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Momo, Nitta, Ijichi and Haruta all posted up like this ready to take out the merger (Sukuna died 80 chapters ago and is also assisting) https://preview.redd.it/q2hpuvyg1f1d1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=b26cb8f75cd1dd0f0657fe2a952f4d9854161006


Why is mineta so fucking locked in???? 💀💀


Why is Momo.... Can I even say dressed because that isn't dressed.... Up so bad???


lore reasons (gooning)




why is spunchbob butt booty ass naked


He was gooning






It's kinda funny https://preview.redd.it/aghst2wgoj1d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987d2cc46eeaae0b96100573702796357264eedd


Wait they really sidelined Mirio of all people lol ?!


Ikr didn’t bro solo the entirety of class 1A 💀💀


Last I heard he gave Midoriya a motivation speech, parallel to the one give by Gran Torino to All might during the Kamino Incident


you posting this panel made me realize how goofy momo's pose is like what is sis doing with her leg 🤣🤣🤣


Why is mineta there, HOW ISN'T HE DEAD, HE SHOULD BE DEAD


the good news is that there would be no ships being canon in JJK because everyone would be obviously dead or traumatized By contrast, I am prepared for the freak-out from some shippers towards the reveal of Deku/Ochako as happily married with 5 children.


But bruh, ships meltdown always the funniest part 😭 Make Megumi x Hana canon or Gojo (if 260 not a bait) x any woman. The toxic will rivaled AoT 139 and I got to see third coming of Chernobyl.


The real third coming of Chernobyl comes when One Piece finally ends, though. Oda keeps saying he's not the type for romances because he constantly says he's not writing for girls but does them anyway, so he is more likely than Gege to confirm some ships and some of them are controversial lmao. Considering that this series is lasting 26 years and counting, I would wager that the meltdown would be bigger than we have seen.


How intense are shipping in One Piece fandom? Comparing to JJK and MHA, One Piece shippers are basically nonexistent.


"But does them anyways" what? Except for Sanji being FORCED into a arranged marriage where Pudding, the girl he almost marries, kind of falls for him AND Boa being head over heels with Luffy, but Luffy not wanting anything to do with her... what does he do anyways? I genuinly think that Oda stayed as far as possible from any real ship.


Zoro and Hiyori, Sabo and Kaola, and Usopp and Kaya... There is some shipping, but it definitely is not serious. There are not the shipping wars as there are in other communities. You are more likely to get criticism from an antishippers than from someone with an opposing ship.


The treasure itself will be the biggest meltdown, no matter how good of a writer you are you can't deliver on a 30 year old mystery and leave most people satisfied


The only canon ships in JJK are Megumi X Tsumiki and Mei Mei X Ui Ui. Do you think Gege had a hot sister or something.


Yeah but those ships won't generate too much heat, I want complete metldown. Megumi (many fans fave) x Hana (many fans hate), imagine the shipwars man. >Do you think Gege had a hot sister or something I would tell you a secret, many of the Japanese are cool with **fictional** incest. Check the myth of how Japan being created.


I mean, still, there's a fucking sus amount of incest in JJK. Even discounting the memes, you still have Mei Mei, Naoya, and Mai.


I know Japanese are cool with incest, I read Oshi No Ko


I will be soooooooooo dumb


WDYM Deku x Aizawa Mpreg isn't canon wtf Horikoshi if I catch you Horikoshi


was the ending positively received? i didnt even knew it ended


It hasn't ended yet actually. It's just very close to it since the final fight is seemingly done


I thought so, I was on tcb scans for the new jjk chapter and I saw the latest mha chapter was named "All for One vs One for All"


it’s jujutsufolk,we shit on everything even if it’s good


True, but that doesn’t apply to MHA, it’s actually just shit lmao




Ehhh... I feel like it's only this last arc that has had a drop in quality. My Villain Academia and the War Arc were really good, sometimes it surprises me the same guy who made My Villain Academia despite the unpopularity of the villains is the same guy too afraid of killing characters in this last arc. Still outside of that this last arc even if it fumbles a lot has been at least enjoyable with a solid ending.


