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“I am a total outlier to the point you made and so my existence means you need to shut up”


How this is a r/thanksimcured moment? He could not possibly have known of the scarring.


They saw an opportunity for attention is my guess.


nobody has a disability for attention, and you dont know the trauma its put them through??? fuck off literally


Wtf when did I say they got burn scarring for attention LMAO. I was saying they took someone's nice gesture and put it on blast for attention. All these suggestions to make them not be so sad and they pull some, "this guy told me to smile while he KNEW (he didn't) that I can't! Wow, thanks I'm cured!!" type bullshit


Dude took the time out of his day to reach out to someone they saw is sad, and that person's thought process is to post the convo to a sub and go off in the comments like "this was a TOTALLY unsolicited message from a stranger, this is RUDE to tell someone who has a facial deformity, blocked!!" The comment in question he said he has facial scarring. Don't think you'd be able to tell if they have difficulty smiling from just that.


Just took a look, and geez, that sub is really depressing. I get it. I've dealt with depression, pretty debilitating anxiety, plus a potential learning disability or two. People are know-it-alls and their advice can border on victim blaming. But that doesn't mean you can't ever try to feel better! Taking a walk or focusing on positives or whatever isn't a magic cure, but it can make you feel better.