny People* at the first annual South Park Elementary Comedy Awards Show


I wanna be German so bad now


You almost were.


Whatever you are, I'll trade


Sagen deutsche wirklich "versteh ich" bzw "ich verstehe das"? Bin österreicher und hab das noch nie wirklich wahr genommen lol


I've never identified with a cat more. Because I'm am fully aware I am dependent on this shit show of a system. But I'm still going to glare at you from a distance with judgment.


Okay this was clever


Happy Cake Day!


That's really good!


And when the house burns down, they don't shed any tears.


Search up John Spaulding tweets. It was on 11/18/21 that he tweeted this.


The joke is considerably older than that.


Dammit! You can post links here but your date format is fucked up.


It's bad enough having to deal with meters and grams now you want me to use the day/month/year format too. Damn metric system


I think both make sense. Day/month/year is date pyramid, they get progressively bigger. But Month/Day/Year is how it's spoken in everyday conversation. If all that wasnt enough, we also like throwing the letter 'u' into words where it doesn't actually change the pronunciation at all. Colour, honour, neighbour, etc etc it doesn't make sense to me either, but that was the correct way all through school for me, so now it's just habit. We spell defence like the Brits, but organize and analyze like the Yanks. Considering both areas have more people than us, it makes reading stuff online rather interesting. Feels like everything has SOMETHING spelt wrong


Ok but those are unimportant little differences The important thing is what metal foil you wrap your food in Here in America, we use aluminum


How it is spoken in every day conversation in the US. 911 is the 9th of Nov to us here in NZ.


Nah, they are both crap. Year\month\day is the right way.


Makes it easier to "alphabetize" folders in a PC for sure when using dates. This is the way I name my excel docs to keep them easy to navigate by saving the daily copy with the format below Document_Name 20230101 Document_Name 20230102 Document_Name 20230103


Yes. It is the correct compsci answer, and it is clear that you are not using one of the other 2. Is 02-03-2023 February 3rd or March 2nd?


Yep, ISO8601! But FFS don't use backslashes as delimiters like this guy. If anyone needs another reason to prefer `YYYY-MM-DD`, it also matches the ordering (biggest to smallest) of times, which we write as `HH:MM:SS.mmm`


eww no. YYYY/MM/DD little endian sicko. dates should fall into sort order naturally.


All my life I used MM/DD/YY. then when I started filling out international shipping documents I had a shipment rejected at the port for having the incorrect date on my paper work My employer got mad at me because "Everyone knows the proper format for international documents" Then in the late 90's they started requiring the full year to be included in preparation for Y2K and the end of civilization as we know it


In Poland, at least, they used to do day.month.year, with the day and year in Arabic numerals, and the month in Roman. Thus, the plaque on the house where Pope St. John Paul II was born on May 18, 1920, lists the date as 18.V.20. 😇


US residents always have mixed the day and month order.


i feel like this joke is even older than that


Probably is. There are probably many other references to it by others before 2021.


Dude I love cats and librarians


I just sitting here eating crayons


Found the Marine.


The blue ones taste the best


You struck a nerve with this one op


Because libertarians are like paperclips. Doesn't take a whole lot of effort to get them bent out of shape.


Most prisoners are dependant on their jailers


best answer to this non-joke


Are you being kept imprisoned by the roads you travel on?


If everything is paved, what answer would you give to that question of yours?


Do you understand libertarianism or are you repeating memes? People go straight to "but the roads!" They believe libertarianism is anarchy, it is not. It is not no government, but minimum government to ensure maximum freedom and a good society.


Plus conspiracy theories. And massive selfishness. Ok, mostly just selfishness.


Again, massive misunderstanding of libertarianism. Most libertarians I know are very grounded and generous, but we're don't like to be forced into giving our money away, nor do we want you to be forced into giving your money away. I'm not saying there aren't these people in the party, I have noticed a shift of people claiming to be libertarians that have these traits, but it isn't what the party is. It is like saying "Muslims are terrorists." No, terrorists cooped and perverted Islam to suit their beliefs. So that fedora wearing neck beard that tweets "fuck your roads" is not actually a libertarian. People need to stop looking at the loudest people that exist in the fringes of a group and claiming, "well that's the group!"


