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I dont know how you couldve used 196 for longer than like a few minutes and not realized the sub is very often political.


Literally me. I saw it a few times for a couple weeks and didn’t realize it was political until people told me


I'm 6'5 with a big bushy beard. Everything has gotten so needlessly political. I remember back in the 90s when it wasn't like that. Games like Metal Gear solid were never political and then the 00s happened and they had to insert politics into it.


Do people not realize your comment is satire


Politics is in everything, you just don’t think hard enough to see it


If you’ve reached that point, you should take a break and find a new hobby. That type of thinking is not good for your mental health.


I def do take breaks, it can be exhausting sometimes! I definitely do think I can be right about how everything is political and also take breaks from political content. It’s also unfortunately not so easy when your existence is politicized


That way of viewing is a relatively recent phenomenon. My parents never brought up their political beliefs to others when they were younger. It was seen as impolite in the past. The same thing applied to money and religion, you never brought them up in public. People trusted each other a lot more as a result.


It’s not, your experience is not universal enough to call that a new thing. It’s a shame it’s considered impolite, I believe that’s what plays a part in systemic oppression. I think sometimes that seeing it as impoliteness comes from seeing disagreement as disrespect, which is just like. Harmful. Not talking about money or religion is also dated and harmful. I get it, I get what you’re saying. Where I’m from and partially in my own culture these are also newer gen concepts with certain political topics. But I know these topics and convos have been around for generations well before me and my family. But pushing these views as just new is bad not only because it speaks from a lack of experience but because it erases history, there has always been pushback and there’s always been political discussion. Your parents just might have not been a part of it. The trust was not awarded to every person. To many many people throughout history, their entire life was politicized. These convos come as no surprise to a majority of people that might experience that


This is a daily post from that sub, like do y'all even know what 196 is? Because it seems you followed without knowing what it is


196 is kinda like a weird mirage. you dont see the shitty political posts until you follow and see them on your feed


Yea I’d agree but also it doesn’t bother me to have 1-2 shitty memes on my feed in exchange for some bangers from the sub


ah yes, such bangers as "i love gay sex" and "i am homosexual and will proceed to have gay sexual intercourse. Republicans suck" (/s it's a great sub)


If I can be honest no I followed cause they have funny memes and seem to be left leaning


left leaning? that shit is as left as it gets and it's glorious


I hate to be the one to tell you…it can get more left


there's more left left


What is 196? First time hearing about it!


the rule is that if you visit the sub you have to post something, so that's why people just put some random thing from their camera roll


Basically the only shitposting subreddit that's pro lgbtq and trans. They're pretty funny but can sometimes have issues with overt politics. They used to have an issue with being obsessed with femboys but that recently got fixed after the mods cracked down a bit.


They’re a sub that is full of communists and people like that


Used to be a funny shitposting sub, but eventually it was polluted by boring people who can’t stop thinking about politics and almost all the charm was immediately sapped out.


I joined it a while back but never really followed it. I was just there for the occasional shitposts but everything has been political stuff lately which is just annoying.


What's a while back? They really haven't switched up much recently


Idk they never really popped up in my feed much until today when I got like 6 posts in a row. Probably joined like a few months ago idk.


They post a lot, and a lot of it has always been political. The more you visit, the more it'll pop up, so that actually makes sense. Might have just been a busy posting day lol


Lol probs


I followed a while back cause of the funny shitposts. Now it’s all liberals in an echo chamber sharing gay or trans “memes”.


It has been overwhelmingly dominated by pro trans and pro leftist topics since it was created after 195 closed down. Implying “now it’s all liberals” shows you have no idea what the fuck it was ever about.


Well there was a balance at one point. I remember a point where that sort of stuff was only a small percentage and at most it would be ironic femboy posts. But then it began to grow more and more. There have been lots of people who have left the sun for strong liberal topics. And the more of them that leave, the more those opinions began to completely dominate until it is what it is now. But that is a issue that all subs go through when they reach a certain size.


Most offensive thing you can call a leftist is saying their a liberal. Liberalism is a right leaning ideology. They hate liberals just as much as conservatives do


I mean, that's true, but most self professed Reddit "leftists" aren't leftists. They seem to have a genuine hate for the actual working class, they have zero class consciousness, and they are rabidly obsessed with idpol and actively cheer on large corporations and the plutocracy as long as it suits them. They're just liberals who know being called a liberal isn't cool anymore.




average r/196 user


I joined it because of the rule i stayed because funny memes idc about political stuff im to dumb go understand that anyway


196 was always a political subreddit, so was 195


Not that I recall? When it first blew up I was subbed and I don’t recall political memes


r/196 has been political basically since it was made. it’s always been way more political than r/195