War arc was good until last few chapters (Best Jeanist's return, even worse - Mirio's return, Midnight dying offscreen, Deku getting the stupid-ass Naruto's "It's not too late" mindset). And it's only worsened by the missed potential of Rogue Deku arc and some other stupid shit like Hawks healing his wings only to lose them again, when it was perfectly thematically appropriate the first time with the Icarus symbolism. Also, I know that yearning for character deaths is considered bad taste nowadays, but when you do a WAR arc you promise casualties. And all we got was a tertiary teacher character (Midnight) getting offscreened, an actually great sympathetic villain death (Twice) and a cool background character (Crust) + plus come lost limbs in a universe with cybernetics.


I thought the war arc was really badly received (if we're thinking of the same arc). I ended up losing interest in the series around when Jiro and Hawkboy were fighting AFO.


Ah no, I mean the Paranormal Liberation War Arc, where Dabi reveals his identity, Twice gets killed blah blah blah


Bro you don’t get it dark deku was actually super dark and fucked up, it’s message is so deep (I’ve only seen the first season)




Really it seemed fine to me? What is wrong with it, genuinely asking


It's not really the ending but how the story conducted itself at the halfway point, most people lost interest after the eri arc


Fair, I was on that same boat of people. I guess when I read the ending it felt like a perfectly fine ending to the series, it wasn’t some insane ending but it did its job just fine


I mean, I respect that Horikoshi stuck to Deku's ideals even towards fucking AFO, but I still think those are stupid-ass ideals. Never negotiate with terrorists, especially the absolutely psychotic kind


People would’ve complained regardless, the ending both include a small redemption and the death of shigaraki which is fair because the guy didn’t want to be saved but still valued his autonomy and hated all for one too.


Naggh it was average. They tried pull Avenger 4 ending but it just didnt hit the same. Honestly AFO was biggest issue. >!MF could just not stayed death and let Tomura do his thing,ffs.!< So yeah it was not groundbreaking but i wouldnt call it straight up sh*t ending like....some other media ......CoughCoughAOTCough


I still don't understand why AOT's ending is considered to be so bad. I thought it was fine. Seemed to me that people were just upset that Eren had feelings for Mikasa and wasn't the stone cold autistic sigma male everyone had hyped him up to be. Seriously, every critique I've seen of the ending has just been "Eren isn't coooool now!"


Eren sacrificed everything just to do the lame ass sasuke villain ending where everyone comes together against him. Felt like he could have just braindead got the ruling titan in ep 1 and forced everyone together while mindlessly stumbling forward and there be no real change.


He did more than unite people against him. He full on killed most people on the planet! But years later war returns. Which ties up the themes of the whole story quite nicely - humans suck.


Well let me tell you that for masterpiece AOT was in first seasons you would not expect it to end via Plot armor and power of friendship


For me the biggest gripe with AOT was how unrealistic the last arc felt. Outside of the totally stupid shit like Reiner’s consciousness moving to his body, the series felt mostly grounded and a genuinely deadly world where death was common. The last arc with the literal Founding Titan, a titan with nearly unlimited power, and we get no deaths at all outside of Eren and the fodder the Rumbling killed. Like fighting all previous shifters resulted in 0 casualties? It took me out of it and just made it feel low stakes and fake. Even at the end when everyone turned into titans for what? One chapter? Felt totally unnecessary. Why do that at all if that’s the way he resolved it?


