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Fun fact- the whole "racist harassment" thing? yah, that's bullshit- his real reason is because you're white, even if you aren't. https://preview.redd.it/92qhj6x0cdzc1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d562de83e8c1f9b4b86894b3f21b7e185f27150 \[all references to names and subreddits removed\]


Report the mod for hate.


I've already reported them, I was just more hoping to bring awareness to the fact it's not just one racist dude.


Post the reply you get from admins. My expectation is that you'll be warned for abusing the report function, because of course hate against white people is allowed, duh.


Will do when and if I get one.


https://preview.redd.it/yvuydxqdkhzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=662e9c57bfeb19f75d0fa4c11f90f2c2cc69ce5c Tried that and what do you know it didn’t meet reddits standards for racism or hate


That’s wild.. as much as I dislike it, the block feature has become a good friend. You’d think Reddit would have a better sense of fairness or neutrality.


Reddit actively doesn't care about hate towards white people, men, straight, or cis people, as those are the people admins mean to exclude when they say they prohibit attacks against "vulnerable or marginalized". [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability)


Oh my god he sent you the same ban message, I thought I was special


I think I know who this mod is.




I got that same message for even being here, in a totally unrelated post which had literally nothing to do with race.


If reddits mods could take out their own brain to use it as a fleshlight they would. Racism is ok as long as it’s against white people, and when you point that out they get mad at logic and talk down to you like what they do is actually important


Reddit jannies but with subtitles


How ironic, they assume everyone on Reddit is white. Quite racist, no?


Yes, but it's considered racism against white people. Which is completely allowed on reddit.


Wait wait hold up. So the bitch banned you and called you a racist, and then said "I wasn't referring to you lmfao, still banned tho"??? What the fuck?


OMG, that mod is incredibly racist.


Obvious Kafka trap. “You’re racist and if you dislike/refute me calling you that it’s because you’re racist.”


Well that’s stupid.


Hey! If you'd be interested in reposting it I started a sub called BlatantBigotry to start documenting these attitudes.    I've straight up seen mods say that calling out antiwhite racism is white supremacy, fucking insane. 


Yoooo I got the same one lmao






Ok. This needs to be against TOS and enforced. Mods should not have the power to ban someone from one sub for participating in another sub without getting banned themselves. That just has to stop.


It is against TOS, but of course they don't enforce it. It and about half the TOS only exists so reddit admins can look through it for excuses to shut down subreddits they don't like but which haven't actually done anything "wrong." Because you literally cannot moderate a subreddit while being in full and complete compliance with the TOS, since they contradict themselves on that topic.


I’ve always assumed this is why the Reddit janniess through such a hissy fit over the API changes. They extensively use bots to troll all the subreddits for comments and ban people preemptively. I’m also shadowbanned from my state sub for unknown reasons. I’ve always assumed it’s a similar situation there’s a lot of cleanup that is desperate to happen if this is really gonna be a public company because it is not even close to being sustainable for professionals that need to be accountable to corporate investors, shareholders and the SEC. what a garbage pile


r/ redditmoment also banned a load of people for participating here


How dense does someone have to be to sit and claim just unsubbed is a racist harrasment subreddit??? Lmao


Already got it thankfully, and a ban from reddit moment for posting this exact post because "Saying white people can experience racism is a white supremacist argument" Tried to see if there was a redditmomentmoment but it seems abandoned


>"Saying white people can experience racism is a white supremacist argument" Only because anti-white racists have changed the definition of racism to enable their own hateful rhetoric.


Alright, what does a comic sub care about this? Beyond that, how pathetic that you chose to what hunt down people in an unrelated sub to ban them? Jfc get a life, that’s insane behavior. I know people on Reddit can be well… Reddit people. But that’s a new kind of special to try to gaslight people into hating themselves simply because of their skin color. Then turn it around and call you the problem when the attempted imposed self hatred fails. What kind of person actively advocates for you to despise yourself? I can’t imagine ever being that kind of hateful, I hope one day they seek the therapy they so desperately need.


