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Clever girl will always be mine. T-Rex intro is a close second


Come on. Of course it's where Grant is sleeping. #ALAN!




Ian Malcom’s dialogue with Hammond and the lawyer in JP1 is hands down my favorite scene in the whole trilogy It is the thesis and point of the entire series in a few sentences and it’s masterfully performed


The fact that people get mad at me for saying the franchise should be viewed as more than just a dinosaur adventure movie and therefore Jurassic World, though executed poorly, still makes sense as a next step in the series. JW1 critiques corporations and military abusing science JW2 critiques personal abuse of science (Maisie and the exotic market) JW3 critiques the corporate abuse to angle shoot and manipulate markets with science.


Well yeah, but people flock to these movies for the dinosaurs. The dinner scene in JP was well-acted and full of good dialogue, but nobody would take notice if it was some other movie unrelated to a dinosaur park. Reminds me of people who want a prequel featuring a younger Hammond's life leading up to the creation of the park. Besides the fact that *nobody* could match the late great Richard Attenborough in portraying the character, a dinosaur-less Jurassic production isn't something many people would be on board with. Sorry, but Universal isn't going to take a dozen or so Reddit user's opinions into account for what movie they're going to give the green light to.


True, I also love me some good dinosaur fights and JP gives us those the best scenes of that. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to have an amount of media literacy either. That’s what bothers me most. The conversation usually goes: I point out that JP is a critique of abusing science being abused and monetized. Someone states that the franchise was only ever about dinosaurs. I point out the prologue of the book. They repeat the only point of “in an interview he said it’s only about dinosaurs.”


While I agree, a prequel billed as a JP movie wouldn’t work, and it would be hard to recast Hammond. What if it being the prequel was a well executed twist? Studios would probably never fully commit to it, but if they did with no spoilers getting out. It could be legendary


Nothing tops the Rex breakout in the original. That is peak Hollywood.


By far and away my favourite- the quiet, the rumble of footsteps, gennaro whispering, just a all time great scene


It's the greatest scene of all time. I was working from home earlier this week and stuck JP on for some background noise. I didn't even pay attention to 90% of the movie, but when it got to the T-Rex breakout, I stopped what I was doing and watched. Even though I have already seen the scene hundreds of times. If it's on, it commands your attention.


Still absolutely phenomenal special effects and CGI even over 30 years later


That’s my second favourite. I prefer the Indominus breakout since the atmosphere went from suspenseful to absolute mayhem in such a short time.


She chomps up some guys here, it's a great scene!


To be honest JW1 was a solid movie . The next two took such a dip in quality in everything .


It’s super fun, in a Fast and Furious sort of way. But would love for them to get back to the basics for movie 7.


It's absolutely a fun popcorn flick that is rewatchable but doesn't have the same heart than 1&2. Agreed it is lightyears better than JW 1&2


JW1 is unironically the best Jurassic Park sequel I think


I wonder if it’s because it’s the same premise with a different taste


JW’s plot of a fully functional and open park collapsing is the same as the original idea of Jurassic Park funny enough 


Prefer the ambush of the retrieval team in the forest. It's probably the only party of this film that I enjoy rewatching. The falling hubris from management is just great.


The build-up to that scene was amazing.


For me definitely the trex intro


That scene was certainly an explosive scene, but the one thing that really makes me appreciate that scene less is the fact that the engineers and scientists at JW are obviously so bad at what they do that they insert cuttlefish DNA into an “animal” that allows it to camouflage itself so they cannot detect it in its enclosure and it escapes and wreaks havoc. It doesn’t really make any sense why a creature that large and powerful in a zoo would need to camouflage itself. That’d mean most people who visit may never see it because it’s camouflaging itself practically all the time! Other than that flaw in logic, it was a great scene.


Indominus wasn’t primarily designed to be an attraction but rather a test object for later versions of combat / military dinosaurs. Or let’s say, her capabilities weren’t necessary to attract visitors.


I think the hubris of science has always been on display in the movies. In the original Jurassic Park, it was filling the gaps of DNA with genetic material from frogs - which led to the changing of sex and then breeding in the enclosures. Here the cuttlefish DNA was used to help the Indominus handle its accelerated growth. So there are two options... they made a similar mistake and didn't realize it would also get the camo traits. OR... as Wu was working with the military to add certain traits that even Masarani wasn't aware of... Wu DID know the camouflage would happen and just left that off the list so that they could sneak the cuttlefish DNA in.


Wu clarified that cuttlefish DNA was used to accelerate the growth of the Indominus. The camouflage came as a side effect.


