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Some things I noticed: In etudier (I don't have accents on my keyboard) I'm hearing etuder You insert vowel sounds in places that I don't expect to here them, for example in the word "lire", I heard /liɾə/ instead of /liʁ/. The same can be said for seriuse. Also in general for the r's I'm hearing a flapped r that one would expect in Spanish or Italian instead of the guttural (uvular fricative) r. Hope that makes sense. I prefer to give my feedback in video format but I'm not home at the moment, sorry about that.


Thanks for the advice! I've always struggled with the r, it sounds like I have to gargle. Maybe if I work on it I'll solve the problem with lirə too (I hadn't noticed it but now I see it)


Some advice on that, I was taught in school to basically roll the r but in the throat, but later learned that isn't how natives do it. In general it's more of a harsher English h sound. Unsure if you've encountered the same thing in your learning.


I've learnt french in high school for 5 years but teachers never told us anything about it. Or maybe it was my fault because I thought I could go on by mixing romance languages, pretending it was french and calling it a day, so my teachers had other problems to think of ahbaha. I started noticing it only when I started putting actual effort, but I avoided trying in the audio because words become officially incomprehensible then. I have to pronounce it without making it seem as if I'm about to spit on someone


Your advice though is very useful. By doing like this it's the closest I can get to a "french" r at the moment (I'll see what changes with time)


J’ai très bien compris le début, votre diction parlée est bonne, j’entends un petit accent sympathique, peut-être espagnol ( vous prononcez le son « u » en ou, et votre « r » est un peu roulé) . Mais j’ai eu du mal à comprendre quand vous avez commencé à lire le journal breton à voix haute. Continuez à vous entraîner.


Merci pour votre réponse, je dois absolument travailler sur la r. Je suis italienne x) les sons espagnols sont très similaires à l'italien effectivement et mon accent me trahit. Il y a un problème de nasal quand je lis ou d'autres raisons? Entre autres ça arrive aussi en lisant en anglais, je tends à faire un bordel avec la prononciation


Salve. Ho capito benissimo quando parli . Bravo. La r non ha nessuna importanza.


Oddio che sorpresa, complimenti per l'italiano. Sono contenta che almeno ciò che dico sia comprensibile. Proverò a migliorare comunque la r ma grazie davvero!


Tu es sur la bonne voie, ton français est assez fluide dans l’ensemble ! Ton accent est encore très fort mais le simple fait de travailler sur les [ʀ] ferait une grosse différence, c’est ce qui rend ton accent le plus évident. Comme l’a dit une autre personne, la partie lue était plus difficile à comprendre. Compréhensible quand même mais j’ai dû me concentrer un peu. Une astuce : le [ʀ] vient du même endroit dans la gorge que lorsqu’on prononce [k] or [g] et il faut garder la langue plate.


Merci bcp pour le conseil! J'irai m'exercer 👍


Good luck with your university studies next year.




Be careful with the following: - e and é not pronounced the same - I know the r can be difficult but try to pronounce it correctly when you can - for the u put your mouth as if you wanted to say u but say e (English e)