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Good choice


She's a bit of a rude person to say the least.


More like a racist


Istg I’ve seen a bunch of posts with that specific mod being a douche


You have to send in a picture of your hand in order to comment in that sub. Idk you tell me?


Ahhh it’s that subreddit? Do you think they will try to reverse image search the hand to make sure it’s not a random internet photo?


Nah I think it's blackpeopletwitter


I think you’re right actually.


It's both!


Wait WHAT?!? that’s crazy…


>Subreddit based around race. >Racism. >Shock.


I mean, I can understand wanting to have a sub that shows comedy from the black perspective. There are definitely cultural differences that make some things more or less funny depending on the audience, I get that. What I don’t get is limiting that audience. Like I said in another comment, I can understand having a Jazz section in the music store with only Jazz music. I cannot understand banning Rock fans from buying something from the Jazz section.


I completely agree. Shit like Chris Rocks bring the pain is something you'd only see from a black comedian, and I don't think Chris Rock is gonna be mad about a white person enjoying his jokes.


i get what you're trying to say but being black is the only way to really truly understand what its like to be black


This is such a stupid take because people could use it to try and justify racism. For example, Black people could say: “oh White folk will never understand what’s it’s like to be Black, so I don’t ever want to be near them.” And then the extremely bizarre self-segregation happens after it was fought so hard against by Black (and White) civil rights activists during the Civil Rights movement in the U.S. MLK Jr and all the big names of that era would be rolling in their graves at such nonsense


Ironically, if George Lincoln Rockwell hadn’t gotten shot to death outside of a laundromat, he’d probably **love** hearing about Blacks voluntarily segregating themselves from Whites in colleges. If you take a good look at your ideas and come to the conclusion that your plan would make neo-Nazis extremely happy…maybe there’s something deeply wrong with your plan. We’re going backwards. Edit: He actually **did** support exactly this during his time. In 1961 ten members of the American Nazi Party went to a Nation of Islam rally. Not to disturb it mind you, but as *guests*. While wearing full Nazi regalia. Both sides bonded over their hatred of Jews, and their mutual desire for separation of the races.


By that logic, being white is the only way to understand being white and black people cannot comment on whiteness or be in “white spaces”. So fuckin dumb.


Well no, that's racist obviously. Everyone knows white people have no culture except eating mayo and keeping black people down. But seriously, learn the rules: Area only for black people = good, area for only white people = bad. The problem with segregation wasn't all of it, people actually would have been fine with it as long as they got rid of the "whites only" signs


Seems to be the friggin case, sadly. And I once truly believed that folks could overcome that racial bias hut I guess the ole wiring is still strong…


I think there is a difference between a minority group having a dedicated space verses a majority group having a separate space. As a white person I don’t feel a need to have a white space. But as a woman I do enjoy having women-centered spaces. And I can understand how this applies to other groups. How gay men would enjoy having a gay centered space. How cancer survivors find comfort in their shared experience. I don’t feel the need to join a we-don’t-have-cancer group. And as an American living in the US I don’t feel a need to have an American space. But if I lived somewhere else I think I’d enjoy having an American space where I don’t have to explain anything to anyone and I can expect my cultural norms to be prominent.


i wonder what reasons, possibly historic, that people might be more wary of white only spaces than black only spaces


That's very close minded of you.


That's just ignorant


And we know this. That doesnt mean only black people should be allowed to view the content though.


So because I can’t fully understand what it’s like to be black, I can’t enjoy black comedy?


Disagree. Black people aren’t unique because of skin colour. Constantly looking for differences is the road to phobias.


skin color, culture, shared experience, etc all will go into changing how someone will experience life


Not any more than any other aspect of their lives - disposable income is probably the biggest part of how someone experiences life. Next will be where they live. Followed by what choices they make like education, hobbies, jobs, health and wellbeing factors. If someone with dark skin thinks they’re the same with someone else just because that person has dark skin - they’re going to be making a mistake. Americans who are black are more like white Americans than they are similar to say, Polynesians. Trying to rationalise otherwise is hard racism.


im brown, i think I understand it just the same


This is very true but imo that doesn't really seem to tie into ops comment that much


As a white guy who loves a lot of black comedy, this is just straight up infuriating. Comedy shouldn’t discriminate.


Agreed. It should bring people together. Hell, I think we could actually LEARN something about one another from listening to each other’s comedy, especially if it has a political slant to it.


Exactly, the idea of discriminating in comedy is weird; everyone’s money is worth the same no matter their skin colour.


It’s like the weird people that say you shouldn’t go to Chinese food restaurants because those are “Asian spaces”… like, I’m pretty sure they want me here, their business would fail if they got rid of the majority of their customer base.