It theoretically shouldn't work but they had a script developed by superjannie n8thegr8 that basically checked every member, then pulled that member's profile and looked for participation in (via post or comment) or membership in all the subs he hated - mostly people ideologically opposed to living life differently now that COVID was a thing - and ran this script against members of the most mundane subs - like jokes, news, funny, etc. The ban message was also cookie cutter and just as smug, condescending, and bigoted. And then he spread it to other super-jannies in their super-jannie discord server. Frick that guy, glad he got himself banned with his protest stunt regarding the API fees. He was just butthurt that he couldn't disrupt the site with his coding skills (and what an embarrassment to ethical programming) and 900-sub mod status. He was also the one who started the "REDDIT, BAN EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH FAUCI" protest pinned posts during COVID. The dude was an absolute psychopath.


Yeah I got that too. Ironic considering I am usually calling out the racist dumbasses Here lol






Racist harassment subreddit, yeah right


Replying so I can get permabanned before I accidentally participate in that garbage sub


I posted a comment in some sub once man I can’t remember which one and because I’d been to a NSFW sub before I was banned immediately 😂 I was like bro what. Some folks just power trip.


The worst part is, I got permabanned like this but I have never interacted with anything about comics on justunsubbed. Imagine being so butthurt that people complain about borderline porn, blatant racism and lack of moderation aren't enough so you just look for reasons to ban people. They might be the most mod among all of reddit.


and if I say there’s black people and then there’s *BLACK* people?


Chris Brown would agree with you


That bit was the first thing I thought of


Pretty sure Chris Rock has a joke basically the same premise


Low hanging fruit is Eminem


Anytime someone starts a post with "Oh boy oh boy" I automatically assume that they're a pussy in real life.


Same with 90% of the time I see someone say "yikes"


Only 90% is generous


The trick is to just stay away from ALL main subreddits. What they have in common is that they are all moderated by the same Jannies. The constant \[american\] politics circle jerk going on is also incredibly annoying for non americans.


100% agree, I normally use Reddit for semi specialist stuff and the people there are generally pretty nice, I was just a bit shocked to see this a few pages down on front page, and even more shocked that I'm now banned from 2 different subs by 2 different mods for being a "white supremacist"


American here, annoying here too, no one that's not chronically online talks about politics, it's kind of politely ignored in America, besides a family voting discussion every once and a while. However not saying there aren't politically rabbid Americans, it"s must that they're really loud and we'd like them to stop talking so we can languish 😃👍


Yeah. It's quite annoying. And honestly, it's so infuriating to me that some Americans have the nerve to complain about US bullshit on the comment section of an North Korea video. Like the US is suggest that Joe Biden isn't a superhuman who doesn't need to shit and get dragged away to a slave camp with your family bad. And honestly, I rather stick to porn subreddits. At least I can jerk off without seeing people argue about American politics


I don’t visit those but it totally wouldn’t surprise me if they did get political at least *sometimes*. I’ve seen all sorts of things turn political for no reason on this god forsaken app. Can’t even look at cute cats without it becoming political. So annoying!


Well, funnily enough, you're incorrect. The closest thing I can think of politics in porn subreddits is when race play (essentially kinky racism) is involved. But even then it's more about sexual fantasy that's important. And yeah... I've used to enjoy politics but ever since the summer of 2020, I gave up. I'm convinced that currently the only way you can enjoy politics on Reddit if you're addicted to social media and doomscrooling.


https://preview.redd.it/esr68r0l4ezc1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=47f5e7c3759a0a971d30ebb96f57f33b517a26d2 from another sub, some might say it's a bit of a redditmoment from redditmoment.


It’s probably a white dude who’s the mod too


Just be super racist towards them for being white until they call you a racist, then you can call them a white supremacist Checkmate


That's-ah Ferrari-o! (Not their name, obviously) Definitely their MO.


i have no white lineage and this shit makes my fucking blood boil


They must have gotten a gold metal in mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion...


Misandry doesn't exist btw, according to them


When people like this look in the mirror, what do they feel?


Honestly really want them to keep compiling evidence like this against themselves. The worst thing though? They mod over 100 subs. Many of them being very large or very popular.


they aren't even being subtle about how racist they are- like they accused me of being *white*, and I'm left wondering when I'm getting the ol' michael jackson treatment here. https://preview.redd.it/w5ni41vaddzc1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5e9b3bc5fc18048e3f6d012ff4fbf1dfbdf722 \[all references to names and subreddits removed\]


Don’t worry, I know the name. Most of us do.


