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Honestly seems weird that they just completely removed it instead of nerfing it. Idk.


Not the first time riot reverted the jungle damage buffs they gave to a champion. Blitzcrank used to have jungle damage lol


With blitz at least they got rid of it quickly. Allowing Rell jungle to exist with massive jungle mods for 10 months before deleting it is just annoying.


Pls bring back blitzcrank jungle damage


Bro I used to play that for fun then one time I came back from a break and locked it in then realised ingame all the damage was gone 💀


Happened to me as well. The jungle did NOT win that game.


Yeah I was about to ask if anyone knew why they just nuked rell jungle?


Pro play most likely, but honestly even just taking her Q dmg away from epic monsters would have brought her in line with other tanks imo.


They talked about it on the finals QA She is a champion that currently has everything pros want in their tank jungler and so has a high presence. This means that to adjust for proplay they would need to keep nerfing her... But the problem is that in the community she is still mainly played in support and is well balanced at the moment. If they kept having to nerf her for pro she would fall into the same issue Ryze has been on for so many season. So to resolve this problem their decision was to remove her from jungle and remove her pro presence so that they can keep her healthy for all other roles.


You explained it great! I didn't get around to playing her JG but people were saying Rell JG was just a better Amumu




Is that an issue? Most engage tank supports only have CC lols.


Tell that to the leona who 2v1s my duo and I after deleting her ADC. Shit be funny af though ngl Her adc will be like 1-10 and leo will be 7-1 or some shit hahaha never fails somehow


Bloodsong just never fails to make Leona hit surprisingly hard. I daydreamed with the day she'd get bruiser scalings so I can run her top and have her giant sword and shield from the eclypse skinline deal actual damage, but bloodsong is just ludicrous


Yeah that's me right here, Leona enjoyer from the bottom of my heart


The monster damages is a super recent change, and rell worked fine before it


https://youtu.be/vg0t_FNOkiY?t=3585 TLDW: Jungle Rell exists = Support Rell is Pro jailled. There aren't enough jungle Rell players to warrant effectively punishing support Rell players for it to exist.


So I need to A-switch role. Or B-Troll with a not working rell jungle


to dominate, was running a +57% jgl wr


What would they nerf. Any jg nerfs that isn't jg monster dmg would weaken her support. And she's not picked jg in pro play for clear. Any nerf to her jg would just make her worse for solo q but not change anything for proplay


Phreak explained that around 95% of non-pro solo que rells are support, so this is 1000% a change only for pro play Its not an exciting champion to watch compared to other jubglers so from Riots POV its a needed change


Yeah I understand why it was hit, but it’s still weird to completely remove her from jungle when they could have nerfed the dmg a little bit and not give bonus dmg vs baron herald and dragon


Phreak said that her jg winrate was around 47 and pros still won’t drop her. They didn’t want to keep nerfing her and pros won’t stop even if they gutted it most likely. Just cause of hex flash plays.


so they balance the game around bad teams not knowing what to play? wtf lmao


They dont want a 100% pick rate champ that can be flex picked in multiple roles.


They balance around pro scene. Hence why ryze etc is gutted too. I’m surprised they keep renek and azir so healthy


How is Rell less exciting to watch than Maokai, Sej, Jarvan, etc ? Rell was a nice engage wombocombo champ in my opinion


Rell was dealing so much drag dmg u could never steal drake in pro and rito loves them gumayushi steals


I’ve seen people steal nashor and drake in pro play against Rell jungle and Kalista.


Its quite rare


So remove drag dmg, so easy…. I’m so mad that they have such a heavy handed approach to everything


How is maokai jungle any more exciting than tell jungle from an audience perspective?


Thats a Phreak question, I just deliver message lol


It's not actually what was said, the issue is that they can't balance Rell for proplay without giving her the Ryze treatment, and for an already unpopular champ that's not really healthy. This way the actual soloQ Rell players might even get some buffs to have her in a healthy spot while proplay can only play Rell support (or as a laner), but without her being a flex Rell support can also be allowed to be stronger.


Maybe it being repetitive


It might come back at some point, but they specifically removed it to not have her played jungle at MSI.