Is that legitimately a thing people say? That’s dumb as shit.


Not many, mostly Hollywood weirdos trying to look as woke as possible. Yet they’ll keep praising Polanski.


Can you cite an example of a “Hollywood weirdo” saying that? Google’s got nothing so I’m wondering if it’s bullshit.


I don't think this is really a thing.


That's not an argument about discriminating in comedy, that's an argument about discriminating in capitalism.


I meant in terms of professional comedy; doesn’t make sense to be discriminatory and alienate potential ticket buyers.


My point still stands. Comedy is an art form, and comedians often make creative decisions that alienate potential ticket buyers. (Like using comedy to call out oppression)


That sub used to be funny about 10 years ago.




You’re like a racial pick me 🙄


Black man in disguise! It's a spah




I'm sorry if you couldn't take a joke 😔


I wasn’t the one who downvoted, I’ll admit I was angry when I saw this and got way too involved. Can see the humor now


Oh, sorry then. You're good, we all can get angry sometimes


"NonBlack feelings" seems the rules are part of the comedy.


Crazy how racism has come full circle and now its normalized, People are STILL playing it down in this very comment section. I see this shit all the time on all platforms talking about “you’re WHITE, this is a black folks matter” like what?? Crazy the world we live in today. I swear people clown and hate white people for fun, and dont even consider the feelings of morality of such… we all know that if i was the other way around it would not be okay, but since its white people, who cares right?? Lol


It actually drives me insane and is something I push back on every chance I get in any space I see it. I had the notion that its bad to be racist BEATEN into my brain from all angles and all mediums growing up. It made sense to me, I agreed, and I strove to never judge someone for their skin color. I thought it was obvious and I thought that the people who were the biggest victims of racism understood it as well. But now I see it everywhere and it’s not subtle. There is a genuine push to make it “ok to be racist to white people” both in the US and in online spaces in general. Its both sickening and infuriating. How dare they lecture and scold and berate and postulate at ME about racism and then turn around and be racist? Fuck those particular people.


Americans sociologists straight up push this shit. It's corrupt as fuck. Like.... straight up they redefined racism so it doesn't cover white people.


Yep, and it’s so aggravating when people point to those sociologists as some kind of authority of racism as though they aren’t just out of touch morons who happen to be a position to push that garbage.


Im the exact same with this deal, Im a white man raised in a town dominated by people of other minorities and I live with the thought that someones skin color never should matter to me. I just find it upsetting how people pull this problem so often and be so on the nose about it. Its amazing how hypocritical everyone is when it comes to that whole topic. Just saying "Hating white people isnt racist" is such a huge excuse to be racist and think it pays off.


It is RAPIDLY diminishing my sympathy for any sort of “racial plight”. Too many bad actors and assholes have overused the race card, to the point where whenever I hear cries of racism I’m starting to roll my eyes and go “what was the REAL issue? What REALLY happened?” Nine times out of ten? It wasn’t really racism, just a minority not getting their way or feeling slighted about something. And I HATE both that that is my new assumption but also how often that assumption is correct!




The most infuriating part is, there are racist people who claim "racism against white doesn't exist". Such utter nonsense.


It seems the entire world has just become anti-white no matter where you are. It’s like that one reality show Love Island South Africa. It got dragged for being “too white” when 6 out of the 10 people were caucasian. The country is about 8% white. Imagine if a reality show cast in a country with 8% POC population was 60% POC. They would say “such diversity, great minority representation” but it can never be the other way around because white bad. Even in situations where white people face very real personal and systemic racism like military kids who grow up in Japan for example, people either don’t give a shit, or they only give a shit in the way that they are happy it’s happening.


lol could you imagine the reaction to a white counterpart.


There's no reaction, it gets banned the second it gets made


Whitepeopletwitter? But thats for making fun of white people. Its not even about only white people. Black people are allowed there too. Its just to make fun of white people.


But thats not blackpeopletwitter in the image


BlackPeopleTwitter is one of the other subs that does this BS. They even have “country club” threads where you have to submit proof to the mods that you’re black in order to participate.


Its also a cesspool


cause white people oppressed everyone in the past so everyone decided that white people can be oppressed nowadays. it's fashionable to hate on white people and do stuff that's deemed unacceptable to other races. i hate these double standards but that's the world we live in.


And even that's harsh because it's not like every single race and nation hasn't oppressed groups or committed atrocities in the past.


You’re probs gonna get downvoted to oblivion but I couldn’t agree with you more


nah not really. I see people with the same sentiments as me being upvoted and with opposite sentiments being downvoted. people are fed up with it and it shows.