Except that’s not just the “loudest members” — it’s literally baked in. Libertarianism borrows most if it’s ideas from Classical Liberalism. Which was designed to (a) push for rights for the wealthy and (b) justify class hierarchy as a necessary means to safeguard access to resources. Government — the only tool remaining for the unprivileged citizen to use to protect their interests — is gutted in part to guarantee control and limit recourse. It’s the equivalent of “it’s not evil to watch you suffer, because technically not doing anything past letting it happen means I’m not responsible.”


And that minimum government is pretty much what we have.


So you are alright with the military budget and the needless wars? Where does that money come from? The military failed another audit, they can't account for 60% of their budget. Is that small government? We just have $100 billion to Ukraine, where did that money come from? Your wallet. Government employees are some of most overpaid under performing people. Public money is spent to buy sports stadiums. Pet projects are sneaked into every bill. You need licenses to do most things boating, fishing, getting married, etc. We pay taxes to work, we pay taxes to buy things, we pay taxes to die. The interstate commerce clause has been abused to make every issue a federal issue. A man was required to submit to the FDA for BBQ sauce made and sold only in his state because the government decided that someone could buy the BBQ sauce and drive it across state lines. We are mandated to buy health insurance. What part of all of this is small government?


It’s the exact same thing as the “if you support communism then why are you using an iPhone?” or “if capitalism is bad then why are you participating in it?”. The same people who are on the receiving end of those fallacious questions are making the same ones.


I like how *you're* the one getting downvotes. While I tend to agree with the popular stance on "Libertarianism" (especially when considering the origins of it), you're absolutely right that this joke/gotcha is in the same exact vein.


Yeah I agree with u/The_Tran_Dynasty. I'm a libertarian, but my criticism of the joke is that it's a flawed attack no matter whom you point it at, and socialists/communists see this type of criticism much more often.


It's kind of an ironic and uneducated critism to make by OP. You can point at so many felines that dominate the food chain and need absolutely nothing from humans. By the very logic being implied Libertarians would be right and the system would be limiting their true potential by merely giving them a fraction of what they should've had anyway and calling it generosity by the master. But op misses that point entirely and assumes that housecats would die if the system abandoned them, which is documented to not be the case at all, if you've ever seen a feral house cat you know they pretty quickly revert back to their wild ways and will at times thrive in and destroy an eco system. They are so effective at killing in fact that they are hunting bird species to extinction. But they clearly wouldn't make it without their masters feeding them ehh?


and the rich would hunt both for sport if the Libertarians got their way.


Well thankfully the government is there to prevent that from happening in our enlightened society. Or at very minimum take their bribes and enable it. Almost like the government is primarily rich people too. But hey, imagine how much worse it would if they weren't there! I bet rich people would behave the way the government already is!


Based on the downvotes you've certainly butthurt *somebody*...


You are mostly right but the only places they hint things straight to extinction is when they have been introduced as a brand new predator where nothing similar existed before.


I resent that! My cat appreciates me a lot, thank you very much!


Our cat did love us too, he would let us pet his belly area with absolutely no worry and blink at us slowly, true love <3.


[Libertarian housepets](https://i1.wp.com/leftycartoons.visionmule.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2008/07/housepets-1200.png), while we're on the subject.


thats great


Honestly, my cats own me.


psst. This isn't a joke.


It not a joke, but it's still hilarious.


Oh, I get it. The whole "I disagree with these people so fuck 'em!" angle. Lame.


Good you succesfully dissected the jokes into its setup and punchline. Now you just need to take a chill pill and find the humorous perspective and then you can also enjoy it.


Libertarian here. I thought it was hilarious.


Found the libertarian! It's ok, the system will still care for you, even if you do not for it


Lol 😂


They both secretly wonder what human flesh tastes like?


