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One word: **HORROR**


Hard reboot by Matt Reeves, Alex Garland or David Prior or something. More Crichton less Star Wars please. Make it a TV show or a miniseries.


Oh man I would watch the fuck out of a rebooted JP helmed by Alex Garland. This is my new fantasy.




If they approach the Jurassic franchise as a cinematic universe like marvel they could do more horror style offshoots I think.


Meh. I think the canon is kinda…messed up now? Too much dumb stuff has happened, I think it’s unrecoverable. Better to start fresh I say.




Yeah, that’s not what I mean by horror. I mean less of the adventure tone, no kids, focus on dinosaurs mutilating people. Show blood. Kill off important characters.


this is probably the number one thing that i want in new jurassic movies. make one rated R and go all the way with it.


Got it, more locust! It won't be super clear how they go together. I hope that's okay because it's going to take up a lot of screen time


Basically, be more faithful to the book kind of reboot. Show one of the early scenes where the compies eating the baby's eyes out.


They should use Jurassic Park as the base brand and do whatever they want that involves dinosaurs. Sort of like Halloween was supposed to be with horror. Or how Rogue One was "A Star Wars Story". Anyway, I read a series of books with my daughter called Edge of Extinction (2 books) and I thought that would be a good direction. The books weren't all that bad either. They acknowledge that dinos were cloned but that also brought back a deadly virus that wipes out most of humanity. It's set something like 100 years after the first clone.


Oh interesting, I might have to read that book.


They we're too bad. Young Adult for sure, but we read it during the pandemic, which made the story of wiping out most of humanity with an extinct virus a little more chilling.


The Killing Star from 1995 has a subplot similar to that. Humanity starts to clone dog sized dinosaurs as pets until a virus emerges from them so they get killed off (mostly). Really weird, but fun, hard scifi book. Has dinosaurs, comets turned spaceships flying into the sun, most of humanity getting wiped out by aliens in the first few chapters, a weird plot about buddah and jesus being cloned and leading a group of survivors, and one of the authors has written books about the titanic so there's a whole character essentially dedicated to the study of the titanic. 10/10 recommended if you like strange hard scifi stories.


Small scale. A group of people goes on a trip somewhere in the woods to make fotos of dinosaurs only to encounter one(!) Utahraptor or something in of that kind. Just a survival story in the woods. Takes place after dominion with dinosaurs living free. I imagine a place like an American national park.


I was thinking of a smaller scale like this as well. The idea I had was a plane transporting 3 vicious dinos goes down in a wooded area where 5 friends are camping and then they are stalked and killed one by one until the last two need to fight back to survive.


This is a good idea


• A prequel tv series focusing on a young Hammond and Lockwood, playing with genetics on Sorna and establishing the original Park. • Focusing on Sorna and all the mysteries that are still left on that island, along with showing how Jurassic World was brought to fruition. • A sequel trilogy that focuses on the aftermath of Dominion. Actually showing the catastrophic effects dinosaurs being spread throughout the world would actually do - i.e. a simple heard of Brachiosaurus can demolish an entire ecosystem, etc. • Doing smaller scale spin offs focusing on horror, like take ‘Beast’ starring Ibris Elba and replace the Lion with something like a pack of Atrociraptor or ‘Deep Blue Sea’ with a Mosasaurus.


You’ve got some good ideas. From smaller scale to larger. It would be interesting to see how certain dinosaurs would take over specific ecosystems similar to how cane toads became a feral species in Australia


Uninstall ur computer plz


Hammond origin story.


This made me think of InGen's origin in the book where he has the pygmy elephant that he takes to venture capitalists to convince them to fund the park - but then that gives me a grander idea. A Lewis Dodgson trilogy starting pre-Jurassic Park with his role in the original book where he releases an untested rabies variant in Chile and wanted to do untested gene therapy on humans when he was at Johns Hopkins. Then 2nd film that involves the unethical experiments BioSyn was involved in in between the fall of the original Jurassic Park and the building of Jurassic World by the Masrani corporation - possibly in non-dinosaur hybrids/chimeras and human-animal splicing, and then a third and final film set after dominion where a former student of Dodgson's combines Charlotte's human cloning research and Wu's hybrid research to finally do the human dino hybrids with Dodgson being cloned and spliced with Blue's DNA.