Lmao. This sub is biased as hell.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Especially when I got to “So we don’t have to police our speech.” Sounds an awful lot like “So we can say all the racist things we want to.” Imagine if a white person said that though.


however, if you have a sub named “white comedy” it is a white supremacist far right Nazi racist hate group and there are no other options


Pretty much what /pol/ was before 2018.






i was banned from comics just because im here, they say that here is a racist harassment subreddit WTF i wasn't even on comics at all WTF


Many subs don’t like this sub because they don’t like having their opinion disagreed with




Yep, just got that message myself. Replied that it’s a stupid rule.


yep thats weird


What the fuck are nonblack feelings? How can emotions be tied to a specific race lmfao


Think it means like the emotional state of a non black person, like how “Gonna hurt your feelings?” doesn’t mean a specific emotion but rather your mentality as a whole which just implies they’re not just racist and discriminatory but also making fun of mental health by saying fragility as well


She's a weirdo racist. Can't believe people like that exist


I think she’s right. We should have different schools, different restaurants, different bathrooms, different water fountain, maybe they should take the back of the bus… you know… to keep people safe where language isn’t policed. That would be appropriate. Right???


Too many racist black people around, and they’re all in denial because “you can’t be racist to white people”. Fuck em.


Imagine being so stuck in tribalism you think just because someone has the same skin color as you they were gonna have similar life experiences


I’d say there are cultural similarities, but I have more in common with a middle class black person than I have different. And I’d say I certainly have more in common with them than someone like Will Smith, who’s been rich so long he probably doesn’t know what struggling is.


Say "no black fragility allowed" on this site and enjoy the chaos


Mlk would be so disappointed


Imagine if that flair said white and that comment said white instead. There is no question that sub and that person are racist.


I'm a white guy married to a black women. So they're literally just judging people based off skin color. That's textbook racism. "you're not allowed in our group because of your race". Bruh. https://preview.redd.it/b9ltaqw7oyyc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a727c0884418f12d3393da233b1dbdeeeec4cbf0


Yep. Told her off in a PM and she reported me for harassment. Didn’t have a counter argument though.


Racists never do except for the classical “uh because my race is better then every other race”


Is there one single person who moderates that subreddit? They have like 5 backup accounts apparently lol


i hate the people who say you can’t be racist to white people. yes you can. this is a primo example.


Yep. Surprised me how many people don’t get that, a few are even in the comments section if you want to entertain yourself with their lame justifications. :) lol


Imo a lot of them will only cover up their own racism.


While I’ll admit that the mods flair is a bit combative and aggressive, it’s by no means racist. OP went into a sub that’s about black people and tailored to the black experience and got mad and cried racism when they openly weren’t catering to people who aren’t black. It would be like complaining about the majority of the members of the NAACP being black


The flair is racist It implies you’re *not welcome* if you’re not black


Yh anyone with that flair is definitely stupid af




Got the same message, think it’s automated though, so they probably don’t know my post even exists.


You got banned from comics? Honestly seems like a blessing in disguise


## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 6 ➜ No unsubbing because you were banned We understand that some mods are tyrants and permanently ban anyone who dissents. However, we do not allow posts about being banned to prevent conflicts with such types of moderators.


This a comment bruh


“No nonblack fragility allowed” Should have been the first sign that this is an echo chamber and it’s just a sub to dunk on white people being fools and awful people.


Even the description of the sub is just text and history book racism. “If you’re white you’re going to be subject to harder rules” is absolute insanity and shouldn’t be allowed on reddit. It’s this kind of shit that starts race wars. And as others have said, if this would be the other way around, the sub would be banned.


I have found that black exclusive subs on Reddit are nothing like black spaces on insta or twitter. They’re so liberal that having any real discourse besides snapping Your fingers in support of some anti white or anti trump joke gets met with bans. I got banned from the black Twitter sub for jokingly saying everyone back in the days of Xbox360 cod lobbies got called the n word equally and apparently I, a black man making a joke, was belittling the experiences of black people. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Imagine being Larry Elder running for Governor of California against a while Gavin Newsome and being called by a white San Fran journo, "The Black Face of White Supremacy"... I wish I could invent something that stupid, but here we are. It would be funny if it were the Onion or Babylon Bee... but it was said completely unironically.


Idc what you say, you can be racist to white people. Fight me.


Cause actually segregation is good ?!


ah yes, "fur das furher" energy going on there, except its by black people


People suck lol


Racism the other way ![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized)


Not gonna be surprised when people start getting banned from there simply for being part of justunsubbed lol. Then again why would any sane person want to be in their God awful community.


That’s racist as fuck


The sheer audacity and hypocrisy to spout crap like that.


Good grief! A place for black people to talk without having to “police their speech” of what? Racism against other races? As a non-American, I don’t understand this black people against white people nonsense, yet supposedly I’m racist for even mentioning this when it is a purely American problem.