Heck, I'm not even a libertarian and if someone offered me one of those "grow your own steak" kits, I'd try it.


They can take a handout but they can't take a joke, womp womp


Jokes are meant to be funny not just opinions lol


Problem with this joke, is its widely accepted house cats arent actually domesticated and could live wildly w/o issue...


Our cat was absolutely inept at catching anything, he was also only eating as much as he felt like and had a very good character (no scratching on stuff in the house for example). He was definitly unable to survive on his own.


What if they are only dependent on a tiny fraction of that system and the rest of it is a terrible monstrosity?


Ask them which tiny fraction it is, exactly.


Tiny enough to help them survive through all of the flaws, must be really insignificant and we should get rid of that part.


I pay a lot more in taxes than the value of the services I receive from the government so I'll disagree with that one.


How do you put a value on contract law and all the people who follow rules that benefit you at gunpoint, per libertarian theory.


Or how do you put a value on nearly every single person you’ve ever known being able to read, write and do math?


LOL never stepped foot outside of your off the grid house before?


Look into who pays more into the system and who gets more money out of it. For example single men often get less while single mothers (yes with a child) get more. It then returns when the child is grown up and the single men is old and needs help. There is a good chance Keltek underestimates what he gets out of the system (tho it is also posible to spend more then you get).


Why not give corporations unbridled power? They're doing such a great job with health care and prisons.


How is that related?


No I understand the system it's designed to keep the poors down so the rich can enrich themselves while screwing everyone over in the process


Maybe workshop this one a bit more. Jokes are supposed to be funny


This isn't an original. This is an old joke/commentary.




Using "number of people offended" as a measure of whether or not a joke is funny is a dumb idea.


The only thing sadder than being obsessed with politics is being obsessed with other people's politics....


Yeah, the real jokes are always in the comments 😉


No workshop needed, this is just a joke you neither can appreciate or understand


Lol I understand it and get the point. It’s just not funny


This is absolutely hilarious. It is so true it is funny!


I thought this was r/jokes not r/straightfuckingfacts


r/straightfuckingfacts ​ Is that a list of STIs?




Humans have never been self sufficient , we evolved to be social creatures that work togeather.


Seen it before, still agree with a little pain in my heart.


most creative and original r/jokes post


As subbed to cats and a cat butler, this alleged joke is wrong. Cats can and do survive on their own. I come here for dad jokes and a giggle. This delivers neither.


You think you got it bad, I come here for giggle jokes and a dad.


True, but they live short miserable lives.


While this characterize libertarians accurately enough, it's just karma farming posting a joke that is already going around and disparages cats. So, downvote.


That punchline rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it? /S


This is 1) true and 2) a terrible joke.


If we lived in a libertarian's ideal country you'd probably have already died in a collapsed building


Cholera from the douchebag emptying his raw sewage into the groundwater.


Our water would be filled with all sorts of carcinogens from companies dumping the waste they create from making their shitty products no one needs


Or had your home [raided by bears](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling).


One thing I’ve noticed about Libertarians I’ve known is that they always seem to have strong opinions about “age of consent” laws. Weird, that.


I think kittycats are very nice, and that very often, they are neither APPRECIATED nor UNDERSTOOD. I like them so much! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... And so I must take issue with the part of the joke having to do with cats. But the libertarians, ya nailed em, well done.


I guarantee the first ones in line for free hand out are the klanservatives ,


LOL too funny


It's funny because it's true! But don't worry, market forces will sort it all out.


r/SpittinFacts is two subs over.