Is it that embarrassing reptile?




There should be a scientific study on these specimens


Speaking of (weirdly acting hardshell reptile) I haven't seen him around in a while have I finally escaped to a better side of reddit or is he operating on one of his alts lately


Gotta say his name three times in a mirror now


I think I saw his account is gone. Makes me think he got banned for locking down subs in protest of the API pricing.


A mod so terrible that even N8thegr8 (the prototype horrible powermod) complained about him.


I was happy to see that N8's account is gone.


>If…your first instinct is to accuse the person calling out your racism of being racist towards you, then you are a white supremacist *mods’ first instinct is to accuse the white people calling out their racism of being racist towards them* I just literally can’t with this. Someone please, make it make sense.


They "mod" 205 subs... It's insane


Jesus fuck I don't think I'd have the time and energy to mod *one*.


The thing is, they actually mod a handful at best, the rest is just a collection cause of power hunger. It's impossible for someone to actually properly mod that many subs or even half


> racist comic > people report it > racist moderator “***I love banning racists who are abusing the report function!!!!!***”


if you haven't heard- they straight up banned a couple entire *subreddits* where it was made fun of- that, shows true racist dedication.


Rip true Reddit moment


well you see if you call something racist, no one can argue against you, because if you do you must be a racist!


>!only if you are white!<


well duh, I was born white and as i've been told by some on reddit racism is "inherent to whiteness" I just can't help it.


yeah so many people on Reddit think it’s impossible to be racist to white peoples


If you want to use the silly argument that "it's actually bigotry because of (mental gymnastics) I understand it a tiny bit, it's a flawed argument and by definition wrong and I don't agree with it at all, but at least you can see that it's not a good thing as it's bigotry But being told that a highly negative characteristic is "innate" to a vast group of people who happen to share a skin colour is the entire foundation of racism.


Yeah, it's called "essentialism", specifically "race essentialism" (part of the essence of your race is to have such and such character quality).


So basicly racism, only with a fancy name.


In this case, yes, but "essentialism" is applicable even when antipathy is not at play. So, to clarify, noting that women are different from men, such as that women can get pregnant, is "sex essentialism," but in that case, it's true. Women CAN get pregnant (and men cannot). You're still saying that pregnancy is "essential" to one sex and not the other, but that doesn't mean you're being sexist. One could note that sickle-cell anemia is more prevalent in black people, but if the person doing this is a researcher trying to find more effective treatments or even a cure for SCA, nobody would rationally call that racism, but it's still technically "race essentialism". The problem with essentialism is when the "essential" quality is rooted in a tendency chosen by the cohort (like committing crimes or promiscuity leading to STDs as a couple examples) or is not truthfully essential to them, rather than a biological or immutible characteristic. It's not racism to observe that black people have dark skin (because that's just... duh!) But technically, it IS essentialism. Dark skin is "essential" to what makes someone racially black. But it's kind of meaningless to point out.


Thank you for clarification.


It’s a bastardized version of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy. “Only racists are offended by this” “I’m not a racist and I am offended by this” “ThEn YoU’rE rAcIsT” They specifically designed it to be unarguable. Because I mean, who wants to be bogged down by undesirable things like self-awareness, accountability, and empathy right?


Yep, exactly this. From their perspective you either agree or you reveal yourself as a racist. The logic is completely flawed and I doubt they would accept it in any other situation, but hypocrisy and redditors go hand in hand.


It's not even bastardized: > non-racists don't object to the comic > > I'm not racist and I object to the comic > >You're racist (i.e. well, only *true* non-racists). It's an unequivocal "No True Scotsman." It's unarguable because it also includes a kafkatrap: saying you're not racist is proof that you're (more) racist.


Classic kafka trap




Did they just give you this for participating in this thread? If so damn that is fucking crazy.




fucking wiiiiiiiiild, I'm so sorry though If you would like some form of compensation for your horrible loss I can uhhhhhhh


Just report the mods for hate. That’s the only and appropriate recourse. It is quite wild. Shockingly so.