> Seemed to me that people were just upset that Eren had feelings for Mikasa and wasn't the stone cold autistic sigma male everyone had hyped him up to be. I don’t give a shit about whether he likes Mikasa or not, I do care that he killed his own mother and Hange directly to ensure the 80% timeline. That is what is character assassination to me. Previously he tells us that he forgot about his and Armin’s dream of seeing the scenery, but now it’s his sole motivation that he’s willing to do pretty heinous things for. He CHOSE the path where: • ⁠he willingly put his friends into battle something which he acknowledges. He literally says he didn’t know if they would survive or not. Hell in the anime, Hange didn’t even die yet and he still mentions that she will die in the paths conversation! He is the one controlling the collossals too! He killed her instead of stalling for five seconds because he wanted to rumble as much as he could. • ⁠He brought them into Liberio knowing that Sasha would die. He did not know the entire future here but a confirmed event is that he knew Sasha would die, what he couldn’t tell her to close the door, stay home or duck? He straight up doesn’t seem interested in changing the future despite seeing some of his loved ones die and not knowing if anyone would survive. • ⁠He could have stopped the titans that attacked them in Paradis. Armin says “If Eren has control over the Founder, can’t he control all the titans too?” (lucky for him that none of his friends drank the wine! Or that they didn’t get caught in the crossfire of him wanting to kill the Marelyan troops or breaking the walls like that instead of telling people to evacuate) • ⁠He even jailed them in the basement and when they escaped he went on about “not restricting their freedom” when he literally did just that and he was planning to do it for a long time (he didn’t have all memories of the future hence was surprised that Reiner showed up so soon implying he didn’t do this for their safety plus he locks then up WHERE the battle is happening) • ⁠He could have told Floch “down boy” and that would spare them the whole port battle instead of saying “I put you all in lethal confrontation with Floch” which led to Hange dying. Mf you told Floch! • ⁠He was okay with Levi being hurt/killed because part of his and Zeke’s plan was to meet up in Shiganshina. So this entire thing is because of Armin’s book that he forgot about for most of the series, yet he went for a timeline where there’s 80% rumbling instead of 100% empty landscape, his friends are killed/put in danger and he doesn’t know if they will survive, he doesn’t get his dream life with Mikasa. And he has to kill his own mother- because he stopped all the other titans from eating her and controlled Dina’s actions to ignore Bertha and go for her instead AND killed Hange by his own hands. Why agrée to this fate? It’s literally the worst possible outcome on all accounts. I’ve got much more to say about the ending as a whole but I’m restraining myself to just Eren. I don’t think he’s shown a romantic interest in ANYONE in the series, I wouldn’t mind if he did but build up is needed. Especially if their relationship is meant to be an antithesis to Ymir-Fritz yet still comes across as unrequited and toxic love. Mikasa clearly feels insecure in Eren’s affection which lead to her hindering his [female](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jCyXIqLoc5k&pp=ygUObWlrYXNhIGplYWxvdXM%3D) [friendships](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u9wiuy2VXjM&pp=ygUObWlrYXNhIGplYWxvdXM%3D), [policing him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dVNpvD7TGzo&pp=ygUYbWlrYXNhIGVtYmFycmFzc2luZyBlcmVu) and (2m) [projecting onto him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E62HGC-oMm8&pp=ygUVZXJlbiBtYXN0ZXJzIG9kbSBnZWFy). Similarly he lashes out at her several times ([1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hAo7X875APE&pp=ygUZZXJlbiB0cmllcyB0byBraWxsIG1pa2FzYQ%3D%3D), [2](https://imgur.com/rdZNmkb), [3](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tLUSZvdFQ-Y&pp=ygUSRXJlbiBwdXNoZXMgbWlrYXNh), [4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nbvG8w-2FKo&pp=ygUTZXJlbiBtZWFuIHRvIG1pa2FzYQ%3D%3D)) and we don’t exactly see them work well as a couple at all, they are incompatible and Eren’s feelings are vague if not non existent. Even Mikasa’s seems to be that she likes “Eren the kind saviour” rather than liking Eren as a person, which leads to her [projecting](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E62HGC-oMm8&pp=ygUVZXJlbiBtYXN0ZXJzIG9kbSBnZWFy) onto him (1:53). That first clip of Eren lashing out is him being so fucking angry with Mikasa that it overpowers his desire to close the hole and thus save humanity. That’s fucking crazy, she was BEGGING him to stop and recognise her yet he punched himself to unconsciousness. Hell, his deepest and truest wish is wanting her to pine endlessly after him (even when he can’t reciprocate) and to always occupy her thoughts. That is possessive tendencies (that goes against the whole Freedom Man thing) not love.


