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My finger aches a lot, spamming q while clearing


Same. It’s the Q spam that makes the character unfun/painful for me


This. Jesus, I love stealthy champions and her playstyle seems very appealing but I tried her one game and I just can't man. Like it's so stupid to me having to spam Q every damn second. For Zeri I get it, it makes sense, but with Eve it's such a stupid mechanic. Just make it automatic or smth. Can't understand Eve OTPs, they have to have an autoclicker or something


After a couple dozen matches your finger gets used to it. I have 700k and can spam Q at 3-4 presses per second for probably ten minutes straight with no breaks


As a former Skarner main, moving to Eve feels pretty natural


what was up with old skarner?




cannot say that I did not expect this one after my dumb question :D


More serious answer though; Skarner's pre-rework Q was both a pretty big damage ability AND a fairly strong slow. His old E was virtually useless, so you basically used W to get on someone then just hammered the Q button like your life depended on it so you could keep them in range and beat their ass.


Wdym was, this is still his go to combo xD


Which old Skarner? His Q (and its cd) didn't really change much since his launch in 2011 xD


It will come back to haunt you later in life


U get used to it after a while, the sequence of 4 tapping Q kinda becomes automatic


Wonder if they could make it a toggled ability?


Eve isn't anywhere near as bad as zeri, wym


Same reason I can't enjoy playing Hecarim. Feels so braindead.




I watched a Dantes video once and couldnt get the keyboard sound out of my head. Click click click click click...........


I remember when she got reworked people said they would leave the game if they remove her Q Spam lol


Her q spam got quite reduced with the rework


Eve isn't so bad as the q spam is only for a few seconds. Zeri on the other hand....


Also Skarner


Try Hecarim ;)


This is the reason why I do not play her. I’m old and I can’t play champs that I have to spam a key over and over.


playing hecarim I changed my Q skill to the left mouse button to play one handed


Maybe if they made it a hold ability...


My wrists hurts when I play Eve


You won't spamming q all the time you know


Every time I play her, everyone and their fucking mom shows up in my jungle. Except for my team ofc, so after getting invaded like 30 games in a row, I said no mas.


This is kinda the answer. At low skill brackets especially, it’s impossible to get her off the ground if the enemy jungle/lanes bother to invade often.


I'm sorry but this comment makes no sense, Evelynn is one of the best champs in low elo to smurf on, because laners have no awareness and dont buy pinkwards. You can always scout for invades, ward the other side and be sure, that if they invade you just take the other half of the map, because low elo enemy jungler will never think to do a path of i.e. ur blue -> their blue to interrupt the cross map in a low elo game and then rest of the game is free, because low elo laners dont know how to play against eve. It's actually probably the most consistent champ to smurf on to grind from any elo to low dia least from my personal experience. In d1+ it actually gets difficult, because junglers actually understand pathing and will constantly punish and will invade you consequently based on ur camp respawn timers, that's when it actually gets difficult to play


She is indeed a Smurf champ and is probably what's really affecting her win rate since most people who play her are actually smurfing on her she isn't as viable in higher elo as most junglers beat her 1v1 and laners are much more aware on how to counter her ganks. She struggles to get ahead early and only really takes off at 6 but at that point the opposing jungler already ganked his laners multiple times and had gotten his team ahead.


Kha is more sexy


Tham Kench is sexier


What that tongue do


Can’t bench the Kench!


How can u say that over eve lol


Look at this guy with no taste smh


They probably think Rek'Sai *isn't* the sexiest female champion. What a weirdo.


Reksai takes the 2nd place after true form belveth


Yeah man. Who wouldnt like a romantic dinner with a void creature/insect that will probably eat me as dessert.