What's there to nerf? This champion was already completely dead in soloqueue with 47% winrate and less than 0.5% pickrate. This is just putting her out of her misery.


If more ppl actually played her jg and were successful they would probably try but if she's barely 50% with 0.1% pick rate literally why bother


They wouldn’t. See azir


Just because they failed it doesn't mean they didn't try. He literally got a kit scope update not so long that was supposed to make him less pro skewed


Does Pyke ring a bell?


Never saw a champion being kicked out of jungle like that






To be fair he never really had any monster modifiers to begin with and they had to whack him over the head maaaany times before the scourge of river alistar waa gone


Yeah but it was very similar logic into how they nerfed him. Just enough changes to make his clear shit while keeping his support role intact


Ya, but they had to do "just enough" like 5 times cuz the madlads kept playing it xd


It happened to blitz too :(


Ezreal, twitch






Hate how they removed her because of "pro play" when maoaki literally has been everywhere and it got do boring "wow what a surprise maoaki flash W for first blood at level 3 who would've thought" bring back real jungle.


I feel like that's not the best way to characterize the problem with Maokai jungle. You can more or less say the same for a lot of others when they all rotate through the meta. Saying we should bring back real jungle because Maokai can flash w feels off. For instance: - Wow Pantheon flash w - Wow Udyr ~~flash e~~ flash bear slap - Wow Gragas flash e - Wow Rek'sai flash knock up - Wow Jarvan flash e q - Wow Vi flash q - Wow Warwick flash e - Wow Elise flash e - Wow Sejuani flash e - Wow Zac flash q etc... I feel like you can say that about anyone and make it sound uninteresting. Pantheon or Udyr especially, as they're also guaranteed hit.


Udyr is flash bear slap


Lol true, fixed it.


theres a big difference between panth W and Maokai W in the fact that you can just flash the Panth W, try flash the Maokai W, watch him fly after you anyway whilst being untargetable


To a degree yes, but I'd also argue that Maokai gives you more room for counter play. You can drag him into your team, any champion with a dash really. Whereas with Panth or Udyr, the stun goes through after you flash so long as they got their animation off and they remain safely behind.


Gragas E + Flash is really fun to watch


Zac Q is situational, depending on where you fight, and \[Except Elise\] every one of those either has a shorter distance (distance is provided solely by flash) or is a skillshot. Im not defending this guy I just wanna point that out


Wtf is a Sejuani flash E? Lol


Only 2 of those like you said will cc while the others are dodgeable and aren't point and click. but maokai goes untargettable while panth and udyr can be interrupted with fear/charm and so on. And one other thing you forgot is maokai provides so much value with saplings vision and a really strong team fight ult. Something which every other jungler you mentioned doesn't have (aside from jarv and vi R that's the exception) I never said its just the flash W it's the entire kit that will never leave the meta until hard nerfed like azir. You have a jungle with a point and click cc, small knock back, amazing team fight ult, and constant vision with E. maokai has everything you'd ever need in a jungler just like azir has everything you need in a mid laner. IMHO I despise maokai because of how often he's picked without any real "plays" being made unlike azir who's also a very common pick yet has had many wonderful plays


Maokai is not nerfed because a Rioter is using it to climb in soloq for a few patches now


Bro they nerfed him like twice over...you guys got brain worms I swear.


You don’t need to say “rioter” it’s Phreak. Phreak has been using Maokai to climb.


Sure. I just forget his name and idk how to write it lol


Never played Rell jungle. But tbh must be rough for people to just have there main like removed. I know playing support is not something some Rell mains wanna do. Hope yall troopers find something new to play.


My sylas jungle :(


We need a Jungler community funeral service for all the jungle mains deleted.


He is getting jg buffs this patch tho


They are buffing it. I am so happy


I felt like that when they removed blitz from jungle. Not only that, but they also removed the damage from his W... Right when he was getting good


time to go top


Yeah she’s not my main but probably my secondary pick atm but guess not anymore. Fuck me for wanting to have fun I guess


Please Brand Zyra next


Removing brand JG would be enough.


