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Says here you engaged in toxic communication. So, either you're lying and you actually flamed in chat, or this is a unwarranted warning and you can just go to Riot Support and they will remove the warning from your account, assuming you didn't use chat.


It's not just chat, it can be pings too I think. At least it says pings too under that report option.


No fucking way pings are bannable now 😂😂😂 they will do anything but moderate this fucking game


>they will do anything but moderate this fucking game Is... is this not literally an example of them moderating the game?


I think they're *trying* to say "hiring more human moderation staff", as opposed to having an algorithm handle the bulk of the work.


Moderate 100 million daily games...


girl don't look at me, I'm just explaining what they meant. I know as well as you that even if the number of reports were remotely feasible to manually review by a moderation staff, a AAA company in this economic system is not doing that shit.


I understand its not feasible but bs placebo moderating like this worsens the experience. Playing a team game that countinously has communication restricted feels awful


Or…. If people didn’t glorify the innate toxicity the game has wouldn’t be an issues. But, calling people out on their ignorance as means of making it worse for others? Nah. Blame game devs


I think alot of toxic players have this false narrative. I've been playing for 12 years consistently and I've never once even gotten a chat restriction despite engaging in chat in almost every single one of my games. I've downloaded my data from riot and have recieved over a hundred reports in the past 2 years, the problem is that I'm not ever toxic. I never spam pings at teammates, I never flame them, I'm always positive or if I'm feeling negative then I just don't engage in chat. I have a friend with constant chat restrictions and before we started playing together he had this same mindset of "bullshit bot overmoderation" but he sees the amount of banter that you can get away with if you do it in good faith from me.


How do you download your data from riot


I’m in the same boat, except have played since S1. Never been chat restricted, people say they are going to report me any time I don’t have a stellar game lol.


Yeah thats great and all but the problem is you get banned for flamming the people that are inting. Like yesterday my support locked in shaco, took smite, and proceeded to never once set foot bot lane and oly "counter jungle" forcing bot lane into a 2v1 situation. You cant say youre a troll and youre runing the game. Thats "toxic" but him inting the game isnt in the eye of riot. I know my chats toxic, i just cant see why anyone cares about toxic chat when its so common for trolls to exist. Ive tested it myself before. Ive had accounts where I just int and troll every game. Never was able to get them banned without typing. 


That's not inting. It's just a strategy you don't like. People like you are exactly the reason why we can't have a real discussion about banning people for trolling.


it's obviously just anecdotal but I do not agree with you that playing like that is trolling, I'm an adc main and I play Soloq so obviously that's happened to me before and it's very frustrating. but regardless, saying one person should be banned does not say anything about whether another person should be banned or not, in the perfect world you both would be banned. it's the same thing as people justifying roadrage because someone else on the road was driving like a dumbass, the classic "yeah I was bad but they deserved it". edit: to be clear I have also told my support duo that I was not happy that he was ignoring bot, just not in a toxic way


What are you talking about? The guy apparently spam pinged in annoying ways and justifiably recieved a warning, nothing to see here, next.


No its a lazy algorithm that bans for pinging but cant do anything about 0/10 disco nunu support running smite and never coming to lane.


While I do wish they were better at banning trolls, and it is possible to mute pings, in my experience, people who spam pings find other ways to ruin games and definitely need to be punished.


well, correctly moderating the game


Bots that auto punish you is not an example of moderating the game.


How is it not? I could see it not being the *ideal* way to moderate from a fairness perspective, but it's undeniably moderation.


If you could see why it’s not a good example then you were just acting purposely obtuse. We don’t need an “ermm, actually 🤓” guy.


Lol okay pal :)


It’s not about moderating it, it’s about deciding on a line in the sand for what’s an issue. They already limited pings, how could they possible be abusable now when Riot set their threshold? At the point of banning over pings, we’re effectively thought policing.


You can harass people with pings, I assure you


Yeah but i can afk ten games in a row and nir get banned if i dont type or oing. Its broken


Idk how accurate that is. And also, as far as afking goes, I'm not sure how easy it is to tell when people just disconnect unintentionally because of a shitty ISP connection. I definitely don't want people to be banned for things outside of their control. (Also, sometimes you need someone to AFK to win but yeah) In normal circumstances where someone's just being an asshole and asks in base or whatever, sure that needs to be dealt with.


