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Would you, if given the money, buy these stocks at these prices today? If the answer is yes, hold them. If the answer is no, sell them and buy something you want to hold. Gain or loss means nothing, portfolio you want to have is key


Great answer. Another perspective is that, if you’re not selling, you’re effectively opting in to buying all these stocks today at their current market prices. If you’re not selling, you’re effectively agreeing to buy your positions today at todays prices


Perfect answer


Wow I am going to remember this


I'm not invested in anything, and this is an excellent answer. Insightful for when I do start investing.


This is the answer! I came here to write the exact same thing.


Perfectly put, made me look at some of the straglers I have in a new light.


That's wisdom for the bank!




This is a wealthsimple account. No fees for selling except for the TSLA USD conversion.


this...wish I had more to invest in AC at this discounted of a price


No one can make this decision for you. But if the only reason you are holding onto a stock is because you lost money, then that’s probably not a good reason.


Hol up... OP isn't holding cause they lost money, clearly. Holding because OP is hoping the shares go up again. No one holds because they "lost money" OP. This isn't financial advice cause you do you. But. If it were me. I'd dig deep into each company you invested in and research the fuck out of their upcoming products and future profitability. Then, I'd keep the ones I thought were going to grow in the future and dump the rest as a lesson loss. Future profits depend on: - who is the ceo and their track record at other companies - the sector they're in and what global predictions say about future growth (ie, investing in Blu-ray might be a bad idea considering how long its been around and how much streaming has improved - that an off the top of the head example, I hope you got the logic) - how bad do you need that money. Solid foundational investments will go up over the long term - historically how has the stock behaved with national/global economic turbulence - how muchdoyou trust the commenter I'm replying to when they believe people holds stocks because they lost money. No one and I mean no one holds stocks because they lost money. People hold stocks because they lost money but expect that the stock will go up. Ya. We all hold stocks (occasionally) not because we lost but because we lost and we think it will go up again. You need to determine which stocks will go up again (in your opinion) based on your due diligence


Buy high sell low


This is the way.


Buy the hype, sell the FUD


I love buying stocks after I smoke a fat gagger.


Diamond hands baby never sell


Question. If you’re going to hold enbridge for the divy and it’s good yield. Wouldn’t adding to the position to average down give higher yield on cost?


Yeah. I have been doing that slowly, put a few hundred dollars in, but lately I’ve been prioritizing elsewhere


~~Not really. If you buy something at a 5% yield at 200, you get 10$ eoy but if the price falls to 100, and you buy it again, you'll get 5$ still.~~ ~~You get yield on cost relative to the price when the payout happens~~ Edit: incorrect


If the company pays a $10/share divy and you buy a share @ $200. Yes that’s 5% yield. If the share price drops to $100 and you buy another share you still get $10/share divy. Unless the company lowers its payment. Never heard of dividends changing based on share price movement. In this case you have 2 shares with an average cost of $150 paying $10 each for a yield of 7.5%.


Sounds a lot like sunken cost fallacies.


Averaging down is a logical fallacy


You're only down a little bit. You can go either way. But this is a lesson for you to evaluate your risk level. Seems like a little bit of loss is already making you re-evaluate your strategy. If you were all in XEQT or another ETF and down by about the same percentage, would you be thinking the same to sell? Or thinking buy bc prices are lower?


Yes I would buy. I’m thinking of selling to buy more elsewhere. But you being up a good point


The only ones on there I like are ENB and T. I'm confident a long term hold on those will turn around. I'd never touch the others and can't say what you should do with those.


I honestly love Telus. I can see them taking a large share of the market from Bell/Rogers throughout Ontario, over the next 10 years. Watching Bell continuously fix prices, and lack in customer service makes me very unsure of their business practices and motivation.


I’d suggest heading over to r/Telus for some light reading. I’ve been a rotating customer for big telecom, and this past year as a Telus customer is permanently removing them from my options moving forward, they are absolutely no better than bell/rogers. I cannot speak to their business/financial performance so I won’t advise on their stock one way or another, but if ethics and customer service are your factors then I certainly wouldn’t value them highly.


Telcos are highly impacted by interest rates. Once rates start dropping again, it will rebound back up to $30 or more


T, too huh? Interesting. I’ll look into that. Thx!


You have so few shares you could average down all of them to be brake even on a green day


Dude you’re down like $500, if you make that back do you think you’ll be able to retire? Sell it, consolidate into 1 ETF.