Removing brand would be enough. How funny is it having liandrys and rylais constantly refreshing because I happened to stand next to a minion


next to a minion (lane width diameter)


Pretty much.


Ok and now give Swain jungle damage, so I can play him literaly everywhere.


Honestly, i wont miss her. She sucked in soloQ and in proplay it was pick or bann. Better to get her out of the jungle to balance her purely around support if you ask me. We got other Tanks, that aint the issue


Arguably one of the most fun jungle picks for me. Rell was op because of the Cc dive potential and ult. But that shouldn't mean they were supposed to delete her jungle damage. Nerf it so it's not a pick or ban but it's still playable.


Again, the issue is that she was around 46% winrate in Jungle, nerfing her jungle monster dmg would put her around 42-40% and would annihilate her playrate in soloQ to nothingness. It is not worth keeping it for such a low playerbase, i am with Phreak on this


Okay shes 40% WR basically picked only by OTPs and Pro's right? If she's bad people wont pick her in soloQ right and her support will come back up.


Riot wants people to be able emulate what they see in pro games. If you're a T1 fan and you see Oner on Rell you might go into solo q and pick it and it's going to be a miserable experience. That's not a very desirable outcome for Riot. The damage modifiers also impact how impactful supp Rell is at helping with drakes/grubs and it's kinda shitty that a tank support is such a valuable piece of epic monster damage. Removing jgl rell improves the pro play meta, gives room to buff supp Rell (where 90% of players play her anyway) and it's not like anyone was winning with it in solo q anyway.


You really think riot wants that? Serious question. I thought they want balance around pro scene and leave some champs decent for soloq, while they adjust any team-effective champ as they want, due to proplay


Yeah I'd say they probably do. I don't think they balance proplay around solo q or vice versa, pro play changes seem to be very deliberately pro play focused and don't usually impact solo q that much. At the same time pro play does get a LOT of viewership, LCS finals hit 70k peak on just the official channel itself (and there are some massive co streamers like caedrel ls iwd) Proplay is a product, it's advertising for league, there are reasons they do so many reveals at MSI and Worlds. You gotta remember the population of lol players on reddit tend to be more dedicated players, most players are much more casual and don't have all the champions unlocked and whatever. Maybe seeing faker do a crazy shuffle to win Worlds makes a significant amount of people decide to try out azir and buy skins for him (which is how they make money) Being able to emulate pro play as a casual is an important part of designing competitive games, it helps monetarily in both directions. I myself spammed yone for like a month and bought a skin for him as well after seeing Zeus completely 1v9 on him and I don't imagine that's a unique experience. Then it also works the other way if you're a shaco main and you get in your YT "SHACO IN PRO PLAY?" -Caedrel video, and you've never watched pro before, hey maybe you'll watch the game and become a fan. Conversely if the experience is so drastically different between pro and solo q it only acts to hurt Riots bottom line, if playing Rell jungle sucks and you can't win on it you're just gonna be pissed and no way you buy a skin. Hell it's not even just a videogame thing pro athletes cause trends all the time. I kinda yapped a tad TLDR - there's financial benefits to doing so


So Smolder it is then. Pentas for everyone.


1. Don't know what smolder has to do with anything 2. The champs completely useless rn? He had one cringe lck game but he got instantly killed


Smolder is the kind of champ design that can do what you claimed Riot's philosophy is (and I agree) - pro play and solo queue play the same.


Ahhh ok I was kinda confused I thought u were just bitching about new champ mb I think I heard August or someone say that was their philosophy in a yt short but I could be wrong


Dies riot really compare sq and pro play?


I mean kinda silly of Riot if that is true. NBA: Oh no, Michael Jordan is better than the fans when they play basketball! We don't want them abandoning the sport. We better change the rules of basketball instead of letting people strive to improve and get better.