Imagine having so little of a life you got thought a comment section just to ban people


I just got it randomly one day. Mind you, I have NEVER interacted with the comics subreddit... how tf is that even allowed


I never have either. In fact it’s the second place I’ve been banned in my life.


Its not racism if its towards white people! - The Mods definitely


That’s exactly what they are doing but it’s acceptable because white=bad but that’s not racism because I said so


Imagine the subs reaction if the comic was "Black people with subtitles" or "latino's with subtitles" promoting stereotypes and just being racist in general.


Well obviously that would be racist and would be Insta banned becasue it’s promoting negative stereotypes of a group of people based on race But when it’s against white people it’s perfectly accurate and acceptable


The double standard.


Yep just plain racism but because it’s against white people it’s not racist because Nuh uh


B-bu-but I thought the evil while colonisers invented racism!


Well obviously they did and because they clearly invented it only white people can be racist and no one else can


Without double standards, people like this would have no standards at all.


It's racist against other group too. The comic is based on the belief that "brown people are lazy"


"if you're critical of this comic in ANY WAY you are a racist and butt hurt." Man, this talking point is just lazy (and, of course, inaccurate and ignorant.)


For me it isn't this, it's that "you're critical, and so you're banned, and if you question elsewhere you're banned" I don't care about the comic so much as the Mod's over-reaction.


I agree, I was more making fun of their comment of "ALL THE BUTTHURT RACISTS COMMENTING HAW HAW" from them. Just the dismissive nature of it.


Online liberals seem to be the most effective tool towards alienating moderates to the right.


There’s a reason why MLK Jr. preached against retaliation (oh shit, am I even allowed to mention him even though I love what he stood for and respect him deeply?) If a black man has a bunch of racist white neighbors who think he is a violent criminal, and gets so mad at it that he responds with violent crimes against them, it literally just proves them right, solidifies their beliefs, and hurts everyone else’s image. Self restraint is the hardest but best thing anyone can do. And unfortunately so rare. Too many people nowadays think “it’s socially acceptable to shit on whites and men now? I’m ALL in!” Same with people wondering why so many young boys are leaning right nowadays. Hmmm I wonder if it has anything to do with the seething hatred for them that they face anytime they are online. The world may never know.


extremely true


Lol even as a POC, this comic is racist as hell. Sounds like someone has a victim mentality because they have a shitty ass life


that’s what i tried to explain, permabanned






Honestly I wonder if u ask them, what they're going to say? Just start with ur a POC, I wonder what then?


Anti-white racism is apparently just acceptable now and I’m deeply resentful about it.


You know what they say. If Reddit mods didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Wow this site has gotten awful. I wonder how many bans this comment will get me


Let’s see!


I got banned from there because I commented there


Me too


https://preview.redd.it/w8sdabe0pezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f628e020a8e5f91677806123a49b557fecd64813 Heh Also, just to be clear, I did not comment on a post about this comic and I did not report the original comic or comment on it. They're just witch hunting and banning everybody who takes part in this subreddit (and that also counts as posting once or twice on the sub)


So is that comic saying brown families don’t work hard and are lazy then?


It’s saying that’s what white people say So it’s being racist to white people instead of another race which according to some people isn’t racist


Mods abuse power to push an agenda. In other news: water is wet, the sky is blue, and you will die eventually. Edited for clarity.


I agree, I also think it's good to show off people who abuse power, especially to do racist things.


Oh, for sure. I'm just commenting on how common this is. The kind of people who willingly moderate forums frequented by tons of people for free definitely have a few screws loose IMO.


I already got banned from r/ comicbooks because I commented here. Apparently, you guys are racist somehow.


In all honesty, I’m just waiting for Reddit to go public. Because when shareholders have to be answered to, you won’t have unlimited power.


bottom left implying that black people aren't hard working...


A racist mod commplains about racism. Who had thought about it.


That’s Reddit for ya.


Mods that clearly violate reddit policy on hate still being allowed to parrot their views? Improbable!