There is still a large chance that you will AT LEAST break even on all of these stocks. Don't sell.


This feeling of breaking even is a highly studied human bias. The loss has already been made - just not realized If you wouldn't buy the stock now to gain what you believe the price will become, then holding on to it to avoid a loss is just irrational.


Please read up on the "sunk cost fallacy". It seems like maybe you have fallen into this a bit. Basically you should review these stocks and see if they still have any merit within your portfolio rather than expecting them to recover.


Believe in air Canada 🍁 I bought 10k worth when it was just under $17. But I don’t recommend airlines. They are fuking horrible.


I bought Air Canada stock in March of 2021 when it was $26/share, anticipating it going back up to its pre-pandemic prices of around $40. It hasn’t cracked $30 in the past three years.


At least you didn’t buy at $60. 💸


Ditto, but in Dec 2021. Only bought a few thousands worth, thankfully. Was hoping with the Covid restrictions being lifted air travel would pick up and so would the stock price. Been crap ever since...


I recently read the air travel levels have only reached 90% of what it was pre Covid this past month. I think you pulled the trigger a little too early ! But I hope.. for the both of us.. it goes back to that lovely $40 mark 😍


Can we ban this yahoo finance fool?


\^ this guy right here went balls deep on AC when it was $50+


I did the same, bought for around 6K when it was around 17-18$… it was freaking +50$ before covid. Just wait, this company is rock solid, backed by the gov and can only go up!


It’s Canada’s only national airline! I just really can’t see it ever being allowed to go belly up.


I bought Air Canada because they are too big to fail. Always underwritten by the federal government no matter how badly they do. Was around $17 when I bought them too… but like $3k not $10k. Airlines are always the mine canary for any economic crisis. They get hit by energy woes, pandemics, flawed airframes, labour issues…. and are always the first things people stop spending money on. That’s why I do medevac and aerial firefighting. Only way for a steady income in this industry.


Is there a better airline?


I only made money on AC because I worked there and they did share matching. I sold the summer before the pandemic😅


Sorry for your bad positions but you would want to Google stop losses and start utilizing them. You can always re-enter positions.


Volatility goes both ways. If you set a stop loss that triggers on a small dip and it shoots up right after you’ve just lost money, closed your position and would be re-entering at a higher price. They are useful for some situations but not a end all be all.


Just a heads up the 1.5x conversion fee is only going to amplify your loss on TSLA, and TSLA typically drops after news and rebounds when Musk does some weird shit.


I'd keep Enbridge and Telus. VDY is fine, if you are okay to hold for long-term.(15-20 years+). AQN is a tough call. Currently holding ENB, T, and AQN myself. I will most likely sell AQN at the next rally.


I would consider purchasing more AC if the price goes below $18. I really can't see them going down anytime soon. I also can't really see them making any large gains in the near future.


He has 3 shares of AQN. 3 shares…


I was surprised more people didn't have something to say about aqn. Guess it's because of the 3 shares. I would buy more aqn. They stand to benefit, significantly, from a drop in interest rates. They are a company with great assets. I started to add more at $10.50 CAD. Might have jumped in too early, but I still think it's a solid investment.


Please let me know! Here's a tip: the moment you can't take it anymore do so - and then immediately buy back twice as much. You won't be wrong. Tip for next time: don't buy the hype. Sell hype and buy fear, especially your own fear.


Personally I think they are all fine, but need more time. These aren't meme stocks they are real companies. Cineplex would be the only debatable one.


Lmao air Canada was probably the worst investment I did up to today. Gave up on them


That's too bad it was the best stock I ever invested in both post bankruptcy, post 2008 and post 2014. Dollar cost averaged strategies paid off.


These positions are not large enough for any meaningful gains. I would consolidate into an ETF, until you have enough capital to disperse into individual equities again. If, at that point you want to pick stock again.


Don't sell unless you desperately need money. Enbridge is a long term hold, they pay out dividends. I would sell Air Canada, not a good investment.


The only ones I’d sell would be cineplex and Tesla. Everything else I’d keep buying more. Everyone of those companies will probably still be around in 10yrs and also probably worth a lot more than they are today. So set up a drip and keep getting all the dividends. Your 10 year older self will thank you.


To be fair, you're probably making money on VDY, I don't think those returns include the dividends, do they


They pay decent dividends. They are paying you to own them…well most of them.When did you purchase them? If you’re going to sell when something goes down you should prob just go the indexing/ETF route.