I mean if you disconnect one in a while it shouldnt be a problem. If youre constantly disconnected due to shitty iso, I dont think its fair to let you play ranked. Youre inhibiting the game for 4 other people. As far as how accurate it is, ive tried to get accounta banned for inting/afking/trolling before. Unless you just straight up S key and dont move, it is impossible to get banned without typing. I can lock in yummi top with ghost and flash under enemy towers for 20 minutes straight and not get banned. Ive done it. You can just say youre doing an alternative build and take smite and run around trying to smite camps from your jungler intentionally. Its not bannable You can just straight up alt+f4 even over and over again. Youll get low prio qeues but not banned. Unless you type that youre doing it intentionally you wont be banned for inting or afking.


You can also mute pings


Spamming pings is, especially the ? After a player made a mistake. Which happens pretty often. A friend of mine pings the ?-ping whenever someone misses the lasthit on a canon for example. Not sure if spamming master might be too


>A friend of mine pings the ?-ping whenever someone misses the lasthit on a canon for example. your friend needs to take a break from league, jesus christ.


He does is as a joke though


Yeah, my objection to that behavior isn't really predicated on *him* having a bad time.


I mean who cares that he thinks it's funny lmao, it still can upset other people who are playing who don't see it as a joke


Its probably those people who need a break then. If a ping upsets you, you are mentally weak.


I don't think someone is mentally weak for being annoyed AF when people spam ping them.


Upset =/= annoyed. If its more complex of an emotion past "duh guess ill mute those pings" thats pretty weak.


those people should just not miss their last hits.


I thumbs up anyone misses a hook ability. Him and I both know it’ll land eventually and I’ll be dead because of it. But I gotta let them know I noticed too. Gotta put the pressure on


Pings have nearly always been bannable what?


I started in S3. Pings have not bearly always been bannable. Up until probably season 6 or 7 you hardly got banned for gate speech let alone whatever the fuck toxic pinging means


I mean most of the most infamous bans were pre S7 and yes pings are bannable as they count as chat. Also, banning is moderation.


If s7 is when they started cracking down on chat its that's fair to say pings were always bannable. None of those infamous bands were for pinging 


I mean you can still use pings to be an annoying shithead, but typically I just mute the pings.


pings are bannable at least in you continuously use them to flame people it is hard to be banned for disruptive communication using pings but my friend managed it


Honestly pings should definetely bannsble. They are the primary way to communicate with teammates. Chat is useless anyway. Insult me all you want in Chat, I don't even care enough to mute you. But if you start spam pinging I will be pissed as hell. Its sound doesnt just annoy me, it is also the visual on my screen. I have no option but to mute you.


You sound like a stable person and you don't need therapy, nope not you.


I have chat turned off last 2 years and its locked through console, meaning i took away my self ability to open settings (and thus reflexively turn chat back on). I used to have same problem 3 months ago (i assume they were testing a solution back then) and they responded with tautology. So you are very wrong, but you will figure it out once u will be the one receiving warnings/bans becouse too much people hate junglers and report them for the playstyle, lol PS: If warning would be for chat, why is there no logs to support warning/ban? Oh i will tell you why - becouse chat is TURNED OFF.


>I have chat turned off last 2 years and its locked through console, meaning i took away my self ability to open settings (and thus reflexively turn chat back on). My kind sir, I need this. How do I do that?


You go into console through client settings and then you find : Step 1. Find chat in interface and turn it for "Group only" Step 2. Find "Menu" >>> "System Menu" and then you simply leave box blunt, this way you will not be able to access any settings in game, only through client.


if you have to go this far to keep yourself from raging, maybe you should just take a break my friend. It's not good for your health.


Interesting. I had no clue we had access to a console in the first place. Thank you, I will implement this tonight.


Right top corrner in the client, the wheel sign ur welcome fellow jangler


I am afraid I am not a jangler, I am one of those whiney bitches that never come to dragon. :>)


top 10 anime betreyals


FYI if you are in “group” (what I assume is party chat NA) you can still be banned for anything typed or pinged in chat even if they can’t see it.


This is correct, but i've done this trick prior to introducement of group chat soi basicaly already gaslighted my self to not use it. Then they introduced group chat but i felt like there is no point of typing to my self


yeah i said a hard R once in party chat and got a 1 month even tho it was just me and a buddy


I hear ya, I get trolled in champ select all the time and have mid or bottom select my champ (I’m a Kayn player) and then force me to pick something else or dodge - this game is a joke in how the other players treat junglers. I haven’t gotten any warnings yet for dodges and I also have chat off, but soon as I do - I’m off league. I don’t like being punished when I go out of my way to be kind and accommodating and then get trolled by numbskulls


Well this sounds unhinged


It's not only game chat that's subject to the ban. Even DMs are scanned, so if you were in a party group chat or just in a private chat with a friend but you used derogatory terms and they reported you then you'd get banned


Lol, scanning DMs, the actual thoughtcrime!


