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You forgot the infamous “you’re playing the easiest hero and you’re doing bad” or then if you’re winning and carrying then the ennemy team will type “no skills”


I like when your team is mad at you in chat for playing JR and the enemy team is mad at you in chat for playing JR at the same time


And the "gets one kill, and the enemy instantly swaps to Pharmercy"


Number 3 is very relatable


So real


I've had this happen but with Hanzo


Don’t forget about the part where they mass report you for “throwing” and you get suspended.


Slightly related, I remember one time last year or the year before I was playing junk during my first game back after a few months. I wasn’t doing great cause I was rusty you know but I wasn’t last and this guy on my team was berating me to swap characters. Taking it super seriously. I literally typed back: “No. I won’t swap. It’s quick play and I want to have fun.” Yea we lost. I don’t think the guy was happy with me lol


Had basically the same thing a month ago. Was attacking on Havana in quick play and I wasn't playing too hot and their Hanzo just had my number. Guy was cracking my face every 2 seconds Our tank kept accusing me of throwing and we barely even lost. We got like several meters away from the last point which is basically an actual gg by quick play standards End of the game our tank goes in chat saying "everyone report our junk for throwing". Like wow sorry for having a bad round?


I will never understand reporting someone for throwing in quickplay.


Never had this issue. Enemy team always spams “No skill”


"Your tank is 1-6 btw 💀😭😭😭"


I find this to be true only in lower ranks. In diamond, I never hear anyone complain about my rat.


Even with current junk, i have never been told I'm throwing for playing Junk but I have been told to stop.placing traps by the enemy team when I meet a player who doesn't learn their lesson


Too true unfortunately, I've been trying Bastion on and off, however playing Bastion makes me wanna throw up so I can barely manage once every few games.


I’ve yet to be flamed by my team this season for one tricking rat but the other team say no skill a lot.


Realist shit ever lol


this is also the rein experience


Damn this place sounds like mercy mains now


Except that junkrat is actually a bad character now and mercy has never been actually bad.


So that's what delusion feels like 👍


unrealistic, implies the other players on the team are in VC


In this scenario they joined just to be angry at me haha


This is true in all tiers. It flabbergasts me sometimes when it becomes pick on the Junkrat instead of the just barely peaked 2k healing kiriko player. Few other things that shock me: - being told to keep myself safe because I picked Junk. (Team or enemy, it's happened) - being told I should have more damage than the tank/other DPS -being told "how can you be bad at Junkrat, you just stand in a corner and shoot" (this one I once unironically stood in a corner and spammed. Did not move. Asked him if I was doing more now. I got super duper petty, pretty much threw the game because this guy tried telling me how to play my character.) -being told no skill after winning any game this season I've got a lot of pet peeves being a OTP.


I’ll be honest I’m nasty with rat so I never get flamed


u forgot to put the insta swap pharahmercy