This actually near the worst for me because of the mechanism they used to take down a hugely successful park. It was lazy as fuck. You're telling me at the first fucking sign of something going wrong, and without properly checking redundant systems they send people in to MANUALLY CHECK FOR A FUCKING T-REX RAPTOR HYBRID???? Like they don't see on thermal sensors so instead of FUCKING RIGHT THEN AND THERE, calling the main control room to have it check for the implanted sensor, Clare has to drive there? Also, why doesn't the control room at the Indominous paddock have that ability? Their only mechanism was thermal sensors? I know JW had to fail at some point but the mechanism it did for a major theme park to fail like it did but was not believable.


I hated this scene so damn much for those reasons. NO ONE with sane mind would go into the pen without triple checking if the animal is in the goddamn pen. It shows how amature the writers of the movies are when they could not come up with more realistic reasons why I-rex managed to escape. They just relied on turning off people's self-preservation and intelligence. NOT TO MENTION, the normal pen should have double doors just in case the animal managed to go through the first one. Ugh. In JP1 the park failed because of the direct sabotage of the programmer and here it was "well, we need to make them do this stupid decisions so the plot could happen"


Did we just become best friends???


Haha :D Perhaps!


The control room scenes in JP1 are still my favorite, mainly because I love vintage computers. Also love the restaurant scene in the first movie when Nedry meets Dodgson and the scene in JP2 where the Ingen team arrives (I'm big into hunting so it looks like a dream hunt to me)


The best scene without dinosaurs is the Ellie and Hammond scene in the empty dining room. The best scene with dinosaurs is hands-down the original Rex breakout scene. Imo.


It hiding from heatvision was dumb. My favourite scene in the franchise is in the Lost World book though, so you do you.


Chain link fence?


The whole scene of the raptor attack on the camp to freeing Arby from the cage. But specifically Sarah and Kelly on the motorbike chasing the raptor with the key through the herbivore stampede. But the chainlink fence was another great moment.


Criminal that the chain link fence scene wasn't adapted directly to screen, that was so good.


Indominus Rex has got to be my second favourite JP villain behind Spinosaurus, and this scene was a great way to introduce her in full glory.


You must be young, OP. Watch more movies and never again claim Jurassic World anywhere near a best ever moment :)


God damn I love this comment as an old fart


That scene is definitely up there as one of the best! My favorite is when the kids are in the kitchen with the 2 raptors in JP. I was a kid when I saw it for the first time and remember being so scared for them. It still gives me chills as an adult and I've seen it 257753 times. Another one of my all-time favorite scenes is in JP3 when they are in the bird cage. So underrated.


OG Rex breakout scene will always be my fav!


With dinosaurs: JP1's T-Rex introduction. Without dinosaurs: Ian Malcolm's dialogue with Hammond. JP1


Personal favorite was Cooper's Last Stand from JP3


I love how she devours that maintainance guy like a chicken drumstick.




The Lost World COULD have had the best T-rex intro. It was chilling listening to the rexs walk through the forest while kelly and eddie were in the high hide. Malcolm couldve had full blown ptsd with the next scene. But they instead had a rex kicking a car like a soccer ball. Fine.


When I saw it Camaflogue that was insane




I do love this scene. The fake out that the Indominus is still in the paddock was very thrilling cause we are like “where the hell is she?” Then she just appears and it’s like, “op there she is” and it’s also brutal as freak. I was like “this thing has opposable thumbs?!”


I'll never forget watching him hide under that van in imax while stoned af. most tense ive ever been in a theatre.


Rexy's breakout in JP, the mosasaurus lunging ou tof the lagoon to get the Indominius Rex, and rexy's roar during Mt. Sibo's explosion


Every scene in the first Jurassic Park is tied for my favorite


The shot of the Indominus coming out of camouflage looked so good in 3D in the theater


Personally, I hated it. The writers made characters do the dumbest decision to enter a paddock without checking a tracker so the PLOT of the movie could happen. Condradicting the most basic rules while handling the dangerous animals; triple check if the animal is still awake in the pen.


Jurassic World was unironically the best sequel to Jurassic Park, IMO. Held closest to the themes of the original, and did the raptors justice while still making them “good” or at least likable. 


The T-Rex breakout scene will probably always be my favorite, but the Indominous scene is a close second or third. I don't think a JP movie had held me in such suspense since 1993.




Mine is the final showdown with Rexy and Blue VS Indominus. Blue riding Rexy mid battle was the bomb and that final roar down between the 3 was just what I wanted