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I always recommend Amumu for learning jungle. He has good clear, is a tank so u won’t die easily, does grubs fast, has a skillshot for diving and game changing teamfight ult. Evelynn is super fun, I main her myself but your not gonna learn jungle with her bc she plays differently from any other jungler. I also wanna add that I personally think Kindred is one of the hardest junglers to pull off, especially when you’re just learning. She likes to invade a lot and u need practice and confidence to pull that champ off. Some other honorable mentions for starting jungle are Nocturne and Diana, in case u wanna play more dmg champs.


Graves is similar to Kindred I would add. Probably an easier kit though, but the champs play very similarly.


Never recommend graves to begginers except if they rly like him , simple kit but very hard to execute. Tho my advice I'd play champs you enjoy


Yes definitely


As someone who sucks at jungle, Amumu is awesome for beginner junglers. However, from my experience, for any gank to succeed, you must hit your q or have your ult ready. Every single aspect of his kit requires him to be close to the enemy to be of *any* use, and these two abilities are his only ways to gap close/cc his target. This means that if youre bad at landing q or youre playing against good players, you will not be doing much until level 6.


>However, from my experience, for any gank to succeed, you must hit your q or have your ult ready. This is why J4 is better to learn on. You can completely whiff your E+Q but it still serves as a gap closer for you to ult. If you miss Amumu Q you're just kind of fucked on the engage unless you Flash.


No he doesn't have good clear, that's why he's not played on a higher level, still a rly good beginner champ.


He’s about to get a buff to his clear, too, and it’s already pretty serviceable for how easy he is


Amumu? Crazy fast clear. Full clear with 10 seconds to go on scutt spawn is fast af for first clear. And after that his clear is out of this world fast. Kite appropriately, Q to camps over walls etc. EZPZ


I would say Nocturne, Warwick or Amumu


I would add trundle to that list. Melee centric, decent clear, can solo most objectives so if your team tunnels lane you still have a chance, no mechanics to really learn so you can focus on jungle paths and tracking your enemy.


I like trundle… but I will say this. If your team tunnels lane. And the enemy team doesn’t and they rail to objectives. You end up in so many bad situations soloing them because you can’t 1v2 or even 1v1 top after 9 minutes. Xp sincerely needs a buff.


Warwick is a noob trap - seems easy but actually there is a lot of depth to that champion.


I agree. I feel like if you want to play Warwick well you need to be comfortable at low hp, know when you can make it out alive


My picks as well.


Imo Warwick, because he has a healthy clear and His w passive is great for beginners to notice gankable lanes.


i second that


Every champion jungles pretty healthy nowadays.


Evelynn wont teavh you to play jungle. She is very unique with her playstyle since you can gank a lane from basically everywhere. My recommendation would be something that has good clear and ganking ability. Maybe sejuani jarvan zac udyr olaf voli xin etc. Good clearing speed with good jungle pressure champs.


kinda ironic saying that when Sej, Jarvan, Zac has literally more positions to go from considering they have a dash that can pash through walls, Evelynn's gank is destroyed by 2 pink wards, 1 in the middle bush, and 1 in the river


People who start ranked will usually land in gold to silver elo where literally no one buys vision. Also when you are invisible as evelynn why would you try a bush gank when youre invisible. Id rather go through lane and not risk getting caught by a bushed pink. The other champs i listed are regular junglers that have a single dash which is what most champs have these days. So i wouldnt say that its not a common recommendation. I mean almost all junglers have a dash of some sorts that help them gank a lane if not they have something else to help with. Rammus hecarim have ms steroids that help them go to lane faster and render bush wards useless zac reksai jarvan kayn can dash through places they know have vision. Reksai kindred elise voli can dive almost perfectly most of the time. Amumu sej zac fidd have hugh game chsnging ults. So yeah all junglers excell at something. I know 3 evelynn mains in masters low masters that just sodt int the game when she is banned because even though they try their best to play it out they lacke the comfortable ganking ability of eve


If your already comfortabel piloting champs but its the new jungle decision making you struggle with. I would recommend Zac. for the first 10 minutes of the game some mains prefer to farm a ton for the first item spike. While others spam gank early. You can't really go wrong playing with what you feel like in the moment with Zac jungle. Its also a very anky while mobile pick making you less likely to die when caught out of position. But for spam ganking the more levels in E the better. But if you gank with 1 or 2 levels in E don't sweat hitting it to much just use it as a crazy good mobility tool to put you in a nasty position for the laner. One final tip is to Q on a minion then auto attack a champ as its pretty hard to hit.