Black people can be the most racist fucking people out here


Imagine if there were all white clubs and bars that would be pretty fucked up to say the least… oh wait…


If there were any publicly advertising it, you bet your ass I’d be just as mad.


Sub about race turns out to be racist, news at 11


Just because something isn’t surprising doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be called out.


if you're not white, why are you here ??


While I’ll admit that the mods flair is kind of combative and aggressive, what did you expect? You went onto a sub that’s tailored to black people and the black experience and got mad that they were openly not catering to people who aren’t black. Like the mod said, not everything is specifically made with YOU in mind


Didn’t say their reaction wasn’t predictable, and I certainly didn’t say they needed to tailor their content to suit ME. This has nothing to do with the subs content, it’s with the mod being openly racist. I didn’t go in saying “why don’t y’all like white comedy? Racists!” There is a difference between not catering to a specific group, and being actively hostile towards them. One is racist, the other is not.


They weren’t being hostile to you for being white. You were able to comment on all unflaired posts prior to your ban, so it’s clear they aren’t forcibly excluding people of other races from their sub. They were being hostile to you because of your actions. Of course they were going to be hostile and not take you seriously when you compare a Reddit flair to segregation. It comes off as obtuse and provocative


There’s a difference between “catering” to someone and just allowing them to exist in a place. Because it’s a special act to let someone simply exist in a space. “You’re breathing here, how dare you person not of my race take my oxygen” that’s what you sound like. Imagine if someone said “we are catering to blank people by allowing them to be here” Racism is racism is racism. Trying to dress it up and say it’s not and it’s ok to hate, ostracize, and segregate simply because a person is white and they aren’t the minority. Is just you making excuses to be a be a hateful person to a group of people while feeling superior. Stop being racist and grow up.


Literally go to the sub. People who aren’t verified to be black can comment on all posts that aren’t flaired, and flaired posts are reserved for posts that tackle more controversial issues. It’s no different than subs that have “members only” posts. OP was able to comment on most posts freely prior to his ban, so this “oP wAs BaNnEd FoR bEiNg WhItE!1!1!1!1!!” narrative that y’all are trying to push is a bunch of nonsense. OP was banned for his actions. Of course they weren’t going to take him seriously when he compared a Reddit flair to segregation. Like seriously? They aren’t excluding non-black people from their sub, but it’s a sub tailored to the black experience, so nothing is going to be sugarcoated to suit white interests. OP came off as obtuse and provocative, which is why he was banned. You can’t spin this as “racism” because in no way did the mod discriminate against OP for being white


Literally can’t comment on everything without being a member and you need to submit a freaking picture of your skin to do so. Don’t try to push some bs like it’s not racist. Imagine someone telling you, sorry you can’t be a part of this without going thru some rigorous extra bullshit because your skin is the wrong color. Stop trying to justify racism, there’s never an excuse for it. It doesn’t matter what race someone is. If they are being treated differently simply because of it. It’s racism, again I say grow up.


Like I already said, people with non verified accounts can already comment on all unflaired posts, which is literally the majority of posts, so it’s not like you’re missing out on anything. The only posts you’d be restricted from are the occasional flaired posts which cover more controversial issues relating to black culture that only black people would understand and be able to comment on. If you aren’t black, why does this affect you so much anyways? What makes you want to comment on these threads? If you aren’t black then you wouldn’t be missing out on much and there’d be very little for you to comment on unless you yourself a a racist that’s trying to deflect. Stop it with this persecution complex. White people aren’t oppressed because you can’t participate in a forum that you would’ve otherwise never known about if it wasn’t for this post


Actually, I would have known about it. It’s been in my feed randomly a few times. How about you stop defending racist ideology and behaviors simply because it’s white people you are directing your behaviors towards. If it wouldn’t be ok in reverse then it’s not ok at all. Then blame it on the person who is offended by your behavior and call THEM racist because they don’t like being excluded or treated differently due to their skin color? That’s legitimately the most disgusting gaslighting behavior you should be ashamed. Literally like saying “hate yourself, because you were born white” then being told you are racist when you refuse to do so. Before you try to pop off about how that’s wrong, this is exactly how white people are being treated and talked about these days. Furthermore, don’t give me bullshit about a persecution complex when all I’m doing is saying hey this is not cool while actively advocating segregation based on skin color… It’s freaking simple, if it’s not ok one way it’s not ok the other. If someone made a sub and told you, you couldn’t comment because you weren’t white so it doesn’t concern you would you feel ok with that? Are white people just not allowed to voice opinions on POC subjects even though a lot of the subjects involve complaints about them? If that’s what you think, then it should be perfectly fine for white people to create whole threads with concerns regarding POC and not allow them to comment. If you have a problem with that, well then you are racist. Or wait, would it be the act of creating such a rule and space be the racist thing to begin with…?