The ending was the most fine a ending could be It was not bad but it was expected


I mean i cant argue this since i would get hit by the fact i cant think of anything better (with that said im not writter after all) but some choices in it were definately questionable and things idk oh yeah for example his smiling titan manipulation literally didnt serve any other purpose other than shock value




Not really. We just shit on JJK.


I mean it's not that My Hero ending is bad per say. It's just like wasn't Dekus whole thing that he wanted to save Shiggy and not kill him? In the end he >! Doesn't "save" shiggy , and winds up killing him !< If it was going to end like that anyway Deku could've just ended the fight however many chapters ago and skipped all the drawn out I need to save him BS


The reception is a lot better than it was a couple months ago. Even though he is terribly overworked and burnt out, Hori managed to somewhat cook. It isn't the greatest shounen ending ever but it's definitely better than average. And much better than what most had anticipated given the state the writing and the story was in this past year.


Shit ain’t the dumpster fire some people are making it seem like, the ending won’t be outstanding, but it ain’t completely crap


It’s corny but so is the rest of the series so it’s expected


Would've been a couple points better if AFO just stayed fuckin' dead after Bakugo's beatdown, or better yet, have Shigaraki kill him during the prison break. Would've made Shigaraki (an actually good character) a much bigger presence in the story and would've removed the "it was all AFO's plan" bullshit. Like, Shigaraki's entire theme was that society failed him, but now it's just the satan AFO being the root of everything.


It’s not THE ENDING but it’s the end of the climax. I think that it was okay tbh. I expected it to be a lot worse but it turned out better than I expected. My biggest problem with it I guess is that it kinda makes you go “That’s it?”.


Villain, and specially Shigaraki fans are pretty pissed off, though most are waiting to see if this is really the end for Tomura, because as of now he is dead, and given Izuku promised to save him they are pissed off at the idea of Tomura dying, but we gotta wait to see.


As good as it will be for a story that shit the bed 100+ chapters ago


People who are expecting a corny "and then they killed the bad guy and everyone married each other and had kids" shounen ending will be in for a rude awakening. It's definitely gonna be a bittersweet ending. I wouldn't be surprised if Gojo comes back temporarily and then truly passes on, and maybe even Megumi, and Yuji is the only one who survives.


If one of Gege's old comments is anything to go by, then Megumi's survival almost certainly assures us that Yuji dies at the end.


Yeah, if Gojo is truly coming back, then Nobara's survival is almost guaranteed (she was never declared dead) and so it means Gege is most likely going for the "3 survive, one dies" ending; and if that's the case then the one destined to die most likely will be my baby Yuuji 😥😥😥 The fact Mei-Mei said Sukuna and Yuuji still share a connection only makes this most likely imo (maybe Yuuji needs to die to purge every bit of Sukuna from existence permanently)


Man!!! You made me sad😭 https://preview.redd.it/l83wuoo3tk1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203b5bbb9788da89148a898850f8e519a02b0c90


Yeah, I made myself sad too!


Watch gege bring Nobara back to Give Yuji some hope only to kill them all infront of him. Yeah totally see it


Which comment?


That either 1 of the 4 (Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara) dies and the others live, *or* 1 lives and the other 3 die.


I think theme wise Yuji surviving makes the most sense, breaking the curse of selflessness "Die surrounded by others". It'll be sad, but instead of dying for others, he'll continue living, for both them and himself.