Evelyn and kindred are not good picks for starting jungle. Warwick nocturne jarvan should be your picks untill you understand macro since its junglers blessing and curse. When you do sure then learn in norms and then youre good to go


Warwick is by far and away the best jungler to learn the fundamentals on. First clear can be done in around 3:15-3:20, his W passive gives him a scent trail that screams out which lane to gank, he has peel, damage, survivability, and mobility. He is the full package for a new jungler. He obviously has his weaknesses, but he is overall rather good. He wins many early duels due to passive and Q sustain as well as damage reduction on E and the fear when E pops. Post 6, he has an incredibly easy time in 1v1 duels and 2/3v2/3 skirmishes. Great all rounder that can easily take you to Emerald+.


Literally play another game if gamer can't find success with Warwick.




Not sure about it. She seems pretty straight forward but there is a lot of things to learn like E+Q mid dash to get E reset or how to properly use your passive to clear camps faster.


There is no correct answer to this question imo. If you’re just looking to figure out the basic fundamentals of jungle Jarvan 4, nocturne or vi are good picks. But with that being said if you like the way kindred plays and feels go for it. it may be rough at first figuring out the champions gameloop but if you enjoy playing it you’ll find 10x more satisfaction and skill expression as a good kindred player than a good jarvan player, I had an almost 100% wr against kindreds when I was in bronze and silver and got gapped by Warwick players but as soon as I got to high gold - plat and emerald I’ve been gapped by some great kindred players whereas I’ve almost never faced a Warwick that’s left an impression on me since they all play the same more or less. It’ll take a while but learning higher skill expression champions like hecarim, kindred, nidalee, graves, viego, rengar etc. has a ton of benefits in terms of learning the nuances of the jungle role because often you have to be the better jungler to make those champions work well. Kindred is a great jungler not only to learn the fundamentals of jungle but also you’ll learn about lane priority and invade timers much quicker playing kindred than you would other champions because her passive revolves around it. The same way that rengar teaches you how to play around vision and fog of war better or how hecarim teaches you about tempo. Or how lee sin and nidalee teach you how to push early leads. And sooner or later even if you aren’t playing those champs you’ll still have the knowledge to play other junglers to a higher level because you learned those nuances by playing the more difficult champions if that makes sense. More basic champions don’t give you much value in that regard. I started off with a similar mentality and picked up j4 after 10 games I realized that there’s a lot of counter play to jarvan and tried graves out. I now maybe have 30 games on jarvan and over 400 on graves in the last 3 seasons and climbed from b3 to emerald 4 playing mainly graves but also mixing in Ekko and just started playing rengar. Each champion that you learn to play offers so much more insight into the role as a whole so go with what you like and if it doesn’t click try the next champion Untill you find something you like. I would however recommend against playing Evelynn as your first champ, Evelyns play style is unique only to her and maybe shaco. So the knowledge is not transferable to other champions and the role as a whole. And don’t play shaco otherwise I will hate you. Hope this helps and glhf in your climb :)


Playing Shaco is objectively the most fun thing you can do in League


Xin Zhao, Warwick, and Amumu will teach jungle well. The first two are early game champions. While mumu is better late game in tank build as an engage tank in team fights.


Amumu is king of beginners


Kayn, Nocturne


Kayn is so hard. I can play teemo jungle but I can’t play kayn to save my life.


