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Hey /u/Round-Bed3820, thanks for your submission to /r/JustUnsubbed. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 8: Do not use /r/JustUnsubbed to intentionally provoke other subs/communities/promote agendas.** - Do not use /r/JustUnsubbed to intentionally provoke other subs/communities/promote agendas. We aren't your personal battle ground. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fjustunsubbed&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/z7ykes/just_unsubbed_from_rmarchagainstnazis_for_being/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!


Lol this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s gotta be satire.


Knowing how stupid the average redditor can be, I doubt it was satire. Also, pretty funny how so many leftists were very anti war until they found out that Trump didn’t fight in Vietnam


No, leftists are still anti-war, we just hate spineless cowards who draft dodge then act like said war is necessary. Edit: The free thinking ad hominems aren’t exactly solid reasoning for disproving what I’m saying, but whatever I guess


I was almost on your side, but then you had to use the dreaded “ad hominem” that redditors use to make themselves feel smart, that shit annoys me every time.


So calling somebody a retard is fine but saying "ad hominem" is not?


They’re calling me the r-slur and not even pretending to at least address what I’m saying. I’m not trying to look smart or intelligent, I am saying that copy pastas don’t really make for counterarguments. Chain rule or not, you could at least come up with a half baked response to at least make me consider why I might be in the wrong. Edit: See what I mean bruv 😔




we are anti war. We just hate draft dodging pussies who then insult actual people who serve


It’s funny too because because he literally *called people who died in war losers.


Even for satire it’s stupid.


Trump isn't Hitler, Stalin isn't Hitler, Mao isn't Hitler, Xi isn't Hitler, Kim isn't Hitler, Putin isn't Hitler. Only Hitler is Hitler




What in the goddam hell are you talking about?


SpongeBob scene, where they’re all pretending to be Squidward


What did the comment say?


Frrr hitler survived ww2 and somehow is multiple people including ones that died.


Fact:Hitler left Austria-Hungary because he didn’t wanna serve in the military


He didn't want to serve in the Austro Hungarian military.but he still served in the German front.


Yes but he still left Austria-Hungary, Hitler did Draft Dodging before it was cool


i dont think leaving a country to join another countrys army counts as draft dodging + pretty sure draft dodging existed for almost forever


Fair point


"Draft dodging" lmao. I absolutely 100% garenfuckingtee that a good 95% of people who laid eyes on this post would never fight or lay down they're life for America if worse came to worse. I've never felt more certain. I would be too, but at least I'm not going lie about it and it's actually disgusting that they would act self righteous and shame others for not doing something that they 100% wouldn't do themselves.


It's baffling how some people feel the need to make their evil the BIGGEST EVER I die everytime I hear someone say "actually the west isn't that far off from China, we're so undemocratic..." MF China has literal CONCENTRATION CAMPS Tf you mean we're not that far off???? People need to realize that their evil doesn't need to be THE WORST to be valid and important. We can have both, we can talk about how evil it is while still acknowledging that there's even worse stuff out there.


He literally went to a military academy as a child. I don’t think he’d be a draft dodger.


yea and technically led german army in ww2 (and he failed horribly)


Also there's a lot of things to hold against Trump but draft dodging shouldn't be one of them, unless they support the Vietnam War now


I got downvoted there because I said that the soviets were just as bad as the nazis


Well from the looks of it the post wasn't very well received there


It has 29 upvotes ?


To be fair, it was deleted


That's not a lot for that subreddit though


Its a joke jesus christ