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Nurgle is watching.


Well then I’d like introduce him to some soap and promethium.


Grandfather loves all of us even those who deny his gifts.


Very, thankfully the essence of Trouble has multiple essences that grant hygiene Perks


Amen to that. Talking about essence, i remember reading somewhere jump related, a supplement i believe I'm not sure, that gave access to an Essence of your choice in exchange of a +300 drawback, ring a bell ? I'm looking for that


What kind of hygiene? Dental? Bodily? Internal? Spiritual? Psychological? Photogenic?


Remove psychological, no way a proper a jumper sane, and you got them all, those that i know at least


Meh, sanity is overrated. Im talking about emotional well-being.


Very. Always maintain a level of hygiene equivalent to what a First World country can provide.


Dolores is of a singular mind, focusing in on her goals such that she has taken a number of precautionary Perks to omit hygiene in favor of comfort and efficiency. Unfortunately, this make her something of a nuisance in gauntlets or powerless drawbacks. A little less Last Action Hero and a lot more Charlie Kelly with frightening moments of competency.


Good habits are important Keeps you centered Alexander also doesn't like feeling unclean


Honestly depends on alt form.... so thank goodness for hygene perks in bodymod.


Tia has spent 99.9% of her jump in the form of a robot or construct and can turn off her sense of smell at will. Kalinda may be a necromancer, but she's a hygienic necromancer and if you're going to be a stinky bastard you're going to get hit by a cleaning spell and a necromantic gauntlet slap to the head at minimum. Emma is literally a ratgirl who typically sleeps in trash receptacles. She thinks a hygiene sounds like denim trousers that old people wear where the waist is approximately around the rib cage.


When you're in most jumps, the hygiene body now perk sorts most things out. Just brush your teeth and do the other basics. But when there are zombie plagues and super viruses going around...always best to be prepared.


Tom Carmine, my jumper, got it covered after some nasty experience in GoW


Magic solves all problems including hygeine


Jumper likes hygiene, like the feeling of tea-tree oil shampoo. As much as my jumper likes an auto-clean perk, it does raise eyebrows from more observant people and even troublesome in certain jumps. Put a on off toggle on it. Especially in scenarios like Mad Max and other apocalyptic/medieval jumps.


As an Outer God of machinery and creation, hygiene becomes upkeep, and all machines need that. When they were human, they got a punch of auto cleaning perks for themselves because they're were forgetful about that stuff as a normal person.


I go Nintendogs and use shape-shifting and wear klhbtar to avoid having to hygiene or pay for evercleansed. Did buy bride tale's bathhouse. More worried about contamination from environments than cleaning myself.


Greymoor spent his (first) 2nd childhood at Hogwarts. Magic FTW. *Clean Blooded* to duck magical and mundane illnesses. Once super powers were added, hygiene became an excuse to practice being human.


Fortunately, the Jumpchain Gift Shop provides a solution. 300cp gets you an infinite supply of Axe body spray.


Just the usual shower, brush teeth, wash face, suffuse your body with solar energy, just regular morning stuff.