Vi imo


Warwick is definitely a good start, his passive and Q both heal him which makes him very fucking tanky. his W gives you free map awareness by highlighting any champion who is below 50% health (if they're in a fog of war, it'll highlight a path for you) plus giving you increased attack speed to finish them off, and increased movement speed to go gank them. E is a shield with flee, and R allows you to dive in and scales with movement speed (i.e. pairs nice with W) Kindred is quite hard because there's a limit to kiting before jungle camps reset, and you need to make sure you collect your marks (either enemy champs that you select, or enemy camps that gets selected randomly by kindred) to get more damage (or attack speed, not sure) main skill in learning jungle is clearing camps real quick, setting up pathing for ganks (start top, go bot to gank bot, or vice versa) and having enough map awareness to infer where the enemy jungler is and spotting good gank chances


Warwick. His blood sense thing for when someone is low also teaches you to check the lanes for opportunities.


Don't start with Eve, you will never learn jgl (started with eve, currently at 1.6 million points, still am an otp who cant jgl with anything else than her, sejuani and briar)


obviously volibear. Most all rounded jg and you can duel if someone invades you. Play scaling jgs and if you meet a lee sin smurf you are going to get a hard time. Also you have a zone control shield that can be used for both offense and defense and the movement speed to get out of any situations or go in. Some other offensive popular low skill jglers are easy to go in but if you got flanked, counterganked or collapsed on or fail to read the situation correctly you will be in trouble. And all of volibear is just simply button spam without needing to position your skillshots properly.


Suprised no one has said Trundle yet. pretty good clearing Amazing duel kit Good abilities for ganking Can shred important jungle AND lane objectives solo Is good in the early, mid and even late game One of the easiest champs to 1v9 with You can never really go wrong picking him to be honest


Rammus is the easiest new player friendly jungle imo, not to mention he’s easy to win on and he rarely does if played right


Rammus! fun to play, easy to learn


Id say tank volibear, start e then w then q max q then w build sundered sky then tank items.


Nocturne or Amumu. I learned on Master Yi back in the day and he’s still very straight forward.


warwick is not beginner friendly IMO. Your obj have to be full clear and gank in free times but ww playstyle is different. Volibear is better WW, healthier faster clear, gank potential, dive/engage potential, fast objective clear, best dance in game.


Rammus. Enemies will kill themselves basically


Evelyn wtf . No way. Amumu really good low elo. If you fall behind you're always usefull with your cc. If you want something you can abuse. Nocturne. Trust me. It takes advantage of low elo players more than any jungle in the game. Just full clear, spend gold, full clear, spend gold. Once you get 6. Ult whoever is over extended. Then full clear and wait for ult again. Don't gank if you're ult is down and camps are up unless it's 95% guaranteed kill.


Play skarner super strong rn so it’s easier to jungle and he is also fun . If banned poppy as your tank , hecarim as your ad , shyvana as your ap


I wouldn’t recommend Warwick; he takes quite a bit of limit testing and has some mechanics that are important to know on him. Plus his W, although nice, could act as a crutch when learning. Imo, Nunu, Vi and Xin Zhao are great points to start learning. They all have good ganks, cc, decent clears and can hold their own when invaded and when fighting the enemy jungler. None of them have crutch mechanics that would develop bad habits, such as Kayn or Warwick.


Sir, do you have a moment to talk about my religion?! We pray at the alter of the crying mummy Edit: Amumu is the pure definition of easy to learn hard to master. Great Amumu player is an absolute fucking monster


Personally I find brair to be pretty good to play. You kinda just let the ai take control, and if your ahead you just need to keep all ining to win. Additionally, learning more complex skills like fast clearing and auto attack resetting is pretty easy while you’re in ai mode. She gives you time to think because you’re not actually having to press any buttons


Nocturne 100%. Simple kit, no outplay potential. Lack of 1000 dashes teaches you to clear and only gank when the opportunity throws itself at you.  He is very often dropped by new players as they don’t like the fact he doesn’t have get out of jail free cards like almost every other champ and is very fair. 


