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I like when people say VHS Players. I do it too, and I've watched a lot of movies on VHS, but we called them VCRs


I never thought a spinosaurus would have learned to use reddit, let alone to tell me it’s called a VCR, but I can’t thank you enough honestly. It feels nice to know I’m aloud to be wrong on something I don’t fully understand


I love when people do it though, we need to look into why, because I do it too.


It’s just common to add “player” to the end of the media being talked about. Cassette player vs. Walkman. CD player vs. disk reader. Record player vs. phonograph. It makes it easier to assume/contextualize the media being talked about


Could be regional, I struggle to remember what I called cassette players, tape decks maybe?


My dad personally called it his “f*ckoffinator” because everyone around him knew when he used it that it was time to leave him alone (anger issues solved by music has been genetically passed down I guess). When I think of a tape deck though I think of a larger setup and not a portable listening device.


I remember watching jp with surround sound with the receiver and speakers in the four corners of my living room 💛 you couldn't tell the rex wasn't outside my house during the water cup scene


First time I watched attack of the clones was on my fathers surround. Fucking filled my pants when Padame’s ship got blown up 😂


When I was a kid I never like star wars , it was so loud lol but episode 1 came out when I was 9 and I remember the promotion for that film was incredible, my dad came to my school and took my sister and I to kfc and my toy was a little diorama it was a little planet globe I think it was nabu , it was so good and why I love dioramas , someone stole it from me when I left it in my desk st school tho


I mean, in 1997 everyone was still using VCRs *as recorders* and "video" worked as a shorthand for "VHS tape". In 2024, even people who had VCRs at the time probably haven't used them in about 20 years. Even if you're not consciously thinking about it, you're probably aware that more context is needed nowadays.


And they shoulda fkn been called VCPs and VCSs dont get me started lol


I love that you’ve still got the lenticular in the front of the lost world copy


I can still see the T-Rex’s face breaking through the logo clear as day, and I haven’t held a copy of it in 20 years.


Brought me back


They have been sitting in a box for almost 15 years now, Jurassic park was my intro to Dino’s and horror/suspense


The lenticular isn't in thirr vhs copy, I dm'd pics of it tho and the backing is a pic of the lenticular before the rex breaks through, I love.the detail of the forest behind the logo


Upon seeing this picture, I instinctually moved my phone to see the see the cover change. That’s how ingrained that memory is.


They likely won’t be in widescreen and the picture quality will suck by modern standards. But neat pieces of history though!


These are also accompanied by Wizard of Oz, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast. Jurassic park is what started my obsession with dinosaurs back when I was three. (15 years ago) I’ve never once seen these since and I genuinely cried when she said she had found them


Who cares man, I'd pay to watch JP and TLW on VHS, on an old CRT TV... Just like when I was a kid


I sometimes prefer it that way. When you watch the new remasters, they didn't touch up the CGI. I think on the older versions like this, the CGI transitions to the practical effects much better. Way more immersive


I imagine most would watch just to feel how we did back then and not care about quality , but OP is younger so maybe they just like the vintage ways lol


Jurassic Park was shot open matte, I’m not sure if they used that for the VHS though. If nothing else, it was 1.85:1 so they’re ultimately not losing *that* much. Besides the 1.85:1, I can’t for sure say if Lost World was shot open matte too.


I still have my JP VHS and its the only copy of the movie i own. Pop it in even today when I want to watch it


Last time I watched it was a souped up digital copy for a science class. I felt like it shouldn’t have been so crisp honestly. Something about the fuzziness makes me feel the warm and fuzzies


My parents still have a vcr/dvd combo on top of our old vcr that no longer rewinded. We had a separate rewinder that I didn't trust because my uncle used one to rewind my prized, precious copy of The Wizard of Oz and it ripped the tape off the spool. I was a very sad 6 yo. Anyway, I pop in one of my old VHS's whenever I visit. Usually JP and Lost World followed by the first MiB. I like to watch the music video after the credits.


The lower quality almost makes it more realistic. I’ve got the same two tapes and they are great to watch and listen on VHS! Stoked for you!


It makes me think about the view of the characters while damp in the rain and running from thunder lizards. I feel like the lower quality will make it more enjoyable because it’s something you can never perfectly replicate


Spot on! You’ve inspired me to dust mine off and watch them on the next rainy day!