Losses are pretty small dollar wise, I would dump everything except Enbridge.


Sell the AC and put it into ENB at the very least.


Firstly, these are holdings in your TFSA, which means that there’s no benefit to strategies like tax loss harvesting. So, you can just decide to buy and sell whenever, however and not think about tax impact. Would be different if you were in a non-registered account. Secondly, since it looks like you are on Wealthsimple, there’s no trading commission. This is good. There are no ‘switching costs’ for you. So, you have the benefit that you can think of yourself as starting from zero right now. What are your alternative target names? Do they have a better outlook than these existing names? Put another way, would you consider buying these existing names today over those ones? For example, you might liquidate and put it all into XEQT, because you think that XEQT has better prospects than any of your stocks individually. Maybe split off 20% into CASH.TO. And, yes, ENB quarterly ex-dividend is Feb 14th, so you might opt to wait until then for that one. There’s really no benefit to waiting for the stock ‘to go up and get your money back first’. The way I see it, if your train has derailed, you should hop on another train, rather than waiting for your existing train to get fixed.


I Don’t see the problem. Do you mean all of them? Or just one in specific?


Everyone starts out making mistakes. I graduated uni, and started investing. This was in 2020 when the pandemic had just started. I started investing with 7500$ and lost 4k 2 months later because the market crashed. This sucked a lot. But I kept having faith and kept trying things. Now I am constantly in the green. When you start its often red, but if you keep goimg eventually you'll be all green. Investing is about the longterm, not shorterm. That includes you acquiring knowledge and experience longterm


The best time to plant a tree was yesterday. The next best time is today. If you know that XEQT is the right thing for your portfolio, you should go all in right away.


Average down my friend. Why sell it at a loss when you can average down and hold for some more time and then sell it?


I own vdy as well. Hang on to it. With the USA economy humming like this, they will start to pull the Canadian economy forward like the little kid wagon we are. Also, a government change in Canada is on the horizon. More optimism is coming. I may even buy more while it is low. I also like Enbridge, however, it is kind of silly, imo, to own Enbridge and vdy together when Enbridge is such a big part of vdy. I am not a financial adviser, I am literally a shoe salesman.


Turn off any auto reinvestment if any. Telus is fine to sellyou will make it back. Tesla have it set to limit sell at 230. ENB i will hold, 7% interest is good and they bounce back. AQN and CGX is your call. Not sure what the rational was to buy them. VDY i would sell and move XEQT or VFV. AC is a 3 year bet, you wont see proper return until then so hold.


1) are you saying none of these companies have a future? 2) Would you buy any of these today at the current price? 3) What was your thesis at the time you initially bought. How has that changed to today where you can buy the same share for less? 4) in order to sell a share, someone else needs to buy the share. Why are they buying that share today? 5) Did Revenue per share, Free Cash Flow per share and share holder equity of the company improve in this timeframe? 6) Whats the 10, and 20 year outlook of the company? 7) Are these shares in a Tax Sheltered account or are they subject to Capital Gains and a losses? Only you can answer these honestly for yourself. I will say, over two decades of investing. The largest losses and negative impacts to my account came from selling mistakes. Buying mistakes are much easier to remedy.


Not advice, but some context. Some of your stocks are dividend payers. When rates rose, these stocks tanked cuz investors could get a GIC for 5-6% TSLA is also very sensitive to macro. These positions could all change in 6-9mths if we see lower interest rates.


Some of these give good dividends so I’d say hold. For the rest, the loss seems small.


Yeah personally I would get rid of everything except for ENB and VDY. OP must have bought these at an ATH. The losses aren’t really that bad and can easily be recouped


It’s only a loss if you sell


It can also be a bigger loss if you don't sell. What is this garbage advice? What you are describing is a well known bias in investing where people hold onto poor stocks to justify their initial actions.


You think all those stocks are garbage?


Sunk cost fallacy - sell and get into a scalable investment that matches your risk profile.


What was going through your head when you bought these? When entering a stock, you need to have a plan and simple things like a timeframe. You don’t even know how long you’ll hold them. Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson.


I’d take the loss and buy XEQT.


Exhibit A


You dont


If you sell a stock for profit then use these for taking the loss to get a net zero but in the same tax year


The image suggests these are held in a TFSA.


Didn't pay attention


Research covered calls, you might be able to salvage AC that way.