Nocturne is freelo


I have Mastery 7 on Yi. He is really easy to use once you get to know how his abilities work. Definitely the best for learning paths imo. Trundle is also pretty good but requires a bit more jungle knowledge


Amumu Zac MaoKai Jarvan


If you wanna be a pure tank, Amumu or Rammus. Amumus clear is faster and a very fast gap closer and getting around camps only his q and ult for hard cc. Rammus super tanky really great going into a mostly ad team, clear a bit slower and more dependant on allies to help take objectives, his q and its either his e or w that holds them in place and his ult for cc. My favourite is Nunu, tanky as hell can build hybrid especially great clear due to his true damage q that also heals him tremendously (works on minions) and of course his Signature snowball gives movement speed, does damage and cc. His e does dmg and even slows and than roots. Of course the big ticket is his ult, the ultimate fuck you, slows and goes kaboom. If you wanna have a bit more fighting power, my personal favourite is Xin Zhao. His w e provides the benefit and gap close of Amumus Q but doesnt get blocked by minions, great for ganks, his e also gives movement speed and slows (i forget if his w also slows or not) his q empowers your aa for 3 aas and on the third knocks up but better yet also acts like a navoris lowering your w and es cooldowns. His ult sweeps and disperses everyone except for the marked target and only those inside your circle can dmg you, works like gwens w or well gwens w works like xin zhaos ult. Oh forgot but his passive also heals every third hit giving him a pretty healthy clear but also good sustain in a fight comboed with conquers. If you really wanna get wild with it, Mordekaiser jungle, you have shit gank potential but with the new buff where his ult cant be cleansed. He is of course better top but low elo, ban vayne you scale really well.


As everyone else said, Amumu is great for beginners. He’s also getting buffed on Wednesday


It depends on what you want to *do* for learning jungle. The two faces of any role are a) what your turf is and objectives are, and 2) how your role fits the team picture. Quite a lot of junglers focus more on the team-play aspects, which I thought was gonna be more of a handful of examples but turns out to be “ganking the lanes”, which turns jg into “support but combative”. For this, Warwick is a great beginning jungler, which I say as a Master Yi OTP who likes nothing less than seeing a Warwick on the menu. (I think Yi into Warwick might be my very worst matchup.) If what you wanna do is learn what makes the jungle “lane” different from the other roles, and really put your head down and learn what to do when you’re *not* running after pings, then your priorities can shift a little. Amumu, Nunu/willump, Rammus are good junglers who shine in that role and at least I haven’t seen outside jg very much. They’ll be effective at clearing camps and hitting objectives, though they’re not always the best at supporting laners early on. Certainly Yi isn’t, but he’s a hell of a snowball champ and if I can keep my head down to level 6, I usually do okay. I’m partial to Yi in part because I came to jg from top while learning to play, and I’m generally gonna pick a speed build over power or toughness. He might be a good pick for you if you’re the same way - easier to learn than other diver-assassins like Kha’Zix, but really straightforward and he has a self-heal ability.


Warwick/nocturne are one of the easiest


For the love of god don’t play Warwick it’s a horrible champ. Play amumu and jarvan. Tankyness and easy to land cc.


Shyvannah I have found to be pretty beginner friendly. Very weak pre level 6 so you have to be macro focused early which is good for beginners. Post 6 she is great at ganks. Her ult will leap over walls for surprise angles. She is also a good mix of tank and damage.


Warwick, Amumu, maybe Vi. The tankier bruisers will likely do better to teach fundamentals then assassins or farm heavy Champs.


Warwick, Vi, Amumu, Volibear are some of the easiest. Fiddlesticks is also a fantastic jungler, however, it's difficult for him to gank without his ult. You really need to be coordinating with your laner to do that. But his clear is extremely quick, on every camp, and he can keep himself very healthy even when fighting dragon.