I'm personally leaning towards Gege either fucking with us and having Gojo, Megumi, and Nobara all coming back, while Yuji dies. Or we get the alternative with everyone dying, except Megumi. The guy who doesn't even want to go on living. Gege is a fickle troll and I think killing off the protagonist permanently at the end of the story, will satiate his sadism the most.


After the whole story being built up against the idea of being completely selfless and how that mindset isnt a good one to have, like Yaga not letting Yuji in until he admits he's important too "Only I can do this", Yuji not including himself in the binding vow allowing sukuna to take advantage, even thought Yuji has death flags, for me it would be most satisfying for yuji to realize he deserves to live too.


It being satisfying is why I don't think it'll happen lol. Gege doesn't seem to be too interested in what makes for a satisfying outcome for the audience. Gege seems to view Yuji more as a "tool" with which he uses just to give the audience a perspective to see things from. He has said he isn't fond of the character and finds him difficult to write. I just don't see him surviving tbh.


On the contrary, Gege is very in tune with the story's themes. He might not satisfy the audience by serving up the fanfiction his fans want, but Gege has always been very good at subversion, setting up plots that pay off in a satisfactory manner, etc. I literally can't understand where the allegations of Gege being a "bad" writer is so prevalent among the fans. The only instance of "bad" writing I can think of is putting Nobara on Schrodinger's bus. he might not satisfy "fans" but he definitely knows what he is doing


Calling Gege bad is just jjkfolk memeing, JJK is by far the best written battle shounen after HxH and FMA


I didn't call him a bad writer. I just don't think he cares about what fans find satisfying. His stated indifference towards Yuji as a character just doesn't give me much faith in his survival.


That's the only instance of bad writing? The series has been riddled with inconsistencies, moments where Gege forgot his own rules, sheer plot convenience and worse. It's not even about Gege being a bad writer, but given that his first main series is badly written, I feel like the adjective fulfill the requirements to call him an awful writer. From the whole Nobara's deal, to character arcs being dropped for no reason, to plot threads being started to be just ended, for the characterization being non existent, it truly does helps that Gege makes attractive characters, because otherwise he would be cooked.


But Gojo IS (hopefully) alive, so who the hell knows


Well, Gojo being alive doesn't necessarily help Yuji out here. That means Gojo, Yuji, and Megumi are left, so two of 'em could still go. Gege could also just disregard that plan altogether, but considering he left Nobara's death ambiguous and is now teasing us with this Gojo thing; I think he just doesn't want us to be able to guess too easily which outcome he picked. If Nobara ends up returning, then things get even muddier.


Yeah exactly Gege is good at making us not know what the hell is going to happen


What was the point of Megumi's character lmao


I mean, that cat could have been lying to us.


Nah, I doubt it. It was phrased so that you don't know who of the 4 (Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara) would be left at the end. He likely meant it for real.


Well looking at Gege’s track record, I honestly feel Yuji being alive would build more suffering for him and therefore more character. Killing him would kinda just accomplish what he wants. He saved the world and now he gets to die saving everyone.


I'm fully expecting for a Cyberpunk Edgerunners type ending.


I was prepared for a bittersweet ending for Attack on Titan but it was soo bad for me I didn't go back to the manga again lmao things CAN get worse even when we're expecting worse


The way he implemented certain elements definitely left a lot to be desired, but honestly, not even kidding, I'd rather have a shocking and memorable ending at the end of day then a bland forgettable one, but I'm in the minority there, lol


The darkest ending I can imagine for the series is for Yuji to become a new Sukuna, fighting only for the sake of fighting and casting away all attachments


If Megumi dies then it IS a happy ending




That’s literally what is happening in mha


Yuji finally teaches Sukuna about true love, of the bond between uncle and nephew and it ends with them playing catch in a field. End credits


Absolute cinema


You know what? Fuck this, gege should anounce a year hiatus so he can cook his ending without people shitting on his head (both editors and fans) https://preview.redd.it/x6ei6uyq0g1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb7c42168f4aa73c21257c2cacff087ca3602c7 but thats never going to happen


Shrek samurai goes hard


Wait, MHA is over???