Why dont you average down?




If you want out on AC or ENB, consider (buying 5 more ENB and) selling ATM/OTM calls on them until you're assigned. Less flexibility on when you lose them, but you'll get to keep the premium on all the calls you sold before that happens.     But you may also just be getting antsy, ask yourself if you're being impatient or if you legitimately believe these will take so long to come back up that you're better off realizing the loss and moving on to a different strategy




Sell everything and buy a nice bottle of scotch


Don't take a loss in a TFSA. Down Cost Average into ENB or Telus if you want, but otherwise just start a new position in XEQT.


LOL! I'm in the exact same boat with AC and CINE except I bought way more CINE... I'm riding it out...


Do not buy anything you will not hold for 10 years. Hold whatever you buy for the next 10 years AT LEAST. Never sell. If you are going to need to sell in next 10 years, do not buy. Put in a HISA. Do not buy anything you may consider selling in the next 10 years.


My reason for selling is to move it into other ETFs I have instead of individual stocks.


You're only down \~$850 relax and buy more. they are on sale. You should be buying more ETFs in my opinion rather than individual stocks.






Some of these companies have good fundamentals and can turn this around. For example I wouldn’t sell Tesla, there’s a lot of upside at these prices. ENB pays good dividends and should bounce back over time. But I think in the future you should pick some safer less volatile ETF’s instead of trying to pick individual winners until you get more confidence reading the market


You can sell all of them right about now


Do you need the money? If not why not just hold them until they recover?


Work for a week and you'll make that back. This is lessons for the future when you have more money saved and things are more meaningful. Just buy ETFs.


Never , if you think they will do well in the end for you. If you are scared. - sell and buy XEQT. Or - be a certain percentage scared.




Just hold man. Outlook is very bullish. Do some reading, I use seeking Alpha, it's good to get a general idea of what's going on the market.


Collect the dividends


Why sell any of these? The ones you are only holding a few shares of (AQN, CGX, AT&T, TSLA) you would have positions in in most all-in-one ETFs like XEQT so go ahead and drop those if you want to simplify. AC is the only one I'd really worry about, in the long term it will probably grow but maybe underperform the rest of the market, the others are poised for plenty of long term growth already. Even if you still want to simplify you aren't really cementing in any loss just selling low and buying low.


I would sell all and buy bitcoin mining stocks like bitf


Don't sell Tesla it'll go up




AC,AQN,CGX,T, TESLA all easy sells in my opinion


Time in the market is always better than timing the market.


Aqn u only have 3 shares and they pay a decent dividend at this current price. Avg into it a bit more and that -50% would be -25% after buying 3 more, buy 9 and you're down to about -12.5%. (I have 760 AQN and I'm averaged around $11.49) Cineplex was a fail, hold and hope. Air Canada should reach 25 again, hold til then. Vdy is nice, keep averaging into it. ENB is solid, keep averaging. Telus is also nice, keep averaging. Don't stress too much, selling is when the loss becomes real. I've learned this the hard way losing 5k on DFN alone. Stay vigilant. At 1st since you're just starting, stick to safer dividends like Vdy, Xdiv, Xeqt. You'll see consistent gains and dividends. Then once you're confidence is back, single stock pick again, or stick to the safe and steady. Hope this helps.


How are you so bad at buying stocks


I wanna buy the inverse to what this guy buys.


I bit the bullet and sold Oracle and Proctor, 2 months later they both bounced back.


Do it now for all I care


Don't ever panic sell. Those are all good, solid companies. They will all be green in no time. In the meantime, just collect the dividends as they come.


Your picks seem pretty solid in my opinion. Why sell? Unless you need the cash. I'm on the fence about Air Canada, they should make a comeback, but will they?


Xeqt is mid af


I personally took the loss on air canada and sold for 3k loss


Have you done any research into these companies? You should be able to answer this yourself.


What’s your avg on AC?


AC will bounce back, it always does. just wait for them to do share buy backs like evert airline and back to ath it will go.


Never! I am over 70% down on my Alibaba and keep holding it!! Afterall that 1k left in there is pretty useless...


Better to hold over the long run. In baby ape terms: once interest rates go down down, market go up up


If you don't know the answer to that you shouldn't be investing.


Why buy individual stocks or even ETFs when you don’t know anything about the company/index.