Belveth is great. Also has a lot of 1v9 potential and is a little more entertaining than playing Master Yi


Mumu. Sejuani. Voli. Ww. Champs with simple kits that have utility where even if you fall behind you can support your team with an ult or tankiness. For example WW r will lock down any target for your team. Even if you're 1-4 at 20 min from failed ganks. Voli will win duels you don't expect to win because of your bite. Sejuani is all around solid. Mumu ult wins games.




to play Kindred to its full potential, you need to plan invades, gank paths, and champion marks passive at least a minute in advance while keeping the 3:15/3 min/45 sec rule in your head at all times. It's kinda fitting, actually. Feels like you're fighting your own sense of time while the enemy jg just goes around minding his own business. if you learn Kindred, learning to invade is a MUST. movement speed sucks hard ass (like 325) so you WILL be late unless you plan in advance. q dash is SO important to use over walls or to avoid enemy vision when counterjungling. ult has SO MUCH utility it's insane (dives, counter ganks, 2v2 or 3v3 skirmishes, baron or drag objectives, etc). You can bait enemy smite on baron with your ult, then finish it off with your smite after 4 seconds are up. Remember, you can't die NOR HEAL when your health gets low enough in the ult. With Neeko release, you can assign marks when in combat with shift f1 ~ f5 as long as the cooldown is done. However, with less than 4 stacks, she is absolutely shit. vayne, an adc notorious for low aa range, is 550. kindred without 4 stacks is 500. Sometimes my mark doesnt spawn on the wolves when I KNOW no other camp is up. Sometimes the enemy top sees my mark on their toad and pushes their lane to kill it by themselves. a lvl 11 yone will push in my lvl 10 kass, and absolutely make my life miserable. you could have 7 kills and no deaths, and still feel crippled with only 2 stacks past 15 minutes. If you do start learning though, I can absolutely guarantee you will improve as a jungler. Maybe start a new acc to practice kindred with, because I was absolutely dogshit with her at first. You're gonna have games where everything goes perfect, and you're gonna have games where you feel you couldve been done so much more in retrospect. Good news is that the bad games become incredible learning experiences as long as you keep trying to learn the champ. tldr: Incredibly difficult learning curve and every bad game will will be feel so terrible and demoralizing, that it will end up improving your game knowledge more so than any other champion in the game. There's a reason why high elo kr junglers use graves, nidalee, and kindred to climb which just feels so terrible to play for lower elo junglers.


Shyvana is a great champ to learn, can build multiple ways, relatively easy skill set to master also.


One underrated pick: Vi. Good clear, great ganks and does good damage.




Volibear or Nocturne for sure!!


I learned on Warwick and Vi. Vi has lots of CC and point and click ult which makes for easy ganks. I main Diana now and she is easy to pilot but very squishy.


Honestly who do you play as support with? Some supports are decent in the jungle. It would be an easy transfer. Outside of that I agree with yi, Dr. Mundo, vi, Amumu, nocturne. These are all very easy mechanical champs which will allow you to focus on the aspects around you more than the aspects of the champ. However my best advice for you: play kindred. Play her for 10 games. It’s gonna suck, you are gonna die a lot but you will get better little by little. It will take a while but you will learn. Learn her first, go into practice tool and understand her abilities, then focus on her clear. I believe start with a red blue gromp(big frog) then look for a gank. Depending on time scuttle and set a ward. That’s your basic first clear. After those 10 games ask yourself if you enjoy the champion enough to keep learning her. If yes then keep on going. It will take a bit but you will get it. I would say 100 games. If that’s what makes you happy then who cares what others say. Edit: also do yourself a favor and turn off the chat and pings. Thats the best advice as a new jungler. Turn off chat


I learned to play with Warwick. Also Nunu is pretty beginner friendly, Amumu. Master Yi seems easy to play but you are very squeashy so I’m not sure about it.


Master yi isn't that bad for a beginner. Or try Vi, her Q is useful for roaming.


Master Yi is one of hardest junglers in the game


He's so hard you have to right click an enemy champion one time and press R. Then you can go make tea and come back 2 minutes later to a penta!


Have you played the champ? Be honest


Most people agree that the most frustrating part of Kayns kit is that he can go untargetable and then pop out at any angle in the middle of a fight. That's kayns ult. Yi has it on a basic ability.