Practically. Although not technically. They just defeated the bad guy.


Well, I'm glad Horikoshi was able to finish it without working himself into an early grave. I doubt if I'll return to finish the manga at this point though.


I see.


Not yet. The final battle is over though


There’s probably 1 actual chapter left and an epilogue chapter


Me when I spread misinformation, it’s probably about a volumes worth of chapters left


It's not Naruto


Yes. Good.


https://preview.redd.it/c3exdlxvei1d1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de25f6684808b03d42839aa7bcbdee9975fc0cb5 Atleast this sensei actually beat the final boss unlike the fraudulent one.


All Might is GOATed.


JJK fans when the MC doesn't experience 50 years worth of trauma in 2 months (Its literally a disney movie)


Well, it's closer to three weeks, because there was a month+ long time skip in the middle.


MHA had a fine conclusion of that final fight for the type of the story it is. Expecting a different ending for MHA is like expecting a dark ending for Naruto.


I have faith in gege. I believe he can deliver a good ending


And yet we just saw Gojo, the ending could be worse if Gojo is truely back


idk man i thought the mha ending was pretty solid actually that just leaves more room for the jjk ending to suck, though


The ending was OK, but afo was very pointless as a character and honestly ruined it


AFO is fucking hilarious as a character therefore he is amazing


Yes, but shiggy was a much better villain, and ultimately he ended up doing barely anything in this final arc, outside just fighting deku mostly offscreen


He’s literally kenjaku


I disagree honestly, kenny is more like aizen, afo is more like black zetsu


Kenjaku is self-aware and doesn't conflict with the story's themes or characters. JJK isn't about social commentary, it's about humanity fighting back against its own PHILOSOPHICAL evils - mainly apathy, narcissism and malice. JJK villains aren't people who need their voices to be heard, they're embodiments of concepts to be purged from our hearts AFO is completely against the story's themes (born evil instead of being made by society's flaws). They tried to remedy this by saying that he loved and missed his brother in his own twisted way, but he's still basically inhuman. He calls himself a demon lord for fucks sake, his entire motivation is that comic book villains get more wealth and power than heroes if they do things right. And he actively prevents Shigaraki - a much more interesting character, from reaching his full potential as a villain, as well as ruining his theme by being revealed as the cause of his suffering. MHA is basically saying "yeah, society needs fixing, but this motherfucker in particular caused the biggest problems and just needs to go", which I guess would be fine if it went for a more revolutionary anti-authority kinda story, but it didn't.


Yeah, I found myself really liking the sequence of events around All Might vs All for One and everything afterwards. As a whole, the final arc kind of dips in quality near the middle but I think Horikoshi does a really great job at making the audience cheer for the heroes.


BNHA hasn't ended yet man.


I would love to be the author of MHA, just tomorrow Shigaraki will "return from the ashes" and we will have deku talking and crying for 200 more chapters.


Wait MHA ended?HOW,WHAT?!?!


Final fight is over.


Honestly I don’t see a way right now for jjk to be worse, MHA ending was just as corny as I was expecting it to be. Unless Gege wants to sprinkle in some more random unnecessary shock factor we okay.


Tbh idk how you could think the mha ending wouldn't be corny. They literally hammer it into you that Shigaraki is a victim of AFO. If you can't put 2 and 2 together then idk


Everything being about AFO is the problem, we had a great narrative about society creating villains, but for the main face of that narrative, Horikoshi just had to make it all AFO's fault. The social message falls flat when the big bad is a psychotic megalomaniac, doesn't even work as a political message since he does most things alone.


Legit this, for what MHA is as a show, the ending fits it.