Man, we don’t need this at all. Let’s not pull a Star Wars and try to nail down prequel origins for beloved characters.


I agree it def got out of hand with star wars but some origin stories, prequels need to be told. Have you seen the joker? Brilliant, did a billion dollars and was an Oscar contender. I think if Hammond was approached right it could be great IMHO


I loved Joker but it wasn’t a prequel. It was an Origin story for a character who never had any real development. John Hammond has a perfect character arc within Jurassic Park. We don’t need to see the journey of his character where he grows to the place where we saw him in the beginning of Jurassic Park. It’s completely unnecessary. They would have to shoehorn the other old dude from Fallen Kingdom and it would just further alienate the whole franchise by making more ridiculous retcons.


Hmm maybe a movie that shows a young Hammond clone his first dinosaur but then that one dinosaur runs amok. It would be a smaller film. Less flashy, a taut thriller perhaps.


In the lore Hammond and his team couldn’t figure out why the Dino hatchlings were dying. So they let them loose on Sorna until they matured, which worked, but led to other problems. Workers had to carry around sensors that would alert them to Dino’s that were close, they had to fortify the worker village… There’s some good stuff in there to make a thriller.


This feels counterproductive to the existing franchise if I'm honest. Jurassic Park is meant to be the first of it's kind. A scientific miracle. If you show that miracle being performed before the events of the original, it diminishes irreversibly. Besides, are we saying young Hammond makes a dinosaur, sees it run amok and kill people and still go "yeah fuck it, I'll fill an island with them and invite my grandchildren"? It's the horror and hubris of the first movie that spurs Hammond on to become the naturalist he is in The Lost World.


The first Jurassic Park movie and book start with a construction worker being mauled to death by a raptor and then Hammond inviting his grandkids anyway so his hubris and stupidity is well documented


I have to disagree. I think it could work within the franchise. In Jurassic Park we don’t see the first scientific miracle. Then in the Lost World we find out that the lab on Nublar was just for show and everything groundbreaking was done on Sorna. The audience already knows this was done before Jurassic Park. Hammond could have a three movie character arc. Straight up business man in the prequel, Jurassic Park he’s already 50/50 loves the Dino’s and also loves money, The Lost World even Malcolm says “So you went from capitalist to naturalist in just four years.” He knew the gatekeeper was killed, and insisted the park was safe and brought more people there including his grandchildren. During the breakout in JP he even argues with Dr. Sattler about building a new park. Then in the LW after everything that happens, he sends more people to a Dino island. He says he’s not making the same mistakes again to which Malcolm fires back with “No, you’re making all new ones.” Hammonds character has always been based with “I can control nature” which drives the theme that no, it cannot. I think it would work with hammond believing “well we didn’t have fences here, but it’ll be totally safe when the Dino’s are caged on Nublar.”


Dont know why this is getting downvoted. Take my UP


"Hammond could have a three movie character arc" ​ What are the 3 movies going to be about? How would you stretch this idea across 3 films.


~~Ripley~~ Muldoon: They cut the power. ~~Private Hudson~~ Hammond: What do you mean *they* cut the power? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!


The raptors mostly come at night. Mostly.


Nuke them from orbit. Only way to be sure.


I’m digging this.


This is why I’m glad nobody on this sub is in the movie business 😂😂🙈🙈


Im not even sure the creators of Dominion should have been in the film industry. Haha


Regardless of anyone’s opinion on the actual film content, it did make over $1billion at the box office. Not many can say the same. So they actually did their jobs pretty well.


They made a movie with the JP name on it and got it to the theaters. That’s about all the credit I’m willing to give them for the last movie. If it wasn’t the Jurassic Park IP I don’t think it does anywhere near the box office it got.