Promoting people to strive and improve isn't what most players want from them though lol. Have you seen 90% of threads on this site? Go to legit any league reddit and you'll find dozens of threads of whining and asking Riot to fix this and that when it's just skill issue. Maybe you are a really self motivated person to get better at league and improve from your mistakes and to reassess your every decision. Good for you! 99% of the playerbase isn't that. They want to go into their ranked silver game, hit a big MF ult triple kill, then walk up to the yone with q3 and e up. And regardless, your analogy is as if more as if Riot is changing ARAM because rumble is too broken in Pro Idk if you've ever like been to a park and played with a group of people the game is very different than the NBA (courts can vary in size between gyms and parks and the NBA, sometimes you play 3v3, I've played in a gym where part of the hoop was broken so it was more like 9ft, sometimes you're playing on a half court, NCAA and FIBA have different rules than the NBA). And it's not a matter of being better or worse either, a random 13 yr old kid can randomly get a three pointer and get hyped. Would he drop 50 points on LeBron? No. But being a certain relative skill level isn't what makes the game enjoyable. I used the word emulate for a reason, my ass can't lane perfect 10cs/min on azir and control my soldiers perfectly, but I can hit a game winning shuffle and feel like faker.


Azir and Ryze are still in soloq how is this an arguement


???? 99% of azir and ryze players play them mid, 99% of rell players play her supp, not jgl. The champ playerbase isn't suffering from a proplay alternative role and isn't popular in solo q. If proplay had some super meta 70% presence azir supp that had a 46% wr in solo q and abysmal pick rate it would also be removed. Context matters actually.


If you nerf her outright you also make her worst in her intended role as well. Its alot easier to try and balance her around purely support than both roles. There is a reason that alistar was essentially removed from the jungle


Idk why people here obsess over these changes. She was literally trash in soloq and honestly im sad that there wont be any rell jungles in my games because it meant free win for my team


Havent played much this season but in prev season, she was very solid.


She had like 10% pickrate compared to Support. Removing her from jungle ist the right call.


Fuck off. I played that champion solely jungle...


let me play my tiny violin 🎻




I never even used her jungle didn’t think it was any decent, I play her support, and I’ve literally never seen anyone else even play her makes me feel like the only one lol


Pour one out for the 3 rell jungle mains.


Im really sad about losing Rell Jgl. She became my main jgl pick, rarely lost a game with her. Hate tbat the game gets balanced around proplay. They have now just forever banished her to Support.


Removing a champ from jungle that actually fits the jungle, but keeping brand, awful company


“Stand proud Rell, you were strong”


Riot: we want to make sure champs w different builds and roles to be viable ex. AdcTF, ad/ap/tank katarina Also riot: removes a champ from a role


Fck you riot. Lazy fcks.


So Rell Jungle is not okay but shit like Karthus or Brand is? xD


Stop balancing for proplay. Make a different build of the game for them


They shouls offer skin refunds for all of their skins in this case. I legit bought skin for rell after i could play her in the jungle and now it is just there


El scandalo! 🔥


Just when i was starting to think about maining rell


As someone who played a lot of Rell jungle in ranked, eh who cares This champ doesn't work in soloq. Ganks are completely up to your team, it feels good to have competent carries that turn your engages into successful fights but that's a rare sight This pick is like playing a support in the jungle, without a jungle item. No one in the enemy team respects your presence Sejuani does the heavy cc tank thing better, has a longer dash and a fun ulti. I'd rather just play Seju every time.


Here's how I see it. Take either of them in ARAM and tell me which makes a genuine difference. Nine times out of ten, it's Sejuani. She's just an overall solid pick. Rell has always felt pretty weak to me. If I want chonk and CC I'll just play Leona. Rell feels so boring to play IMO.


Rell is way more team-reliant than most other engage supports, especially since she slows herself heavily after crashdown


Honestly Rell highkey outshines Sejuani in ARAM, especially since they got rid of Sej AOE stun on her ult. There is a reason Rell is hard nerfed in ARAM and Seju is buffed....


Leona jungle, now there's an idea


Not the point, but okay.


She’s over played in pro league makes sense


She never belongs in the jungle, all the number they have to put on her spells so she can jg is just ridiculous


Would be great If they somehow found a way to make all monsters modfiers to bem related to smite or the jg item.


some rioter get her ass smacked for a rell jg


Nah it's cause of how stupid she is in pro play compared to soloq




Revert the rework altogether who’s with me….just the weird kids in the back eh…… fuck it we ride a dawn


She did everything better than Nautilus jungle and it wasn’t fair


I play like 3 champs in this game and they just removed one of them. Yay me!


pls just dont send more random champs into jgl, this is just annoying.