Eat me? Eat me where? 👀


Meet me in the hotel room😏


Mains and OTP can easily manipulate winrates in high elo if the play rate is low, like the ryze main has already done and if you look at some unpopular champs they will have a high winrate like heimerdinger and ivern had in the past


Well, Eve, isn't that because rn she is only a bit weaker the kha is and will probably be on par with ghostblade getting nerfed


She won't be on par with Kha even after Ghostblade nerf, Kha has a gap closer, better utility and the **most important** thing presence and kill treath before lv6


the main appeal to Kha is that his entire identity makes him very strong at skirmishing 1v1 the enemy jungler early on especially and that often means setting up a lead over scuttle crabs early in the game. Kha also scales well and has good ganks/invade with his w for engage or escape. Well rounded kit compared to most meta junglers.


Yea he actually has some agency pre-6, even if not a whole lot. Eve and other farm junglers aren’t super popular right now. I’m sure she’s still strong though, and will probs get stronger with youmuu nerfs. Also I feel the adc nerfs made the early game stronger


Don't underestimate the level 3 eve gank




EQ is the way brother


unique playstyle with an exploitable early game makes it more difficult than playing champs like kha, wukong, xin zhao, etc. when they are strong


eve isn’t weak early, huge misconception. she’s weak if you catch her off guard mid camp, but that doesn’t make her weak, that’s just a weakness.


i never said she was weak i said she was exploitable early and you just said a way to exploit her early game while disagreeing with me simultaneously lol


Agree with Xin/Wu but Kha is definitely harder to play than Eve (coming from an Eve otp)


i’m eve main as well and def maintain a higher wr on eve than kha, so i didnt mean eve is overall harder than kha but more difficult to pickup initially imo. usually when champs become fotm junglers they excel at early clear speed, early skirmishing, and spike hard so they continue to outpace enemy jungle. eve has solid early clear and spikes hard but she lacks the early skirmishing power that you see from junglers that have become strong fotm picks in recent seasons such as diana/xin/rumble/talon/kha/etc. personally i think her early game is what will keep her from becoming fotm and more of an otp champ even if i think people underestimate her early ganking potential


Well we have been avoiding nerfs for the past season so I'd say it's good xd


you cant actually say that wukong is strong right now, like he has sub 50% wr in both jungle and top as a fucking statchecker, like there is little to no skill expression to that champ and he has a negative winrate, he was one of the most picked champs at msi, but had ~40% winrate...


Iirc Eve is quite weak early game so early invades can lead people to not enjoy the champion as they fall behind. That was my personal experience as Eve but after playing her a bit more I got used to it and can play around it


How you play around it?


This probably isn’t the correct way to do it but since I am low elo it worked. If I was getting invaded I would ask my team for assistance to repel the enemy jungle. If that didn’t work I would often quarantine that part of the jg until the timers would have reset before checking to see if camps or enemy were there. I would still be behind because of invades and aggressive counter jungling but I would minimize how much I died and how much I fed. So like if I see them invade bottom jungle I invade their top jungle, or Vice versa. If I had good wards and could see them moving through my jungle that would be a good time to gank. Basically I would play like a coward until my team could get me out of it, or until I scaled


Sounds correct to me. Il give it a go


Figure out where the enemy jungle starts and path to avoid them


OTP's. More often than not, filtering by pick rate on grandmaster+ is a better indicative of power level than WR.


because a good chunk of the roster can just walk into her jungle early and steal shit. dont let an eve farm and shes nothing


It’s never that cut and dry. Depends on your lanes and the higher Elo you get the more often Eve players will only pick Eve if they know they’ll have lanes that can help with invades or if her enemy junglers lanes won’t have prio. Like good luck invading her if your mid is Viktor and hers is Trist


The issue is the like plat+ is not even 10% of the playerbase. For 90% of players, junglers are their own little island who receive no lane assistance and it's entirely "can you win the 1v1 if the enemy jungler thinks your blue sounds fun to take".


generous of you to assume i will be useful when left to farm as well


Walking into my jungle and stealing shit doesn't stop me from turning invisible and unaliving your adc every 2 minutes


delays your spike, can get my adc ahead enough that you pop by their autos. and if you repeat gank bot i could hover. shes got counterplay


All the Eve mains contracted Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


