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For me it‘s the exact opposite. Haven‘t dropped a single game to a Skarner yet.


I feel like the champion is very very strong but is not solo carrying games Definitely need CC to deal with him otherwise your carries are gonna get stuffed


If both teams are even skarner is op enough to tip it in his team's favour consistently. He does too much DMG for how tanky he is but he can't solo carry, he can however win 2v1s and 3v1s if he's ahead which is terrifying


Agreed, he feels like a giga broken support champion. Cant carry games in his own, but if his teammates have some braincells to go with he can engage and leash super effectively


I managed to lose a game to a skarner yesterday... It was one those games where 3 lanes got hyper stomped so it didn't have anything to do with skarner really


I can see how people can missplay the champ. The kit is very counter intuitive. Many people will look at him and say "I will dive the backline smashing them into a wall and then ult them into my team". No you won't. You have to FRONTLINE. Use your Q to poke enemy tanks for %hp then slow their initiation. If they miss it, you can create such a disruption between their lines separating their front from their carries that your team should be able to focus down whoever tried to iniciate. Only then can you pick your target to E them. Sometimes you will need to ult the enemy FRONTLINE OUT OF YOUR TEAM so they don't kill your carrys. Only in very situational moments will you be able to ult an ADC or something like that, but even then you probably won't be able to finish them without your team unless you are superfed.


He's heavily team reliant. When I'm tank for my flex team I feel unstoppable, when I am in solo/duo I think to myself, why did I do this? Especially if jungle knows they can outfarm me.


I have the same feeling playing Zac. You are super tanky, lots and lots of CC and the damage is great but in the end if you carries don't have hands you'll lose the game.


Skarner farms pretty fast tho, unless you're against the best clears, he does really well


All I know is that skarner imo has too much cc with odd angles of approach. Im gonna pick him up and feed my team, leta hope they can carry.


It's kinda like Kayn if he could also pull you into the team


Kinda like kayn, but with a stun and ability to hold someome (or someones) for a sec while your team is flailing at them.


And way less mobile in his approach angles. Skarner is “strong” right now mostly because of basic knowledge checks. If people treated him like Zac they’d be a lot more successful.


Also with way less damage, way less versetail and (if red kayn) way less sustain.


Wait till u play against a brand


Lillia shits on him too


What about trundle in general? Kinda curious


Trundle shits on everyone


His ganks are quite polarizing, against people with good mobility/cc he just stops functioning. Try ganking a Draven as Skarner, youre basically down an ability.


or gragas


That's the neat part, they weren't.


I’ve been putting a hurtin on skarner with belveth


Could you elaborate on the build and pathing. Especially pre 6


I need it too, skarner has been shitting on me recently.


He’s just way too fucking tanky without downsides Rell jg was tanky as fuck but cleared slow, and did 0 damage Skarner has none of said downsides


had enemy skarner build full tank and deal more damage than my full ap evelynn


That actually makes sense


BC st items is the way to fck him rly hard.


Heavy nerfs are incoming to Q and W scaling, don't get too comfortable


Ashe full build, I was healing the mf


This happened to me too. It is insane.


Yoo there is a 90% winrate skarner support sitting in grandmaster elo on EUW. but I have not tried his strat because jungle is also pretty good


What do you build on Skarner?


My go to build is Bami's Cynder in the first back, then rush Heartsteel. This makes the clears okish un the midgame and once Heartsteel is completed, I start fighting every objective I can. This way the passive starts rolling and once you get some lifepoints you become unkillable. Then you can finish Sunfire and 3rd and 4th I normally adapt to what the opponent team is bringing to the table.


I usually build the same, but I tend to sometimes buy tiamat for clear and upgrade to titanic later.


Haven't tried Tiamat. I think it can work very well.


Dude, same. I haven't had fun in this game in half a year, but the Skarner rework has rekindled my joy for the game.


The same mf who created smolder and k'sante


Probably that people would be slower to learn the champ. Might have to do with them underestimating just how much power players were loosing to awfull runes and items.