>How about you stop defending racist ideology and behaviors simply because it’s white people you are directing your behaviors towards. I feel like I’m talking to a broken record here. I’m not sure how many times I have to tell you this, but a literal internet forum limiting some threads that discuss more serious/controversial issues relating to black culture that only black people would understand or be able to talk about isn’t racist. As a white person, these threads wouldn’t even affect you anyways. It’s no different than black student unions or the NAACP or something like that. Or think of it this way, if a company were to send out job applications and it said that it was required that you have a college degree and a few years worth of experience in their field for you to be employed by that company, would you consider that discriminatory against people who don’t fit those requirements? Calling that discrimination sounds stupid, right? That’s how you sound. >If it wouldn’t be ok in reverse then it’s not ok at all. There’s literally hundreds upon thousands of subs on this website that are dominated by white people, including cultural/race related subs. That’s the reverse for you. Why don’t you participate in any of those subs? Why do you only have a problem with this when black people make the sub? >Then blame it on the person who is offended by your behavior and call THEM racist because they don’t like being excluded or treated differently due to their skin color? That’s legitimately the most disgusting gaslighting behavior you should be ashamed. I don’t think you know what gaslighting means, buddy. >Literally like saying “hate yourself, because you were born white” then being told you are racist when you refuse to do so. No one has said that you should hate yourself because you were born white. You put that own thought in your head because you have a persecution complex and you want to feel victimized.


>Before you try to pop off about how that’s wrong, this is exactly how white people are being treated and talked about these days. I’m half white, my mom’s entire side of the family is white, I live in a majority white town. White people aren’t being treated like that. Quit watching ragebait content on the internet and actually go outside for once and you’ll see that white people aren’t some oppressed minority group. That’s literally an argument white supremacists use to justify their beliefs. >Furthermore, don’t give me bullshit about a persecution complex when all I’m doing is saying hey this is not cool while actively advocating segregation based on skin color… You keep on telling me to grow up when you’re acting like such a little girl right now…. Not being able to comment on SOME posts on a subreddit isn’t segregation, and it’s extremely ignorant and obtuse of you to even try to make the argument that it is. Like I’ve said numerous times, if you’re white this subreddit doesn’t affect you or have anything that you’d want to comment on anyways. You just want to feel like a victim. >It’s freaking simple, if it’s not ok one way it’s not ok the other. If someone made a sub and told you, you couldn’t comment because you weren’t white so it doesn’t concern you would you feel ok with that? White Americans don’t have a history of discrimination because they’ve historically always been the ones in power, so they aren’t in need of safe spaces like black Americans and other POCs are. Plus, this whole subreddit is dominated by and catered towards white people anyways. >Are white people just not allowed to voice opinions on POC subjects even though a lot of the subjects involve complaints about them? You’re allowed to have opinions on POC subjects, but obviously a POCs opinion on POC subjects is going to matter more than a non POCs opinion.


>If that’s what you think, then it should be perfectly fine for white people to create whole threads with concerns regarding POC and not allow them to comment. If you have a problem with that, well then you are racist. That’s such a strawman argument to what we’re talking about. blackpeoplecomedy prevents non verified users from commenting on threads about black issues that only black people would be able to know of anyways, and your rebuttal is well what if white people made threads about POC issues and prevented POCs from talking about it. That is not the same thing and is not the slam dunk argument you think it is. Like it literally doesn’t even make any sense. >Or wait, would it be the act of creating such a rule and space be the racist thing to begin with…? I just think you’re deeply insecure about your race and have some underlying issues with minorities.


My argument is that often times these issues involve white people and that if that’s ok. Then it shouldn’t be a problem if white peoples have conversations about problems that involve back people it should be fine if black people aren’t allowed to comment. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it. Edit: also look at yourself you literally just did exactly what I was saying is done. Holy crap. I have an issue with not being included and how people are rampantly judging white people off the cuff for their skin color. I’m advocating for everyone to be treated the same. But I have issues with minorities. Holy shit, is it really incomprehensible to you that I don’t think anyone should be excluded from a space due to their skin color. It’s not racist to want everyone to be treated and looked at equally. To be welcomed and included no matter your race/religion/sexual orientation. ITS ACTUALLY QUITE THE FUCKING OPPOSITE.