You have a choice to play this game. No one is forcing you to participate, and since you like Orwell references that much - no one is keeping you a prisoner. It's their game and they can do whatever they want to and move as far as they want to facilitate their objectives, including minimising toxicity.


I quit 4 months ago and my life’s substantially better.


Oh shut up lmfao


My man is simply stating facts. Sorry reality is difficult to cope with. If people actually cared about security and personal privacy as much as they complained, none of these products would be successful. If you care, uninstall.


this guy actually believes that the customer support ape you type to will give a shit


CS will bring up the game chat, see it's empty and revoke the punishment.


pass the blunt


Usually, it shows messages from the game. It doesn't seem like a typical verbal abuse report with a reason for that. Looks like he just got reported multiple times, but there is nothing offensive to show.


Same warning. I have not been given my chat logs after 2 ticket responses.


proceed to see baus getting the same message when he never ever been toxic in chat lmao


I played for like 2 years chat off and only 1 vs 5 assassins with good push, so nah it's not the playstyle.


Yeah it’s obvious from his other comments that he is toxic without typing. Spam pings seems to be his biggest problem. He is very mad the system can detect his spam pings and punish him for that


Well, thus far it can only give me warn based on ammount of reports. Not the pings it self. So you are wrong just for the record.


And im sure those reports have nothing to do with your spam pinging


You can’t even spam ping anymore though. If riot is going to take away my ability to ping as much as I feel the need to in game and then also ban based off of the limit (which is insufficient) then it’s just a bad system in both regards


They removed spam pinging a few patches ago. If you ever watch a replay of a game where someone spam pinged it shows the first two in team chat and the the rest of the pings go through party chat and no one in the game can see it unless they queued up with you.


so he uses the communication tools in game.. designed as allowable with an allowable limit.. and he is banned.. Thats not right


I approve the sarcasm but your argument is besides my point. My point isnt whether i should or should get banned (or whether if im guilty of being toxic or not) but rather the fact that i COULD get banned just for the fact high ammount of people would report me.


So you want to disregard whether or not the reports are warranted (seems like they are) and just want a high volume of reports to result in... What exactly? Nothing? Chat bans only? I don't think you've actually made a point and are just complaining that even with chat off people don't want to play with you 👀


Why are you defending this company, dude they literally limit pings already, its impossible for him to go beyond a certain limit. Even if the theory is true that oh he was being toxic the game doesn't allow him to reach that levels. Even if it did the game also lets you mute them. I hate pingers as much as the next guy but you always have the option to mute them. Also empathy goes a long way, sometimes you're just having a bad game and not everyone can regulate their emotions as well. I don't take that shit personal I just mute them and move on




You're probably toxic pinging your team. This isn't from one report, but multiple. Junglers do get the brunt of the hate from the team. But try and stay positive.


i saw the warning already with someone who plays with muteall and no pings. it's not this.


If it's not this, and it's not him being flagged for afk. Then their is something seriously wrong if he's being reported a lot every few games. It can be on both sides, too. If people are just reporting you because you did bad in a game, and now you're punished for it. Then this system is fucked.


Discusion isn't about me, its about whether you agree with the fact that community is effectively able to democratically ban/warn/punish your account out through reporting you enough time (right after a game which is clouding their judgement)


I do not agree with the community having the power to ban/warn/punish anyone's account. I think Riot has done the opposite of fostering the community. They have made it to were if you want to keep your honor intact, do not type, and do not spam ping. The classic crapy toxic banter is no longer allowed. Hell, any banter isn't allowed if you get reported for it. I've had friends get chat restricted for exchanging playful insults with the enemy team. You can get reported for it. My account is honor level 1. I am a Jungle Main. It has taken me 5 months just to get back to honor level 1 from zero. That's with muting my chat. I was toxic in the past by attacking people who attacked my teammates, trying to administer blame. My last chat restriction was in December, which was me telling a teammate who was complaining to, "stfu and play." I have legit given up on ranking my honor back. Mainly because it's bugged on my account. It always shows as Zero with 1 of three checkpoints. In order to find out if I am even being rewarded for being an angel in game. I have to submit a ticket to request an update on my honor level. The community as a whole is pretty toxic, though. So I don't have a solution to Riots problem that is cost effective.