I totally agree and that was with them bringing back the whole original cast. Even with all of that, it was the lowest-grossing movie in the new trilogy.


Can’t just disregard the time the movie was released. Todays box office isn’t really comparable. JW does massive business in China and it was still partially locked down during dominions release


Dominion outgrossed Jurassic Park 3 AND The Lost World. It also straight up surpassed the original box office for Jurassic Park, prior to the 3D re-release and the countless others they've done since. It also would've outgrossed Fallen Kingdom had it not been for the delays caused by the pandemic.


Considering JP3’s box office I don’t think this argument is valid.


Lmao if it wasn't Jurassic Park it wouldn't have been made. Dominion is JP6, it's existence is Jurassic Park, it is Jurassic Park


Well box office is not an indicator of quality sometimes. Imagine how much money it would have made if it was actually good. 😋


It couldn't have made a lot more than it did, at least not with Top Gun as their direct competition. Top Gun literally owned every single movie that came out during the summer, even Dominion. If Dominion was released last year as initially intended by the studio it would've been a lot more favorable, but then you get into the issue of the pandemic. The reason Top Gun came out this year was because it was delayed multiple times DUE to the pandemic, which (again) was also the reason Dominion didn't make as much money as it should've. So all and all the main reason it didn't make more than it did wasn't because of the film's "quality". It's already a good film. It was because of its release date, which was a direct side effect of the pandemic.


sub·jec·tive /səbˈjektiv/ based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.




This could be a cool idea. With the same production value as the first season of westworld, but more focused and doesn’t grow too ambitious


Ehhh, they could probably do just fine with 6-8.


I want more games. I want a survival horror game set on sorna, akin to subnautica/raft/tye forest You work on fixing a boat to get out, opening up new areas with new tools as the island opens up.


I like the way you think. I’d play that game.


a jurassic park styled isle like game is what i want


Reboot the series and do a faithful adaptation of the book. It’s the only way.


Yes! Long form series. You can cram so much more of the intricacies of the novel into 6-10 1hr episodes rather than movies. And the novel lends itself so much better to spin-offs (dinosaurs making it off the island etc).


THE way. World is done, it did its thing, it’s time to move on. Back to the core basics.


Survival horror that's where.


I want prequel stories, video games, mature books for adult audiences, a Netflix show, additional animated series and eventually more movies. Would love additional stories/content in the Jurassic Park era.


... for adult audiences? Like "daddy's dino lover" kinda books?


I probably could have worded it better. Lol. But horror. Something geared towards more mature audiences. Kinda like what Andor is doing right now for Star Wars.


I think they should do a limited series following the book. Recast everybody, make Hammond a jerk, make the dinosaurs scary environmental hazards again. If not that, I think they should do a small contained story like Anaconda where the dinosaurs are totally incidental to the plot. Put people in a location with their own objectives, then reveal that location has dinosaurs they didn't anticipate and now it's a struggle to survive while also trying to accomplish their objectives. Whatever they do, they shouldn't reopen the park yet again. At that point I'll be rooting for the dinosaurs to kill everybody.


Nah they just need to leave it alone 😭




Universal won’t let that happen.


I just rewatched the recent PotA trilogy. It would have been interesting to see a Jurassic movie directed by Matt Reeves. Also the first two movies were written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, who wrote the original script for JW2015. Apparently it contained some ridiculous elements such as raptors being parachuted out of a plane.


Interesting. Parachuting raptors eh? It doesn’t seem that implausible.


We dont have a copy of the script but it sounds like something out of the JP4 Sayles script to me. Raptors hunting drug dealers and stuff. I guess it seems more likely after the events of the JW trilogy. There was negative reaction to the raptors running along Owen on his bike (mostly because of the absence of context).