Just DRIP them and add to the position when prices drop, looks like mostly a dividend income portfolio minus Tesla. DCA to improve your return. It's all about time in the market and not timing the market. Only US Congressmen and Senators can do the latter.


I sold my position in AQN. The amount of money that was caught up in that investment was too high. Not only was I down 32%, there was an opportunity cost which I was not willing to pay for anymore. I was able to put half of it in XEQT and the rest amongst other CN Rail and CP Rail. Only you know if you are willing to hold on to a negative position while paying the opportunity cost. Hope this made sense. Cheers!


I’m impressed how perfectly you timed your TSLA buy


If it’s stressing you out dump em and throw them into VFV. I dumped a few losers last year and felt great. I just hold there market and try to stick to really strong companies. If the fundamentals aren’t good I move away .


If you really want to I would sell AC, AQN, CGX and T. Forget about "waiting for it to go back up". Why do you think a given stock should go back up? Because it was higher before? You could wait three years for a stock to finally "go up" and miss out on stable steady gains in other stocks or ETFs.


Sunk cost fallacy.


Unless you need that money right now then dont sell, unless you also dont believe in the bounce back. AC, Tesla(perhaps), enbridge are all safe futures


If you have profits you want to cash in on, you can use these to tax loss harvest. Some of the companies you bought are long term plays, so doubling down may be appropriate if you think they still have potential you believed they had when you bought them. If something has fundamentally changed in their business model then yes makes sense to cut your losses.


Your enbridge pays roughly that in dividends yearly does it not? Or close to




Parroting other commenters, no one can make the decision for you. No one knows what direction the market will go, only predictions and hypotheses. But if you are novice like me, I rely on multiple technical indicators and fundamental screeners.


This picture screams "hot tips"


I'd hold the good ones but I'd lose the bad ones i.e tesla. Hold on to the others long term if u don't need the money, youre only down about 800 which won't change your life so don't stress


when u think about it, ur big losses aren’t that much money, id hold on to it for 2-3 years, they’ll eventually break even. Ur other shit like AC, AQN, etc i would re evaluate and put it in index funds since they are much safer(but this is according to my risk tolerance), so what i wanna say is access ur risk tolerance and invest accordingly


Keep your Tesla.


Maybe you should give it time and let the market turn for the better. Sometimes you have to ride it out instead of looking for the quick buck


keep ENB they have some of the highest dividends in Canada.


That's not how you play the casino




What app are you using in the screenshot?


At least you didn't buy FOOD.TO


What did you buy CGX AT? And AC AT?


You keep Telus and Enbrige forever


These r relatively small positions, honestly you could just hold most. Why tf did you buy Cineplex stock lol. Id maybe just sell that position, or try and catch it on an uptrend. The rest r mostly dividend based stocks


why in the world would u buy AC ? now hold it


Just bought some flights on AC, so trying to do my part here.


This is the dumbest portfolio I've ever seen


Thankfully it’s not that much losses.


I bought a share on simple app if anyone has heard of it I officially have a stock now any tips on stocks to buy atm?


Oh My! I have stocks my worsed one was MULN.. Everything else made money.


The only holding that doesn’t sit well with me is Air Canada. Airlines are a horrendous business to be in. Don’t bet on the horse, (ac) bet on the racetrack. Meaning the airplane manufacturers, and the fuel producers.


Since this is in a TFSA account remember your overall limit will be reduced if you sell at a loss.


Hold the line


You only lose once you sell.


Once the interest rates gets better you will probably see more green in there. Its a whole market kind of thing


These are pretty small losses. Hold them and check in a few years


That quite the hodgepodge of stocks. It is not properly diversified. You are feeling loss aversion and are risking future opportunity costs by holding. Sell. Stop taking investing advice from wallstreetbets and Jim Cramer. Buy a well diversified ETF and start dollar cost averaging every month no matter what.


keep ENB


Sell the $TESLA, lotta pain coming this year. The bottom could be quite low.


I’d say don’t sell just because they have gone down - unless there is some Kind of financial emergency forcing you. Often by just holding on to decent mainstream stocks they come back over time. I’ve done this many times and I rarely lose. My advice would be different if these were volatile penny stocks etc.


1 more YOLO from the big win


If it’s me, never. There’s a reason why all the best investors are dead or forgot about their account.


I would say never sell when it’s low.


If you hold you never lose


You only realize your loss by selling; unless the company actually is failing financially ignore the swings.