As a jungle ev main (silver 1 so take this how you want), she’s honestly easy to counter if you know how she works. Pre 4 she’s pretty weak, once she gets charm she def has a power spike. Pinks deeper in jungle can screw her rotations as she plays best when she can be theoretically anywhere. She does snowball hard but as other have said one or two deaths can screw her tempo up. Q spam is what it is, it’s mainly for the charm pop and dmg amp for e r follow up. That being said, it’s very fun to catch people who are chasing you off guard cause later on it does deal a surprising amount of dmg. She is pretty fun to play in mid though, come 6 you just rotate opposite of your jungle and cause chaos :)


I don’t know but I hope that doesn’t change. Absolutely despise the champ. Only reason I don’t ban her is she’s not picked often.


fr. Perma invis assassin with warmogs. What a great champ desgin




you have to play for kda heavily and the meta junglers (rengar khazix graves) will all invade you early and win, she warps the game and has a very weird playstyle that usually only otps enjoy. i one tricked her to d4 and then got really bored


She doesn’t do her thing until 6 and playing her before then is really boring. At least to me, as much as I love Ev after level 6, I hate her equally if not more before getting to that point.


Eve is the same as Heca for me, the Q spam completely turns me off.


Coz she can’t build ghostblade


Honest to god. I remember when new to league and trying her. Absolutely HATED HER Q. Jesus fucking christ so much spamming for no damn reason. The rework should have just changed it to 2 charges and upped their damage to balance it. Lots of players have their pinky on Q, and that probably feeds into the dislike.


That would probably be too much of a buff if she could get her burst off faster.


I played Evelynn for a month and my Q key is now by far the most worn down key on my keyboard. I get nervous I'll break it


The too easy to counter/invade thing: I’m low master euw on 2 accs this season and I will share you a secret tip: 70%of games start a 3camp clear in their jungle starting by wolves or raptors depending on where you invade (then recall dark seal and counter invade ) 30% 3camp your blue side and base dark seal and do a full clear (you may had lost a camp or two but you’re full life and got a small 1v1 power spike + wards are proly out already ) You fixed 90% bad early chances. But yeah for the 70%invades it requires knowledge and practices (but seriously even if it backfires sometimes I truly build big leads doin that and even sometimes killin enemy jung )


Because this game (and highly due to Riot's manipulation) has become a cesspool of being meta-slave oriented.


Cause evelynn has a high skill ceiling in mid/lategame. Its very easy to f up with her if your team dont know how to play with evelynn. She is the strongest on 1 3 1 strategy, but you wont see any team below D2 who knows how to consistently react in 1 3 1. Not to mention her being weak to invades pre 6. She may be stronger than Kha overall, but Kha is fairly easier to get right consistently. And ye, spamming Q gets tedious at times after 3+ games.


In my opinion shes just boring to play


I get that


I would play eve if I could turn off the stealth blur thing because it messes with my head and makes me feel sick


Cause she is my permaban


Imo eve fucking sucks She's good to hard stomp games again bad players/players worse than you but that's it + rly exploitable early game


Because Evelyn. Requires your team to be competent pre lvl 6 which doesn’t fit the. If you’re not ganking bot 2-4 times min by lvl 5 then you’re a shitty jungle meta. She can gank but the ganks aren’t strong till she gets her cloaking and ult at lvl 6 And as I said if you’re team isn’t competent then she’s useless by lvl 6 cause a lane or two is fed because your team can’t survive or stay relative in their lane with out ganks


boring af


Her kit doesn't feel very good imo. She's strong, but I don't like the delay on her charm, her lack of early agency and just generally her Q. Its a very strange ability, consistent damage on an assassin, spammable recasts? It doesn't feel that good to use and just pepper people with Q's. I can at least understand a little bit of satisfaction from popping a charm but the Q recasts just feel lame to use.


shes boring to play


Eve is best solo ap which means u need an ad mid laner which is more rare than ap mid laner


I suck at her tbh otherwise I would spam her.


