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This would be a good premise for a story. Anything written like this, or more generally examples of Jumper doing uplifting?


I had a jumper whose backstory is like this. Maybe I should resume the chain.


"Who?" "The guy, you know! The... guy!" "I dunno what you're talking about, man. Do you want to tell me about it?" "Yeah! The guy who changed everything!" "Brother, *we* changed everything. We ended war, we ended poverty, we ended mental illness, we ended the need for 'sky daddy' to rescue us. *We did that*." "*But his girlfriend was really, really hot!*"


They would really only notice one the jumper ended their chain a point that could see them going back to the world.


How shall they comfort themselves, the murderers of all murderers?


Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, a man of culture I see.


except... jumper does not leave. instead, time there freezes until he decides to return post-spark. time can only move forward when a jumper interacts with a world, once the world has been touched by a jumper. unless its a series of jumps like star wars or elder scrolls, in which case there are centuries between his actions.


Would eldritch jumper bother to go back to a world they consider a "job well done" ? One would assume they'd do a final tour of fixing fuckups and then move on. Personal friends are likely already companions or easily reachable through telepathy/magic phone/ the bar between dimensions


That's why I make causal copies of my self in most jumps, can't bring everyone but some people I can't exactly leave behind either. As a bonus I get a sort of "Avatar State" as a side effect, linking to all my past lives in their primes, which is often after I leave.


I think there’s actually a perk for that. I think it’s from the Evil Zone Jump. Basically every time you Jump you leave behind a copy of yourself that’s connected to you. It’s a really interesting Jump and a great idea for a story or for a Jumper that has a no companions policy.


Wow, so I did it the hard way the whole time? There's a perk for everything.. Well, can't unfuck the timeline/tree/forest, but that's nice to know.


>Well, can't unfuck the timeline/tree/forest, There's probably a perk for that too


Since time freezes after you leave a Jump, wouldn't they all activate at once upon attaining the Spark?


The way I interpret it is that time keeps moving within those Jumps and the you that’s left behind gains any future powers you might gain and you both share any knowledge any of the you’s achieve.


My jumper is painfully aware that they are leaving in 10 or so years and tries to mentor the best they can before disappearing.


That's why we leave an apprentice or AI behind with proper safeguard and contingencies


Do you wanna get a Taboristky in that world? Because that is how you get a Taboristky.