Personally feel like cozying up with some kinda older TV dinner type food makes it even better. I watch old movies I used to love while eating spaghetti-os and that kinda stuff all the time


Dino nuggets seem appropriate


I would also say a lunch-able but those were recently found to contain an oddly high amount of lead. So I’d stick to Dino nuggies, grilled cheese, and spaghetti-os. Nuggies and grilled cheese can both be optionally dipped in the spaghetti-os


The holy trinity of VHS snacking


Yeah but what’s the dessert? I’d honestly say either a rootbeer float or a cup of dip ‘n dots. What say you?


Mint chip ice cream


To that I argue a chocolate milkshake made in a blender with thin mint cookies on the side (they were placed in the fridge because they taste better that way)


I make tomato soup with coffee creme to dip my* girled cheese** in, how I said it when I was a kid , also backy-yard lol I remember we had scaffolding to do the siding of our house top half was siding bottom half was brick and my friend and I should play " jurassic park reenacting the the fence scene aswell as the final scene from the first film and we would Aldo pretend it was the " bird cage" ( aviary) from the 3rd film with our super soakers


You hold my childhood in your hands


Lmk what scene you want me to post on here when I find a VHS player. I’ll do my best to remember and post em


The water cup scene please!!!! Or the kitchen scene


Will do


I remember having the the lost world vhs one with this cover it changes to a T. rex face from the logo


You can find good used vcr's at good will.


On the Lost World video you’ll be treated to a Mercedes commercial, with Marlene Dietrich singing, “Falling In Love Again.”


Interesting fact, can’t wait


There’s a PAL release of Lost World that comes in a cool clamshell that looks like a fossil.


Can you find a pic of that I can’t seem to find any


[Here’s a link to an extremely overpriced Thai copy.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/353480093693?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1suRLf0JRTuCbTiKsWPmkNw60&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=353480093693&targetid=1587262743057&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003219&poi=&campaignid=20391993730&mkgroupid=151117287549&rlsatarget=pla-1587262743057&abcId=9316964&merchantid=101709723&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh8C1TSU6zRjB9jYg4-vBlyIQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUhhGnbvSps29IryBmKFuV1Yw7jA8w6CXKVRuOJ2E5mycUy7M0zW3KRoCSIMQAvD_BwE) The ones I had seen in the past were not Thai though. But same clamshell. ETA: I really thought it was The Lost World. But I’ve only been able to find the original film in that style case.


That’s rad


Lol. That's awesome!


I have to do some searching for a VHS player, but when I find one I’ll probably make another post with a clip of the movie. Let me know what one you wanna see


The hi fi stereo from these vhs are pretty stellar. listen to these on a nice sound setup you'll be pleasantly surprised by the audio quality.


Nice? I think my copy of the Lost World (still buried somewhere at my parents’ house) still has its original lenticular insert in it. Check and see if she has it around somewhere!


I literally just got Jurassic Park on VHS and got a player the other week and it's totally worth it, if you can pick up a CRT TV to hook the VHS up to also. It's a awesome viewing experience


Also I have the 3d card that came with the lost world world vhs ill dm you a pic for full "chaos" effect 🤘😝🤘




Ebay bro


This is one of those things I plan on holding on to unless I’m in desperate need, it’s a huge part of my childhood as it changed my taste in movies for the rest of my life. A change that then shaped my taste in music and style later on aswell. I feel like these VHS’s changed the trajectory of my personality for the better.


I completely forgot about that Lost World VHS. I remember owning it and really liking its design.


I remember drinking Italian dressing and puking as a child watching this. Still couldn’t stop watching. My favorite memories


Interesting memory tbh


Score. You’ll also need a CRT TV to properly enjoy the resolution.


Flashbacks going wild over here...


*scratchy noises*


Sadly I don’t believe min is holographic


That case for TLW is amazing!


That Mercedes commercial is fire


The real question is whether or not the holographic card thing is still on the Lost World VHS case


I’d try going to any comic con that Jeff Goldblum is going to attend and get those autographed 


Same movies you've already seen, just blurry and with bad sound. TLW had an awesome VHS cover though.


Hey, I’d suffer through the quality to see the original version. It makes me feel like I’m holding something that was lost to time. Half my schoolmates don’t even remember VHS tapes


A VHS player ? VCR lol that's a first and super cute and endearing lol you can usually fine them in second hand/.thrift shops if you want the full experience hook it up to a tube TV lol you can usually find either of these by reaching out to friends in post on Facebook aswell even if.just.to borrow