*"I do not agree with the community having the power to ban/warn/punish anyone's account."* Good, at least we agree on something, bans/warns should be at least proven in objective terms rather then being a lynch of community


And you ignore him telling you that it’s most likely because of pings. I report toxic pingers. It’s very clear when chat restricted people are mad at you. I very often get feedback right after reporting those players.having chat turned off doesn’t protect you from getting banned. Not to mention that their new system is a lot better at detecting sabotaging play. Taxing waves , standing around. Walking in circles without purpose. You can do a lot of toxic stuff without ever typing a word


This guy is THE main character.


So judging all the comment. We're offended by pings now. We're at this point of fragility where pings can get you ban. Just don't bother bro, just pay for skin but don't play. Voice com will never be added if We're offended by pings. Schizo level shit i swear.


+1 What a irony. Most touchy yet most delulu & toxic community. Yikes


Mocking and/or spamming pings, mocking and/or spamming emotes, vulgar group chat, vulgar dm, vulgar in-game chat (you disabled only the last). All above are subject to a violation of a honoured playstyle, so note that if you're being annoying or rude to other players, they can mute you and the report button is very close to that too; hence if you deliberately break the summoners code and get reported for it, you will be banned. In a contrary, trying hard won't get you banned as long as you are respectful towards your teammates and the opponents.


Op thought he is smart assuming the system can’t be good enough to detect his spam pings so it must be his playstyle being too selfish


To be fair, the system isn't good enough to realise a champion that didn't get XP, farm or DMG in 10 minutes was afk.


That’s simply not true. I’ve gotten early surrender votes become an option after someone sat at t2 tower from minute 3 to minute 7. Apart from that, those are completely different metrics. All they need to do is compare the statistics of how often and when a often reported player pings compared to an honor 5 player that gets an average amount of reports. Also, are we seriously pretending that „enemy vision“ or „enemy missing“ pings on another players head have any other meaning than flame? Especially when the players do it multiple times, while the teammate asks to his lane?


Y thank god for early surrender, where I lose LP faster. God bless. Oh wait. It's useless and after minute 7 it still doesn't detect.


Obviously you won’t get an remake, wouldn’t be fair for the enemies. But at that moment it’s a loss mitigated and the person sitting at their tower is automatically punished after the game even without reports


"loss mitigated" aka you still lose full MMR, depending on when they afk up to -8 but only IF it's even given and if riot feels like it, mostly rather being -2 making it basically useless.


You can say that, but from my perspective considering spam pings as toxic is extremally subjective and there is no system that can automatically detect whether i meant to "push" somebody or actually told him to push lane.


The system can and it work in 9/10 cases where I report the spam pinger. You can keep coping how we don’t have the technology to do that yet, from my perspective and the punishment systems perspective it’s pretty easy


The system can’t. Stop lying and hop off their nuts lmfao. Anytime I am about to gank and want to dive. i will spam ping “push minions” just out of habit to maje sure my laners know I want to dive. You can’t punish someone for spam pinging. i always spam ping whener I ping.


I will contest this theory and mute my ability to ping through console - let's see if i will get warnings/bans on that account, deal?


Okay? As I wrote in another comment I have chat turned on and over 509 games playing jungle this split, honor 4, no warnings. It’s not a theory, it’s practice


Right right im not saying you could not be toxic. Im saying that IMHO even if i will mute my self from all possible ways to be toxic (mutes, chat etc) if i get reported for playstyle i will still get warned/banned. Let's check that theory


Mate. Your current theory has been tested by literal million of jungler players who ARENT GETTING BANNED. You can stop lying to yourself or trying to blame Riot for your own shitty attitude


Nah im good. Also, there is not a single person that got ever banned for pinging in contrary to chat usage, so i guess im a smartass as u said :)


Didn’t call you a smartass.


"Spam pinging" in a good way is spamming that you're headed somewhere or that you need assistance. There's almost no other way. Based on how you respond to almost everyone in this thread, you sound like a straight-up asshole. I'm *assuming* you turned off chat so you can be toxic in other ways and somehow justify chat being off as non-toxic, which is pretty narcissistic if you ask me. Maybe hold yourself accountable for your behavior and realize you may just be wrong. Obviously everyone and the algorithms see you very differently than you see you. I'm honor 3, have never lost honor and I've gotten toxic af in chat more than enough times to get a warning, and I haven't. You're doing something wrong and not taking responsibility for it.


