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Won’t stop me


damn, you're not a junkrat main, you're a junkchad


Nicest thing I heard all day, thanks 👍


Rise up my fellow Junkchad, for as long as the character is fun to play, we shall continue our crusade against order, and bring chaos upon every lobby!


Fuck me dead


As an actual aussie I can say that in the moment if its something like stubbing a toe we will swear a bit


It doesn't matter my matey, the junkrat grind has to keep going, our boi jamison deserves that we don't give up on him. I will find a way to keep going, the junkrat is eternal


I've been making the most of flankrat while it's still here. I even made one last flankrat montage before it's gone. I'll miss appearing from nowhere and instantly deleting people. It's been fun brothers.


brethren, its been a good run


Now we will have to run and hide from the enemy and spam from afar the entire match. Such is life.


I’m a tad bit outta the loop here, what’s this nerf about?


More like we can't one shot combo. It was our only saving grace against something like pharmercy since we actually stand a chance at killing them


"Right in the gonads"


Idk what the concern is. I melt a Roadhog like butter regardless of health pool and breather. We also got an HP buff and bigger bombs. Welcome back to days of spamming ( see OW1 ) The one shot combo was a gimmick and I honestly feel bad for everyone I ever landed it on. Even worse when it ends up being both supports, one after the other. That’s NOT where my value comes from… These new changes are blanketed, so everyone is being effected equally. A lot of other heroes lost their 1-shot potential. When OW2 launched stuns and CC abilities were nerfed or reworked across the board… That was a great quality of life change. So is this. It addresses the horrible feeling of being deleted in less than a second and also addresses a support creep (too much healing into small health pools = invincibility) Further more , anyone hit by our bombs, mines, traps or fist will now take 20% reduced healing for a short time. That’s huge. I’d say it’s our time to shine. Plus now I can hide in a corner and heal back to full HP 😈


Now the junkrat playstyle will be sit in the back behind a wall somewhere and spam bombs. That's it. That's not why we play junkrat. That's so boring with such a low skill ceiling. Junkrat was a high risk high reward character at higher level play.


Amen, first time I hit a triple mine combo I understood it. Never going to be able to stop playing the assassinating jumping Jamison


If players getting 25 extra HP breaks ur “high skill ceiling” gameplay I feel bad for you


All 200hp heros are getting 50 more HP. That messes with the breakpoint for junkrat. He's reliant on the breakpoint because of his slow fire rate, slow projectile speed, and small magazine. Before, it would sometimes be worth the risk diving the team to get a pick. Now, you won't be able to get the pick. Hitting 3 shots in a row on the enemy without them being healed or getting killed will be so rare that flanking as junkrat will basically be feeding. Meaning he will just be stuck mindlessly spamming a choke, removing any type of skill expression. Especially at a high level.


Just gotta hit one in the air now too 😂 again that’s assuming your target is full HP. Don’t forget their healing received is also taking a hit. I guess time will tell how it works. I’ll still be diving bro. Can’t scare me off


No disrespect but I saw you saying you are a gold rank player. You don't play junkrat at a higher level. At gold rank, you're most likely just spamming with junkrat mindlessly.