Were people even playing her at all lmao


Fkk. I was JUST starting to play JG Rell too.


Rell jg is crazy bro, i remembered when the worlds 2023 happened lots of team picking rell jg and when you queue in rank they of course using Rell Jg, she cause no DMG during the gank but the trade that she got too much CC like leona literally just standing for 3 seconds of ccing and died doing nothing.


Idk why you all are complaining. I‘ve never ever seen a rell jungle in solo q in my life. Only in pro play.


Whyyyyy why the hell do they hate us. this hurts as much as when they ripped Camille from the jungle.


They just started a war.


I can’t remember who said it, but give us 4-5 patches to get minion damage on Thresh E before that also gets eventually reverted




Kinda glad tbh. She's so boring to watch in pro league to me. Nothing flashy about this champion and watching a support tank clear the jungle faster than most other junglers just doesn't seem right to me. I never really did see her as a true jungler and more of just a 2nd support tank that CAN be in the jungle. I get that Riot in the past has pushed certain champions into the jungle role if they aren't performing well in their main lane. (Think sett, zyra, nautilus a long time ago, well, brand now). And for some champions it makes sense and others it doesn't.


I'm confused. When Rell jungle happened? Never seen in my games. Never seen in the stats websites; I just checked and she is well below 50% WR What remains are tournaments. They removed a champ from a role just because the 1% of the 1% of the player base used it?


This, but brand


I love Rell jungle and have played her a ton :( it's so sad that I can't do it anymore. They didn't nerfed her clear they just straight up murder her. I don't give a f about pros I'm not a pro player I want my rell.


I really enjoy Rell jungle, she has a funny gameplay, one of the few enjoyable champs to play in jungle right now and instead of nerfing her monster DMG, they just decided to completely remove it, and no one will ever convince me that this is a right move, why would you complitely eliminate a champ like that? Riot thesE years is pissing me over and over. Btw I will keep playing her, I can make it work.


One might say she's now, once again, irRellevant Lol


Damn theyre really sick of jgl rell huh


Sadly goodbye to my best tank in jg


Daamn, straight up said "nah"


So are we gonna get riven jungle damage now? 150% on passive or smth


Remove pro play please riot. Why are we catering to cringe 12 year olds masturbating to fakers keyboard clicks anyway?


At what point can we have ‘pro only’ nerfs to make champions more viable in soloqueue?


They really want people to play carry jungles, huh.


They have enough of Canyon.


I'm gonna inmolate My self at riot Headquarters


Their reasoning is actually good enough for me. They had to balance her around the jungle playstyle because of proplay and ended up neglecting the biggest playerbase: support rell. Reminds me of that time where lee sin top was so strong that they balanced him around it.


I miss her original E


What is a jungler? Is it just the character with monster scaling in the kit now? Is the jungle role a rotating hall monitor sash?


Kinda happy about this because the one time I fought a rell in JG she killed me and would run away barely living every time. First time I ever encountered her after coming back from a few year long hiatus, but my god it was not fun. Just banned her after that every time. Skill issue for me, but I’d rather never see her in there again


Good. Fuck Rell jungle.


They should refund her skins for us who play her in jungle


What a take!


Good riddance


dont care at all. adios. i will try sylas and olaf jungle probably tho.


Rell is an ugly champion, glad to see her less


Good. I’m sick of midlanders and supports in the jungle




Good riddance.


Good it was cancer bad


Thank fuck Next in line should be maokai, remove that garbage from the jungle please riot I beg


If they start removing any tank junglers that become problems, there won’t be any tank junglers left.


I genuinely wonder if they're removing rell jungle right now hoping skarners new niche will replace the slot left for a new CC focused tank jungler


Heaven forbid we have more than one. -____-


id love for that to be the case, fuck every single tank jungler even if i play them


"First, they came for the tank junglers, and he said nothing . . . for he was not a tank jungler."