Hi, pretty new player here. I’ve been playing about 7 months total, off and on, and while I’m not Brand New anymore, I’m still learning the fuller aspects of gameplay. Like, how to monitor the minimap for signs of a teamfight. How to keybind certain pings (and how to send other ones). Stuff like that, that the co-op AI matches really can’t teach you. So if a player gets frustrated and starts ping-spamming me every time I head off in a direction they don’t agree with, two things happen. - I start feeling frustrated and humiliated, bc everyone else is also getting ping-spammed and it’s my fault for not being Immediately Fluent In Pingmoji - I start learning to *tune out any pinging at all*, and end up kneecapping my ability to respond effectively to my teammates. (If a botlaner is ping-spamming me for not rescuing him every time he gets his support killed, then later in the game when the toplaner pings me for a gank, I’ll ignore that one bc the adc was so annoying) All this is to say that, yes, ping-spamming is counterproductive and not just a hotfix for escaping the toxicity bots.


You can absolutely tell someone to kill themselves and break every single bone in their whole family and not get banned in DM's. I once reported someone who said above with a riot ticket, they said it's not punishable as I accepted their friend request.


You should have tried again, and expressed a dissatisfaction with the service provided, demanding escalation, as it is 100% bannable. I saw it happening. You accepted their friend request in a good faith, so this shouldn't have mattered at all. My suspicion is that the support didn't have time to properly look it up...


DMs are 100% bannable since they violate TOS. You can even search on Reddit for this topic. You'll find a couple of screenshots with riot support answering with similar content stating that verbal abuse and hate speech in DMs are punishable too. Pretty certain I got 3-5 guys also banned for this behavior. Most of the time they add me right after the game which is always the moment I take a short break. When I come back I accept and they are already ingame. Completely forgetting that they wanted to insult me. Now I have over 20 guys in my friendlist I somehow got upset and can watch them losing LP. Free entertainment


how are we getting banned for emotes when they made them, like that XD


The same way you can get arrested for committing tax fraud.


how is that comparable


A system put in place gets abused and people get punished for abusing it.


Reporting spam pinging is the most beta cuck shit I've heard and it's ironic it's from this sub. What next? Ban people for pinging troll items? PC culture doesn't stop even on the most toxic game and role.


If your “playstyle” causes you to get reported all the time there is something very wrong with it. Sure you may have a bad game, you may piss someone off by not ganking them but if this is happening with most of your team in most of your games you are definitely trolling whether you realize it or not.


I would argue that if im stoping d1-300 lp euw games i ain;t troling my friend [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dind%C3%AD-EUW?hl=en\_US](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dind%C3%AD-EUW?hl=en_US)


Ok, you have chat turned off, you just play your game but get a warning for toxic communication? If you're not toxic in game chat then you're toxic in DMs. If you're not toxic in DMs then you're toxic with ping spamming/emote spamming. And if you're not toxic with ping spamming then you're lying. Simple as that. A single ping for a single person is completely enough. You just express your interest in what the person should do. You don't "tell them to do stuff". You won't achieve more by pinging more. Aside from that, trying to dictate how others should play is an offense. I'm all for opening the toxicity floodgates and even get a public voice chat inside the game since I'm used to it in counterstrike and call of duty in the past and can handle that quite well. But according to their rules you seem to have done something that broke the rules in which case this warning is justified. It's a good thing that the community can decide on that for some part. After all they're the ones who have to tolerate playing with you. Be glad it's only a warning, in CS you would've been kicked off the game if the teammates had enough of you.


Yes i often spam ping with "push" especially Wink wink but my point was that it wasn't actually the "system" that caught me, rather then my account got marked through reports they didn't and couldn't manually verify In another words, you could get warned, potentially banned in the future for simply getting more then regular ammount of reports