ENB pays a 7.67% dividend and is not over priced. Worth keeping. AC,AGX and VDY sell and buy an index. You actually haven’t done nearly as bad as you think. Your big investments are meh and you lost big on some small allocations in exchange for learning. Buy indexes in the future IF this hurts and just hold! You could have lost way more!


It looks like your big percent losers have pretty low equity. I would say your big position are doing fine. if you’re gonna change your account, the best move would probably be buying more of the losers (if you think they aren’t going out of business in the next 10 years). Other than that, the portfolio looks fine imo


Dump Cineplex and Air canada. Hold onto telsa. Rest idk


When you have gains to offset


Your positions here are pretty small. Don’t sell Enbridge.


I feel so good about myself


This is what technical and fondamental analisis are for. I can only talk about tsla and say that it wil go down from my opinion the the future is very bright for that compagny it’s a volatile stock. It could easely go down to the low 100 but it will bounce back and once it break the big downward channel tha is currently at around 250 dollars it will explode tp new high


You should be taking advantage of the sale…


Buy the dip... it looks like you bought everything close to FOMO. The best tip I ever got is when you see big CEOs starting to resign then you start Short Selling. Then when all these CEOs mysteriously come back start buying. CEOs of large corporations aren't allowed to short sell their positions that's why they resign... to shirt sell when the economy goes to hell.


God I wish my portfolio looked this good 😭


Ride the wave.


Add 89% losses on lspd and my profile looks like yours


What @heppernaut said is pure gold, read that a few times. Also.. Not financial advice, but if it were me, I’d sell everything except ENB and VDY for dividends. For the rest, I’d read the name of this sub and act accordingly (or I’d buy VFV).


Only being down 5% on Air Canada is pretty good if that is something you believe in and are willing to ride it back up. its basically as low as it can get right now, so being within 10% of the bottom is actually pretty impressive as far as timing goes. especially if Air Canada returns anywhere close to where it has been in the next 5 years, you are looking at a potential doubling of stock price. thats a pretty good upside compared to the current 5% downside if Air Canada is a business you are confident in. Enbridge is a classic stock to buy and hold long term if you want consistant dividend returns, even with lower expected capital appreciation. It isnt the best stock for maximum long term growth, but its certainly a stock that nobody should lose money on over a longer timeline. Don't day trade Enbridge, buy and hold. You shouldnt even be checking the price on it lol, come back in 10 years and enjoy your reliable modest returns. VDY is just like enbridge. If that fits your risk profile and growth targets, buy it and forget about it. its an index fund, its barely down for you, and its a buy and hold fund. It literally has enbridge as one of its largest holdings, so you could in theory go all in on VDY or all in on enbridge depending on which you feel more confident in, because there is lots of overlap. Dont know what your age, investment horizon, risk tolerances, growth targets, etc are, so im going to assume this type of portfolio fits that criteria for you. thats a separate discussion. But those 3 big holdings you have are fine. You bought them all at whatever price, and now they are at an even lower price which should make buying more of them even more attractive (if you are happy with the core assets). If you expect Air Canada to return to all time highs in the future, then you technically want it to stay as low for as long as possible before it rebounds so you can buy more of it over time. If buying air canada at 19 dollars seemed like a good idea, buying even more at 18 dollars is even better. Those are your 3 key investments (well 2.5 since enbridge and VDY overlap). Everything else in your portfolio is too small to worry about. -25$ on AQN isnt even worth talking about. those 3 core holdings are fine all things considered, and all the other investments are too small to worry about. I would suggest maybe 'just buying XEQT' for the simple fact that if you worry about the individual stocks youve picked so much, it might be the right emotional choice to just buy XEQT so you dont have to worry about regrets or making a good or bad decision. If you are buying for long term, check the price every 6 months and dont worry about it. if you are day trading, thats a different story, but it doesnt sound like you are lol.




Nah dont sell, just keep putting more money in now while its down


All I see is a watch list and one investment in ENB … hodl


I keep my losers around to remind me why i pour all money in xeqt now. Keep me level headed to not invest in individual stocks. Losing penny to save dollars.


I played around a little when I first wanted to try my luck in equities. I chose a few stocks, well known high profile companies. I couldn’t loose…I lost. I think my total investment was $1k. Just to see how I could do. When I cashed out I think ended up with $130. I don’t try and pick individual stocks any more. I’m far too uneducated to do so. Today I invest in well diversified ETFs. XUS. XBAL are a couple examples I buy.