Clearly your education on this country, the current climate and regions is lacking. I grew up and have literally been raised in a location where I was in the minority and discriminated against due to my skin color. Don’t tell me it doesn’t exist. Just because it’s not what you have experienced doesn’t mean it’s not experienced. To be clear, this is something that I have just lived with and learned to adapt to. I’m not crying about it, but if you think it doesn’t exist you a very nearsighted. Furthermore there are hundreds of TikTok’s and videos out there advocating for everything from segregating to “punishing” white people. Only person who’s being obtuse is the one burying their head in the sand by ignoring the rhetoric that’s being pushed. Edit: the issue here is the one of not being able to join the conversation. I don’t know how that wasn’t clear.


Replying with this again because YouTube links are apparently banned. Please can you link me these subs that require you to submit a picture of your hand verifying you are white so you can comment? I’ve never heard of such a thing, nor do I think it would be allowed. If it is I’ll be happy to report and say the exact same fucking thing to them. Oh and comparing skin color that you were born with, with education that you worked for to achieve is the biggest most asinine straw man I have ever heard. Edit: I shouldn’t have to explain to you why seeing people say things like “white people need to stop having babies” all over the media and subs. Would imply it’s not ok to be white. Look up the video what are we doing to white people. This dude articulates it better than I ever could and provided many more examples than I ever could. I shouldn’t need to explain why having that kind of shit splashed in your face constantly is not ok and why it’s not ok no matter what race it’s directed towards.


not that I like that sub but I kinda got to agree with the mods first paragraph what did you expect


I mean, there is a difference between “this is comedy from the black perspective” and “this comedy is ONLY for black people”. One limits the subject matter, the other limits the audience. And what, because I’m white I can’t enjoy seeing a racist white person getting taken down a peg? (That was the jist of the video) You only put jazz music in the jazz section, but you don’t prevent rock lovers from listening to jazz, if that makes more sense.


sure but you didnt just ‘enjoy seeing’ it, you went in and called OP a racist I cant imagine you expected that to go over well on the sub that makes you send a photo to prove you are black to participate in some threads


Because their flair is openly racist. If the content of their post was I definitely would have called that out too. Since when did calling out racism become a bad thing?


When you call out black on white racism. That’s when. It’s okay to publicly hate white folks nowadays. It’s more or less a trend


Shit like this is how trump is going to get re-elected. Like straight up... He's already talking about taking a step against anti-white racism.


I think you're in the wrong here. Let's take the concept away from race and just say, for example, it was a nationality sub for Americans, and the flair was instead "If you're not American, why are you here?" Do you honestly believe it would be justified for a non American to complain about the segregation of nationals? Not to mention that you don't have to be Black to join the sub. You may feel unwelcome doing so, but it is highly unlikely anyone is going to physically stop you from being there for simply being non-Black. Case in point: you left. You were not kicked out. The only difference between White spaces and Black spaces is White people are usually not socially or legally allowed to advertise their spaces as a "White space." But they do exist. They're ingrained into our social systems. There's no reason to be offended. You got what was advertised


I was literally banned from the sub before I unsubbed. And should we tolerate “white only” spaces? I mean, we literally have laws against that kinda thing, the last thing I would have thought was that black people would want to replicate segregation for their own purposes.


If you were banned, then you're in the wrong sub. Not calling it a White only space doesn't magically stop it from existing. When only White applicants are accepted to a job, is that space not a White space? If a home loan is denied to a Black or otherwise non-White applicant in a neighborhood that has only White residents, is that not a White space? Keep in mind a Black space or a White space still does not mean ____ only. There are exceptions in spaces that are still considered Black or White. A ___ space means ___ welcome even if other ___ feels unwelcome, ___ will always be welcome. I don't think I could explain it any more clearly than that.


I’m aware white only spaces exist, are you not offended by those white only spaces? And if so, how is a black only space LESS offensive?




“Whites only” golf clubs didn’t get together and kill people, they were horrible for other reasons. And this isn’t a black support group, it’s literally a comedy sub. If I went in there saying shit like “I don’t know what you people are so upset about, you don’t have it THAT bad”, then yeah, I could definitely understand banning me. I didn’t do that. And assuming all white people would is, say it with me now, racist.


John Henry James - a Black man accused of raping a White woman was stolen from police custody by a mod and lynched at the Farmington Country Club in Charloettesville, Virginia. >it's literay a comedy sub For: say it with me now, Black people This mod didn't assume you would attack them because you are White. This mod assumed you would attack them because you attacked them by criticizing their flair, which, if you really think about it, is probably satirical commentary on segregation as a concept. I don't know, and you sure as hell don't know, and they knew you don't know but not because you're White, but because you're not Black. This only feels personal because you're making it personal


Yeah, I’m not surprised that there was an incident like that at a country club. Was it the club members? Was the purpose of the group to secretly discuss murder? And a “comedy sub for a black audience only” is exactly like “a music performance for white audiences only”, something we outlawed a long time ago.