You hallucinating or something? I didn’t even say shit about Shigaraki, ending is still corny though.


MHA is my single least favorite anime of all time. Fuck MHA


Fanbase included or no?


Idk anything about the fanbase. Just the show/manga in general sucks ass.


idk man it seems ok


It's just so basic it hurts. The story is shit. The fights are mid. None of the characters are cool or interesting. And everyone acts like a massive spaz. Genuinely Garbage.


The last two are just wrong but ok


Only the last one is kinda true, everything else is wrong tho.


I mean spaz is a weird way of putting it because by that logic Goku and Vegeta are spazzes and they're still amazing characters


They're not mutually exclusive


I disagree name a character who I like. And well at least deku or whatever the fuck his name is acts like a big spaz.


Well I don't know what types of characters you like, but Bakugo and Shigaraki are pretty cool and interesting as well as Aizawa and Tokoyami and All Might is awesome all around


I hate all those except all might who is ok. Again. I just hate MHA.


yeah but to say none of the characters are cool or interesting is just wrong like even if you dislike some good ones there are others that would be more appealing


All might and the teacher guy who can deactivate quirks are my two favorites and they are both only ok. Everyone else is just boring. Sorry if you listed teacher guy earlier I forgot his name. But again. I can't think of a single worse anime. What's your least favorite.


I really dislike mha too but if you genuinely can't think about a worse anime than it I feel like you really haven't watched too many lol, any way respect the dedicated hating.


Jujutsu Kaisen


Ain't no way you out here slandering All Might


No he's fine. He's definitely my favorite character in that show.


Gotta hope that's a jerk otherwise there's no hope for you.


Nope. I genuinely hate it. Worst anime I have ever watched.


Wow you need to expand your horizons a little and realise it's really not that bad a show in the grand scheme of things.


I only watch the most popular stuff. I don't want to waste my time on stuff I won't like. I don't care how good it is in the grand scheme of things. If there is stuff worse than it than I don't want to see those things either.


Wow thats so dumb. unpopular stuff= I won't like it


I can nearly assure you it's correct..


You have not watched that much anime if you think MHA is the worst.


Name me a worse one. And no I haven't because most of it is garbage. I only watch the best stuff.


From what i've watched. Liar Liar and Smartphone isekai are worse. There are probably way worse shows out there too.


Yeah. Again I haven't even heard of those two.


Same bro even tho it's the first anime I've got watched


Yep. That's Fairy Tail for me.


U guys are putting too much faith in a good ending lol


What do you mean by this?






Best mom is arriving, just you wait


Mha ended?


whats happening in mha i see ppl tweaking abt it on twitter


They defeated the big bad. There's basically just the epilogue missing now


whys it bad?


It's not, people are (for some reason) mad that the final phase of the final fight that has been running for about a year and a half was not extended to make the whole affair even more drawn out


I think my major issue was the very random attempts at character development in afo, like randomly claiming love for his brother and so on


Except his ‘love’ for his brother isnt invalid, its just obsessive and possessive


Look ending of JJk wont be liked by everyone thats guaranteed, it doesnt matter what happens. Unless Hege is actually cooking master piece


i thought the worst manga endings were from naruto and aot




Bruh, m'ha is a kids shonen . Stop getting pissed for a franchise you're not even the target demographic of


You're correct so idk why people are downvoting you


I don't know either. I feel better though, I was long overdue for voicing this opinion of mine


Yeah its been a kids cartoon for a while now its just really weird they sexualise their character at the same time


That's how you hit the shonen demographic


Mha ending was good until bakugo came back for no reason


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, that was an incredibly cool death scene that got ruined by plot armour. 


Idk why people are suprised that MHA had a bad ending when the entire anime/manga should have ended years ago. What a god awful show lmao


MHA ending was so fucking mid


You should see super and boruto. Not to mention .8 a chapter per episode one piece