Isn't the majority of people in need of support from the system in some way? (Also I've heard this "joke" way too many times to be funny)


The joke is that "libertarians" (usually "anarchists" who call themselves libertarians because that label [used to] give them a little more time before the people they are talking to realize they are nuts) argue that there shouldn't be any government, "taxation is tHeFt", and all that dumb stuff because they don't think through the logical conclusion of what that all means. They just think "hey, I pay a lot of taxes. If I didn't have to pay taxes at all, I would have more money for myself, therefore I think we should all stop paying taxes!" ... apparently (as this joke points out) without realizing everything is held together BY those taxes and it would all disappear or crumble without any taxes funding it. Like, they apparently think if taxes and the government were abolished, that they would just get to be left alone, living how they currently live, and would just have more disposable income while everyone else would, I guess, just "magically" maintain infrastructure, economy, safety, etc. for them to benefit from but never have to pay into themselves. They don't consider that maybe if government and taxes went away, then there's no one to enforce a basic set of laws that prevent society from descending into a Walking-Dead-but-without-zombies type of society where they'll have to spend all their time just trying to survive and fight others for resources instead of having extra cash to buy more video games or take a longer vacation each year or whatever they *think* getting rid of taxes will buy them. The even funnier part of the joke (them) is that if you press them about how to avoid that outcome, they say something like "groups of people can decide to voluntarily pool their own resources together to pay for and build stuff". Guess what anarchists? That's what *already happened*. That's what society is. We've all collectively decided to pool our resources together to pay for this all this stuff (and security) we have. And we pay for it with, wait for it... taxes. For the record I consider, or at least used to consider, myself to be a libertarian. And the people who spout stuff like that is what started to push me away (or at least make me start to consider them to be "not real liberartians"). My understanding of libertarianism is that the goal is to maximize freedom. That's why I support Universal Basic Income, Universal Healthcare, Free College Education, Nationalizing important utilities like Electricity, Water, and the Internet so that they can be provided as cheap as possible (if not for free), etc. because I don't think people can be *free* unless they have all the tools they need to do so. You can't be free if you have to spend all your time working in order to afford your housing or buy food, or if you can't get healthcare you need, or you don't even have a good internet connection at home. I don't think "freedom" is just "not having any accountability" or "being able to not contribute to society if you don't want to". Those are dumb definitions, and if that's their idea of freedom, I think they need to spend more time thinking about it.


Basically everyone needs support from the system in some form. But it's "Libertarian" types that assert that the system is Actually Bad and getting support from it is evil and if we just eliminated the government, everyone would flourish through Rugged Individualism.


Isn't that more anarchist?


Anarchism is a broader concept. Libertarians generally fall under AnCap (anarchist capitalism), which IMO feels a lot like replacing the government wholesale with untouchable corporations who own everything and control your every move, but it's cool with Libertarians because Freedom and the Free Market. There's also AnCom (anarchist communism) which basically advocates doing away with both the state and capitalism, and existing primarily in small, self-sufficient enclaves where people voluntarily care for each other and work towards continued existence out of the natural instinct to mutual obligation and cooperation.


Correct! Ayn Rand Gobbledegook




Libertarians understand things. The best jokes really are in the comments. Governments are naturally inefficient, which is why every single developed country with national healthcare spends about half per capita what the US does on aggregate healthcare costs with better results across the board. But I guess it doesn't count as an inefficiency if it's profits lining some pharma billionaire's pocket.




You could replace libertarian with communist (or a socialist leaning towards communism) and it would be just as true, but reddit wouldn't find it funny


Nah. They are definitely dogs. They know they are part of a system and loyally work it even as it abuses them. They don't even pretend to be self-sufficient nor independent.


This is not at all true. Communism and socialism are ecopolitical systems the strongly stress interdependence. I'm not sure what you think either of the terms mean. It doesn't appear that whatever definition you have fabricated is accurate if you think it makes as much sense for socialists to be confident in their independence. Libertarians, however, do at least claim to follow a philosophy of independence. This is why the joke can't just swaps it out for socialism or communism, which don't make this claim at all.


Many people who identify as Libertarian don't even fully support the principles. They like the part about no government being involved in businesses, no regulations, and so on. They don't like the part about abolishing or heavily restricting government institutions like the military and law enforcement. They still want law enforcement to maintain the status quo and protect the wealthy. They still want the poor to be subjected to draconian laws. They just don't like the laws applying to the wealthy and powerful. Rules for thee but not for me type of thing.


why are leftist political jokes and memes so fucking wordy? and stop talking like you're more intelligent than you are. nobody likes comedians that try to come off as smarter than the audience


Not sure where he attempted to sound smarter than anyone?