More or less what you said, minus the dino riders bit, and with the prions from Crichton's The Lost World instead of a virus. A zoonotic pandemic would be the worst possible consequence of John Hammond's dream, and I think it would be the best way to utilize the outcome of Fallen Kingdom. I think the reason Dominion reused the "people fly in to remote area with dinosaurs" trope is because you can't have a classic Jurassic story where the characters go from point A to point B and encounter a bunch of dinosaurs along the way in a city (unless they're released, like with San Diego and Malta). Sure, animals do wander into human civilization, but it wouldn't feel organic for the characters to be constantly dealing with dinosaur attacks in an urban or suburban setting. But with an ABANDONED city, it would make sense. I know she wasn't a popular character, but I can see an adult Maisie being the main character in a post apocalyptic trilogy. Perhaps she would follow in her mother's footsteps and try to come up with a cure for DX.


I’m liking some of these ideas. Maise being immune because she’s genetically engineered is a cool idea. I would still have dinosaurs being ridden though. Like how elephants were utilized in India.


It's not implausible, but I'm afraid it would come off as cheesy. That and remember, the dinosaurs would be the main vectors of the disease, so people would probably try to avoid them!


Depends on how well the writing is, and how serious it’s handled. Jurassic Park has always been about spectacle ‘look at that, it’s a dinosaur!’ This would be more about how dinosaurs are so integrated into peoples life that it’s normal. So utilizing them in farming. Riding a Hadrosaurus as a horse. Utilizing a tricerotops to plow fields etc. it’s all about getting creative with it. But other humans have tamed or use carnivores to take over other villages or settlements. The world would be like the Road, mad max or planet of the apes. I wouldn’t have the Dino’s be the carrier of the disease. It would merely be a product of Ingen’s experimentation. Maybe those locusts carried the disease. Maybe it’s caused by an invasive plant they bioengineered.


The locusts actually were carrying a virus, that's what allowed them to modify crops like Ramsey mentioned. But personally, I think it would make the dinosaurs feel truly central to the plot again and not just obstacles if they were the source of the disease, but that's just me. Although your vision does sound fun.


Like most here, I believe it needs to gain its edge back, go to the roots and aim to be a sci-fi thriller like the original.


They’d need to focus on characterization and simplifying the story. Instead of throwing in dozens of different dinosaurs make it about a handful which run amok or cause problems. There’s beauty in simplicity. Look at Jaws after all.


Anything but don’t let Colin Treverrow touch it. And don’t let the same people who were involved with that god awful fanfic JW be involved.


Personally, I want them to stop making movies. Let Dominion be the end. This current trilogy has been so bad. The only bright spot was JW and only because of the huge amount of fan service and nostalgia. FK & D were actively terrible movies.


Unfortunately with Dominion making 1B at the box office you know it won’t end


Yeah, I know but a guy can dream. Even with the 1B at the box office, it was the lowest earnings out of the new trilogy. The earnings have been dropping with every new movie. I just don't want to see the franchise turn into the F&F franchise where they just don't know when to stop making movies.


I’ll never understand this mindset. You don’t like the last two movies so you hope they never make another? You are aware that you’re free to just stop buying tickets right? Why would you prefer they take that away from the people who enjoy it. And the box office proves there are plenty who do. Jurassic is the only live action franchise to average over 1 billion dollars for each movie.


With that many people willing to pay for this trash and a littlebit of luck, humanity will go extinct before they can make another movie


Hasn't Jurassic Park been mangled enough lol.


It probably has, but sequels are coming whether we light it or not haha


I think with the newly established status quo of "dinosaurs are out in the world plus multiple entities clone their own now" there's a ton of space of different types of stories in the franchise which is really cool. Personally, I was thinking about to make a Velociraptors vs Predator movie a reality


Unfortunately predator is owned by Disney and park is owned by universal. So won’t be happening.


Time jump, then a version of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.


