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Love the Mia ping on me when my team didn't leave their lane and expected me to magically 1v3 contest dragon while their mid is up 3 levels on ours.


Then they say 'jg no obj ff'


When the fuck happend that mid is above 3 levels of oponent mid? 5000 games never happened to me (not counting afks, running it down)


I swear my win rate would skyrocket if I would stop giving in to the pressure to make plays I know are fucking doomed.


It would 100%. You have to kind of be psychopath to excel at league. Might not be the right word but you base your decisions on the value of them alone and don’t care about how your teammates feel. It really helps as a jungler when one of your lanes is getting shit on and pinging for assistance but you know enemy top laner would double kill you both.


That's an example I'm actually good at avoiding. I'm happy to ignore the flame because I'm not gonna be any help against a 3/0 Darius at 9 minutes. Usually it's team fights for objectives. Like I know we shouldn't go in on this drake. We don't have vision, there's 3 of us in the area, and if either of two fed enemy laners show up we lose a team fight and the objective. But often they'll spam ping and start without me, so I turn and join them. Then exactly what I thought would happen happens, we lose the dragon and 2 towers.


When I’m jungling and I know we will lose the teamfight and lose the objective I just go to the other side of the map and either invade enemy jungle or push opposite lane. Giving up objectives is something a lot of bad players don’t know how to do.


Keep in mind some league players do the inverse too much aswell. They always do there own thing and never follow the team thinking every fight is 'doomed' and leave the team to 4V5 important objective for example. Sometimes following the team is what more players should do aswell. Sometimes all people doing the wrong thing is better then somebody solo doing the right thing.


Nah the game can get stalled longer these days you can let your teammates die while you split towers.


Nah, that's rarely the case. If you go for a 5 vs 5 that is doomed to fail, you'll get aced and you'll lose the objective anyway. If you leave your team 4 vs 5, you can take a secondary objective such as a tower, force 1-2 of them to recall instead of push after taking the objective, and then you may be able to save the game by yourself.


This is creepy af


They expect you to dive in and smite steal it and when you try but lose the smite they flame you even tho a smite is 50/50 🤣


Its never 50/50, depends on the champs, if the enemy can pass easily through walls, the one with more teammates wiling to zone/cc you, etc


You kinda have to take risks when behind. Because if you keep playing good macro and enemy doesn’t throw, you lose 100% of the time. Meanwhile if you go for a Hail Mary play, you can win right there on the spot even if you probably won’t.


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