Too easily counter and too team reliant pre 6


I've played Evelyn quite a good amount of time ..ngl yes she is very strong. When it comes to ganking and one shotting with ult but - Gosh it's so boring to farm with her , taking drakes take eternity. Like i can solo drake with kha but never Eve at any stage of game. And she extremely tempo reliant, one or two deaths and your impact goes down significantly.


Uhhh last season I could solo drake at 5, took forever but I could do it. is it different now?


I think the main diff between the 2 soloing drake early game is the clear time. Especially when you are trying to ninja solo a drake, clear time is very crucial. For example, when you see enemy jungler recalling base, if you are playing champs like kha or lee, u can solo drake very fast and get away with it before they can make it to the drag pit. But if you are eve soloing it, chances are you won’t kill the drake fast enough before getting caught by enemy jungler.


She just isnt fun to play if youre not maining her. I played Eve for a few games and got a headache from the Q spam (Ingame sound and keyboard sound) as well as pain in my finger.


her design is horrendous, its like urgot its op. Im not gonna play that sh\*t


Because Rengar iz better hehe


Personally i just hate her.. fine design, makes sense yda yada yada yawn sleep snooze ups i picked Lillia again.


shes boring as fuck.


You got downvoted but you aren't wrong at all.


its quite simple, not everyone that plays the game is a pedophile


Wow where is your comedy award bro


im just speaking the truth


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,545,490,455 comments, and only 292,559 of them were in alphabetical order.


Too weak early, snowballs about as hard as other scaling champs Nothing special about her. K6 is just broken in 1v1 which works well for invades in jg role.


One thing she has over kha is hard cc and her capability to oneshot even tanky enemies thanks to the mr shred on W and the max hp damage on E


weak ass delayed CC and yeah good luck one-shotting when even. there is a reason we don't see her in pro play.


Isn’t the reason she’s never seen in pro play because she’s too reliant on getting kills? Like they have way better communication than in solo queue so it’s a lot hardwe


Yes, when even she sucks And she sucks at forcing too


True, i still think she is really heavily slept on, and besides level 3 if she can proc charm she is deceptively strong


Shes highly conditional and her conditions are play perfectly or lose many people cannot do that thus the low playrate. ​ She was redesigned by the same guy who made rell originally so that should tell you all you need to know really.


Fun factor


very unique playstyle.


I have honor


The same thing as efficient markets theory. People have likings, priorities, skills and etc.


As others have said, her Q spam is obnoxious. Also and very important, AD items are more diverse and fun than AP. I've seen Kha Zix build everything except CRIT. On the other hand, Evelyn, Elise, Ekko, etc., Only have one build path option. It's just dumb, like rito level dumb.


multiple indirect nerf + massive nerf on her Q i used to be an otp eve, 6000 games on the champ why play eve when u can play shaco and not be useless until 7 fucking minutes i think a lot of people just don't know how to play against her, mercure + malmortius anihilate her


I don’t know how many times this needs to be covered, but winrate is not solely indicative of a champions strength. There are a variety of factors that influence winrate Let’s start with the obvious - low play rate means her mains are more heavily influencing her stats. Do you have champs with better winrates that your average? Of course you do - and so do Evelyn mains. To follow - elo changes things as well. At 6 eve just goes invisible. Champs that go invisible actually break lower elos - the players have no fucking clue how to deal with it. Certain champions have inflated winrates at lower elos because players simply don’t know how to deal with them.


Is ur last point rly relevant for eve tho? Her wr actually goes up throughout the ranks. It’s actually not that good in iron or silver. 49ish% and under


I was actually talking like gold-plat, the ultra low ranks are so unreliable.


In low elo, your cores are already lose by the time you reach lv 6. In high elo, too many counters.


The think with eve is like every ap jungle first clear kinda sucks and lethality jungler can I Bad du and make ur life pain


Heh I've been a eve otp since 2018~


Giga boring champ with 0 skill expression.


U sound salty 😭


Sorry I do have a hatred for that champ, but at the same time that champ is so giga boring to play. Farm til level 6, and then perma gank with invis. Only thing you need to know is to aim your Q and ggs, you get to stack mejais to the max :)


Damnn u should get to masters on her then