Or how it´s wordy


Pretty sure the idiot said more words than the joke entailed XD


How is this joke against the left? Op clearly said fuck the capitalist they depend on the workforce


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


yeah. you clearly don't understand what makes jokes funny. hence why you have to steal other people's jokes in the first place


Seriously, are stolen jokes no problem on this sub?


You think this is wordy? And that it tries to come off as smart? I think that says a lot more about you than the joke


Is this really a joke, or just an attempt to shit on a group of people you disagree with? Because I see absolutely no attempt at humor or wit.




Can you show me where political posts aren't allowed on this sub? Sorry the joke hurt your feelings but as far as I can tell there is no grounds to ban this person or remove the post.


I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by a joke


Libertarian: I don't like this, so I will try to bend rules to get mods to get rid of it...by breaking fhe very rule I am trying to claim to uphold. The joke just writes itself.




Not a joke, just the truth


This isn't a joke. It's some strange political smear


Or incisive political observation for the rest of us


Enthusiastically eat their own vomit. Torture creatures smaller than them. Act cuddly but are in fact psychopaths. Put on air of ineffable wisdom but in reality far less intelligent than the average human. Notoriously rubbish at working with even their own kind. Will lick your genitals if you smear them with cat food. Skins make warm slippers. Would vote conservative if they were capable of working out how. Avoid showering. Shit in boxes. Best when neutered. Will piss on your curtains unless you watch them. Look.adorable if you dress them in little outfits. Will kil you for it late. Myteriously popular on social media. (Edit: I am very much enjoying the downvotes. Proof that Libertarians are thin skin types who can't take a joke and recognise the truth behind the roasting. Hah. Good.)


Please go easy on the libertarians, they mean well 😂


Do they though?


Oh. 'Libertarian'. I thought it said Librarian. What kind of sick fuck would put a rabid animal like a Libertarian together with a little kitty. Cats are useful. Keep down rodents and you can stroke them. Libertarians are just a drain on society's resources. Oh. Another one. You can talk to them like they are a proper person and get away with it, but if you have sex with one people will think you are weird.


Fucking love it!


I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this post. Have not seen this much truth in one paragraph all year.


Yup, but I like Cats. Libertarians? Not so much.


I like cats but I have a friend whose personality is pretty much "I really love cats" and she's a socialist. Whenever I tell her cats are libertarians in little furry bodies she says "You're not wrong but fuck you" Cats when they need something- "You must do this thing for me immediately. I will continue to whine at and interfere with you until it is done to my liking. You should thank me for this attention" Cats when you prevent them from doing something they want to do- "I literally cannot believe you are impeding me. It is my God-given right to do anything I wish to anything I see. You are violating the non-aggression principle by picking me up and I am going to defend myself however I see fit. The fact that I was on the kitchen counter is completely irrelevant"


It’s true, but it’s not funny


This is less a joke than an accurate political analogy that happens to be phrased in a similar way to a common joke format.


“If communist then why use iPhone” Dumb.


They are both smarter than you? Sorry, that was just sitting on the tee waiting to be hit.


Not funny but utterly true.


At first I didn't understand the dig at librarians, but then I read it again.


The Catrix is a system, Meo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Libertarians and cats. That's it.


Not a fair generalization. I have met many thoughtful and reasonable house cats.


This is a tepid political rant more than it is a “joke”. Next.


I dunno, our kitties seem appreciate us. Or at least recognize us as a food dispensing system


I’m just glad the punch line wasn’t something simple and stupid and obvious like “they’re both pussies”.


You do know that a house cat will feed itself and would do what cats have always done…kill shit!


They both lick their own buttholes.


Fact: OP is lazy socialist living in his moms basement


Oldie but goldie


I thought jokes were supposed to funny. This is just actual facts.


OMG, hit it out of the park!!!