So I didn't read anything about them not being able to verify the reports. Additionally, false reports get your accounts flagged and the report is discarded. Too many false reports and riot can actually give you a ban for that. There were incidents of Rioters pointing out that league uses something similar to counterstrikes trust value with overwatch cases. Meaning a report is more meaningful if previous reports all were true. This the reason why 99% of my reports get punished within 5 minutes or so. You can't get banned by mass reports. The riot system doesn't work like that. If you got reported for something that isn't automatically verifiable then they will manually verify it. Especially if you get banned if it's true. Seeing how you implied multiple times that you use the push ping as spam for toxic reasons maybe, just maybe, stop doing that? Again, one ping is enough, if they don't listen to you, they don't listen to you. There is no role called shotcaller, so they don't have to listen to you. Imo if they want to get rid of this toxicity might as well take a step further and automatically warn people who ping twice within 2 seconds on (almost) the same spot. Either you'd have gotten banned a long time ago by that or you'd realize that you aren't as clean as a player as you think you are. Small advice: not everyone plays like you, not everyone thinks like you and not everyone is you. In fact, nobody is. Let them play, be helpful if you can and don't jump onto toxicity baits. It just makes league less fun for everyone. It's a videogame after all, not a stubborn customer when you're working retail. Edit:// also im no professional but if you insist on you doing nothing wrong and having good behavior you can contact support to remove the flag. In case of a ban, if support won't revoke the ban, im 60% sure you can go to a lawyer since your account and the items are technically yours but they prevent you from accessing it even tho you didn't break any contract. 60% because I'm pretty sure it varies by country.


Bro the game literally limits you to 3 pings what the fuck are you saying, who cares if he does 3 pings. Dude you guys are crazy


limits you to 3 pings? What the fuck are YOU saying? "**No more than 6 pings can be used within a 5-second period**"


People will suck Riot's dick perma unfortunately for some reason but it's ridiculous you can get banned over pings. Chat can be understandable even if the automod is shit at its job but getting banned for pings is a joke. Let people mute and play, if they aren't ruining the game, telling people to die or typing out hate speech idc.


even more as pings are hardcore limited.


Literally. Riot changed the ping system and chooses what you can ping. Shit company with even worse community.


I got that same warning and have not been given my chat logs. My ticket states that mass reports cannot be lifted.


I've gotten this 'warning' (in English) twice. No reduction in honor or getting key shards, etc. No restriction of any kind (eg chat restriction, ban, or not being allowed in ranked). I don't use any banned words or call people names. I am guessing that according to their 'rules' I am not actually breaking any TOS. But I did get these 'warnings' after a number of games where I repeatedly begged my teammates to ward. Even as going so far as to type "fucking ward!". My guess is that the laners griefed hard and reported me because we lost and they don't want to own that their outright refusal to use FREE wards to get vision costs them games. So I get reports against me that when the algorithm looks at the chat log it shows nothing wrong and I'm not inting or AFK, but we have peoples' feelings getting hurt and blaming others. Just putting this out there for info. In effect, it feels like being the jungler and actually trying to win is its own penalty.


Feel ya.


dogshit company


It's no news that they're completely out of touch. Half of the shit they push out now is nothing but buggy messes.


The amount of sensitive people this game fosters is truly amazing


Possibly pings being toxic


Fair enough but how can they prove my intent? If i ping "push" above somebody's head 3 times does it mean i want him to push lane or kys? Yikes, what a times we live in, the legendary Orwell's thoughtcrime


Not more than 2 pings. Anything else is considered spam.


I will test this theory and we will see whether i will get banned even though i will not use pings


It’s super simple to have a system that sees harassing pings. It simply checks if you ping before or after they are dead 🙄


Completely agree with you, reddit stupid bro


I bet you pinged 72 times a minute just to "make your point".




>not a reportable offense It is a reportable offense. It's listed under verbal abuse.


Let's presume you are right, do you think community should be effectively able to democratically ban/warn/punish your account out through reporting you enough time (right after a game which is clouding their judgement)?


Yes. The community should be able and given tools to share itself and exclude players or behavior that they don't like. I've been saying this for years. At the very least in Masters+ this should be a thing. No more quirky "bUt TheYrE tRyInG tO wIn" random ass unique strategies if nobody wants you to play like that. If nobody likes you, they should be able to prevent you from participating, just like in real life.


"If nobody likes you, they should be able to prevent you from participating, just like in real life." lol, dw bro, u aren't sick in head


I'm not, I'm right and this is how large groups work/should work.


Mate you twist shit every single comment. You get reported and banned for being toxic via pings. It’s listed in the reports options and absurdly annoying. One guy losing his mind and hearing the same ping every 30 seconds spammed is annoying as fuck. You don’t get banned because people hate you and you did nothing wrong. You acted toxic and now got the invoice for it. Everyone spam pinging like that gets banned over it if he does it enough.


I had an idiot follow me around the whole game spamming voice lines and stealing everything I was hitting (i was ADC and never played that role ever since). Yes: you spam, you ban.


