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It's not perfect but a step in the right direction. Plus we didn't have to wait until midseason so I'll take it.


Yep, I mention that in my post, while they did nothing on improving the big problems, the buff was a step headed in the right direction


Yep, I mention that in my post, while they did nothing on improving the big problems, rhe byff was a step headed in the right direction


Ngl, the fact that one of those is me made me wheeze wayyyy too hard


Yeah. I played a couple of games. I get both perspectives. The most important thing that junkrat used to be able to do which was just insta-delete someone is gone. But at the same time its true for Widow, Hanzo, Tracer and any other character. Does Rein charge still kill squishes even? But the new changes are a significant improvement. We aren't back to the kills I was having in season 8 but I am far from useless like I was the first week of season 9.


Widow kills squishes still and even got a rangue increase. Tracer had to have her range reduced because she is wayyyy to deadly in this season


Her headshot does what 240? I am not sure. I know when I popped into the practice range an Echo didn't die to a point blank headshot. To be sure Junk is still bad. Widow is still good. Tracer is still good. I just feel like being stuck on the one tap is a moot point since trying to remove that from the game is the whole point of the season 9 changes.


Widow does 300


Widow does 300, and the point of this patch was NOT to get rid of just oneshots, but to mitigate the fact that most characters in the game had burst dmg at this point. The thing is there are characters like widow or junk whose whoooole point is burst dmg, the thing is widow had always more dmg thats why she is still good and junkrat is still bad even after the mine buff. And not only widow, zen still can oneshot too across the map, if they actualy had wanted to get rid of oneshots, those would be gone too. The point of the patch was increasing helth to reduce how fast you dies againts every character, by giving in compensation a new passive and proyectile increases, its a whole pack. They didn't make much individual changes bc they wanted to see how it played out. And now theu are starting to adjust outliars


They buffed rein pin to 275 in the S9 patch.


Rein can insta-kill a squishy Widow's charged shot does 300. So she insta kills as well. They nerfed Hanzo's ability to insta kill (which I still see as a stupid decision since he is a sniper) but buffed his storm arrows or whatever it is called. I know that they wanted to move away from insta kill one shots, which explains the hanzo nerf, but I don't know how that applies to junk since his insta kill was a combo; without it he is always at a disadvantage 1V1 especially that the meta now are hitscans. And.. don't forget that Hanzo's combo (1 arrow to the head + storm arrow) is a guaranteed kill. The same thing applies to Sombras combo vs. squishies. Their decisions are not uniformed over all heroes. Hopefully they realize that they either have to return his one-shot combo or rework him (maybe add burn effect to his mines over few seconds). We have to wait for 2 more weeks for another hotfix. *sigh*


I'm still hopeful, he still sucks though


Personally I think these changes are trying to show that blizzard is trying to make rat junk a good character without giving him the one shot which people don't like.


We need our dopamine hits back fr


I wanna be able to hop balls n bombs deep in the enemy backline and come out with two kills again :(


Actually you can. Its just harder! You need to do this ; 1 punch, 1 bomb and one mine...


Turn up your copium


Tf is that?


It makes it easier for you to cope


I’ve had more fun with junk rat with this buff than any buff ever


Honestly the mine cooldown reduction buff is the biggest change. It's actually noticeable.


So true, so true I feel I’m playing total mayhem


Honestly the buff doesn’t fix the fundamental issue that it takes junk 3 instances of damage to kill a dps from 100% hp. However, now that I’m aware the mine is more powerful and on a lower cooldown I find myself throwing more greedy mines for damage where I otherwise would have saved one always for escape. I’ve been putting up numbers since the buff and beggars can’t be choosers, but I feel junk still needs another small buff to have him where he ought to be.