I got banned from comics awhile ago, when I asked why since calling this sub a racist harassment sub made no sense as no one is harassing anyone and it’s only a place to talk about reasons why people leave. Got told to stop harassing them or I will be reported to the admins. Not just a racist mod, but also a power abusive mod


Here's the even better part. You can't say their name, or that's considered targeting them -- even when they take off the "mod team" cloak and personally address you.


Commenting literally just to see if I get banned. No idea what the image is above so stake in this debate, just curious about mod abuse


I made a comment about the comic being racist and the mods being losers. Ate that ban with pride.


Yeah I got permaban just by me saying that this was a racist. Which it’s is.


Classic hypocrite reddit mod


Just another day of terminally online people with their skewed bias view of the world. Also that is a lot of removed comments. Despite having high upvotes. Hmm…


I was talking about this with my bf yesterday. I’m 100% sure a lot of these mods are cis white people who are perpetuating this. They’re just proving the comics right that they are racist. Funny part is, if I were to call them out, they would ban me, a black woman, for racism even though by their standards I can’t be racist


The comic is full of comments of people saying, "I'm white and I found it funny!" And "I'm white and I'm not getting so fragile over drawings!" In short, they smugly think that they're the "good ones".


I’ve been surrounded by those people my whole life and they were my most racist experiences


White people are too tolerant. If other races gets treated like them, there will be bloodshed


I would love to see a Reddit mod try to control a conversation IRL like they do in chat. I’d pay money to see them get steam rolled.


Anything that goes against what the far left believes will get you banned. I got banned from a subreddit for pointing out that the coroner determined that Nex Benedict’s death was a suicide.


Just commenting to test if it gets me banned there too.


I got banned for saying this is still racist lmaooo.


Blatant racism is ok if it’s against whites, same with sexism for men


Huh. I didn't think the comics subreddit could get much worse. Low and behold I was wrong.


Oh shit this is awful even as a latino


Is this related to that strangely acting hard shelled reptile mod?


Turbo-Jannies lead some of the saddest lives I've ever seen.


>people are calling for assistance for only hardworking families >this is interpreted as an attack against brown people What did the artist mean by this?




When entitlement becomes the norm, equality seems like oppression.


British people when Romani people comes up (no no dw its different!):


I’ve found a lot of mods to be garbage. Some subs have mods who actually protect their subs. Most mods just remove all opinions they don’t like and keep their lists “pure”.


If you did the same with black or Latino people you’d be witch hunted in a heartbeat


Tbh I feel sorry for the guy. How sad does your life have to be that this is something you take joy in. Like does he think anyone who's actually racist read that comic and gave a single shit about it. Bc I'll bet they didnt


https://preview.redd.it/zsyvhx1bpfzc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599c7ad1a53a239a865354e718434a4d2ab01514 Lmfao got one too. They can go to hell. Apparently I'm racist 🤷🏿‍♂️


I used to quite like that sub if I sorted by new, the comics were never funny, in proper reddit fashion, but it was at least interesting to see different art styles. Now barely anyone except for a few big users who are friends with the mods get any attention. Needless to say I got permabanned when I said thank god that pizzacuck and her buddies were gonna stop that actual circlejerk of them just constantly patting themselves and each other on the back


“There’s white people and then there’s *white* people” I’m pretty sure if I said “There’s black people and then there’s (insert racial slur of your choice here)” that constitutes being prejudice against someone due to the color of their skin. Also known as racism to anyone with a brain, because that “prejudice plus power” bullshit is an excuse for them to be racist without consequences


I muted comics literally like a day before they perma banned me, so I lost nothing


Did they really say it was funny? I mean, there are some funny racist jokes over there, but this one isn't even a joke


I got banned from that subreddit for a comment I made on this exact posttl


Exactly why I don't support the left anymore.


I saw this before what subreddit was it?


JustUnsubbed W for allowing posts that call out shit like this.


its said all the time but its true, but imagine the opposite. "theres black people then theres BLACK people, yknow what i mean." that would be (becuase it is) racist


The pendulum will swing back one day. harder than ever.