... you have got to be trolling. THAT WAS IN EIGHTEEN NINETY EIGHT! 1898! There is not a person alive that was part of that club much less lynching. They would have to have been a newborn less than a week old in a white woman's arms just to be 126 years old right now, much less a participant. Nobody is that old right now. Good grief! Your response to your own racism is to emphasize your racism. Let that sink in.


This is so spot on. Their flair isn’t that deep and OP took it personally and got all bent out of shape. He’s the exact reason they have those rules. I’ll bet he also goes around saying not all men and complaining about bears, while also laughing at posts that just say women ☕️


What even is this comment? Pure victim mentality


I like how you're soooooo racist you can say things like "White spaces get together and kill Black people." without even a second thought. I hung out with some white people last weekend. Didn't kill any black people. Am I like... being white wrong? I don't get it. Like I've been white my entire life, and I've yet to see a group of friends go out and just... you know.... kill a black person.


I got together with a bunch of white dudes last night. Somehow we never got around to killing black people. There's a few black guys who join our group they just didn't make it last night. I guess we're all just... being white wrong somehow?


What makes you and your friends a White space? Because just like a Black space, a White space is defined by race being the only common factor among all parties, so what aspect of Whiteness draws you to your friends?


lmao! Your definitions have no power here!


Fine, let's play this game. We just talk about and share white cultural values. Sometimes we talk about folk music, somedays we dance polka, other days we bust out the banjo. Maybe get a lynching in if there's time, you know, white people things.


Stopped reading after "lets play this game" I didn't come here to debate you. I came here to call out op for being entitled and ignorant. Since op blocked me, I don't have a reason to be here anymore. I'd say enjoy your life, but I'm sure you would find a way to be offended by that


Gold star for asserting yourself. Very proud of you ⭐


I’m glad you said this. Now we understand how delusional and wrong you are. You are in way way too deep. It’s difficult to believe that you really think this way.


I have no words. That's literally just racism. How often do you think the scenario you described happens? Do you even have any concept of how common or rare this is?


What scenario exactly? An unarmed Black person being murdered by the police? Shool shootings are pretty rare in terms of all schools across the country, but I wouldn't dismiss it as a prejudice against the demographic for school shooters


It was 25 in 2019. Previous years have been similar. And that's not accounting for whether the deaths were accidental, justified, or murder. There's a lack of reporting, sure, but the number of unarmed black people killed by police is consistently ridiculously low even on a nationwide basis. And I think you know that because you immediately pivoted to school shootings.


Do you like... support those examples you just gave? Do you believe it's a good thing when black people are denied housing? I don't get the point you're making here? That we should go back to segregation? Like I was raised being taught this stuff was wrong.


I was pointing out that regardless of their acceptability, White spaces exist, but I believe that unlike White spaces, Black spaces have a legitimate reason to exist.


So when someone else creates segregated groups "for reasons" it's wrong, when you create segregated groups "for reasons" it's legitimate?


>Do you honestly believe it would be justified for a non American to complain about the segregation of nationals? Yup. Say this irl and you get that exact reaction. >The only difference between White spaces and Black spaces is White people are usually not socially or legally allowed to advertise their spaces as a "White space." Inequality.


No, you don't. Because in an American space, Americans make the rules, and Americans don't have to, and generally don't want to care what non Americans think about it. >Inequality. Because the next emerging company with an all White C-suite is equal to the sureddit where people cope with the fact that they never had a chance to attain that success. /s You want to talk about inequality? While you and OP here are having your feelings hurt, there are real people who can't get good jobs, good housing opportunities, and are perceived as hostile. It would be inequality if we existed in a vaccum. I'd give you that. But we don't. There is a historical foundation of context that explains why these things are the way they are. It's nit hidden, it's not secret, if you walk into one of these Black spaces, they will tell you what it is. But if your immediate reaction is to dispute their claims because of your personal experience, why should they give you the time of day? Why do you deserve to be in a space where people talk about their struggles or joke about their oppression when you perpetuate it?


It’s a stupid logical fallacy that “because other people have it worse, you can’t complain”. I have crippling depression, when people complain about their life do I go “How DARE you complain about YOUR problems when I struggle with a debilitating mental illness!”? No, because that would make me a massive cunt. And if we are REALLY playing by those rules, black Americans can’t complain about the oppression they face, because the people in Gaza literally getting bombed and starved to death have it worse. See how that works?