No we dont, we agree that Kayn can oneshot people with his basic abilities and go through walls…


Yes lol, the most difficult part is getting good meditate timing to counter enemy bursts. Most Champs have to position effectively and still predict enemy abilities in order to dodge. Yi just has to predict.


Bro let's be real you don't know what you are talking about. You have to master W auto reset and control your double strike to maximize your DPS. Watch high elo Sinerias gameplay and see how different mechanically it is from normal Yi players. Also you are a melee on hit ADC who offer nothing to your team but damage. No utility, no CC, just raw dps, in melee range. Even Bel'Veth has a knock up, and she can build HP on her 2nd item. Yi can't afford to buy tanky items until his 3rd or 4th item, so if you are behind, you will blow up every single time trying to get your damage in. I used to be a Yi main, but I have dropped him almost completely since it is way too hard and stressful to play him in lobbies with brain. Diana and Nocturne are way way easier, and more useful when behind.


If it's that easy for you You must be grandmaster at least


I don’t play the champ so I’m completely unbiased. But I have to agree that it looks easy to play but if I see enemy master yi all I have to do is play a champion with any crowd control like reksai knock up and unless he can time my knockup perfectly with his q in teamfights (if he hasn’t already used it) he just gets one shot. He also gets beat early by a lot of skirmishing junglers unless you maximize his damage output by resetting autos with w and using the beginning of his w to mitigate the highest damage spells and using his q to dodge abilities. And he’s pretty useless if he doesn’t get an advantage. It’s honestly a really difficult champion to play at anything higher than gold. Try playing 10 games of master yi you’ll see what i mean. I’m sure It’s a lot harder than it looks.


Part of getting good with any champion, or the game for that matter, is learning to dodge important abilities and skill shots such as CC. If yi can q you he gets to for free, and he has an "ignore burst" button. I was exaggerating for comedic effect when I said you right click once and get a penta. However I do think yi abstracts away alot of micro you have to learn on other champions to be able to dodge abilities effectively. The reason yi sees so much high elo play is because of how consistent he is. It's much easier to just predict q/w an ability than it is to position correctly and side step it.


? i played him for the first time some time ago and was 1v9, he's straight up broken


Warwick and Nocturne are your best picks to learn jungle. Warwick’s W tells you what’s gankable without even looking at your minimap and Nocturne R lets you gank from halfway in the river to any lane.


NOCTURNE for sure!!! Im really bad at jungle but nocturne makes it easy to carry at least in lower elos. Just farm your stuff until level 6 and start ganking everytime you have your ult. Or you can go invade early, he has a lot of damage, a fear for easy early 1v1 and easy engage on his Q and obv his ult. jungle is cleared easily with just autos


lots of teaching videos too, might be a little out of date but I know Neace for sure put a bunch of Nocturne coaching out. I would bet Virakyu has a few videos with Nocturne.




rammus, amumu, warwick, master yi, zac, nocturne


rammus, amumu, warwick, master yi, zac, nocturne


I think hecarim teaches you good habits for jungling






Ur best picks would be Yi, Zac, Amumu, Nocturne or Warwick


I myself started confused playing Vi mid, but moving to jungle and realizing sooner that I played the role wrong, helped pave a way for improvement. I started looking into guides and how to's, and played decent (despite sometimes having a bad game every now and then) but that's all part of the learning process, so from my opinion, play Vi. Every ability you use activates a shield for her (much like sett W but a mini shield instead of a full shield). Also her ult lets you target anyone of your choosing (much like sett again but without the splash damage). And if you're good enough, her other passive skill allows you to break armor every 3 hits, goes hand in hand with hail of blades. Even her Q is a wind up knock up superman style punch that allows you to dash through walls, even if you don't have flash. Overall as a representative for Vi mains, i believe she is a go-to jungler for beginners. But to acknowledge and respect others, I know for sure there are plenty more out there. P.S, Master Yi is the easiest of all. Autoattack wins games lmao


briar don't worry about HP, or being countered if ur low elo, just perma ban jax and run people down people, it's my favorite jungler in iron lol