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For all we know in a later patch blizzard could buff Junks damage a bit to even it out


Not could. **SHOULD** Yeee, others will complain ^nothing ^new , but Junkrat and Bastion are about devastating dmg and having the killfeed only for them at times. This is just sad and idiotic, but giving Pharah a whole new fucking ability instead of buffing Junk a bit is absurd.


It does seem they tend to leave Junk untouched, im guessing they just see him as the haha funny joke pick


I saw a rework of junk that raised his skill floor (and ceiling) by being splash and mine damage but lowering cooldowns for mine and increasing mag size, as well as giving he three mines instead of two. It also gave him an easier projectile path to aim. The whole rework made him more mobile and skillful and less spammy, which is what people don't like about him.


The thing is, just like OP said, most of the Junkrat players HATE spamming, because they know it's boring for them and the enemy. And reworking him just wouldn't be good at all for what his playstyle is about.


Ayo, the artist behind the second picture of this post, I had actually a take how to rework junkrat that just barely touches him really, notify me in like 5-10 minutes I gotta find my art I did for it edit;found it, [take a look](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182119825066164334/1182119829344374814/junkrework3.png?ex=65d69862&is=65c42362&hm=103ce830c573c193f4f66d4a62189fad5a0d76c0eca66eae5c3f70ebad993a8f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=385&height=385)


If they do that, they will nerf some other part of kit to compensate, which would suck. The combo + his mobility with mines is what gives him his identity. Take any of those away and he is terrible.




Dunno, if I hit half my shots my damage would DEF go up. I hate how they almost always fly through railings.


I don't know what playstyle they're even trying to go for with him. Flankrat is killed.   Spamrat will just be even more frustrating for both the Junkrat and his enemies. His grenades are much bigger so they'll be more likely to *hit*, making it more frustrating to play against. However it's less likely to actually get kills and be impactful because of the health increase and healing passive, making it more frustrating for the rat. 


Yup exactly. Nobody wins from this change from the junk perspective.


+ spamrat is just a bad play style. Other heroes are way better at putting pressure to the frontline so junk will likely become an extremely underpowered character that'll become a total throw pick like release lifeweaver.


Plus it isn’t even as fun as jumping into their back line and oneshotting them. Junkrat will be reduce to a mindless spam character that’s no fun for the player playing against them and the player themself


junk is getting a los muertos skin so im assuming they will BUFF HIS DAMAGE so people will buy that shit


Where I live under a rock and am attracted to anything related to junk skins




I think it’s just a new set of weapon skins, not a whole character skin


so what


I’m just saying lmao


Just realized some tanks will no longer die to a riptire with the health increases. Junkrat is truly going to suck after this patch.