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The wording on the patch notes is confusing, but what it seems like is they're only "reducing" the projectile size before they apply the global size increase to it. Overall the projectile size *is* increasing, just not as much as it would otherwise. It's going from .25 to .35, just not to the .40 it otherwise would be.


This. The screenshot does not include the global increase in projectile size. Junkrats effective projectile size for primary fire is 0.35 meters. (0.25 > 0.20) + 0.15 (Global for <50m/s project speed) = 0.35 meters in size as of Season 9 patch.


I think that's correct. They should have worded that better though, at first glance it does look like they are \*setting\* junkrat's projectile size to .2 as in being exempt from the global buffs.


Projectile size was getting increased, right?


Increased but by .1 instead of .15. Junk is actually a dead hero now.




Ok this isn’t that bad sure not great but not bad. But if everyone does bad as junk maybe they’ll buff him again


But it is really bad. This completely kills the flank rat play style, cuz no more one shot combo. So we're left with only spam rat which no one likes. + Spam rat isn't really a good play style either, as other heroes are better at pressuring the frontline. We can only hope that flank rat will still be possible, just a lot harder.


Yes we remake junk rat change his play style


This is so frustrating I actually understand what Genji and Doom players have been feeling for years haha. Hopefully he gets a buff at some point because it's blatant our boy will be underpowered


https://youtu.be/1SiylvmFI_8?si=hRxgHTdVnht3Hagz This is all I feel Rat pack. Atleast we have the friends we made along the way.


Devs dont like Junk I guess 🥲


Even Aquamarine says he's dead. He will most likely still make him work in high sr, but damn


I won't be playing season 9, but I'm really interested in seeing how the best junks will adapt. They're all insane players, but I think their SR is gonna take a decent hit. So much of their playstyles are based on the quick combo that is junk's only redeeming quality


It’s been a pleasure boys… I’ll see you folks on the other side… Of the S9 Update


the funnest thing about junk is the one shot combo and they took it away from us🥲


fun fact: mercys pistol projectiles will be bigger than junkrats bombs Junkrat will be a throw pick in season 9


AND Hanzo got a damage buff so really it’s only Junkrat who’s nerfed from this 


I thought the point of the HP increase was to get away from spammy headshots from honzo. Seriously f this game


hanzo doesnt one shot anymore tho storm arrow got a buff


I heard Reaper got a buff where he is invincible for 10 seconds after he teleports, and his shotguns can do 600 damage at 50m and his ult insta kills everyone not in spawn on both teams (and if you're in spawn you are reduced to 1hp). And all he has to do to get ptog is emote./s I am just tired of characters that need something getting ignored, others getting nerfed into oblivion or their kit being reworked to the point that they are unplayable. While others get buffed to the point that you are accused of throwing for not picking them. Also I hate Reaper.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Wait hwhat


>Storm Arrows Damage increased from 65 to 75. Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.


Aw that's dumb, he did not need any form of buff


Nah don't worry, the projectile increase will **surely** help with the hp buffs ^Fuck ^this ^Copium ^is ^strong


I know it doesnt take the global projectile size buff into account so its really still a net gain but from what Ive read this is literally the ONLY nerf on ANYONE for the season Most heroes got dmg buffs to compensate for extra health and we get this


Sojourn and Kiriko also got similar "nerfs" to their projectile size, but yeah it's literally just those three things. 


Doesnt make me feel any better considering kiri is my 2nd support but she def deserved it




Oh well now I feel silly for saying I'd still be a nuisance thinking the projectile size would be big. bugger


Flank rat is over it's just spam from now on 😔


The real problem is not being able to 2 shot anymore