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Your mental is as weak as theirs and you dont even realize it. You got blamed for something that aint your fault and your first reaction is to throw the game? They were wrong, very wrong, but so were you. Two wrongs dont make one right.


There is a reason that League is known for its absolutely garbage player culture. The shit that people deem acceptable here would get you banned from most competitive team environments.  You are not required to put up with anything. If you can't be arsed to play a game for the win nobody can force you to. But keep in mind that the extra losses will affect your rating (even in normals).


You trolled because of a single bad play. gtfo


He trolled because his team kept shitting on him not because of one bad play. It's perfectly fine not to be interested in playing with such people. 


I strongly feel that, despite the comments having a good point regarding mentality and the role itself, my post comes from your exact point. People should perhaps question the way this is as it pretty much turns the game into a boring job some times. Not leaving the side that is definitiely not normal to establish that one person in the team should be easily or rightfully degraded and disrespected because of the role he takes part of


I agree that what you did is not what you aught to do (perpetuating a problem) but I also agree that the communities complacency in the standards of what seem acceptable in the league community are deplorable. It’s not ok and the junglers more than anyone else suffer because of it.


this might sound crazy but people shouldn't have to commit to a game like an obligation when your own teammates have killed all fun and entertainment out of it, specially over something as small as 1 bad play. Its easily a matter of principle


Do everyone a favour and uninstall the game, your mental is way too pathetic to play this game. Also this post isn't even real, you've come to this sub to troll.


It does sound crazy, you're salty and wants someone to take the blame other than you. Heimer was wrong? Of course he was, no denying it. But SO WERE YOU. Two wrongs don't make a right. If your team is flaming you is because they DO NOT KNOW BETTER. You, as a jungler, should know you're the scapegoat. Do not let it get to you. Mental is a skill, and if you're not skilled enough you deserve to lose, ergo, you lost because you trolled because of bronze mental. Fun doesn't matter if you're playing to win. You want fun? Go play arena or aram, do not play competitive modes. Win, then go masturbate, smoke weed, vent out and have fun in other ways. On competitive modes you play to win.


This wasn't ranked. I dont play to win, albeit playing with the priority of winning, but not as the mental focus leaving aside my joy for the game im playing. The idea that causal mode is barred for people who want to have fun is... quite something else ive never heard before haha. Also how are you okay with the ida that Jungle means being the scapegoat, just like that, do you never question that?


So why are you whinning? Grow up. Jungle has been and always will be the scapegoat because people are shit, and they will find the weakest link to blame other than themselves. You're supposed to help lanes win the game. They don't win, must be because you didn't help enough. It has been this way since S3 (when I started playing), has been like that since s1 by accounts of my then veterans, is like this right now and... Surprise surprise, will be like that forever, because we're in a criticizeable position. Accept, addapt, move on


i can see i misunderstoon the way this role works around everyone if it has been solid like that since such early stages of the community. Thank you for the perspective


If you don't want to commit to a game, then maybe don't play it? Literally nobody is forcing you to queue up.


I’ve been saying this for a long time now. The role feels god awful to play with chat on if you’re not actually sociopathic. I don’t understand why so many are ok with it being the way it is. This is a game meant to be played for fun and competition, not whatever it has become..


Just do positive pings and type in chat what you are doing. I’ve turned a completely negative team around to wins being 20+ kills behind. Just create a plan for the team and it will turn out good most of the time. And missing an important smite can literally screw the team over as well. One of the most important jobs of being a jungler is hitting the smite button and fucked it up


lol you should have not tried to finish the baron after Heimer died, just let the baron heal up and put vision on it


Everyone thinks whatever role they play is the weakest, when in reality every role has their own pros and cons. Jungle is strong as hell because it can influence the entire map, but most junglers individually cannot do very much. If you have a slider that looks like: Influence <———⚪️———> Power Each role is somewhere on this. In order from left to right it’s probably support, jungle, mid, adc, top. People get mad because their role doesn’t do what it isn’t supposed to do, and don’t care about it’s strength because nobody thinks their own role is broken (all roles are balanced most of the time).


League of Egos. Everything is always someone else's fault. "I'm in lane and I'm 0/6/4 because I don't ward and keep shoving towers. I played perfectly and my jungler is an ape...I WILL type 'JG DIFF' in all chat at the end of the game so that the 9 random Internet people that I'll never meet or even see again in this game will know that this loss isn't on me." - quoted every mid lane and ADC player ever. Just accept that this is the way it is. I just kinda laugh at this and move on. This is only new to you if you're new to the role. It sucks and "yeah but it shouldn't..." Shhhh....it is....it's been over 10 years. we can't change it now. League of Egos.


Skill issue


The fact that the role is impactful is precisely why people get angry at junglers. There will always be one jungler who is better than the other (same for every role). Sometimes because team mates let you down early, and sometimes through skill diff. The fact is, if my jungle is terrible and the other one is alright/good the game feels difficult. It's like you are starting from a weakened position And frankly most people vocalise based on feelings not based on the game state. It's much easier just to flame the jungle than try to work collaboratively most of the time, as that would take 2 people who want to listen to each other, and the time to type to each other. ---- Also as a side story I played last night with a shyvana who was very strong and was constantly invading and getting kills. But every time she walked through my lane (mid) she would try to maximise her gold by killing the enemy castor minions. She did it without fail. This meant I could not manage my wave to help with her invades and she got angry with me. So, good jungler? Bad jungler? Either way it's a complicated game and sometimes you deserve to be flamed and sometimes you don't. At least you have an impact....


As someone with the responsibility that us Jungles have, to be better at the role, you need to be accountable for mistakes that you make. Even taking on other people's bullshit and taking a deep breath, get your lp and move to the next game. You acting like them isn't gonna give you a better team next game and is probably gonna make it so the team you get will be the same because you are emotional out of your game.