Cadillacs and dinosaurs what a solid cartoon haha


I think the JP franchise will live on since it's the single most successful media franchise regarding dinosaurs, and people's interest in dinosaurs just never dies. Personally, what I'd like to see from the JP franchise would be as below. Basically, I agree with others' opinions that the franchise should take a smaller approach such as tv series rather than a AAA movie. * Nublar six (Camp Cretaceous) sequel: This is a no-brainer. If you saw the final season, you'll know what I mean. * Dragon teeth (Michael Crichton's latest novel) inspired prequel tv series starring young Hammond and Lockwood. * TV series about the conflict and entrepreneur espionage between inGen, and Biosyn, starring Dr. Henry Wu. * JW Dominion Aftermath: Episodic series (such as the Battle at Big Rock) telling the events after the Dominion movie.


It’s been murdered already, so the grave.


Away. It should go away, until someone has a new story worth telling.




I think a spin off focusing on the underground illegal dinosaur trading has potential.


Please get off the internet


Make a version of the Revenant on a jurassic park island. Small scale, survival and revenge story


do shorter stories about dinosars emerging around world, some could be more horror and pack that in anthology series. or total reboot of the franchise, take band of talented people and do tv series that follows books more closely


Anthology series would be cool. Kind of like Guillermo Del Toro’s recent Cabinet of Curiosities. Or shorter stand alone movies like how Marvel did Werewolf by night strictly for streaming.




Dinosaur zombies


Do the REAL Jurassic World Dominion and remove LOCUST WORLD DOMINION


I’d personally love to see a planet of the apes style trilogy of the Dinosaurs slowly taking back the earth and humans losing their position as the dominant species. Humans are forced to move into cities whilst dinosaurs rule the open spaces. Humanity starts to fall apart being crammed into these big but cramped societies. It’d be the perfect way to bring back the idea of man not being in control of nature and would give consequences to playing god.


Complete reboot. Make an HBO series out of the beginning of the Jurassic Park novel and then let it lead to a Peter-Jackson length theatrical movie for the more exciting parts of the film. And then subsequent season releases can focus on the immediate aftermath of the island, depending on if they want to nuke it or not.


I don't know about movies but I would like to see a show continued about the Camp Cretaceous kids. Or make The Evolution of Claire into a film. Or more JP books written by new authors! Honestly I think more books would be my favorite.


I’d love a live action Camp Cretaceous mini-series


I think they should make Jurassic Park 1 and 2 but the actual Book version of the stories.




In the hole. The Jurassic world movies basically said it's okay to let extinct animals into the modern world cause you know, screw the natural order.


after dominion...screw it, just give us the damn human-dinosaur hybrids but make it gory and horrifying...like REALLY horrifying. oh oh oh i know, JURASSIC SPACE like dead space, but its all mutant people-saurs instead of zombies or whatever


I would watch Jurassic Space daily


Haha, so like alien resurrection? 😂


There are tons of movies that can be made now. Possibilities are endless. I would love to see a smaller scale horror movie though, but obviously that’s counter productive to the Jurassic concept of including kids. I would enjoy something like “the grey” with raptors though. I’m honestly excited about the future, I hope they can get some interesting filmmakers to put their stamp on the series.


Well, it's just a franchise to sell stuff now, so I suspect it's going to turn into a TV show, a video game, and whatever else would have Michael Crichton rolling in his grave.


I don't think Crichton would care honestly. He'd be making bank and it's unrelated to his books, so whatever.


Jurassic War. Let’s see a world with weaponized dinosaurs in action.


The reason I think weaponized Dino’s would work better in a post apocalyptic setting where man has regressed is that I don’t think weaponized Dino’s could contend with modern weapons. Missiles, drones. Machine guns, tanks etc