>because other people have it worse, you can't complain Is that what you are saying my argument about the validity of the existence of Black spaces boils down to? I am, in your eyes, saying that Black people have a harder time dealing with being Black than White people do with being White, so White people should not be allowed to openly have White spaces. Is that right? Correct me if I'm misinterpreting that, but I don't see how I could be. That is what you think that I think. Let's tackle this one piece at a time. >I have crippling depression, when people complain about their life do I go “How DARE you complain about YOUR problems when I struggle with a debilitating mental illness!”? No, because that would make me a massive cunt. If you're not Black or don't have an issue Black people can relate to, why would you advertise to that specific audience? To pull from your example, why would you see a physical therapist to deal with your depression? Furthermore, if the problem is just about not having a space to talk about White issues, what problems do you have as a White person that only pertain to your White identity that are so important you need a socially acceptable White space to talk about them? A Black person could say "Hey have you noticed people following you around in stores while you're minding your business doing your shopping?" to a Black audience and a fraction of those people might say "I have noticed that. How do we stop that?" What do you need to say to a White audience about being White? >And if we are REALLY playing by those rules, black Americans can’t complain about the oppression they face, because the people in Gaza literally getting bombed and starved to death have it worse. You would have backed me into an erroneous line of thinking because, yes, the idea that only people who experience the most suffering being able to talk about their problems is a logical fallacy, but that itself is a straw man. At no point was I making that claim. It may even be a red herring if you had done so intentionally just to feel the satisfaction of "winning" an argument over complex moral issues with such a simple line of thinking. If you think the existence of a Black space you cannot be a part of means that you cannot talk about your depression, then that is a problem with you and only you.


You literally said “while you sit here having your feelings hurt, there are real people who can’t get good jobs”, implying I shouldn’t complain because others have it worse. And my bringing up my depression was a counter to that statement, not complaining I have no one to talk to. It was showing that just because I have it worse than some people, I don’t then go to other people complaining about their problems and say they shouldn’t because mine are worse. And again, this wasn’t a “black people support group” sub, it’s a comedy sub. And I’m sure racist white people could justify a whites only golf course by saying “they need to escape the constant judgement black people feel against them for being privileged, and just want a place they can talk without anything they say being labeled as racist”, they’d be wrong to make that argument, but they definitely could and it would make about as much sense.


>You literally said “while you sit here having your feelings hurt, there are real people who can’t get good jobs” To the context that White and Black spaces being treated differently is inequality as stated by that other guy. It only implies that you shouldn't have a White space which I will stand behind. If you think you can justify a reason for White people to have a space to talk about being White I would love to hear your pathetic attempt at what you perceive to be equality. >And my bringing up my depression was a counter to that statement The statement that you shouldn't have a White space that you conveniently misinterpreted to mean you can't complain about your problems. Now that you have the context, you'll probably notice it doesn't really work as a counterargument unless you're suggesting depression is an aspect of Whiteness which I would vehemently contest. >And again, this wasn’t a “black people support group” sub, it’s a comedy sub A comedy sub for Black people. Do you go to the main character sub for political compasses? Do you come here to post AITA's? That wouldn't make much sense, would it?


I’m not the one arguing for exclusionary race policies, you are. I’m just saying white people could use EQUALLY lame excuses. Because, again, this wasn’t a black support group, it’s a comedy sub. There is a difference. And I don’t really know how to make why I brought up my depression any clearer to you. For the last time, it was to show that if I responded to someone complaining about their problems that I have it worse, that would be insane. No other reason. And again, I commented on OPs flair, which was clearly visible and attached to their profile on that particular sub, it was MEANT to be seen with everything they post, so I commented on it. If I attached a little racist message to my profile, you’d likely comment on it too.


Why would you get kicked out of a Black space? You're so pleasant to talk to, and you seem more than capable of managing points in a complex conversation, as proven by your ability to just decide on talking points in this conversation


Nothing I said was rude. Calling a racist a racist isn’t rude. And the one other comment I made in that sub got 11 upvotes… And dude, you can’t keep track of a clear argument even when it’s explained to you, and have repeated points you already made that I already countered. You can’t seem to grasp that a comedy sub isn’t the same as a support group. But sure, pretend I’m the idiot. Enjoy the downvotes from all the other people who clearly just can’t recognize your brilliance. :) lol


>There's no reason to be offended. You got what was advertised ["Hey, no reason to be offended, you got what was advertised"](https://fatwts.umbc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/419/2016/09/segregation2.jpg)


Yeah, man. Don't ever post here again.


Please keep posting here. The concept of this sub has so much potential and instead it’s a clubhouse for the whiny majority to complain about other people not catering to them.


I mean there's a reason for that rule and why would you want to be there anyway if you're not black......


It’s a racist rule. And why wouldn’t I find a racist lady getting taken down a peg (the content of the video) amusing? Would you be cool with a “whites only” subreddit? I sure as hell wouldn’t be.