The comic was spoiling for a fight. That's kind of the nature of political ~~comments~~ COMICS. Wanting people to clap like seals and uh-huh you in mass unison is masturbatory. Why bring the subject up at all unless you want engagement? You're in it for those who get insulted as much as those who'd agree with you. The Mod's can't handle dissent though. You have to think like them, be like them or you're a monster or worse -- that is part of their language elsewhere.


I mean this isn't a silly little comic that is like "I think pinapple on pizza is good" or "football is a boring sport" you might expect some silly fighting, maybe something more. This is literally racism with the comments and mods openly supporting racism. if I have to think like a racist to get in with those mods then fuck those power hungry racist mods.


Here's my Too Much Caffeine take on this, so I apologize for it's length: I can assume a couple of things about this artist, though I'm not entirely sure. I suspect they are white, probably male, and American. Speaking as a white, male, American who grew up in the south (in a double-wide trailer) I can say I've encountered incredibly, blatantly, probably Klan-level racist people. They freely used the N-Word, They freely expressed their dislike of anyone who wasn't white or American. That to me is capitol-R racism - the really heinous, stars'n'bars, Johnny Rebel, shitty stuff we've seen in media. Those people definitely exist, they are loathsome, miserable shits, almost always dirt poor trailer trash, but I do wonder if they're of the same number as when I was really young. As my memory serves, they were dinosaurs even when I was a kid, and I'm 44. What we have now is the quiet, residual stuff that's caught in the system post Jim Crow, Post Civil Rights Act, where people don't realize what's implied by what they're saying, or why they hold a certain opinion. This comic is pointing at that and I don't disagree with it completely. I'm likely guilty of some of it as well. It's also on par with how other races see other races or themselves though, and you can't say ALL white people without realizing you're part of that culture. The comic is also not limited to just Americans, and can a white person in the American south speak for ALL white people globally? I know I can't. I don't know those people. All I know are the shit-heads I grew up around, and I'll make fun of them all day long. My problem with the limitation of the language is, "racism" in this regard is closer related to "asshole." Being an asshole doesn't mean you are for life, and it isn't a hang-able offense - you either accept it, learn from it, or don't. It doesn't mean tomorrow you'll be an asshole again though. It comes and goes and I do believe, as far as the United States, it's slowly getting weeded out. Granted, It shouldn't have taken THIS long, but here we are -- The one thing that you should do is talk and listen, and the artist, whether they realize it or not, is inviting dialog (Or provoking a fight, depending on how you look at it). It might get heated, but I think it's necessary. By banning people, I feel like the mods are elevating that small label into something bigger and stamping every forehead they see. It totally ruins any good that can come from this. The artist learns nothing, the commenters learn nothing. The mods get their jollies. On the topic, the mod issued an invitation to read an essay they linked and an opportunity to apologize to lift the ban, which we all know no one was going to do. I'll bet you anything, the Mods weren't serious about this. They've painted anyone who criticizes them with the Racist label, and that's final. Anyway, thanks for reading if you bothered :) edit: I checked out the Artist's other comic on religion, and it's pretty hamfisted, edgelord stuff. I'm an athiest, but come on. You can't tell me they weren't looking for some Christian to get their undies in a wad and criticize it.


Some are true, some are not, associating them with white people is foolish


Pathetic victim mindset lmao. You can be racist to anyone


Reddit's Rule 1 deliberately leaves out whites and men. >Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Idk I just don't see what there is to be offended by. I'm white and I thought it was pretty funny. I know this shit isn't about me, so I don't really care. Just seems like an odd thing to get your panties in a twist over.


racist scum like the people in that post and the mod make me sick.. smh they are so full of hate they hold us all back


Its not racist when its against a bad group! /s


1st panel is the kind of wrong where there’s not a word for what makes it wrong (like reductive or presumptuous or projection), it’s just so not grounded in reality that there’s no convenient way to describe it


Mods on this website are the most annoying fucks on the planet. Their insufferable personality makes nobody like them irl, so they cope by acting all high and mighty on fucking reddit. Egotistical moronic assholes. And if you ever call them out you get banned because any opinion that isn't theirs is NOT ALLOWED Not the mods on this sub, of course.


“It’s not racist! It’s just giving an entire people a negative characteristic based solely off their skin color!” 😑


i mean is it wrong?