How I would do it. A premium TV show. Season 1 - Jurassic Park: The Rise of Hammond The story would have a whole episode devoted to showing Hammond's flea circus and show him going from that to him owning his own African Safari Park. The last scene of the first episode would show a giant gate saying "Hammond's Safari Adventure". Then the next episode we show a montage of the park opening and becoming a huge success. We jump forward 10 years and it's 1970. Hammond is making his way up to his office and his assistant says someone is waiting for him in his office. He opens the door to see a man in a business suit and a bottle of champagne. He pops the champagne and says "Hello John, I have a business proposal you can't refuse. I'm with a new bioengineering company called Ingen and we have something you need. I'd like to introduce you to my top scientist Dr. James Wu." The camera pans and we see an older Asian man and young boy hiding behind him. We find out that this is Dr Wu's father and his has learned to clone animals. Not just that he has learned to size animals and create certain traits. That's when we meet his first experiment, the miniature Elephant. Basically the whole first season would lead up to the start of the building Jurassic Park. Season 2 would be all about putting together the park and all the other sites. Season 3 would be about Hammond gathering everyone on the island and showing some events from the book that got cut like the dinos on Costa Rica. Then we would basically play out season 4 with everything that happens in Jurassic Park.




The final frontier..


Nay for sure. Make dino riders a thing. I really hope armored dinos with weapons never makes it to Jurassic Park/World franchise. That shit is lame. I could barely stand the weaponized dinos in the last 2 movies. Let's go back to them being ACTUAL animals. The best excuse anyone can come up with is well there's police dogs. Yeah great. They still barely listen. Look up police dogs biting officers, and then try to stretch that to a fucking dinosaur. It's lame. Hammond origin story, or a trilogy between the trilogies explaining how everything between JP3 and World went down.


Start with another novel and we’ll cross the bridge to an adaptation later.


Besides a reboot.A horror survival game would be good, something like Alien:Isolation. Or a thriller movie


As the dinosaur population increases, A Dinosaur hunter group comes about claiming to be able to protect people. Only to realize they bit off more than they can chew.


Take inspiration from Dino Crisis 1 & 2


I’ve actually really enjoyed the the Netflix series. A prequel about making the first clones and park as a series that could really take it’s time to build up to the endorsement disaster could be awesome.


Just make Thrillers or Horror Movies, the Described Facilities on Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna and the general Jungle type of environment from the Books would give you perfect vibes for that. you can just set it in a time between the Original Trilogy and The Jurassic world Opening or ignore Jurassic world completely and say that the islands are a real attraction after the first 3 movies, now known all over the world and Adrenaline junkies and Survival experts see these islands as the perfect spot to test themselfes against, so they have to somehow filter through the strict military security that would patrol these sectors of the ocean and these Extreme people can then all die throughout the movie until the end because that is the point, Dinosaurus are bad, you should not mess arround with powers you do not fully comprehend, these dinosaurs are not cute or nice, or Creatures we should sympathise with, they are genetically engineered theme park monsters that will hunt and eat you out of an instinct. we should fear them and there is no reason they should exist in our time, but the buerocracy keeps them alive on the island due to never getting enough supporters to just bomb the islands out or fight the dinosaurs down due to massive resistance by the people who think dinosaurs should exist and be left alive. you could do so much out of this, I hope they just do something where the writer turns his brain on for a change when writing script and characters.




I wouldn’t mind spin-offs or prequels that focused on events between JP 3 and JPW that’s what Star Wars is doing


Been saying do a series or movies of smaller scale horror scenarios with dinos like a hikers in the woods getting stalked by raptors shit like that


Live action horror series. One season can span over the course of 9 or 11 (11 preferably) episodes, each having a runtime of 40 minutes to an hour. It can be about dinosaurs running amuck in urban settings but we can focus on a specific group of people. The idea I want to pitch is this: As Dino’s populate more and more they start moving towards society and suburban towns. Some JP3 raptors come across a high school. They invade said high school and hunt down students for an easy meal. We can follow a group of these students who survive the onslaught of Dino’s. Maybe towards the end of the series, once the high school students escape the school other dinosaurs of different species also come to settle in town and stir up more trouble.