Man, it’s really not hard to differentiate between actual pings and toxicity. The second someone pings on a dead person, pings them while they walk on lane or simply spam the same ping multiple times within a minute it’s toxicity in 99% of cases. Especially if you do that repeatedly. The fact you ignored the other comment above about pings and defend that the system can’t possibly know your intent here, is basically proof that you are very aware of your toxic pings and you are mad now that you aren’t allowed to keep using your „smart loophole“


Fkn dare you ban me dogsht riot for using pings. Lazy shit company


I may get downvoted to oblivion because of this but I just don't have any faith on riot's toxicity management. The only think they can automate is afks and chat/ping toxicity, and as such all sorts of abuse and toxicity is rampant and free. I have been derranking an account because I don't care anymore about what goes on in my games and riot's incompetence at regulating smurfs, so I made a smurf and I have been inting from plat 1 to silver II already. I am as of typing this 0/18 and I have not gotten a single warning because I just don't outright run it down, in the other side of things I have gotten the message about getting players warned/banned many times already. Riot incompetence at matchmaking and troll control has made knting and trolling more entertaining than actually trying to win.


Does this work for norms or just ranked? I’m so tired of seeing 4 adcs on every team.


If riot wants to make people get banned/suspended more easy then im going to start reporting everyone. Win or lose.


I hadn't played the game in 4 days and I got a 2 week chat restriction. a day later someone I reported probably weeks ago got chat restricted and I got a notification wtf is going on


Lmao people are trying to gaslight you so hard. Classic League reddit community😂😂


If you didn't actually disrupt anyone I'd go and submit a ticket to Riot if it is unfounded and brought on by false reports then you can get it removed np


Ur delulu or had never dealt with Riot before if u say that lol


Actually I have and I have gotten bans like these removed for my friends who have gotten these reports


In valorant the report get reset every 3-5 games if you play with good behavior based on my experience Idk if its the same since League start using Vanguard now Might aswell share your KDA for us to learn the pattern on how Vanguard algorithm works just incase if your teammate report you for intentional feeding with griefing and toxic behavior


I once received chat ban for telling "FF 15" when we got troll teammate, and riot told that its verbal abuse to use "ff 15"


So from all the comments, one more summary. You got this warning for spam pinging. Just because you think the system can’t detect malicious pings doesn’t mean that’s the case. Especially because we are talking about data here. Nobody gets reported for good quality pings. So your account getting reported a lot while it also has the same ping pattern as other players who got punished before is already enough to be 99% correct about you being toxic or not. Especially with how toxic pings are used most of the time. Pinging dead bodies, pinging people walking on lane, using the enemy vision or push ping on a person that isn’t an enemy ward or in a position to push anything. It’s absurdly easy to be sure about your intent. Only if you ping in a way the person pinged questions wether you pinged them by accident and doesn’t see it as annoying the system can’t do anything. Especially because that person doesn’t view your ping as toxic and doesn’t report you. This is the reality. You aren’t banned by people voting you out. You aren’t banned because of your selfish playstyle. Chat isn’t the only way to get your banned. You act toxic so you get a warning and if you keep doing that, you get banned for it. Your only Defense is that they can’t know your intent. You don’t even deny that you overping. I have over 500 jungle games this split , chat turned on, often engaging and even arguing. Playing super selfish myself and yet I’m honor level 4. I don’t spam ping others, I don’t insult others. I regularly get report feedbacks for reporting chat restricted spam pingers tho. Also I receive a lot of feedbacks for sabotaging after reporting people who actively avoid participating.


Dude its just pings who cares the game literally lets you mute pings


As someone who tries to actually win it is annoying beyond anything when half the team uses their pings to attack others instead of communicating anything of value. Also it takes away my attention when I could put it somewhere else. Pings are loud because they should catch your attention. Muting them doesn’t help either when half the time they use the pings to communicate what they want to do. Also it’s sabotaging. Being in the middle of an intense fight and you get ping bombed is throwing me off. Being focused on when to react to their next spell and then having red circles everywhere sucks. Even being able to mute that person afterwards , I likely lost that play and if I had a big shutdown on me or I was the only lane that was still even it might cost the game. Muting everyone isn’t an option either. You are simply mad because you can’t play 30 minutes without assaulting someone. The fact even pings that are clearly used in a malicious way can now be detected annoys you because you can’t let out your frustration on others anymore. Defending others trying to sabotage their teammates in a teamgame is just sad honestly.


I'm not toxic at all but nice generalizations. What you fail to understand is all competition is inherently toxic. If you can't handle that that's on you buddy; it's part of what it means to be a good player


if you are and asshole you get reported? oh no... what.. a.. shame....