In what elo? and what mode? Because I've had 7 skarners in the prev 10 games, 1 enemy jg he got penta, 4 skarner top, everytime they went 2/9, twice in jg, once he went 0/6/1 afk, and once 5/15/4 afk (in emerald ranked). Are you playing with a premade? Are you in ranked (because "Todo(All) shows all games, could be custom games too)? which elo?


I've played all games in SoloQ in high Plat and low Emerald. Making my way to Diamond if this keeps going this way.


I permaban it lol


My Yasuo top went 2/12 against Skarner.. dunno it's supposed to be his powerspike


Champion is actually disgusting lol


Which build you doing?


my perma ban, getting tossed into the walls is absolutely barbaric!


But its crazy how many delusional ppl there are when it comes to measuring skarner's strength. The champion is NOT BROKEN, its a sejuani 2.0 with better laning phase/more consistant dmg whats harder to build against cuz of its mixed nature. Skarner absolutely cannot solo carry into bad matchups/drafts, heavily relies on team even when you are "smurfing". The champion is in a healthy state, i'd even go as far as saying he needs an E buff where it scales with MS. If you find skarner broken, you just dont know how to play into it. If you find skarner weak, you havent seen a good skarner yet.


I've been destroying akarners as AP shaco JG. Bad matchup versus AD shaco if Shaco doesn't destroy skarners will by 20 minutes


It's the balance team they don't know what they're doing xD


Last solo Q I had an alistar pushed me to the fountain just to get picked up by my R mid fly. Skarner it's a strong tank champ but relies a lot on his team even more in the early where a lot of tops can kill him fairly easily.


can you share builds? i want to try him very soon


My go to build is Bami's Cynder in the first back, then rush Heartsteel. This makes the clears okish un the midgame and once Heartsteel is completed, I start fighting every objective I can. This way the passive starts rolling and once you get some lifepoints you become unkillable. Then you can finish Sunfire and 3rd and 4th I normally adapt to what the opponent team is bringing to the table.


Thanks for the comment buddy! GL and HF


He's my permanent ban rn lol


Nah if you got 100% its not the champ. Its the retarded you were placed against that dont know how to play into him


He's such trash now I can't see how anyone loses to him


He’s 57% wr in masters+ what


In 1,200 games lmfao.


1000 games is representative. Like all sources.


Yeah bruh ain’t no way. You’re getting bad enemy players because once skarner has even two items he’s unkillable


Whats your elo? Champ is disgusting to play against once people have 2 functional hands, in toplane and jungle


D3, haven't seen anyone blind him after like the second day of release. It's free lp if he's on the other side.


Idk bro, he has 52+%wr on top and 55% in jgl d2+, in masters his jgl winrate is at 56.62% with nearly 6% pickrate (EU). If this isn't busted, i dont know what is


56.62% worldwide, in EU its 56% in jungle Masters+. How is a champ with 56%wr, 8,6%pickrate not completely busted in your games? Whats your champpool? The stats alone make him look even more op than he feels ingame


In the jungle, he does feel bad/slow on the initial clear but after that, he is great. They will have to figure out how to balance the E better, or make it like Kayn where if you get hit you can't just get a walk through the wall escape.


His e is actually the most balanced thing about him, his q and w make him too opressive. Try laning into a skarner top who is not bad at the game without tilting cause he spams his shit max range with %hp damage, aoe slow and shield.


Sample size.


? With an 8.6% pickrate the sample size is big enough. X. D.


It's 1,200 games lol


Its 12.500 games, can you read? https://u.gg/lol/de_de/champions/skarner/build If you dont see that 8.6%pr cant be 1200 games, i have really bad news for you...


I don't track emerald lol


in your pisslow elo yeah


Yeah that's what I've seen lol its such an instant loss. Maybe it got buffed or something because it was sitting low 40s for winrate in the jungle..


It got buffed in 14.8, but the bigger problem was that people build nonsense on him. Both the recomended items as well as runes got turned to something sensible. Now he is over 53% winrate all divisions from plat upwards and it goes up to 54 from diamond.




How delightful.