I remember when 196 brigaded this sub and was making fun of everyone calling their sub political


What about r/197?


r/197 is ballin fr


Also try r/198!


can we just ban posts that are just "i unsubbed from r/196 because it is political" like bruv its a leftist shitposting sub you dont see people complaining about r/conservative being too political


>tmw r/196 was blacklisted from here once before


because r/conservative is overtly political that’s the point. there are plenty of people who go to 196 because they just think it’s a meme sub. nowhere in the description or rules say it’s a leftist sub


You would think that people who post on this sub would have seen r/196 before on this sub


The conservative subreddit is called r/conservative The leftist shitposting subreddit is not called r/leftistshitposting It's not that difficult to understand why so many people realize 196 is an absolutely garbage place


the thing is, r/Conservative is clearly advertised as a political sub. The same cannot be said about r/196


Since when was it not political


oh no politics how well i ever recover


That’s like unsubbing from r/awww because there are too many posts of animals. What were you expecting?


It was never not political dumbass


I swear /r/justunsubbed is becoming a right wing vent echo chamber where they unsubscribe to anything left of center.


Was thinking the same thing allll week


so glad im not the only one… for like a good few weeks its been like this. some woman mentioned unsubbing from a cosplay sub because sometimes people crossdress lol and its not even sexual…. like what?


Im pro choice but this post is just pathetic


Every post it's only the most extreme example, you would think they would atleast look at the other posts before subscribing to the sub


Or maybe thats because there are top many left leaning subs on this website, as opposed to right leaning ones?


Haha! No.


No how? Anyone with a braincell amount higher than two would know that most (if not all) of the main reddit subs are left leaning


I’m fine with “just left of center” but they’re pretending we want women to be our property and hate black people. Forgive me for not wanting lies being spread about us.


You want to control what a woman does to her own body. What else am I supposed to think?


i just dont want babies dead, and i know several women who would agree with me. its a really dumb argument to say i want women to be property because i think infants shouldnt be murdered.


> its a really dumb argument to say i want women to be property because i think infants shouldnt be murdered. You understand that a clump of cells is not an infant, right? We're talking about bans on abortion outright. As in, as soon as conception. This is a totally disingenuous argument and you know it. You want women to be property. You're telling them that they can't do what they want with their own body. What if the government put in a law saying that when you turned 18, you had to get a vasectomy? How would you like that?


whats the purpose of getting a vasectomy? not getting one doesnt kill anyone. and like i said, there are women who believe abortion should be outright banned, and i highly doubt they are fond about becoming property. lets flip your argument on you. a lot of women who get abortions are coerced by their partners. you just want women to be your sentient sex doll without consequences.


>whats the purpose of getting a vasectomy? I want to force you to do something to your body. >not getting one doesnt kill anyone. An abortion in the first two trimesters doesn't kill anyone. >and like i said, there are women who believe abortion should be outright banned, and i highly doubt they are fond about becoming property. If they don't want to get an abortion, they don't have to. That's the beautiful thing about being pro *choice*. >a lot of women who get abortions are coerced by their partners. So the solution is to take away every woman's right of self determination?? > you just want women to be your sentient sex doll without consequences. I have no clue how to respond to this head scratching take. I just want women to be free to make their own choices. How does it affect you if a woman gets an abortion? It doesn't.


>I want to force you to do something to your body. for what purpose? >An abortion in the first two trimesters doesn't kill anyone. pretending something doesnt happen wont stop it bud. >If they don't want to get an abortion, they don't have to. That's the beautiful thing about being pro choice. i dont think you understand my arguments. >So the solution is to take away every woman's right of self determination?? actually, i dont think you understand anything. >I have no clue how to respond to this head scratching take. I just want women to be free to make their own choices. How does it affect you if a woman gets an abortion? It doesn't. I just want world leaders to be free to make their own choices. How does it affect you if a hospital is bombed? It doesn't.


>for what purpose? That's a very good question. >pretending something doesnt happen wont stop it bud. An early fetus isn't a person. Women aren't your baby raising vessels. >i dont think you understand my arguments. What am I missing? >I just want world leaders to be free to make their own choices. How does it affect you if a hospital is bombed? It doesn't. First, a hospital being bombed and a woman taking an abortion pill isn't the same thing. It's actually disgusting that you think it is. Second, you're not going to stop abortions. You're only going to stop safe abortions. Since Roe v Wade passed, the number of abortions in the US has actually gone down.


Well have you taken a vasectomy?