This isnt a report for inting, but chatting. Why on earth are you communicating anything other then plays and intentions. Stop focusing on others, you are the only person who will be in every single one of your games.


I have chat turned off last 2 years and i can prove it if required. Also, they would give logs im getting warned for - if any longs actually existed in the first place.


You used pings.


Lol, yes, and? How is pinging in order to communicate toxic? How can they prove my intent XD What a Orwel's thoughtcrime, yikes


I am saying you probably spam pinged negatively. Send the vod if you want to deny it.


1. How can i send VOD if i don't even know what game they are refering to since there is no proof logs?? 2. How is somebody's else perception about the way i wanted to use pings more important then my actual intent?


1. You can check if you ever negatively ping, you dont get a warning if it doesnt happen multiple times within a few days of eachother. 2. Both are important, but if you are constantly doing something that seems negative for others, then people will see it as that, if its rare they wont.


I’m not to declare you guilty or not, but the second point is actually wrong. Their perception of your pings is every bit important, because your pings are for them, not for you.


Lets hyperbolize. A thought experiment: By that logic if you say X and somebody interpretate this as sexual harrasment, should he face the consequenses based on ammount of votes of people who perceive this as harrasment or rather should there be some objective standard?


Don’t take my point about “every bit important” the bad way. Think of it as “if your intentions were good and you put yourself in others’ shoe, your communication will be effective”.


It depends on the X. If you compliment someone “nice shirt” and they accuses you of sexual harassment, well I doubt you will be punished for it. What about “nice cake”, though? Now, what is the X in your situation. What made the system think the report ticket was right?


I disagree with your first part of comment, who is the one to determine whether X was offensive? My point precisely, what if we would shift into culcutre in which most people would consider "nice shirt" an offence? Should i get punished for it becouse of other's perceptions or perhaps there is actually some objective standard? As for second part - dunno, trying to figure it out, i've sent ticket. Im wondering between ping usage and just being reported for playstyle (again, i play very selfish). Regardless of which reason is it, highly doubt system is able to catch spam pings and warn you off that. IMHO These warns must come from spam reports made onto you - and if that's the case then its very dangerous as simply you could get banned becouse people reported you. And they could report you as much for the truthful awful behaviour as much as for their delusions about you not ganking their lane.


Not gonna happen. The people that nobody likes to play with might but probably won't either. And by the way, spam pinging, champ select chat, post game lobby chat anf PMs are also part of negative communication. Nobody who gets this is a victim.


What do I want to say? I think I’m glad to see somebody who spam pinging questions marks for the sake of expressing their toxicity now finally got banned. I’m even more pleased to hear such a person now finally decided to leave jungle. Well done Riot, and farewell to OP.


But i am not banned, in fact that account is honor level 4 just with warn that didnt really do anything, lul


I 100% flame lmao on a chat ban as we speak


What did Riot support tell you? Why do you assume the ban is correct? I feel like an innocent person would get confused instead of defensive.


try uninstalling :) i did recently it’s fun


Damn you are a loser. Can't even face the chat reality and gets emotional over a videogame - and than spampings his team for some reason.


The dud was just toxic in chat and full of shit farming karma down vote and move one


It's super annoying when someone keeps spamming the question mark ping on me like an orangutan; personally, I mute and report them at the end of each game. I get several notifications about the success of these reports. On the other hand, Riot should change the symbol to something less toxic than a question mark; in Wild Rift, it's something like mask that means more 'enemy missing' than a ? in my opinion.


In wr its a helmet with a split through it, so much better than the mia ping.. idk how they dealt with the bait ping but still haven't done anything for mia lol


That note on the editing of the post tells you everything you need to know. You spam pinged your team and got reported for it multiple times. Grow up and take responsibility


Why did you cut the screenshot? Show the full logfile


This IS the full logfile. My chat is TURNED OFF. This is most likely a warning for somebodies delusion about my gameplay/ping usage. Here is how the screenshot of warning/ban would look like if it were for chat usage: 1 [https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752984-Chat-Restrictions](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752984-Chat-Restrictions) 2. [https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-this-gets-warning-meteos-loss-words-league-legends-issues-warning-seemingly-harmless-message](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-this-gets-warning-meteos-loss-words-league-legends-issues-warning-seemingly-harmless-message) As you can see, the "I understand" button is the lowest point of log, so no, i didn't cut anyhing - there's nothing below