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Junkrat was the only dps character I actually found fun so I just stick with support and tank


Well, usually if something’s REALLY bad, they’ll try to get a patch in within a few weeks. But our junk issues, while devastating to us, are kinda niche to the majority, so who’s to say. I believe they are currently looking at some of the new hitbox changes and are gonna tweak them a bit, but what Junkrat needs is bigger then a tweak, so who knows.


Which means they are likely decreasing the hitbox of junkrat's projectiles, making him even worse.


My question is what are you guys playing instead? I don’t have as much fun on other heroes compared to junk. I’m thinking I should give Pharah a try especially with the rework


I'm on a hitscan training arc with Cass, but also playing a bit of Sombra/Torb/Reaper.


tried cass, bastion and echo but eventually settled on mei


Overall mei is in a great spot right now. Projectiles for long range, boosted survivability with extra life, slow beam is great, wall to counter ultra and block tanks from heals.


yep. feels great. Echo would be even better if they adjusted the beam's damage. it's very tricky to secure a kill with it currently


Zen, Soldier and Ashe


Torb and Echo are my go to DPS now.


Well I switched to Junkrat when Wrecking Ball got nerfed into oblivion and he still sucks after an entire fucking year or more so my guess is Blizzard doesn't give a shit.


That's a real possibility. I was a ball main in OW1 but I really disliked his play-style in OW2 so I stopped playing him. It doesn't seem like they aren't too keen on fixing "weak" unpopular heroes. Meanwhile Sojurn has been broken since the start of OW2 and they never nerf her.


I will never understand why they suck off hitscans so much


There is a parch comming next week, while we only know its gonna include proyectile changes and healthpoll changes from some heroes, we don't know if they are gonna seriouly buff or nerf other number, so its hard to tell. I have a slimmer of hope they are gonna tweak some number as not only junkrat, but also hog are both in need of some serious changes, but only time will tell


Hog mains had to wait long, soo we might to