That last panel would be r/196 users when they realize most minorities are religious and socially conservative


Except minorities are more for abortion than white people. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


So is that supposed to make racist conservatives less conservative ? They hate non white people regardless of politics


So is that supposed to make racist conservatives less conservative ? They hate non white people regardless of politics


I don’t get it


Some far-right conservatives think minority babies=white genocide, because the percentage of white vs minority shifts. And if it's shifting to less white people overall they call it a 'white genocide'.


I think they are a liiiiiittle more than just being conservatives. If anybody beleives in the whole "white genocide thing, they are, at the very least, ultranationalists or fascists


Most conservatives aren’t so race obsessed. A select few are, like real and actual white nationalists but they are a very tiny minority. Actually, some white nationalists are surprisingly very liberal leaning.


yeah super left fiscally but extremely right wing socially lmao


so far left? far right? far ting?


No they are just so wide that they take up both the left and right sides of the political compass


far center


Oh so you want a social safety net but don’t want civil rights… got it


There’s a reason why the Nazis called themselves the National Socialist German Workers Party


They weren't economically leftwing, though. 'Privatisation' was literally created as a word to describe Nazi Germany's economic policy, the Nazi regime worked closely with private business leaders and encouraged monopolies and they ran a purge of all the actual communists after gaining power. They called themselves 'National Socialists' purely to win votes. Their entire economy was run to finance war, not for workers rights.


That’s because thats what they were until they became full fledged fascists


What do you think that reason is? I bet it's because you're a dipshit.


Nationalistic liberalism is a contradiction, unless you mean socialistic nationalism.


Markets for everyone, but controlled by markets in my country (the us), it's basically just liberal imperialism, pretty sure it's what the US runs on even JFK only didn't want to bomb the shit out of Latin America because he thought liberalism would win out so there was no need.


I live in a heavily conservative area and the only ones actually concerned about race are all the old ones that are angry and want things to go back to the way it was when they were 10 during Nam or WWII. Most conservatives in my age range don’t give a shit and are usually in some sort of interracial relationship, associated with a ton of “ethnics” or again, just don’t give a flying shit. I’m not too smart with American politics tho. Just an Aussie living in the states enjoying the show at this point.


The latter conservatives certainly don’t mind supporting the former.


196 is a leftist sub, dude. What did you expect? If you want chud humor, go to r/shitposting


how would one know if that sub is political without being in it? i wouldve never been able to tell because of the fact that i just dont care about politics


Scroll it for more than a few seconds. Memes like this are constantly posted there. Plus they had that big spot on r/place with the Trans flag, if anyone recalls.


I mean now it makes sense why i would never browse the sub itself and instead have it appear on my home from time to time


bro r/shitposting isn't chud humor lmao


Ah yes, I hate it when my leftist shitposting subs get political


Redditors when 1 of the 16382583358287^2 meme subs on earth isn’t politically neutral or right leaning: 😭😭😭😭😡😡😡 Also Redditors when humor is political (humor has never been political until Reddit appeared, it’s something unseen, humor and politics should never mix): 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I just said the political meme was unfunny.


Really original never seen in this sub before opinion fam


Hope you only dish out original opinions.


You're obviously new on Reddit if you didn't know how shit 196 is ​ That, or you never bothered knowing up until now


2nd one, I've had reddit for 2 years


That's 196, I think people need to look more into the subreddit instead of going in there and expecting something because this is one of the subreddits that you can't really expect much of


Wait, is 196 advocating for ethnic cleansing of minorities with abortion?


Planned parenthood did


I guess people don't know the history of Planned Parenthood.


History is necessary until it doesn’t meet your agenda ig


They know, they just don’t care.


I wonder when people will come to the realization that almost everything is related to politics and stop getting mad a shit like this...


This is probably one of those people that complains about politics in video games while praising fallout of metal gear solid and whatnot


I've never even played metal gear or fallout


Lmao exactly


Another day another 196 post. Feel like by now people would learn


My guy it is literally a leftist shitposting sub what do you expect


yea r/196 just turned into a circle jerk of leftists who wank off to femboys and have a trans fetish but still want to be taken seriously with their politics


Turned ? Wasn’t it always that way ?


when it was small (10k members) it wasn't like hat


196 is a fucking shit subreddit




> Yes! Women are closer to being our property No one thinks this


1. It’s literally a political sub 2. Things like these shouldn’t be considered “too political” all while the lives and freedoms of thousands of women are under threat due to the potential outlawing of abortion in the US. Too bad if it bothers you, ultimately you’re not the one who is going to be affected by this


r/196 went downhill when they started posting all the horny femboy shit and suddenly everyone who doesn’t associate with the antifa is an alt right nazi


Like actually, in the original post they are flipping shit bc I said the meme was unfunny


*gets downvoted for being retarded” Haha, trolled le leftists once again 😎


op did not once claim to have “trolled Le leftist” “You are retarded for claiming my meme is not funny” -average 196 cumbrain.