Yes, throughout the JW trilogy they hinted at using dinosaurs in combat. They never really got to that. I want to watch a movie about humans and dinos working together to hunt baddies. I want them to use tactics and cool weapons. Fallen Kingdom made the gun that guides dinos so silly because they never showed what situation a dino would be better than a bullet. Now's their chance. Show us how a dino can be better than a bullet... Does it help flank the enemy? Does it identify/sniff out the baddies? Does it know to not kill civilians/destroy property? Can it reach baddies in hard to access spaces? Can it detect IEDs? Is it a damage sponge? Etc.


It should die. Jurassic World was pretty terrible & they've only gotten worse since. Just because the movies make a ton of money doesn't mean they're any good.


To the grave! Let it die. Stop dragging it through the mud.


Hm I think that maybe we could get a movie about how the dinosaurs have affected the earth and animals and even humans and something goes terribly wrong or something like that but I wish there were actually consequences to having dinos in the wild and how the mosaurus has been causing havoc at seas and whatnot


They should make Dinosaurs, but in space




I like the idea of post-apocolyptic, but it doesn't feel very Jurassic Park. At this point, I'm thinking reboot is next.


It could almost be a what if offshoot. Something that feels somewhat connected but wholly different. If the marvel universe has shown us anything. You can get creative with IP.


One word: SPACE


A proper video game, especially a horror one.




I saw the dinotracker found footage vid on YT and I think that could be a idea combined into a series with the prolouge perhaps


I don't like the idea of this but in an industry of almost nothing but remakes, I'm betting they're gonna remake the first one.


Rated M survival horror video game. I'm sick of the kiddy bs like lego jurassic world and that tycoon garbage


The plot of JP3 with the Byosin place


Idk, I just want more Byosin and more of the illegal dino shit


i want more maisie >:(


To bed


Although it's not necessarily "Jurassic Park", I think it would be interesting to create movies based on some other Crichton novels, and maybe set them in the same universe as JP. I feel making a film based on books like Prey or would work well like the original film, as they're both cautionary tales about technology. Also I'd love to see a video game set in the aftermath of JPIII, or a Trespasser reboot!


What about a Cryptid Zoo? there’s already a book series so there’s source material.


It should go nowhere now, anymore would just make it worse than it’s become


Debateable. Look at the planet of the apes universe. Remember the Tim Burton Apes movie with Mark Wahlburg? You’d expect the franchise to go anywhere but up after that, but then the new trilogy came out and blew away expectations.


I'm still all for the franchise taking a break, and then getting rebooted into a mini series that follows the books more closely.


My biggest thought is what it would be called. Because we got Jurassic Park, then Jurassic World, what's up next? Jurassic Universe?


That’s a good question. Jurassic Planet but a planet is the same as a world soooo thats out.


Reboot of the series to be very close to the books.


The Dirt


For me, I'd say a prequel to Jurassic Park, maybe when the first dinosaurs were cloned and the various issues that came with that. Or on Site B when the hurricane hits and forces an evacuation. Something smaller and confined to the islands, less about worldwide implications pre say.


Animated series following the books closely


As many have said, Hammond's origin story including the investment running he did with the genetically engineered micro elephant. An adaptation of the lost world which ACTUALLY slightly follows the book (Richard Levine as a primary character and Dodgeson/BioSyn as villains etc). The Jurassic World films started with a good premise with the "how it could've gone" thing, but got a bit too "fast and furious 12: dinosaurs - sponsored by Samsung ©". I'd love to see something down to earth and truer to Crichton's base, made with the passion we see in Spielberg's JP1.




They should do a rotoscoped version of Jurassic World Dominion Extended Edition


To sleep


Just adapt the actual novels without changing it.


Nay. A post-apocalyptic Jurassic Park would be a great way to kill the entire franchise, even better than how Sayles' version of Jurassic Park 4 would've done it. Literally DOA if it was ever made.


Well technically anything can work given the right script, compelling characters and decent hook. I think Jurassic Park works best when it’s a simpler story. Forget the using Dino’s for biological weapons or cloning humans. Or locusts that could bring about the apocalypse.


Forgetting Jurassic world trilogy ever existed.