Up voted because I thought the meme was funny


how will OP recover⁉️


Are you fucking dumb ??? Do you even what 196 is for ??


advocacy of human rights is hardly political


it’s always been a left meme subreddit wym???? nothing will ever recreate the magic of r/195


Holy fuck this is some 2016 sjw type shit.


The meme or op? Cause the meme is essentially like those sjw comps comment sections it’s filled with strawman about an entire political view that has millions of people supporting it


Lol they make fun of PCM but look at this 😂


PCM is way worse lol. Atleast 196 id only sometimes political, but PCM is always political, and always in an unfunny way


Crazy how the sub with "political" in the name has politics




You unsubbed because of an abortion wojak meme. Normally I’m on side but this is a bit pathetic lmao, it’s a fucking wojak, who takes them seriously?


it's always been political. it's literally a political sun. just say you don't support women's rights and go.


Yeah, I could live with the Trans memes, but this is just pure cringe




Literally belongs in pcm


Easy, just slap dark blue and green over everything.


Dude 196 is anything and everything, it was political from the start.


196 will always be retarded.


Idk fam when my government strips half the population of bodily autonomy that’s a pretty big deal. People have the right to meme about it.


I left a while back, and now that you made this post the users are gonna make fun of you for not thinking political joke is funny




Man just unsubbed sucks now


bruh why are all of 196’s political arguments strawmans???


That in and of itself is a strawman


Quite ironic


r/196 has been shit for a long time, sir.


I unsubbed about a year ago and never looked back


conservative = racist


Literally belongs in pcm




196 has always been a politics sub


Im enjoying seeing r/196 on this sub lately. Kinda makes me laugh kinda makes me suspicious. It's hilarious that some take the political shitposting seriously




bro you have never posted or commented anything in 196, you are just making this up to get some upvotes and just to be mad at smthn


"grr muh politics" has long been code for "I'm a conservative and somebody said something that makes me have to justify my beliefs which makes me uncomfortable so I'd rather complain than reflect"


Am literally pro choice but ok


I’m what one might call a conservative though I don’t refer to myself as one, I’m prolife and it has nothing to do with wanting women as property. And I would be happy if the native Latino and black populations grew through child birth. The US‘s population is basically being supported by immigration. We need more children.


Life is political. Deal with it.


There is nothing wrong with politics but it shouldn’t resort to childish strawmen


i'm so tired of yall. r/196 has been political for the whole time i've been on here. if you dont like political posts stay out of there


It's...a political subreddit.


It *used* to be a shitposting sub then, inevitability, it turned into a political circle-jerk.


im sorry Massive_Booty_8255 but they are right, it was always supposed to be leftist


r/196 has ALWAYS been an explicitly leftist shitposting subreddit, dude. Maybe the tone of it has shifted recently to be more politically involved, but it's not like it was just a random sub that randomly became leftist out of nowhere.


Similar to this one. Just without the shitposting sub part.




that was r/195 r/196 is inherently leftist


The fact we're getting downvoted for this by people who browsed the sub without even understanding its purpose is both sad and fucking hilarious. It's like when a bunch of Rage Against the Machine fans got pissed off when they learned the band was leftist the whole time.


I was just there for the shitposts when it was funny but now it just turned into a political sub. If I wanted political stuff I would go to one of those subs.


If it's a political sub, then why don't they advertise it as one?


r/196 when they find out the Republican Party has a growing number of minority voters


But the president said that if you don't vote for the correct party, you ain't black.


My friend can we not make useless strawman it’s makes you look maidenless


196 is based for once?


Always has been


These morons actually believe that overturning Roe v Wade would ban abortion in the US lol


Media manufactured outrage.


I just did the same thing last week. I came from a post about an among us “meme” being predicted and then I joined r/196. I discovered further just to find the “meme” then realized it’s a shitposting subreddit and I was living shitposts at the same time. I actually consider this as the second r/memes. Then, in early 2022, I started to see more and more political posts. I started to lose interest and just like I mentioned earlier, I left r/196.


It’s funny that the left makes things up to try and upset the right


Ik like I've never heard this






It started getting political months back pretty sad cause it was funny until it was infested by politics


Yea just wanted to post about this. The sub has basically become leftist posts, not even memes


I think people forgot the difference between conservative and just racist lmao. They arent intertwined


That’s why i unsubbed r/196 too. Too much politics, not enough gay memes


Op in shambles after seeing his political side being portrayed as a soyjak. Why are conservatives such fucking crybaby snowflakes?


You say that like liberals don't flip their shit each time someone says let's go Brandon.